Tuesday, June 30, 2020

June 30, 2020 1136 days of child parent alienation and estrangement

Dr. Jolly at the https://www.cfnmedicine.com/hyperbaric-oxygen-therapy center for new medicine.  When I worked in my Nursing years prior to marriage and children - many years before.  I learned that when patients lose oxygen their brain becomes starved for oxygen.  A seizure patient also has this same issue - when having seizures they are deprived of oxygen. This affects the brain.  I requested from Abigailes Doc at the time asking about this and requesting portable oxygen.  Then we were told about DR. Jolly.  Who is a wonderful and caring Dr. for all his clients.  They still remember us - we told them we were coming back because Abigaile had made such awesome progress with HBOT and we were even buying a motorhome so that Abigaile would be in the Least Restrictive Environment.  
Abigaile in a chair for resting when we were doing some long walking at the Aquarium in Ca.  Abigailes legs are NOT contorted or folded like pretzels in the chair.  This was also a temporary chair.  Not long term handicapped.  My care plan and long term goal is rehabilitation and walking- and it "WAS" happening.  Abigaile would have been walking more, out in the public more doing field trips, but difficult to do without Abigailes van- making arrangements and begging for use of it ( also NON Handicapped but had custom modifications instead so that Abigaile could rehab.) I didn't source everything out to a village of people who didn't have a continuity of care. I did her care and I managed my child and what therapy modalities that she needed and her best interest.  - I request a home program and I actively worked with Abigaile on the home program.  Abigaile was walking, talking and thriving and drug free ( no DRUGS ordered - no symptoms to warrant DRUGS - See medical record and progress notes).
This is Polfit in Brea Ca. https://www.polfit.com. This is physiotherapy geared specifically for children with traumatic brain injury.  Not occupational therapy geared for workplace injury or injury from car accidents.  That is what I did for Abigaile from the time she was 7 months old until she was about 7 in 2010.  She was " therapized " as the Owner of Childrens Therapy Team exclaimed and had reached her potential - of NOT walking yet at age 7.  I decided to start looking at other potential therapies and treatments.  I found this one and " voila ! she was walking !' great therapists who care about the kids - not a cash mill of hours and IEPs which are a joke to throw money back to the system.  
So this is Ms. Abigaile and walking with Anya at Polfit doing physiotherapy.  I have several videos of walking . Isn't this beautiful?

  In my mind I find it terrible for people who haven't been in our lives - and were not in the lives of our daughters to be making covert decisions for our handicapped daughter.  I made decisions for her from the time I became pregnant until she was abducted and has now been estranged from me for over three years.  This is what Allen ( her dad ) and I ( her mom) agreed to. No third parties in marriage and no one to involve themselves by bullying behaviors or Psychological trauma.  I didn't bully Allen and Allen didn't bully me - our child had a adverse reaction to a vaccine - no one else was there no one needed to be there- we took our child to hospitals and dr.s if you had been available and supportive to our family - you would know this.  Parents of the child know what is best for the child.  I had training and education that I knew what was best for my child. I can effectively communicate with medical personnel.  I am familiar with medical terminology, anatomy, physiology and well beyond this.  Having worked actively in a hospital environment, specialists pod and in addition to a BS in Nutrition and working on a Dr of Naturopathy.  In addition to vaccine research and cellular biology of nutrition for integrative healing. I have a lot of certificates, work experience and I managed our daughters health and care well beyond what was expected.  In addition to advocating for special needs and many other capacities.  This is what I have done for my child.  Give me some evidence where this is abusive or negligent in caring for my child.  I want to see it because I have yet to see it.  

  Abigaile was making great progress and was thriving - and took a turn for the grave condition ( since May 21,2017)  and sadly has regressed near the point of when she experienced her vaccine injury. See medical records and progress notes.   I don't need to physically see my daughter to figure this out. I worked in a hospital, was trained in the medical field, was certified and had over ten years working experience in various capacities of the medical field.  I also have others who have witnessed Abigaile walking and talking and have remarked and noted how I have been key in her health and healing such as Dr.s , nurses, therapists who have seen me hands on actively working with Abigaile.  

  Our child was ripped from my care, forced to leave me her primary attachment and primary caregiver.  I don't feel the need to publicly humiliate anyone but I won't be accused of anything without my story being told and without whom ever accuses me - I hope you have plenty of evidence.  

  People and family who are not in our immediate family - Abigaile and Natascha are my children also.  You weren't there for over Seventeen years ( yes 17 plus years) or in their lives.   Like my previous blog stated - we had no support from anyone during these years of trauma on our family.  None of you were there to support our family.   You were never in Abigaile and Natashas lives or mine and Allens for that matter .  You were not there for birthdays, for hospitals, when our child almost died on numerous occasions instead - a phone call prompted by Allen or myself to call and tell you the news and then we would call you back and have to CALL YOU to give you updates.  Isn't it amazing how flying monkeys want to make themselves all bad and known when the person they are throwing under the bus isn't there? And my children had to be abducted and kidnapped to make me not there, hiding my children and holding them hostage for a year and a half before I was sent a divorce from a different state for notification of holding my children hostage from me.  And psychologically causing them trauma and me.  

  What you have been part of and done is this.  YOU have harmed our children's mental, emotional and physical health.  Because of your attachment or lack of attachment you have destroyed our daughters well being.  YOU are NOT a medical professional, her parent or any other discipline nor have you been trained in the medical or health profession or field.  I have.  In addition I have medical records and progress notes that verify and confirm what I am saying.  To act like and accuse me of being negligent in my children's care or calling me abusive is slander in addition to the Psychological abuse you have caused our children. 

  I worked with our daughter and was her Primary contact and caregiver.  I was her Primary attachment.  I am her MOTHER - I was there when she almost died, gave her CPR where were any of you? NO WHERE near.  You were off making excuses why your couldn't talk and too busy explaining about siblings jobs, employment and private schools and vacations. But yet you took time to mentally, emotionally torment me and our children for years.  I have many, many words from our daughter on what was projected into her and what has been said to her to turn her against me.  Now you have decided that you want to covert control so you control and manipulate through mental and emotional abuse.  
  This is causing mental and emotional abuse in addition to physical trauma called Psychological child abuse that you are doing to our children.  

  Abigaile was walking, talking and she was thriving - ( she was not drugged or on drugs because they weren't ordered and there were no symptoms to warrant drugging her).  When you can take simple Anatomy and Physiology and understand how DRUGS work this might be clearer for you.  Drugging Abigaile will not allow her to heal ever.  Drugs do not heal. Drugs suppress neurotransmitters to stop signaling to the receptors where the problem is.
  Dr.s don't heal people they DRUG people and children.  The fact is when anyone has to do something such as what has been done to our child and our children that is deceitful, lying, and to cause mental , emotional and physical trauma with medical trauma you are causing Psychological abuse and trauma.  Question yourself why you feel it is necessary to project your behaviors on to others especially a child or children who have done nothing to you.  I will leave the toxic behaviors done toward me for years out of it.  

  Abigaile is being given drugs that are not life giving or life saving drugs - against my religious and philosophical beliefs and this is something that her dad and I agreed to never due because of the Addictive behaviors in family.  I have sent numerous emails to her Dr. and to Allen , the trustee, her lawyers anyone who would listen to me that I am still Abigailes mother and we agreed no drugs that were drugs relating to any kind of cannabinoids.  Abigaile has grossly regressed - she no longer is engaged and has no skills, no words, not walking but instead living drugged in addictive fantasy with class 1 addictive drugs.  This is causing further harm and trauma to Abigaile and forcing Natascha to watch it.  Why is this?  Why would anyone do this to a mother or a child when the mother has been the continuity of care for the child Thirteen and half years and had the child in active rehabilitation phase?  I can't comprehend a parent wanting to intentionally inflict harm or intentionally cause trauma to a child.  

  To have her Dr. to even back this mentality says that he is medically maltreating Abigaile. In looking through the medical records and progress notes I have since May 21,2017 the communication is poor and doesn't accurately describe what has happened to Abigaile.  In addition for a Dr. that is sworn to the Hippocractic Oath and has caused harm to our daughter, in addition has given her drugs that have been documented in the past to cause adverse reactions and side effects and to remark that he is giving her a drug to treat side effect instead of discontinuing the drug.
  For a Dr. to violate the Hippocratic oath and give a child non life saving drugs, against a parents wishes- when that parent and the Dr had a working relationship with that child and continuity of care for Thirteen and half years and to be be disregarded by the Dr. via phone visits and emails is a violation of my parental rights as my Childs birth mother.  To deny me medical records and progress reports when I know that my child is suffering and to condone harming my child by allowing the Psychological abuse of my child through child and parent alienation and estrangement.  I have sent numerous emails to her Dr. with medical citations and Psychology published materials.  This implies this is a financial arrangement for profit and not for the Childs best interest.  

  Where exactly is Abigailes best interest in this?  There isn't.  

Yesterday 6/29/2020 there was a hearing with the Alachua county Florida court.  This was a hearing that was scheduled by my lawyer Leslie Ferderigos in Windmere, FL.  I contacted Leslie because of the child parent alienation and estrangement that has been done to our daughters.  I have spent over three years watching my children from a distance while the system implies that unless you pay for custody.  If you don't pay the bond money to buy time with your children - it is told to you that you don't care about your children.  In my experience working as an advocate for children and with children and as a foster parent - I beg to differ.  Children want love, security and to know they are loved.  They want attention.  They dont want to be bought.  They get gifts but every child I have worked with - says they would rather have the attention than the gift.  Children don't like to be bought.  This is paying for emotional blackmail.  https://exploringyourmind.com/emotional-blackmail-and-how-it-harms-our-kids/

 I want to thank everyone that showed up at the hearing yesterday.  I want you to understand that it is important to me for our daughters best interest which includes mental, emotional and physical health has always been important to me and will always remain important to me.
 This is why I have been the contact, primary caregiver and attachment for our daughter on every contact, medical record, and Dr.s office in addition to therapist, congressman, equipment providers, oxygen providers, and I have even testified our vaccine injury case twice before the state congress in Ca. and Arkansas. I haven't sit on the side line and been a side line - bon bon eating - sitting on the sofa or non active parent or mother.  I put my children first.  I don't send them to to the village for someone credentialed and take their word because they are a dr. or any other credentialed person.  I have hands on , personal interest and always have had in getting my children well.  

 I can assure you I will keep going until my children come home to me - then I can assure you I have not nor will I ever lie or cover up what has happened.  My children will know the truth.  I believe in Trust and in order to have Trust you have to show communication, honesty, integrity and to tell the truth.  I have yet to see any of these characteristics in anyone involved in this situation.  

It is beyond sad to me that people will worship their pride instead of saving a child from psychological abuse and trauma. 

I want to thank Judge Groeb yesterday for ruling in my favor for our daughter.  That the judgement ruling that was given last October 2019 ( In deceit since 2017 - and actually a lot longer than this) but Judge Groeb ruled in my favor to set aside the decision from October 2017 and for that I am thankful.  

We now have a hearing and thankful that I have been provided a Lawyer, who was also alienated as a mom so she is understanding and compassionate and caring.  The hearing is August 31 with a pretrial hearing in July.  Please pray that my story will be heard and that our family will see Godly Justice in this and our daughter will be saved from this trauma.  She has gone through enough and it is beyond horrible to me that anyone could even do this to our family knowing what we have been through.  I have no words for anyone who causes that type of Psychological trauma and harm to a child who has been traumatized by the system and now by people who have not been in her life for thirteen and half years.

This video was taken just a few months prior to Abigaile being abducted and kidnapped from my care with no reason and no evidence of doing any harm, no evidence of abuse, no evidence of negligence.

# child parent alienation and estrangement 
# medical maltreatment
# hate crime
# child and parent Psychological abuse
#neurobiology of Trauma 


Friday, June 26, 2020

June 26, 2020 - 1132 days of alienation and estrangement

Can Abigaile use her words and tell mommy what you did today? 

Abigaile call 6/26/2020 - 1132 days of alienation and estrangement 

I said hi Abigaile its mommy several times- Abigaile had no response - she eventually spoke a sluggish hi. 
I told her mommy loves you mommy misses you. 

Words : hi- 
** there were no other words tonight and she only said hi the one time at the beginning of the call.

Books and stories read today:
A little sweet tea - are you ready for mommy to read a little sweet tea? She is grunting ( no intelligible words) 

Brown bear brown bear- are you ready for momma to read brown bear brown bear, are you there sweetheart? 

Can Abigaile use her words and tell mommy what you did today? Can Abigaile use her words and tell mommy what you did today? No response from Abigaile are you there Abigaile ? No response, no noise - no engagement 

Do you want mommy to read Madeline? Madeline and the bad hat - will that work Abigaile? Abigaile? 
No response - are you there Abigaile? 

Old Macdonald had a farm - Abigaile coughing - no engagement - no response no replies 

Pat A cake - this usually always gets a giggle when I say to make a cake for Abigaile, Natascha and mommy - but she doesn’t make any sound.

Wheels on Bus - I read to Abigaile and where we typically had interactive parts I would request Abigaile to respond and repeat.  Such as the MMMM or other sounds- when I request of Abigaile to do this - she is completely silent - she is so silent the phone sounds mute there is no sounds, no responses.  

Five little ducks -  Abigaile has always loved the five little ducks. She used to laugh when I would make the quacking sound.  I intentionally make the quacking sound different and sometimes elevated ( just like a momma would do if her children were missing) getting a little louder with the quacking each time. Abigaile would giggle.  There is no response at all. No engagement at all. No giggling, No emotion what so ever.  No interchangeable conversation with me at all. 

Incy Wincy Spider - Abigaile used to be interactive with Incy Wincy spider also.  Because I can not see Abigaile I can tell what she is doing but if I were guessing it sounds like she is laying down holding the phone against her head and ear.  ( there are cps studies showing neurological-complications and symptoms from this and I have shared them but I have a photo sent to me that shows this laying down and holding phone against the ear and head of a child with neurological complications.  ).  At the end of Incy Wincy spider I always tell Abigaile the spider climbs up the water spout- he falls down and goes splat- or he falls down and the mommy squishes him.  She used to giggle and laugh when I said this - often with a “ belly- laugh”. She has no response or engagement with this at all now.  

Twinkle Twinkle Little star - this has become our last story for story time because it is the last story for the night.  A night time story and then I will send Abigaile and her sister Natascha their goodnight message and prayer that I have sent them since they left.  

I have tried to leave voice mails - there was no way to leave one for Abigaile after she left except her dads phone which I got a recording that the voice mail box was full - 
I would leave one for her sister Natascha and I got the same response - her voice mail box was full.  So I have tried to call but I cant leave a voice mail if the voice mail isn’t set up or the voice mail box is full.  Who is doing this?  Why are they doing this to our daughters?   

I have texted them and messaged them every day for over three years now - 

I pray for you little sweet pea mommy loves you and misses you.  No one can steal that ever.  Never.  And I love you my beautiful girl Natascha - no one can steal that or take that away either.  

It is beyond sad and heartbreaking that anyone would prevent a child from experiencing love from their other parent- to keep a child from hearing  the  other parents voice- what a horrific form of trauma to put on to a child. 

Abigaile - Mommy is going to text you pictures from Madeline.  Mommy loves you both and misses you both very much and mommy is so very sorry that you are all experiencing this trauma.  I pray that everyone stays safe in the dust storm and through all this storm- I pray for safety and I pray that the wings like eagles are protecting and guiding through this storm.  Praying for Godly Justice <3 Believing for Godly Justice <3 

Love, hugs, sugars, and more love, 
Your mommy

# Justice for Abigaile and Natascha 
# child parent alienation and estrangement 
# childhood trauma abuse
# Child Psychological Abuse DSM -5 V995.51 Child Psychological Abuse 
# hate crime 

June 12, 2020- 1118 days alienation and estrangement

Abigaile phone call almost 5 min. No words only an extended nervous laugh. I am telling Abigaile mommy - that mommy loves Abigaile mommy misses Abigaile. I love my Abigaile. Can you use  your words Abigaile tell mommy what you did today? No engagement, no response - no reply.  

I asked Abigaile if she was ready for mommy to read no response - I asked her to say my mommy loves me and she screamed.  
I am just over 5 min. In the call and have heard no intelligible words from Abigaile at all. 
I start reading to Abigaile. 
I read A Little Sweet Tea and Abigaile had no response.  I ask if she is there - no response.  I can hear shuffling around in the background - no response from Abigaile only a grunt. No intelligible word or response. 

I read read Brown Bear Brown Bear - no response, no engagement. Abigaile is making a sound mm mm and says Poppy. 

I read Old Macdonald Had A Farm -I asked Abigaile if she could say Mmm mmmm mmm like mommy when reading the portion about mooo with the cows. This is how I taught Abigaile the letter sounds that I did was through engagement.  Abigaile said mmm  sometime later - there is no way to tell if it was because she was already saying mmm or if it was appropriate response. I asked her if she could say mommy- there was no response. 

I read about the sheep saying Baa Baa Baa  and asked Abigaile if she could say Baa baa baa - no response - no engagement and the phone was quiet.  I kept asking if Abigaile was there, if the phone was mute, if Abigaile could hear me- no response. I could hear no noise again just like last week.  So I hung up and called back to make sure the phone was not mute. Abigaile made sounds - unintelligible.  

I read about Old Macdonald Farms and Ducks and asked Abigaile if she could say Duh duh duh like duck.  No response and no engagement. 

I read about Old Macdonald Farms and the Pigs- asked Abigaile to say puh puh puh . I told Abigaile you can say poppy and please can you say puh puh puh- there was no engagement and no response. 

I asked if Abigaile is there -she laughed. Her response was sluggish and slurred. The laugh was slurred. She did not sound or respond alert. 

I read Pat A Cake to her and said yummy Abigaile cake in the tummy- typically before when any type of food was mentioned Abigaile would always say - mmmm. No engagement and no response.
I read Wheels On The Bus- this was by far in the past Abigailes most interactive and engaging nursery rhyme.  She was always interactive with this song.  I read about the horn on the bus asking her to repeat beep , beep , beep.  But she has no engagement, no noise, no response at all.  I continue reading, requesting her engagement and nothing.  I get to the part with what do the babies on the bus do and Abigaile has always ( until may 2017) she would reply -  ma ma ma- but she no longer acknowledges , has no engagement at all and has no response.  The final is the mommies on the bus and I have always say the mommies blow sugars ( sugars is kisses in our southern terms).  So we make a mutual smacking noise - this has been a form of communication with Abigaile since she was born.  It was especially important watching her and communication through her traumas.  I asked Abigaile at the end of saying what do the ma ma ma’s do Abigaile and I gave her a smacking noise and i heard a smack that didn’t sounds sluggish at all so I said wow Abigaile that was a clear smacking not sluggish at all.  She has been not sounding alert and has sounded sluggish through the entire call. 

I then read Five Little Ducks - no response, no engagement even when I request her and say Abigaile - no response . 
Abigaile used to giggle when I would say “ quack , quack , quack “- it must have been funny to her for me saying quack quack like a duck. 

My final story was Twinkle Twinkle Little Star- there was no engagement , no response , no words.

Abigaile sounds drugged and sick as she has in every phone call I have been on with her.  The phone was disconnected at 5:02 pm.

I called her back and explained to Abigaile once I heard her make a noise, that I never know when the phone is going to hang up, I never know if it is intentional, if the phone is muted or by accident.  I wanted Abigaile to be told by me that mommy loves her, mommy misses her and mommy is praying for her and Natascha.  Then I hung up the phone. There was no engagement, no response to anything I have said.  This is truly beyond heart breaking. I know my child. I know what she is experiencing.  It is beyond sad to me that profit and pride take precedence over a Childs best interest and especially her health.  

Abigailes health and well being - her progress is no where at the level of what it was when she was in my care.  Besides the fact a special needs and handicapped child was separated from her mom with no evidence of harm or negligence it is really repulsive to me that this behavior has been allowed to continue by every single person on her team.  It makes me angry that people will honor their own pride and profit before considering and before acknowledging the well- being and health of a child.  

We have court again on June 29th 2020.  I will have a representative for me and for Justice this time.  I am not just praying for Justice but I am believing for Godly Justice.  

# @JusticeforAbigaileandNatascha 
# child parent alienation and estrangement 
# medical maltreatment 
# beloud 

June 19, 2020 - 1125 days alienation and estrangement

Abigaile call 6/19/2020 
I called at 4:30 there was no answer. I sent a text asking if Abigaile would be ready for her phone call I got a text back from Abigail’s number saying Abigaile had the phone and turn off the ringer.  

Words on todays call:  Hi, poppy, please

I start telling her I love her I miss her mommy loves you mommy misses you. Can Abigaile use your words and tell me what you did today? I keep telling her  mommy loves you mommy misses you - I blow her kisses - she doesn’t respond then says poppy , poppy over and over again. 
Abigaile was partially crying, saying hi a lot. Saying poppy over and over. Abigaile sounded nervous. She also had a nervous laugh she did this several times on the call then she would sound like she was beginning to cry. 

A little sweet tea 
A little sweet tea- are you ready for mommy to read? Abigaile starts yelling poppy over and over and screaming then yelling something unintelligible. Then starts saying poppy over and over. 

Brown bear brown bear 
Abigaile sounds like she is going to cry on the phone and keeps saying poppy poppy over and over again. I ask her if she is ready for mommy to finish reading. She has no reply.

Old Macdonald had a farm 
I read the story and asked her to repeat certain sounds or words as we have in the past.  The phone goes completely silent. At times it is so silent it sounds mute.  Abigaile is not engaged and has no reply to anything requested that I ask her to repeat - these are all words and sounds that she made before with ease and was completely engaged in the rhyme.  This was education for her but fun.  

I also read to her 
Pat-a-cake,  Wheels on the bus ( was her favorite and she could do all the sounds and actions) , Five little ducks ( she would try to quack but not anymore) , Incy windy spider she loved and would laugh about him falling- but no response verbally or otherwise. And Twinkle, Twinkle little star.  No response. She doesn’t say mommy, I love you or bye.  Instead the phone hangs up. 

Abigaile has no engagement on our calls at all. She has not only no appropriate response but she has no response to anything that I read to her or talk to her and ask her to say. 
She keeps saying poppy over and over like she is requesting an answer from poppy but she doesn’t get one so she keeps requesting. I ask Abigaile a question most she doesn’t answer today the entire call is spent saying poppy.

I called her back after the call was disconnected on her end- and told her that mommy loves her and misses her and that I am praying for her.  

This goes beyond trauma - the actions that have been done. And to work so hard to get our daughter where she was at before she was forced to abduction, kidnapping and estrangement.  She has no life , no happiness , no joy in her voice. I hear trauma in her voice.  

June 16, 2020 - 1122 days alienation and estrangement

Abigaile call 6/16/2020

Words on todays call :  Poppie Please  - poppy please - hi ( says Poppy over and over ) 

Abigaile is not at all engaged in phone call.  Has no engagement with anything that I request of her. 
I ask her if she can say mommy - no response. I ask Abigaile if she can hear mommy and she says poppy over and over. 
She continues to say poppy over and over.  She is crying , sounds ill. 

Male voice in background says say or tell her bye  bye over and over. 

She has no appropriate response to any of our conversation.   She is not engaged in any part of the call. She can not respond appropriately to any questions asked or anything requested of her.  

This is beyond horrible that no one else sees this- no one acknowledges it. Just to sit back and watch a child suffer, and the drugs is doing nothing but feeding that addiction.  The trauma thats been done - won’t be on me. I believe in Trust with my children - Truth, Communication, Honesty and Integrity and I have always lived all of those qualities in front of them and that is what I have taught my children.  

June 9, 2020 - 1115 days alienation and estrangement

Abigaile call 6/9/2020 ( 32 min. 25 sec and the phone was hung up from their end)

Abigaile answers poppy please - I say my normal mommy loves you mommy misses you mommy loves you. No reply.  No acknowledgement and no engagement.  
Can Abigaile say my mommy loves me ( no response ). 
Is Abigaile ready for momma to read? No response, no engagement. 
I ask Abigaile mommy misses you can you hear mommy- Abigaile starts saying please like she is requesting something there.  
How about mommy reads A Little Sweet Tea ?  Abigaile?  No response .
Read A Little Sweet Tea - I ask are you there Abigaile - no response then I hear screeching from Abigaile.  But no engagement or words. 
How about mommy reads Brown Bear Brown bear?  Are you ready for Brown bear? No response - I say mommy loves you mommy misses you. I read Brown Bear - Brown Bear ? I asked several times if Abigaile liked the book- she did a grunt but no response. 
I asked Abigaile if she wanted to hear Fish is Fish or Madeline? And I told Abigaile to let me know if she wants me to read Madelines Rescue I believe that is what I said I would do the next time I read to her. 
Read Madelines Rescue.
Im reading and Abigaile starts saying please - and poppy over and over saying poppy.  I read some more Abigaile was silent - then she started repeating Poppy again over and over. I asked Abigaile if she was there I couldn’t hear her- she said bye then said bye really loud then said please. 
I then ask Abigaile if she is there and read her Old Macdonalds Farm -going through all the engagement reading that she once always responded to before. She has no engagement at all to anything and had no response to anything I read to her or asked her to repeat.  Before I even finished the story the phone became quiet and I heard nothing possibly the last 10 minutes or more of the call. I kept telling Abigaile that I love her and I miss her and ask her if she was there to respond to me. I asked if she fell asleep.  No response at all. The phone hung up at 32 minutes and 25 sec. I retrieved a text from Abigailes phone at 5:03 pm that says Is your mute on?  I replied No the mute is/was not on.  The phone on their end had been silent for some time.  But the mute on my end was not on. 

I pray for my sweet girls and I miss them very much.  There is no engagement - there is no interaction on our call.  

# Justice for Abigaile and Natascha 
# child - mother alienation and estrangement 
# childhood trauma 

Abigailes call 6/23/2020 

Abigailes words : Poppy , bye, poppy,  please ( at end of call) and gave sugars prior to this,

Abigaile use your words tell momma what you did today?  Mommy loves you mommy misses you.  I give Abigaile sugars.  Is Abigaile ready for momma to read?  No response to anything I have said.  No acknowledgment , no verbal response, no communication toward me , no appropriate response.  
Can Abigaile say my mommy loves me ? No response from Abigaile. Hear noise in background of call. No answer from Abigaile. 

Books read: 
A Little Sweet tea - did you like that book Abigaile? No response 
Brown bear brown bear - did Abigaile like brown bear brown bear ? No response. I say Abigaile did you hear mommy? No response . 
Old Macdonald had a farm- can A say mmmm mmm like moo? Mmmm mmm like momma or mommy? Bbbb bbbbb like baa ? Bbbb bbbbb like bye ? Can Abigaile say bye - ( phone goes silent) can Abigaile say dddd dddd  like duck? no response are you there Abigaile ? No response? Pppp ppppp like pig? Pppp ppp like please - Abigaile no response - phone is silent - I asked her if she hit mute and silent then laughed 
Pat - A- Cake - ppp ppp please - no response - 
The wheels on the bus - can Abigaile say Beep beep like a horn? Can Abigaile bbbb like bye or bbb like beep ?
Silent no response . Are you there Abigaile?
Wipers on bus say swish swish can Abigaile say swish swish swish?  People on bus bounce up and down? Can Abigaile bounce up and down? No response are you there Abigaile ? Hello no response. 
What do babies on the bus do Abigaile? Babies on bus say ma mam ma - Abigaile saying MMMMMM mmmm ( Abigail said mmmmm I clapped and good job Abigaile - can you clap?) Mommies on the bus give sugars ( smack smack smack ) can Abigail give sugars ? - no response - 
Five little ducks. - Can Abigaile quack like a duck?
Mommy loves you mommy misses you give you sugars 
Incy windy spider -
Twinkle twinkle little star - are you a twinkle twinkle little start Abigaile- mommy loves you mommy misses you - what can you tell mommy? Can Abigaile say my mommy loves me ? Mmmm mmmm what else can Abigaile say?
Whats that voice Abigaile ? You have a frog in your voice? Are you there Abigaile? Did Abigaile mute mommy ? Is Abigaile tired of mommy asking questions? No response from Abigaile.

Phone hung up at 5:17 or so I called back and got vm with no mailbox recording.  I sent Abigaile a text that said _ “ bye my sweet girl mommy loves you and misses you very much <3 .  I hope and pray to see you soon love your mommy xoxox 

I never got a call back to say bye to my sweet girl - 

# Justice for Abigaile and Natascha 
# child - parent alienation and estrangement 
# hate crime 

Sunday, June 21, 2020

1128 days alienation - estrangement - happy fathers day

Happy Fathers Day 
to Allen, our girls dad.  I pray that Allens day is made complete by being able to share this day with our daughters on this day that recognizes Allen as dad. 

All of our actions are all a reflection of the God or god that we serve.  
This was in 2011 or so - we would go download at the beach almost every day at dinner time.  Allen and I would have a glass of wine at the beach.  I would have dinner ready in a picnic and as soon as allen would come home we loaded the van and headed to the beach to eat dinner and watch the sunset at dinner time.  I thought this was the best time , the most relaxing time. This was our family time at the beach.  Allen with Abigaile. 
At the Grand Canyon on the way to California.  It was November when we left Arkansas to make the Journey to California to make our little girl well.  We weren't sure which treatments, therapies etc would work- which ones wouldn't. But we ( myself, allen, natascha and Abigaile ) were all committed to another to help our little injured soldier.   I don't have photos of the girls and I.  Its odd that I have a lot of photos of allen and the girls.  Ive asked for photos - Im not a selfie person but I would like photos of the girls and I.  I thought I would throw this one in - this is OUR FAMILY.  Sadly there are friends and family that actually PRIDE themselves in destroying our family.  Natascha, me, Abigaile and Allen. 
In  our first adventure on the way to California - to do recommended therapy and treatments suggested by Abigailes Dr. Kartzinel.  Who followed her since she was approx. 18 months old.  I believe this was a Cracker Barrel along the way. It was our favorite stop to get something to eat, use the restroom, walk around the store for a break and then keep traveling. What an awesome thing to do for children - more families do this than you know.  

In CA doing Rtms therapy - has a tight grip on that little girl.  We had some scary things happen early on during the trauma we all experienced because of Abigailes injury from her serious vaccine reaction.  But when we were together Abigaile was well because Abigailes family supported HER and we went through everything with her.  And well now during this time, is by far more traumatizing and worse that the initial trauma of the vaccine because even then we realized the damage the drugs did- sadly its ignored now.  Abigaile with Allen. 
This was in New Mexico at a hotel.  You can see we were dressed from the Grand Canyon.  It was still unseasonably warm in Arkansas when we left we actually had shorts, Tee shirts and flip flops on.  We got to the Grand Canyon and there was a massive cold front that came through.  We were all freezing, couldn't get to winter clothes ( yes it was that cold).  We had to find a WalMart so that we could all find jeans and long sleeves tee shirts to put on.
Natascha, Allen and Abigaile.
Amazing healing that God has done in the right circumstances- when in the will of God.  Not drugged, just doing the right care plan and the right implementation.  Abigaile at therapy.  Standing all alone with no help or assistance from anyone. I would time Abigaile doing this at home and she could easily stand for 20 or more minutes at a time.  Not drugged.   

Arkansas our last Christmas prior to leaving for CA. for therapy and treatment for our Abigaile.  Christmas 2010. Allen, Abigaile and Natascha.  
In Ca. in Rtms therapy with Abigaile.  Allen and Natascha - the crazy things that we do for our children that might not look right to others - but when they WORK - they WORK.

I couldn't get the photos to place in order as I wanted but I wanted to reflect the day that honors dads.  Children honoring their dad is more than buying a card, buying gift and spending time with them.  These days are however a human tradition and have nothing to do with being honored as a dad.  What a dad teaches his children is by far more important than any card or gift.  When a dad teaches their children to honor God first and the ways of God first that is the greatest honor to God.  

Respect and honor toward a mom and dad is a commandment of God.  This is so that the child, even as an adult child can still honor their mom or dad.  

Exodus 20:12 

happy fathers day 

Friday, June 12, 2020

1,118 days May 21, 2017 - June 12, 2020 - phone call

June 12, 2020 

Abigaile phone call almost 5 min. No words only an extended nervous laugh. I am telling Abigaile mommy - that mommy loves Abigaile mommy misses Abigaile. I love my Abigaile. Can you use  your words Abigaile tell mommy what you did today? No engagement, no response - no reply.  

I asked Abigaile if she was ready for mommy to read no response - I asked her to say my mommy loves me and she screamed.  
I am just over 5 min. In the call and have heard no intelligible words from Abigaile at all. 
I start reading to Abigaile. 

I read A Little Sweet Tea and Abigaile had no response.  I ask if she is there - no response.  I can hear shuffling around in the background - no response from Abigaile only a grunt. No intelligible word or response. 

I read read Brown Bear Brown Bear - no response, no engagement. Abigaile is making a sound mm mm and says Poppy. 

I read Old Macdonald Had A Farm -I asked Abigaile if she could say Mmm mmmm mmm like mommy when reading the portion about mooo with the cows. This is how I taught Abigaile the letter sounds that I did was through engagement.  Abigaile said mmm  sometime later - there is no way to tell if it was because she was already saying mmm or if it was appropriate response. I asked her if she could say mommy- there was no response. 

I read about the sheep saying Baa Baa Baa  and asked Abigaile if she could say Baa baa baa - no response - no engagement and the phone was quiet.  I kept asking if Abigaile was there, if the phone was mute, if Abigaile could hear me- no response. I could hear no noise again just like last week.  So I hung up and called back to make sure the phone was not mute. Abigaile made sounds - unintelligible.  

I read about Old Macdonald Farms and Ducks and asked Abigaile if she could say Duh duh duh like duck.  No response and no engagement. 

I read about Old Macdonald Farms and the Pigs- asked Abigaile to say puh puh puh . I told Abigaile you can say poppy and please can you say puh puh puh- there was no engagement and no response. 

I asked if Abigaile is there -she laughed. Her response was sluggish and slurred. The laugh was slurred. She did not sound or respond alert. 

I read Pat A Cake to her and said yummy Abigaile cake in the tummy- typically before when any type of food was mentioned Abigaile would always say - mmmm. No engagement and no response.
I read Wheels On The Bus- this was by far in the past Abigailes most interactive and engaging nursery rhyme.  She was always interactive with this song.  I read about the horn on the bus asking her to repeat beep , beep , beep.  But she has no engagement, no noise, no response at all.  I continue reading, requesting her engagement and nothing.  I get to the part with what do the babies on the bus do and Abigaile has always ( until may 2017) she would reply -  ma ma ma- but she no longer acknowledges , has no engagement at all and has no response.  The final is the mommies on the bus and I have always say the mommies blow sugars ( sugars is kisses in our southern terms).  So we make a mutual smacking noise - this has been a form of communication with Abigaile since she was born.  It was especially important watching her and communication through her traumas.  I asked Abigaile at the end of saying what do the ma ma ma’s do Abigaile and I gave her a smacking noise and i heard a smack that didn’t sounds sluggish at all so I said wow Abigaile that was a clear smacking not sluggish at all.  She has been not sounding alert and has sounded sluggish through the entire call. 

I then read Five Little Ducks - no response, no engagement even when I request her and say Abigaile - no response . 
Abigaile used to giggle when I would say “ quack , quack , quack “- it must have been funny to her for me saying quack quack like a duck. 

My final story was Twinkle Twinkle Little Star- there was no engagement , no response , no words.

Abigaile sounds drugged and sick as she has in every phone call I have been on with her.  The phone was disconnected at 5:02 pm.

I called her back and explained to Abigaile once I heard her make a noise, that I never know when the phone is going to hang up, I never know if it is intentional, if the phone is muted or by accident.  I wanted Abigaile to be told by me that mommy loves her, mommy misses her and mommy is praying for her and Natascha.  Then I hung up the phone. There was no engagement, no response to anything I have said.  This is truly beyond heart breaking. I know my child. I know what she is experiencing.  It is beyond sad to me that profit and pride take precedence over a Childs best interest and especially her health.  

Abigailes health and well being - her progress is no where at the level of what it was when she was in my care.  Besides the fact a special needs and handicapped child was separated from her mom with no evidence of harm or negligence it is really repulsive to me that this behavior has been allowed to continue by every single person on her team.  It makes me angry that people will honor their own pride and profit before considering and before acknowledging the well- being and health of a child.  

      I continue to send good morning and goodnight messages via email and text messages to Natascha.  I have done this every single day now for 1,118 days since they were taken from me and my care and have been completely estranged from me.  I get no response back from Natascha to me.  I have received a text from Natascha's old phone number that was the last known number that I have for her on birthdays or Christmas and mothers day.  The verbiage sounds like her dad speaking. It is beyond sad to me that my beautiful girls I saw slipping away as she was being estranged long ago. It took me being forced away from her to understand what was happening.  But I see it all clearly now.  One day I will see my children again.  One day.  

     I am not the enemy.  

We have court again on June 29th 2020.  I will have a representative for me and for Justice this time.  I am not just praying for Justice but I am believing for Godly Justice.  

with love, hugs, sugars and more love 
your mommy forever 💗

# @JusticeforAbigaileandNatascha 
# child parent alienation and estrangement 
# medical maltreatment 


Day # 2820 stolen memories

To my girls , There is no processing mentally, emotionally or physically a happy birthday when your life has been terrorized through harm. T...