#FreeAbigaileGolec -HOSTAGE in FLORIDA disabled young adult


January 11,2023 ( January , Eleven, Twenty Twenty Three ),

All of Paris Huber Golec, Social Media accounts, Blogs, Websites ,telephone accounts, photos, VoIP Videos, surveillance, audio recordings, Radio Shows, podcasts,T.V. Interviews and all correspondence relating to and with Paris Golec and her biological daughters, children Jane doe 1 and Jane Doe 2. All forms of Communications that has been created  or  any communications  regarding these accounts that Has been Electronically Stored Information (ESI) that has been preserved and is prohibited by law  to be used by anyone person, entity or account .  All information is non-disclosure and confidential on these Social Media Accounts, telephone accounts, Radio Shows, T.V. Interviews, Podcasts, Blogs, electronically, audio, video listed above is prohibited. 

/s/ Paris Huber Golec 













UPDATE : November 29, 2023 

In October 2020 after several fraud hearings in alachua county florida via zoom and citrus county florida probate my disabled daughter has been taken hostage by the state of florida and all those who profit from her trusts funds.  In October 2020 the case was closed.  

In August 2023 I received a notice from the DOR attorney and on behalf of my disabled daughters dad in FLORIDA, that I am being SUED for child support.   There were hearings in September and October 2023.  Not all parties were present. 
I was once again bullied and intimidated in hearings with a hearing officer, department of revenue attorney and my disabled daughters dad stating that I will pay child support arrears for a time that I was unemployed (2020 - ) and if I do not pay they are garnishing my part time, minimum wage retail job. If I do not pay I was told by the hearing officer, not judge, no license, etc that he would make me PUBLIC, and that he would contact the county where I am at and I either make up the payment due or go to jail. 

My home, I was abandoned with is in need of a lot of repairs, my car is in need of a lot of repairs.  I have spent a lot of funds replying to these bullies in alachua county florida who are abusing my disabled daughter in addition to having caused her to regress exponentially with continued mental, emotional and physical trauma abuse.   

#Justice For Abigaile and Natascha 

#Free Abigaile Golec 

#Hate Crimes disabled child / young adult 


Today is October 10, 2023  

October Ten, Twenty Twenty Three

Day#2333 that my daughters have been held Hostages in FlORIDA 

My daughter Abigaile Golec, disabled, who was kidnapped and held hostage in FLORIDA since June 2017. 

************** UPDATE *********************


My case was closed FINAL JUDGEMENT October 2020.  

In September 2023 I received a notice stating that the DOR Attorney Pamela Schneider was Re-opening my case on behalf of Petitioner Allen Golec.  In addition to the Hearing Officer Samuel Stafford.  The date of this ZOOM hearing was AUGUST 23,2023.  I, Paris Golec, birth mother to Abigaile Golec attended the hearing via Zoom.  Plaintiff Allen Golec was not at the hearing.  Pamela Schneider was at the hearing and Samuel Stafford was at the hearing. In addition several other parents were on the line and on zoom at this hearing.  I expressed that my daughters were in fact kidnapped and taken to Florida and held for TWO (2) years before it was disclosed to me my daughters were there.  Additionally I stated in the ZOOM hearing that I had filed with the Arlington police department and numerous other agencies that my daughters had been taken and kidnapped from my daily care. I have filed with ALACHUA COUNTY, FLORIDA the certified police records to this statement.  Additionally I filed with ALACHUA COUNTY< FLORIDA a Nineteen page affidavit for the record stating facts about my case. During the hearing the Hearing officer Samuel Stafford stated to swear under oath ( I state the above facts under oath).  Then Samuel Stafford stated to DOR Attorney, Pamela Schneider requesting my daughters age, and when I stated the fact above Samuel Stafford asked my daughters DOB.  Pamela Schneider responded and Samuel Stafford then requested Pamela Schneider contact the Plaintiff, Allen Golec my daughters dad, whom my daughters were last seen with on May 21, 2017.  Samuel Stafford requested that Pamela Schneider contact the Plaintiff , Allen Golec and ask him what he would like to do about this.  Samuel Stafford then stated that I needed to watch my mail.  

In a couple of weeks I received another Notice of AMENDED child support hearing for arrears from Pamela Schneider DOR Attorney on behalf of Plaintiff , Allen Golec and Samual Stafford , Hearing officer for HEARING ALACHUA COUNTY, FLORIDA  October 9.  Then another Notice of ORDER CONTINUING hearing for OCTOBER 23, 2023. This document states that Plaintiff , ALLEN GOLEC was at the first hearing AUGUST 23,2023 with DOR PAMELA SCHNEIDER AND SAMUEL STAFFORD,  however this is NOT a TRUE STATEMENT.  Allen Golec was NOT present at that hearing.   This NOTICE also states this hearing will determine arrears for disabled daughter. 

My daughters were abducted under false statements and allegations that were never investigated.  Additionally my daughter who I solely rehabilitated from her traumatic brain injury, trained in all of her therapies, and her continuity of care was abruptly removed and never investigated.  

I have to date filed Bar complaints against Attorney. 

I have filed Medical board complaint against Doctor. 

I have a notebook with multiple pages of case numbers.  

My disabled daughter was given after 2019, my first notification of service from ALACHUA COUNTY, FLORIDA the whereabouts of my daughters.  My disabled daughter was so traumatized from the abduction and kidnapping that she could not speak, she was beyond emotional and could no longer even say the word mommy which she had responded consistently and appropriately in context prior to this horrific event. 

I was ordered (October 2019 ) TWO (2) supervised 30 minute phone calls per week. The plaintiff, Allen Golec was given authority to schedule the phone visits at his discretion. Can you imagine being degraded to a Supervised phone call with the daughter that I solely had rehabilitated and brought back to health? In addition to winning a Federal TORT claim in the Million dollars?  

On these phone calls my disabled daughter screams, she was hitting and slapping , and then she would become silent. 

My disabled daughter Abigaile was walking with a walker and quad and single pole canes prior to this abduction and medical kidnapping.  She had 18-20 well spoken words, appropriately in context and cognitive understanding of requesting and response. I personally had worked with many Doctors and specialists in addition to the Integrative Doctor that was following her since 18 months of age that I personally interviewed, retained and was in communication with on every step of her care plans.  I also put together the original care plan for the Federal Government care planner in my daughters Federal Tort Injury lawsuit.  I would later file a Medical board complaint in Florida for the abuse and negligent damages that his abusive and bullying actions would cause.  

My disabled daughter has lived 2,333 days today 10.10.2023 and is suffering mentally, emotionally and physically at the hands of an abusive system that prides itself on profit and bullying tactics to anyone who shows progress , thinks out of the box or is healing.  

My disabled daughter is in grave condition and danger.  The MILLION $$$ Federal TORT that I personally filed and won with my documentation and evidence has seemingly disappeared shortly after October 2019 and my disabled daughter was placed on SSDI , welfare.  While she was in my full time care and continuity of care , rehabilitating there was still MILLIONS available for her future Trust funds.  

I was removed as a PERMANENT GUARDIAN Over her and her estate ( judges ruling was that her father wanted to relocate her) again, no investigation and completely denied my rights as her mother, care giver and health care manager ( which I was being compensated for).  A disabled person can not receive SSDI or welfare compensation with over MILLIONS in assets.  



WHY AM I, HER BIRTH MOTHER BEING HARASSED with child support hearings?  

Why is my disabled daughter no longer able to walk, her legs are so contracted they look like pretzels? This is neglect and abuse. 

Why does my daughter no longer have 18 - 20 words and full sentences?  Instead she has at most 2-4 ?

Why is my daughter when she starts screaming that she wants to go BYE POPPY PLEASE MMUUUMM MUM - after screaming this request for 15, 30 minutes or longer - then suddenly she is given something to muffle her speech, says yum yum and then goes silent?  




ISAIAH 33;22 

#Medical Kidnapping

#Medical Abuse and Neglect 

#Abduction Kidnapping 

#Legal Abuse 


#Missing Trusts (2) funds 

#Guardianship Fraud 

#Mental #Emotional #physcial TRAUMA ABUSE 

Today is July 11, 2023 

  I have no updates from the USA Guardianship Task Force LLC.  I wanted to share that I have received 

several phone calls from Abigailes phone.  I have received at least 3 today.  I was able to answer one of the calls today and was excited to be able to talk with my sweet girl.  However, after she said Hi, I told her this is mommy ( I am assuming she knew it was by my voice and my picture on the phone that says(Paris). 

  I asked her to talk with me I told her I love and miss her - then the phone disconnected.  She had called twice prior to this from her number and the calls were disconnected each time.  Can you imagine how she feels?  What horrific mental and emotional trauma she has experienced as a disabled child.  

( 2017 )  In addition to this update I would like to add that my children were taken from my full time care in May 2017 without my knowledge, permission or without even letting me know where they were. They have been kept and withheld from me since May 21, 2017.  

(2019)  In 2019 I was served a Dissolution of marriage after a 22 year relationship and a 20 year marriage.  Additionally, on the court documents stating that my daughters were residing with their dad and his mother in Florida since June 2017.  It would be September of 2019 before I was "allowed" to speak to my disabled daughter that I had been her primary caregiver her entire life. 

(2023 July )   The legal system beyond this has continued the abduction and kidnapping and now over 6 years after this illegal abduction and kidnapping with false accusations. No investigations , no discovery at all in the case now I am served with documents to pay Florida Dept of revenue child support hearing in July 2023.  

(2023 July - Family Justice Center Intake ) I completed the Intake form for the Family Justice Center.


  I have been treated with malice and prejudice with absolute hate.  I have been mentally, emotionally and physically trauma abused.  In addition to each of my daughters mental, emotional and physical trauma abuse.  

  This goes beyond bullying innocent victims.  I have countless agencies and organizations on the local, state and federal level with case numbers filed detailing this horrendous trauma abuse.  

  My case took place in Tarrant county Texas, Alachua county Florida, and in Benton county Arkansas.  

  These are terroristic actions of bullying to innocent victims and onto a innocent disabled child who is now of age. So now there is terroristic and bullying abuse of an innocent disabled adult who is begging to come to me her mom and being denied that right.  

  Please follow me and support the girls and I on: 

Facebook page : #Justice for Abigaile

Twitter : #FreeAbigaileGolecfromGuardianshipFraud @FreeAbigaileG

TikTok : #Justice For Abigaile & Natascha @saveabigaileandnatascha 

You Tube : #Justice for Abigaile and Natascha @JusticeForAbigaileAndNatascha 

This is not normal behavior - this is trauma abuse to a disabled child who started her life, vaccine injured. 

  I turned that vaccine injury around and she was walking, and talking , cognitive learning with daily life skills. Learning colors, numbers, letters etc ..... she was discontinued from all the meds because she was not having seizures.  

  Why, would anyone want to destroy progress with a disabled child?

Why would anyone want to cause her mental, emotional and physical trauma abuse? 

You should listen to my disabled daughter begging to go bye to come home to me - on my biweekly, supervised visits. 

I have been treated worse than any criminal by every person involved in this case.  I have had zero due process since the beginning .






USA Citizens Guardianship Task Force LLC 


** Update 01/08/2023 

  In 2022 I was asked to do an interview with Peggy Dupree on the TS Radio Network with Marti.  I accepted the invitation and then signed a non disclosure with the USA Guardianship Task Force LLC.  I am working with an Advocate who cares about me and my daughters.  

  In 2022 the USA Guardianship Task Force LLC filed a petition to petition for a Congressional hearing.  I am a victim, my daughters are victims and we are on this Petition.  Why is there no questioning what is happening, and when there is , where is accountability?  

  Please share and sign the Petition - we all deserve and need to be heard.  Our childrens lives and generations depend on what people will do.  Please share and sign even if you don't have children- Guardianship or conservatorship, medical directives are control of person and property with no accountability.  It is trafficking and theft.  

Please sign the Petition : 

Petition2 Congress 

Abolish all Commission Codes for CPS/DCF/ Guardianships from Legislation Law Books


Please be supportive of who you feel most aligned with.  Please research and know that sometimes those organizations, coalitions, non profits, or even advocacy are there for a time. Does it mean that you have failed, or they have failed when you no longer align with one another?  I don't think it means that at all.  I believe that it means that you are growing and moving forward.  

Remember, that Life is a Journey - not a Destination.  

with Love, 


#Justice For Abigaile and Nataschas, mommy 

** Update 01/08/2023 - When the FCACC Family Court anti Corruption Coalition began memberships I could not afford the membership.  

  Eventually, Abigailes Pink Slip was removed from the FCACC website and I could no longer access it.  Additionally the letters link became inoperable.  

  And so with this all being said, the Pink Slip campaign for Abigaile is no more.  

   The coalition, the founder and a few members were very supportive during this time.  Rosemary who first told me about her idea had many ideas of how the Pink slip, her idea, would have many aspects and different ideas it all sounded great.  

  Prior to the membership of FCACC, there were letters sent to the governor Ron DeSantis, State Attorney General, Ashley Moody, as well as the elected officials in Citrus and Alachua county, Florida.  Including the Ombudsman of the OIG who then recommended sending the case information to the Florida Supreme Court.  

  In my mind there is more focus and emphasis on business of the state than there is humanity and the reality of legal kidnapping.  

  Eventually all of Abigailes letters and the pink slip campaign for Abigaile were taken down from the website and there was no activity beyond this.  ************************************** 01/08/2023


#Justice for Abigaile # Project Pink Slip 

#FCACC - Family Court anti Corruption Coalition 

  There are pre-written letters on behalf of The Family Court Anti Corruption Coalition that are already done for you.  Please print them, sign them and mail to appropriate Florida government officials.  There are instructions , address, and letters that are in the link below.  This is not just for Abigaile, this is for those who have been wronged, murdered, and stolen by the system. Please be part of this mighty movement of the Family Court Anti Corruption Coalition.  Please like FCACC on Facebook, Twitter and their website. God bless all who help 💓

Additional link for instructions and new add of #twitter links once calls and letters are sent.  If you can please add to this - Please #FreeAbigaileGolecfromGuardianship @FreeAbigaileG also. I would love for Abigaile to feel the LOVE here.  


@FreeAbigaileG -Twitter

#Free Abigaile Golec from Guardianship Fraud 

# Justice For Abigaile and Natascha- Facebook page

# https://abigailesstory.blogspot.com


  Follow me on Twitter : #FreeAbigaileGolecfromGuardianshipFraud

Follow me on Facebook : 

  Abigaile begs every single phone call twice per week to come home to me, her mom.  Please help me to make this happen.  I have been our daughters biggest advocate since her vaccine injury and I have been punished for being a healthy attachment for her. 


2017 Lake Grapevine, Texas.  This is one of the last photos that I have of Abigaile and Natascha. This was prior to their abduction and subsequent kidnapping.  

    I am requesting that a formal investigation be done in my case by the state of Florida actors.  I am beyond thankful for the FCACC - the Family Court Anti-Corruption Coalition https://familycourtanticorruptioncoalition.comwho is helping me with this matter.  There is a dedicated effort to help in this violation of my right to Due process.   
    Please support the FCACC and Performa by purchasing from the store.  The proceeds go to operating costs that are able to help many families.  This is a organization that teaches and will be a defender of Justice.  It is enough of a system bullying families and causing harm to our families and children.  Please show your support for all families and children.  Wear your apparel at protests, events, meetings, etc to let others know the corruption and that there are enough families who are making our stories public and we are not going to take it anymore.  No mask in hell can stop this.  
Family Court Anti Corruption Coalition store : https://fcaccpromostore.buyproforma.com/#/

CourtVictim.com : Please add your stories - we do not need new legislature, etc we need to prosecute the laws in place that are being broken.  

I will be adding more to this once we have a letter.  Here are the state representatives that are being asked to do their positions they were elected and have been paid to do. 
Please call on behalf of my Abigaile.  Her life and her well being are in harm because of the "abortion of justice".  If you would like to call on behalf of Abigaile and feel you need a script please message and let me know.  I will be happy to provide one for you.  

The State actors being asked to do a formal investigation on my case for Abigaile.  
1. State attorney general : Ashley Moody 
 Phone :  850–414–3300 address: office of the attorney general state of Florida  PL – 01 space the capital space Tallahassee, FL 32399–1050 

2. Governor:  Ron Desantis 
 Phone : 800–342–3557 or 850–717–9337
 Address :  Office Of  governor Ron DeSantis  State of Florida the capital 400 S. Monroe St., Tallahassee, FL 32399–0001 

3. Citrus County State Senate -
Contact Info - U.S. Senator for Florida, Marco Rubio
Phone : 850–599–9100
 Address :  402 South Monroe St. Suite 2105 E. Tallahassee, FL 32399 
 There is no email there is a contact form in the above hyperlink. 
4. Congressman Daniel Webster  ** Contact for citrus county is the 
Inverness, Florida  location 


Phone : 352–241–9220
 Address : Leesberg office  318 S. 2nd street #A 34436-3274

Email:  there is no email there is only a contact form in the above hyperlink. 

*** My daughter has been Abducted and kidnapped in order to imminent domain her person - 

in addition to imminent domain her vaccine injury entitlement.  This is clear Guardianship and Probate Fraud and Theft.  Because of this fraud and theft and knowing how this abduction happened between the DHHS Region 6 in Dallas Texas who I have multiple pages of correspondence with when this incident happened. I believe that Region 4 should be notified as well.  This is important in the medical kidnapping that has transpired.  

Region 4


 This case goes beyond a "miscarriage of justice" This is an " abortion of justice".  My daughters and I have not been able to have any communication freely, to not be able to see one another or have any kind of a relationship.  I was accused of abuse and neglect to my daughter Abigaile even though I had been her Priamry care giver, her primary attachment and health care manager since the day she was born until she was abducted and kidnapped May 21,2017.  

  There was never any investigation and there was never any Discovery  on this case.  The only declaration of abuse was filed on behalf of her long term Dr. who stood to financially gain from this event.  I filed a formal medical board complaint against Abigiales long term Dr. who after she was kidnapped seemed to add symptoms and adding diagnosis, adding drugs etc.  He ignored my pleas for help with the Psychological trauma abuse being done to our Abigaile.  ( I had also been the Primary contact with this Dr and was the one who retained his services when Abigaile was 18 Mos. old). Instead his comment to me was " Abigaile is doing great here in Florida, she is happy and healthy and has a lot of people who love her very much.  She is " well groomed" and happy.  I don't see any problem.  

  I sent Dr. Kartzinel countless emails of Psychology cited articles begging him to please consider that I know the family of origin history and I have insight of family dynamic that he does not. He ignored me.  Instead adding diagnosis after diagnosis. Adding medical marijuana , when my former husband and I agreed to never give any addictive tendency drugs to our daughter because of family of origin addictive behaviors.  

  There was no abuse or neglect ever - my daughters were never even spanked.  The court and their agents has traumatized and abused me and my daughters.  The court and their agents have exercised abuse of power to the level of a hate crime against my daughters and I.  

The Story : 

    Abigaile Golec is not your typical Guardianship or Probate victim. She is a teenager who has handicaps that resulted from a severe, life- threatening vaccine reaction at age Five months. Abigailes mother, Paris Golec, whoʼs past work history in the medical profession Preceptor and Private duty nursing care with care planning and rehabilitation. Because of this past work history Abigailes mother was able to document and prove causation with the vaccines. Paris filed a Federal Tort before a special master in Federal court and was successful in winning a entitlement for her daughter Abigaile. Case # http:// www.cofc.uscourts.gov/sites/def0ult/files/opinions/ABELL.Golec.Ent.pdf .

    Paris knew that this entitlement for Abigaile would not be enough money for rehabilitation and that she would need to do a lot of research and train for Abigailes therapy to do them herself.  In addition to the medical care, occupational therapy and home education where Abigaile seemed to hit a plateau and no longer make progress. Paris then set up a time to talk with Abigailes long term Dr. About Alternative or holistic intervention. This proved to be valuable and eventually Paris has a great working care plan where Abigaile was making significant progress that was even better than before. Abigailes conventional, occupational therapies were discontinued and Abigaile was starting a new care plan with alternative therapy modalities. Within a short time Abigaile was walking with single pole canes, a walker and even taking up to Twenty five independent steps. In addition Abigaile was discontinued from all her medications because of her documented progress. After moving to Texas in 2016 Abigaile was working with a conductive education therapist who we were meeting in public and walking with the walker. Integrating Abigaile into the public area.

    Sadly in May 2017 after asking Parisʼ husband to seek counseling. He chose instead to take their daughters and leave without Parisʼ knowledge or consent. Their daughters have been held hostage and kept from Paris since May 21,2017. They have not been allowed to see me, or to have any form of communication with me after being their primary attachment and caregiver for their entire lives until this event. Paris was left abandoned and deserted after a 22 year marriage as a stay at home, homeschooling mom. Thirteen years and eight months had been spent doing critical trauma care, health care management and the daily rehabilitation of our daughter Abigaile who was dependent.

There were over Sixty agencies of local, state, and federal government including Police, FBI, Several missing childrens networks including National Missing and Exploited Children, DHHS, State Auditor, Governor and Interstate Transportation authority. Domestic Violence networks state and federal. In both Texas ( state of residence - and Florida where our daughters were taken from and hidden, held hostage and where major life decisions including medical decisions were made without my knowledge or consent causing extreme trauma and harm to our daughter Abigaile.

Court crimes - Gainesville , Fla. Alahua County Florida Case # 01-2018- DR-4259 * ( house of the paternal, mom, shown in Citrus County Florida on UCCJEA filing ).

    January 2019 Paris was summoned for a dissolution of marriage from the state of Florida, the UCCJEA document states that my daughters had been kept hostage and residing with my husbands mother in Florida at her address- documented on husbands UCCJEA of filing. This location in Citrus County Florida. However the case was filed in Alachua county Florida.

    The Court assigned these judges who would change the fate and the progress of Abigaile causing her excessive trauma, mental anguish, causing her Mental and emotional trauma , physical trauma and with financial exploitation.

Eighth circuit court Alachua county Florida. Case # 01-2018-DR-4259 (( NONE of my motions or filings are on this case file)) This case was closed on the docket. I have two designated emails because I was designated, then blocked from E-filing. I filed a second designated e-mail and that one appears blocked.
Certified email filing of my documents:


OPPOSING COUNSEL CASEY R THOMPSON ( K.ren Yochim from same firm was substituted between the original service and my filing of motions ) # EJ 088 685 501 US - Signed by C. Rossi ( paralegal in firm)

Judge Susanne Wilson Bullard Case # 01-2018-DR-4259 ordered mediation and first non jury trial. Mediation via telephone with no resolve.
Paris Golec Pro se Indigent. - I was not given Due process and was not even served all of the motions or told of proceedings that were happening in Florida without my knowledge. I learned this by signing up on E- file. I could not access any of the documents - I was told this is because of a dependent minor child.

Opposing Attorney for plaintiff Allen Golec - Casey R Thomspon -Case # 01-2018-DR-4259 Gainesville Fla. ( somewhere in this time frame prior to reassignment the Attorney changed. The new attorney designation was Opposing counsel for plaintiff Karen Yochim - Gainseville Florida ( showing as part of Guardianship division).Case # 01-2018-DR-4259

    Judge Susanne Wilson Bullard reassigned the case to Judge Robert Groeb and scheduled a new hearing. This new hearing was in 2019.

Judge Robert Groeb -Case # 01-2018-DR-4259 first non jury trial scheduled mid 2019 was rescheduled, to October 2019 ( during this time the opposing attorney Karen Yochim also came into the case ). It should be noted that this kidnapping, trafficking case was reassigned to Robert Groeb ( a UCCJEA judge ). I filed Motions as an Indigent, Appearance by telephone ( due to financial hardship) and Answer and Counterclaim to the Summons for dissolution. I shared repeatedly the contacts, case numbers, medical records and stating this was an abduction and kidnapping. I shared this with all of the agencies local , state and federal of both states Texas and Florida and filing reports. I made several calls to verify that my motion to attend October 7, 2019 hearing was approved. The judicial assistant, Kelly Jones, for judge  Groeb, stated that he had not ruled. I called up until the Friday before the hearing ( three days prior to hearing - no answer ) I was requested by Kelly Jones to contact her the day of court. The day of court the Opposing counsel send an email that they have no problem for me to attend by telephone.  I contacted Kelly Jones the day of the hearing and she stated that Judge Groeb denied my telephone motion to attend. 

    On the ruling and final judgement from Robert Groeb, he stated that I had abandoned my daughters, had not provided for them in any way mentally or physically. He additionally stated that I did not show for hearing and was a no show - ruling a default judgement and for sole custody to go to Abigailes dad for sole custody and stipulating that Abigaile was being made a ward of the state by a statute and that she is not allowed to leave the state of Florida without prior court approval.

December 2019 ( through a social media group for Dr. Craig Childress ( Psychologist who offers Childhood attachment trauma therapy and website ) I met an attorney whom I shared my story and she agreed to set a time on December 24, 2019 for a phone meeting.

Lawyer Leslie Ferderigos -Case # 01-2018-DR-4259 ** my lawyer from Dec. 2019 - Oct. 2020 .The docket is full of motions etc. that I never received and could never access. I only received a Notice of Appearance from Ms. Ferderigos and a Motion to Set 0side judgement, and her withdrawal . To which I made corrections. I have no way of knowing if corrections were ever completed. I was advertised on her non - profit website for Parental alienation and that my disabled daughter was kidnapped. She had placed my name on the website to help generate funds for legal fees for my case. I am not sure the amount of fees were collected.  I was given the name of a woman who supposedly was donating $50 per month towards my legal fees. Leslie Ferderigos filed in 1/2020 an appearance and Motion to set aside judgement. The hearing was 6/2020 and ruled in my favor. Leslie Ferderigos stated that she would be filing a motion to modify custody for me once the ruling was made on the motion to modify. This never happened. 

    Ms. Ferderigos asked for a copy of the Arkansas Guardianship structure for Abigaile ( stating she was working on new Guardianship cases) stating she could not represent me but asked several times if I was being represented. I advised no, due to financial hardship. I was put on the schedule numerous times for case status, and removed from schedule for months through October 2020. I requested a letter stating that I had equal rights to our daughter Abigaile and to make decisions and receive medical records, which I was being denied. I was also advised by Ms. Ferderigos when I shared my dropbox info with her ( her requested online sharing tool )  of evidence - she advised me to contact CPS.  I was assured by Ms. Ferderigos she would write the letter. I contacted Ms. Ferderigos paralegal Sharteen Viera in October 2020 requesting the letter stating that I needed it for filing with a formal medical board complaint against our daughters long term Dr. Jerry Kartzinel. I was called on phone by Ms. Viera who screamed at me with disparaging remarks about my not being able to pay for legal fees ( when I told Ms Ferderigos up front that I had no transportation, no money and no resources and was several miles where I was living to the nearest business ). 

     I immediately sent a email to Ms Ferderigos stating that I did not appreciate the way Ms Viera screamed at me. I simply asked why, since  June 2020 to October of 2020 that I was being put on the online schedule calendar and then being removed from online schedule ( I have this documented). I received an email from Ms Ferderigos stating she was withdrawing from my case that she doesnʼt appreciate how I treated her office staff and that she only helps people who are appreciative. Ms. Ferderigos withdrew, Twenty six days prior to the hearing I had waited for Three and half years, at that point. Having lost custody a second time at the actions or inactions of my own lawyer/attorney. 

Leslie Ferderigos withdrawal hearing ( 30 min scheduled he0ring before Judge Robert Groeb)- Ms. Ferderigos requested to withdraw due to “irreconcilable differences - not stating a cause “. I had written a short statement of my damage and trauma to our daughter, her health mentally, emotionally and physically. In addition this would potentially cost me my case after Ms Ferderigos had agreed this was kidnapping. ** I was over spoke by judge Robert Groeb and told that he was granting Ms Ferderigos to withdraw. He would not allow me to finish reading my statement. I asked Robert Groeb if the hearing was being taped, being transcribed. Judge Robert Groeb told me no. That I would have had to motion for that, and if I would have or if I do motion for it - he would deny it. He also told me that he can't give legal advice. He then proceeded to tell me that if I did get another attorney, that if I file for a continuance it will be denied. I was left again, alone with my disabled daughter being traumatized and medically kidnapped at the abuse of power in the court.

Dr. Jerry K.rtzinel ( Windmere Fl..) - Integrative Dr. who I retained for our daughter at age Eighteen months. I have filed a Formal medical board complaint with the state of Florida. I have several correspondence emails and phone calls with Dr. Kartzinel.  I had been the primary contact with Kartzonel until Abigaile was abducted and kidnapped and interstate kidnapped, trafficked via the court. I have filed Violation of Oath as well as Ethics violations with documentation and evidence. ** During the phone call Dr. K.rtzinel remarked to me - “ Abigaile is very happy and healthy here in Florida. She has a lot of people who love her very much. She is WELL GROOMED and doing well. “ I advised him that she was abducted and kidnapped, has been kept from communicating and seeing me for no legitimate reason or cause and that this is causing her severe Psychological Trauma abuse and Childhood trauma abuse. I emailed several cited publications of Dr. Childress and other Psych. Claims of generational trauma abuse and childhood trauma. It was shortly after this time that his office manager ( Kartzinel son ) refused to share Abigailes medical records or progress notes. Stating that they would need a court order stating that his office would be required to give me the records. This has not happened.

Florida Health Medical Quality Assurance - Sherra W Mears Govt. analyst I Compaint filed - ( 20-25354) Ref# 202025354. ** I stated that medical treatments were being done to our daughter that were placing her in life threatening situations. These actions were causing her severe mental and emotional intentional distress, and physical pain unnecessarily. I had been my daughters primary caregiver and health care manager actively hands on daily for Thirteen years and Eight months until the day of her Abduction and kidnapping. I have reached out by email to the investigator on this who has not responded to me to present day ( 6/22/2021). The October 2019 and Nov. 2020 hearing Dr. Kartzinel was listed as the professional witness for Plaintiff Allen Golec , the biological dad of Abigaile. 

    To my understanding Dr. Kartzinel did not give professional witness, he was showing as a telephonic attendance at the October 2019 hearing, that I was denied to attend by telephone.  At the November hearing 2020, a caregiver for Abigaile instead was a witness and purjured herself by giving false statement that is documented.  

ACAP - Florida Bar Association - Filing 21-5268 Case # 01-2018- DR-4259 Sr. Counsel Teresa Goodson, Bar Counsel.  I have spoken with Ms. Teresa Goodson and have additional filings, in addition to the original filing that is currently on file. I found Ms. Goodson to be pleasant, understanding and was very helpful to me. I never felt in her communication or in her correspondence that she was biased.

Judge Robert Groeb -Case # 01-2018-DR-4259 Second NON- jury trial Nov. 2020. Was entered as a supplemental judgement stating the same ruling as the first. I was not given Due process-  my Constitutional rights were not honored. My handicapped daughters Constitutional rights have not been honored. After this hearing Abigailes dad retained another attorney in Arkansas to represent him in order to remove me, as her CO Permanent Guardian from the Guardianship and Entitlement Trusts that I had set up for our handicapped daughter from { Federal vaccine injury entitlement { 2009 } http://www.cofc.uscourts.gov/sites/def0ult/ files/opinions/ABELL.Golec.Ent.pdf }.

Arkansas Probate / Guardianship hearing - Benton County, Bentonville, Arkansas - Judge Doug Schrantz ( Nineteenth Judicial district) Nov. 2020( fast tracked ) { CASE# PR 2010- 297-6 }

Minors Estate Guardian of the Estate : Attorney Rebecca Hurst PLLC Rogers, Arkansas

    Abigailes birth state and where the Guardianship Trusts ( there were Two ) were seeded and funded from the DHHS vaccine injury entitlement.  Ruling after the fraud in Fla. ( with no investigation regarding false statements of abuse and neglect about me.  Ms. Ferderigos stated there was no Discovery on my case # 01-2018-DR-4259 ).

Judge Doug Schrantz ruled to remove me as Co-Permanent Guardian and ruled to move the Guardianship to Citrus county, Floral City Florida ( stating the minor ward was relocated - No the MINOR WAS ABDUCTED AND KIDNAPPED and is now TRAFFICKED INTERSTATE aided by the COURTS).

Florid. Probate / Guardianship hearing - Citrus County Florida - Inverness Florida Probate div. { file no. 2021-GA-33 and file # 2021 GA 000033A. ( Cert. mail # 7020 1810 0000 3910 7311 ) by Samantha Shealy Rauba attorney for Plaintiff Allen Golec, Abigailes dad.

JUDGE Peter M Brigham -Inverness Florida Circuit court- Citrus County, Florida Probate

    Notice sent to me in MAY 2021 FOR A HEARING TO ASSIGN ESTATE PROPERTY AND TRUSTS ( June 22,2021 ) bySAMANTHA SHEALY RAUBA - ATTORNEY for plaintiff, Allen Golec biological dad of Abigaile.  I received notice -  A NOTICE OF HEARING ( petition for Appointment of guardian of minor ) ( guardianship of property ) (Transfer due to relocation of minor) *** this was NOT a relocation this is Court TRAFFICKING under Color of law and ABUSE OF POWER to kidnap and theft of estate and property.  A imminent domain of child and her vaccine injury TORT entitlement. 

I responded with Notice of Declaration of Facts
Tracking Certified mail with POD # 9510814098111160417317 del. POD 6/16/2021 Sig. A. Golec
Tracking Certified mail with POD # 9510814098111160417324 del. POD 6/15/2021 Sig. R. Berry ( Court clerk- Cit. Cty. )picked up at postal facility. Tracking Certified mail with POD # 9510814098111160417331 del. POD 6/15/2021 Sig. H. Bringle del. to front desk for Samantha Shealy Rauba Ocala Fla.

Probate Hearing via Zoom : 6/22/2021. I requested two witnesses to observe this hearing because of the lack of accountabilty, fraud, abuse of power in the Alachua county, Gainesville custody hearing for kidnapping. **** There is NO swearing in of any testimony in Alachua county Probate court and there was no swearing in at any time in the Citrus County Probate Court.  

My Witnesses : They connected via their own individual devices and in different states. Each have agreed to given written affidavits for their own observations. These will be filed with the Florida Bar complaints as well as the Judicial commission.
PAS Family Advocacy - Lisa Breece Linke
Friend - Rosemary Wuckert

Other attendees :
Judge Peter M Brigham 
- I asked the judge if the proceeding would be taped or transcription available he assured me it would. Note:  There was no swearing of testimony at this hearing. 
A woman named Pamela Martini - who stated she was an attorney - this woman also stated that she had sent served documents to me. I stated for the record, I have never received documents nor have I ever seen her name or her before. I stated I had only received the notices in May 2021 from Attorney Samantha Shealy Rauba. Ms. Samantha Shealy Rauba was not present during this hearing.

Allen Golec - the biological dad of Abigaile. Appeared as Sui Juris - declined to speak for the record when asked by Peter M Brigham.

Paris Golec as self, biological mom of Abigaile -The judge asked if I had anything for the record.  I had a written statement that I started to read. Immediately I was cut off by judge Brigham by his yelling no, no, no. I was quite confused by this. Judge Brigham continued saying that we were there to assign the estate and property of minor probate Abigaile Golec.  I asked Judge Brigham if he was denying me to speak on the record and if so, violates my constitutional rights and due process.  Judge Brighams response is that “ this is civil court Ms Golec,  there are statutes"  he repeated the above about assigning a Florida state Guardian and Florida state advocate. I continued with reading my statement, while Judge Brigham over-spoke me the entire time.   The zoom was being muted on the court end. I can verify this by my witnesses who stated initially they thought it was my internet connection but saw my mouth actually moving but no sound.  Judge Brigham once again interrupted and I asked once again if Judge Brigham was denying my right of Due process in allowing me to speak for the record.   It was his initial request to ask if I had anything to speak on the record.  Judge Brigham then threatened me with contempt of court - and then the court placed me in the zoom waiting room.  I have no way of knowing what was said or what was done during this time.   Judge Brigham then brought me back in - then he proceeded speaking his orders to the woman named Pamela Martini.  Judge Brigham also stated when I asked him if I had committed a crime to which he replied that I had not committed a crime.  Judge Brighams response, is this is civil court. Then the zoom was disconnected.

    This hearing or meeting happened 6/22/2021.  I have signed onto my designated emails and pulled up the Probate numbers , my name , my daughters name , her dads name.  I can only see where there was a case with those numbers. The docket tab labeled Interested Parties: Peter M Brigham, Pamela Martini
( Pamela Martini is showing at a different attorney office.  She is NOT showing in the office of Samantha Shealy Rauba office ), Allen Golec and a state of Florida advocate.  Paris Golec, the mother of Abigaile  ( Is not listed)  however , I do see all of our designated emails on the end of the docket.  Both of my designated emails are listed. I should note today is 6/22,2021 - one month later and the case docket online shows closed.   I have not been served or received anything with regard to this hearing/meeting.   I was part of and told by this stranger, Pamela Martini in probate court that she is an attorney and served me. Pamela Martini never answered my question and did not make any statement to me. She never denied my statement.

    Judge Brigham - also stated during this hearing that he denied my rights, to my advocate , Ms. Lisa Breece Linke at PAS Family Advocacy.
    Something disturbing that I observed is that my handicapped daughter Abigaile was sitting beside her dad during this entire hearing/meeting.  My daughter begs ever single supervised , thirty minute phone call since October 2019 ( when the supervised phone calls were ordered by Judge Groeb ) begging to come to me her mommy.  I can not imagine the mental trauma that Abigaile experienced after this, seeing me on zoom.

    I refused to do zoom calls with Abigaile, knowing the mental trauma it would cause her to see me. To not be able to understand why she has been kept from me, her primary attachment from birth for Thirteen years and eight months.  When she was admitted in Childrens hospitals, I slept with her in ICU in her crib. This has to be one of the most horrific forms of cruelty that anyone could ever do to a handicapped, disabled child.

    Abigaile has literally been at the hands of abuse of the system since May 21,2017.  Abigaile has severely regressed and has been medically kidnapped and financially exploited. Now she has been made a ward of Florida by a Judge - when she had a Mom and Dad.  I have not given my daughter up she has been kidnapped and exploited.   My being removed as a Permanent Co-Guardian with no other reason than a dissolution of marriage, and my daughter taken without knowledge or consent from me while she was in my care under my care plan that she was Thriving under.  Her bodily person, her estate have been pillaged and plundered at the hands of ignorance and taken advantage of by color of law and abuse of power.  Abigaile has been kept and withheld from me, she or her Twenty- two year old sister have not been allowed to freely communicate with me or to be able to be in my life. I have recordings of each phone call with Abigaile begging to come to me.  This has caused her significant regression and Psychological Trauma.  

    I have found no one who will help me to get my daughter back to me without an extortion of exuberant funds- even though there is clearly - Criminal intent - fraud - kidnapping - legal abuse- medical abuse. The system is a den of robbers and has become worse than criminals. Please help me to save Abigaile before it is too late. Abigaile will turn Eighteen on September 7, 2021.

Written by,
Paris Golec , A broken hearted mommy ( since May 21, 2017 all contact, communication and my children have been kept and withheld from me ) 1523 days that my daughters have not been allowed freedom to call me, message me or to even see me. 









1 comment:


Day # 2673 mission birthday

Natascha 2017 one of the last photos that I have of natascha prior to abduction and kidnapping.  Happy mission Birthday my beautiful Natasch...