Sunday, September 15, 2019

Priorities of the Soul

  In order to gain from the fruit of the Spirit we must make priorities to make our Spiritual lives first and then our physical lives. 

When placing our Spiritual needs we essentially are giving life and oxygen to our mind, our soul and our body. Giving our Spiritual life precedence or being first in line, we give life to ourselves.  

  It is like being on an airline and losing air pressure in the cabin.  You have your child on board with you.  Whom do you give the oxygen first ?  Our first inclination is to give it to our child because we want to give life to our child.  We want to always give to our child their needs first.  
  But in reality it is the adult and parent that needs the oxygen first so that they can follow instructions or do what they have learned in experience so they can help the child.  The child is not mature enough and hasn't lived life experience to fully understand what to do or how to do this emergency.  

  We often look at caring for the soul or treating the soul as secondary in life.  We place our physical needs first.  We treat eating, sleeping, making money giving priority to these things instead. While these things are important to physical well being, we are wearing down our souls. We treat eating, sleeping, and making money as a routine and too important, and too valuable to be interfered with including family.  An individual rights to work has been made more important than the needs of their soul, spouse or children.  Leaving their soul empty and therefore leaving their spouse and children feeling alone. 

  Spiritual health is then pushed aside and left for when you feel like it. Leaving prayer, meditation, and study for when you feel like it. Or you may attend a church and socializing is the topic of the sermon. These things leave your soul empty. 

  When you ask yourself what is this life all about?   You have to make spiritual priority to your inner soul.  We must treat our inner soul more important than anything else so that it becomes a priority.  When doing so we are able to make good decisions over bad. We have healthy emotions over bad emotions.  We have good physical health over bad health.  We must treat our inner spiritual soul as an athlete and exercise our soul as though we are preparing for the Spiritual olympics. 

  We need to treat our Spiritual soul as though it is our most valued resource , a valued business and without it we lose our life. 
Without the soul, we are spiritually dead. 

  The intrinsic nature of the soul has value and determines character when in unity, becomes one in unity, with its source -God.  The soul of every man, woman , and child is literally part of God above.  The soul has influence over the mind and emotions having influence on the physical body, sickness or being healthy.  When we place our soul health first , our Spiritual health will be healthy then the rest of our body will be in good health. 

  My prayer for our girls today is that you place your soul and Spiritual health above everything and everyone else.  It is the best way to have and prosper in good health.  Being in Unity with God above means placing your soul health first.  My prayer is that you have a desire to connect with your source , God.  I pray that your soul gives you new life, new emotions, thoughts and speech, new intelligence, insight, Godly will , a new identity, a new personality.  I pray that your Godly soul be blessed with the things and the spirit of God.  

  I pray that your soul being awakened will bring you most of all Joy and Peace .

I love our beautiful girls and I miss you both very much.  I pray and have continued hope and faith to see you both soon.  

with love, hugs, sugars, and more love,
love your mommy, 
forever <3

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