Saturday, September 7, 2019

Happy Birthday to our beautiful daughter Abigaile

Paris Golec to Whole Body Restoration Ministry
Happy Birthday our beautiful girl Abigaile, 
My dear sweet daughter Abigaile,
Your birthday commemorates the day that God created you and said to you as an individual, you are unique and you are irreplaceable. There is no other person alive, no person who has ever lived, and no person who shall ever live, that can fulfill the specific role in My creation that I have entrusted to you..."
This is the day when you were given the mandate for your mission to help change the world. The day when God entrusted you with the mission to challenge a world that is so hostile spirituality and to be able to transform it into God's private garden sanctuary. And in accomplishing this goal you were given the ability to achieve incredible spiritual heights. The kind of heights that are unimaginable to the soul before it was dispatched from its lofty heavenly home to inhabit your physical body.
Celebrating a birthday is also a demonstration of confidence. The type of confidence that you are and you will continue to be worthy of God's trust. No matter the obstacles, no matter the circumstances, you will persevere and live up to God's expectations of you.
Fulfilling the commandments of God is the vehicle through which we connect to God. It is how we are made in His image.
That means greater responsibility, but an infinitely greater connection, too. Your birthday is also the anniversary of this awesome occasion. This is reason to be thankful for your birthday.
When you were born it was God that invested within you a soul abounding with talents and qualities. These talents and qualities of your inner soul are those things God given to you that will help you to complete the mission that God has assigned to you on this earth.
On this day you have the ability to accomplish that which might be very difficult on any other day. I pray that this day you feel a special connection with God. That you are reminded of how God created you for your mission . Be blessed on your special day- the day that you and your mission were born into existence.
I'm thankful that God chose me as your mommy to be the vessel to give birth to you, and your mission. I will always love you and I will always be supportive of the mission that God has sent you here to this earth for.
with love, hugs, sugars and more love,
your mommy
I have shared this with your daddy on email along with a mission gift to help with your mission xoxoxo 

1 comment:

  1. Happy birthday, Beautiful Abigaile!

    Love ya,

    Mrs. Sandy
    Cole's Foundation




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