Sunday, October 27, 2019

When you enter in to the Ark of Prayer

When you enter stormy seas - enter in to your Ark of Prayer 

The flood waters can raise you higher and higher.  When there are raging flood waters all around you it is like the raging seas during a bad storm.  You become tossed to and fro through the violent waves.  I have always wanted to go out on a sailboat but have had anxiety about the huge waves of the sea with no land and the fact that even with a larger sailboat - there is very little to protect you on the sailboat from the huge waves.  It is very intimidating.  Those giant waves.  

  And during the worst of the storms there are waves that crash not only over the boats at sea but crash on to the shore destroying the shoreline and everything in its path.  This is what happens during a hurricane- the walls of water that crash and surround one in the Hurricane.  It drowns and crashes everything in its path; carrying everything away in the turbulent waters and leaving nothing but destruction and chaos behind.  Much like the storms and hurricanes are turbulent storms of life.  

  The world into which we were born is also like the sea.  The waves are often turbulent especially when we have come to a decision that is not in agreement with culture.  Culture often creates waves of indecision.  This indecision often causes anxiety , pain, turmoil.  Causing stress and fear.  This causes one to not know which way to turn, which decision is best to make to follow culture - or follow what you know is right in the sight of God.  People in the sea can be like the violent waves of the sea during a storm.  The waves of people can be hot water and some can be bitter cold.  When hot and cold mix - like in hot and cold air masses it can cause the most violent storm.  You have two sharp contrasts.  The waves of hot and cold because of the storm can also throw you back and forth churning you and your decisions up and down - back and forth.  Causing a sea and outcome of unknown storms. 

  What do you rely on?  Who do you rely on?  Who is your only alibi ? Which compass do you follow ? God(known) or Culture            (unknown) ? 
  God is always the best moral compass in these storms.  But expect when you follow the moral compass of God - you will definitely start to experience storms of adversity. 

  The Hebrew word for Ark is " teivah "  the meaning of this is ( word). Your Ark should be - words of a deep reflective thought and prayers.  So instead consider, enter your Ark,  and do some deep reflective thoughts with many prayers - rather than allowing yourself to drown in culture, a sea of confused and chaotic people who wish to control and manipulate because of their traumas, fears, and who are drowning- and instead let go and let God carry you in the sea of waves and allow the water to carry you upward to a much higher height of expectation !

  My prayer for our girls is that you know deep down in your mind, your heart and your body that momma loves you both and misses you both very much.  
  Momma prays that you both enter your Ark , that giant , enormous sailboat that God has waiting for you both.  Know that the wind that caries you are the winds of the Holy Spirit - allow Him to direct your path.  Know that when you allow the Holy Spirit winds to direct your path not only will you know that you - will have smooth sailing , but you will know your destination, and most of all - you will have Peace that surpasses all understanding.  Please keep your eyes on what God says, stay on His path, and when you have storms the waters will be much easier to navigate with God as your Helmsman. 

  Smooth sailing my beautiful girls - mommy loves you both to the moon and back - I have been seeing visions of sailboats and yachts and super yachts and traveling the world over the beautiful seas. Can you imagine ?  I can.  
My next adventure is a Sailboat - Super - yacht I'm believing God for it so be ready to pack your suitcases and climb aboard for some super fast, Super- Yacht sailing.  

  Mommy loves you both and I miss you both so very much.  I pray for God to keep you safe from the storms and I pray that God will be your Helmsman. A Helmsman is a person who steers a ship, sailboat to other type of marine vessel.  I pray that when bad decisions are and have been made that God will protect you both.  I remain in Faith that I will see you soon.  My phone is always on for you both, the door is always open for you both, my love and my commitment to you both as your momma has never wavered and never changed.  My seas may have been rocked to and fro- but my sailboat is still on course and it is not going to waiver.  
God is and will always remain the Helmsman of my vessel.  I pray that He remains your Helmsman also and the leader of your life. 

with love, hugs, sugars and more love, 
your momma, 
forever, 💓

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