Tuesday, October 1, 2019

The cry of our inner soul through our God created senses

Psalm 34:8 taste and see that the Lord is good;
How blessed is the daughter or son who takes refuge in Him!

* NOTE: You can select  purple hyperlink/ underline or  Https for more info. 

  There are many things that are important to us - things that we feel the inner need that we must speak out on.  Things that are important, sometimes these things affect us personally and sometimes they affect our families or friends.  We feel called to speak out to them - it can be an injustice or a wrong. 

  There are some of these things of moral values, behaviors and moral laws that are so convicting that we have emotions packed behind them.  We speak out to them and speak to them in a BURST of emotion.  We speak in rich and convincing words, colorful with descriptive words that guide the listener to draw a picture in the mind.  We speak in vibrant tones as to etch every little detail imaginable into the mind of those listening so that what we are communicating is not just labeled a grammatical sentence, but instead a picture or a story in the mind with more than a thousand words.  

  And then there are things that will shake our mind like a earthquake.  Imagine standing in the desert, and you hear a giant rumble, you see the dust peering up off the earth.  Particles of sand reflecting in the sun.  There are dust clouds vibrating into the stillness that sets before you.  It appears as a giant herd of rumbling horses galloping in your direction - running at you - as the dust boils behind their hooves. 

  And all of a sudden the earth moves, it begins to sway back and forth.  The swaying moves from right to left swaying your body from side to side. Before you can think what this might be called - it abruptly stops.  And then the same tiny motions sway back and forth for hours.  And at the end of the day after research of what this could be and talking with others - you realize - you experienced an earthquake.  This is how our thoughts work.  

  We process through the senses.  Our senses that God created in each of us in order to experience instinct and what is safe.  Much like the instinct of animals.  So we not only have awareness, and what we are taught but the five sense are primary in teaching us safety. The organs associated with each sense send information back to the brain to send signals in order to help us perceive the world around us.  Our Five senses are controlled and control the Limbic area of the brain.  Responsible for our Five senses and our emotions.  

The Five Senses are :  Touch, Sight, Hearing, Smell and Taste

  Scientist believe that Touch is the first sense that humans develop. Touch communicates between the brain and neuron sensors through the skin.  Through the skin these sensations can be pain, touch, caressing, scratching, and injury this is communicated to the brain to send signals from the receptors and how we respond is because of how we have been afflicted each time. This process has also been described in how we express compassion to one another and even to animals.  Touch also affects the decisions that we make, it enhances our cognitive awareness.  Touching certain textures or certain objects sends messages to the brain - making decisions of touch that feels comfortable - safe or not.  This is why it is so important that the attachment between a mother and her child are not to be broken.  Important to the child as a attachment and bonding to the mother , instead of dis-attachment used as a object - not a human.  You can read more about touch and compassion here The Greater good - Hands on research at Berkley EDU - Compassion and human touch.  Also the most important article in this is Attachment parenting in a detached world http://www.attachmentparenting.org/support/articles/detached.  And Attachment Parenting and your special needs child https://www.greenchildmagazine.com/attachment-parenting-special-needs/ . 


  The sight is next of importance.  The sight is how we perceive things through the eyes.  The light reflects off of an object to the eye.  Each part of the eye is specific in its inner working, a self contained organ created of the cornea, pupil, iris, and lens  - each part of the eye having its own call of duty, created by God in being able to target an object and perceive what that object is through sight.  What an amazing tool that is gifted by our Creator.  The lens has nerve cells that creates all the textures, the colors and is responsible for showing the details of the object being viewed. There are rods and cones in the lens that also give light to vision when needed at night or when light is not optimum to refract through the cornea.  The rods then turn that vision into motion and the vision that we can see from the sides of our eyes called peripheral vision.  The light that is given at night through the eye is sent as electrical impulses to the brain through the optic nerve.  I believe this is why Abigaile couldn't always see, and also why children who have seizures appear that they are not able to have vision after having seizures, this over time causing damage to the optic nerve, and the impaired impulses.  Thankfully Hyperbaric oxygen therapy proved to help heal and with God Abigaile was healed of this.  Some more great research from an former ophthalmologist and retina specialist 


  Hearing is next.  Hearing is communicated by a miraculous self contained organ called the Ear.  The ear has its own inner working that is important to the senses of the body.   The ear is actually a complex maze of a structure with each part of it serving a function.  Did you know that sound from hearing is actually created by vibrations sent to the inner ear?  As sound travels through the canal of the ear it travels down the canal and into the ear drum getting to the connective tissues and causing vibration and what we know to be " sound waves".  This miracle happens in the middle ear.  The middle ear contains three very important structures to hearing.  They are the hammer, anvil and the stirrup.  It is the stirrup striking that causes the sound vibrations to send the impulses to what is caused the Organ of Corti.  There are tiny hair-like cells in the Organ of Corti that translate the vibration into impulses and they are carried to the brain by sensory nerves.  While hearing is not a life or death organ, it can be very important in the senses to children hearing their parents voices so that they have a healthy attachment for safety to their biological mom and biological dad.  Here are some fun facts on hearing, function of the Ear Live science research on the human Ear - fun facts and function. Click here


  Humans have over 400 smelling receptors.  Humans are able to compete with their animal friends in being able to smell over 1 trillion scents.  I imagine it is by far more than that now due to the over manufacturing of scented perfumes, fragrances, and synthetics-, as well as " food - like" enhancers.   In my research showing that these smelling agents are able to literally change the bodys' DNA and cause DNA and hormone disruption.  I think the term and diagnosis " chemical sensitivity " could be a little under-stated.  

  There are nerve endings in the Olfactory cleft that transmit smells to the brain Sensory Neuron Signaling to the Brain: Properties of Transmitter Release from Olfactory Nerve Terminals.  If you have a poor sense of smelling ability you may have a medical condition associated with aging or depression.  In my research the over- use of scented products and excessive smoking, drinking, use of many pharmaceutical drugs, also impair the ability to smell.  For some interesting facts and function of your nose and smelling go here and read on Live Science - Facts and functions about your nose . 


  Taste is the last and final of the five senses.  There are four labeled classifications to taste recognized.  They are sweet and salty , sour and bitter.  Select here for  Perspective on Food and Human Taste and how taste keeps us safe from eating the wrong foods.  It is important to note that smell ( the smell of food while cooking ) and the texture are important in taste and part of the olfactory process in building perception of taste in the brain.  Taste is important as well in that often plants, foods, etc that have bitter taste are often considered to be poisonous or not good for the body and some could be harmful.  Bitter tastes in foods could identify poisons that can be harmful to your body https://www.eurekalert.org/pub_releases/2006-09/mcsc-bti091206.php.  You can also learn more on Lumen Learning on taste and smell - Boundless biology https://courses.lumenlearning.com/boundless-biology/chapter/taste-and-smell/

  So some things just don't need permission from the thoughts of the mind or the right words ( correct or politically correct ) because in reality the mind can't begin to comprehend them.  It is only when things break out in a cry, a scream whatever it takes to " get attention" and then there is silence.  

  It is at that silence that we hear the sound of the shofar - the calling of the one who created us - the professing of His presence in spirit on this earth - that is when we yell out to God and ask Him to please not leave us - ALONE.  

   My prayer for our girls is that we must pay close and careful attention to our senses.  Not only do our sense have the innate ability to connect with our Creator.  But our senses also guide us and give us the ability to protect ourselves.  They help us to know where there is danger from an alert from the senses. 

   Please know that when someone tells you that it is okay that they have done this or that and experienced it - with no side effects or harmful reactions, does not mean that it will be that way for you.  Our senses are what the Creator has given to us in order to detect danger and to stay away from danger.  Sometimes that is medications, foods, plants, trees, and things in our environment. 

   We are not all cookie-cutter nor should we be treated as such.  Our senses are a built in warning system of God the Creator to warn us from danger.  

  Momma loves you both and I miss you both very much.  I pray for your continued safety.  I pray that you continue to trust God and seek God with all your heart.  I hope and pray to see you both soon.  

with love, hugs, sugars, and more love, 
your momma, 
forever <3 

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