Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Darkness being made into Light

Isaiah 9:2 
The people who walk in darkness
Will see a great light;
Those who live in a dark land,
The light will shine on them.

  Is the failure of opportunity.  When we choose to make light we use the darkness to show the light.  Making it our opportunity to use the darkness.
  When we fail to use the darkness, we have taken the burden of darkness and will continue to fight and struggle with it until the darkness is no more, even unto death.  Then the darkness in death will carry the Spirit of each to the Light.   The darkness will perish at the end.  Darkness has no desire to surrender to us.  Darkness will fight the light and struggle the light to the very end.  When darkness does not surrender it will be forced until the very end- to be made light.  

  On our mission here on earth for our purpose we are to carry the light, to do good, but also to do good toward others.  When we do this our light is evident.  Then darkness has no purpose but to give in.  Darkness will then surrender and give in - because darkness has reflected jealousy over the light.  And when darkness has held jealousy captive, when light is there the jealousy is set free and darkness surrenders and gives way to our light.  

  There is no greater light than when darkness turns to light.  This in itself is when the Spirit of God will be among us.  We will see the light in those who have carried darkness far too long.  

  My prayer for our girls is that when you check your reflection ( behaviors of how you act toward others) and you see darkness.  Pray and seek God and ask Him to reveal to you this darkness.  Where is it coming from?  Whom is it coming from ?  What is the root of the cause?  And then to surrender your Spirit, your Soul, and your Body to the Spirit of God to be His light.  It is when we project the light onto others , they too will then be excited to have the light.  I know our girls already have this beautiful light.  I pray that you see this in your reflection, the projection of behaviors onto others.  

  My prayer for our girls is to see you. You have been kept from me, not seeing, not taking with and not being given the opportunity to be in your lives is darkness to me.  I did not abandon either of you and I have called, I have sent emails, I have sent text messages for over 2 1/2 years and have had nothing returned.  I want you to know that I love you and miss you both very much and I pray to see both of you very soon.  I also want you to know that I am the light, I choose this light over darkness.  If at any time you feel I have not shown you the light, I give you permission to call me out on it and to tell me where I have projected darkness on to you.  When we project light and walk in light , we must be light to everyone, even our enemies.  I love you my sweet, beautiful girls and I miss you.  I'm thankful for my photos on text from your dads phone of you opening my gift to you both.  

with love, hugs, sugars, and more love, 
your momma, <3

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