Thursday, December 26, 2019

Good thoughts and Self Awareness

  When you think good thoughts and only have good things that are pure that go into your mind and your way of thinking.  You will mostly have good thoughts.  You will then have good emotions, and start to do good things for others.  It isn't just about doing good - but also treating others fairly and good in the eyes of God. 

  This is harmony of mankind with God.  Being yoked with God.  

  There are so many who are screaming self care - and no one really seems to know what this is suppose to look like.  It seems the majority who seem to be focusing on self and what self needs are, self, everything self. 

  But this is not what God is about.  I believe that Self care is human definition for self.  God did not create us to be our own gods. Which is what this self- care is. Self care can also mean care for ones body of self.  

  I believe that we should be focusing instead on Self Awareness - focusing instead to become more aware about our self is not becoming self absorbed, a Demi god to ourselves and making everyone leave, throwing people away or abandoning them if they do not align with your "selfishness".  

  Self awareness can mean focusing on,  What does it look like to be self aware?  I think a Scripture verse that comes to my mind and was key in my healing was ( Matthew 7:5- you hypocrite, first take the plank our of your own eye and then you will see clearly to removed the speck from your sister or brothers eye ).  While the brother or sister may have more than a speck what we should examine first is how and why do we see things at fault in others but seem to miss our own?  
 We are shown others faults sometimes as a protection mode so that we don't use their issues, their thoughts, their actions in our triggers.  
  There is a place of a gap of where we are and where we should be in life.  This gap sometimes seems so big that we can't see the other side.  When this happens fill that gap with good thoughts and treat others with good thoughts.  If they are having a bad time give them some good thoughts.  We don't have to make it personal, sometimes a simple hello will do.  Also we need women who will compliment other women - and men complimenting other men can make all the difference.  Compliment children on their good behaviors so they aren't acting out with bad behaviors for that attention.  Children until a certain age or with handicaps are not mature enough to be self aware- they need their biological mom and dad to help them with these things. These are the two people who chose to bring this child into the world, these are the only two people who that child has both their DNA and understanding because of that DNA.  

  Leave the gaps to God that you are unsure of - you may have your own gaps.  Leave those to God.  If you are unsure of what to do- then it isn't your place to fix it.  Leave it to God.  This is being self aware - and becoming self aware is one of the most healthy things that we can possibly do.  It forces us to look and to judge self instead of others.  And while we can't allow others to force their judgements onto us - if they do we must step back from those behaviors and focus on our own self awareness.  It doesn't mean you abandon the person you simply step back and seek yourself into why You responded that way - what trigger caused you to feel that way.  

  God will fill in the gaps of your self awareness and He will make the gap with His bridge from your thoughts to your actions.  
This will make the most powerful change in people is by starting with Self awareness not self.  

  My prayer for our sweet girls is that God keeps you both safe from all harm.  What ever that may appear like.  I pray for safety from harm that could be to self.  I pray that God protects you both from the harms of mental, emotional or physical harm.   
  I pray that our girls make Self awareness contagious to everyone around you but especially to your " self".  I pray for you for love, and laughter, and having peace.  I pray most of all for good health and your well being.  I pray that you stay focused on the mission that God has for you and to not get trapped in others missed past , others traumas or others traps and snares of unhealthy behaviors.  

  I pray that you always feel my love and my presence with you - we shared so much time even before you were born.  I miss your love, your hugs, and our time together.  I'm thankful for your gift you sent to me but they can never take the place of our girls. 
 I pray for those who have used and caused this trauma to me and to you both for self and for exploitation.  I pray that they get to the end of self and become self aware.  
  A Journey of Spiritual Awareness doesn't cause harm or trauma to others instead it will show others and enlighten others in the very presence of the Spirit of God on this earth.  

with love, hugs, sugars and more love, 
love your mommy,   💓

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