Sunday, October 27, 2019

When you enter in to the Ark of Prayer

When you enter stormy seas - enter in to your Ark of Prayer 

The flood waters can raise you higher and higher.  When there are raging flood waters all around you it is like the raging seas during a bad storm.  You become tossed to and fro through the violent waves.  I have always wanted to go out on a sailboat but have had anxiety about the huge waves of the sea with no land and the fact that even with a larger sailboat - there is very little to protect you on the sailboat from the huge waves.  It is very intimidating.  Those giant waves.  

  And during the worst of the storms there are waves that crash not only over the boats at sea but crash on to the shore destroying the shoreline and everything in its path.  This is what happens during a hurricane- the walls of water that crash and surround one in the Hurricane.  It drowns and crashes everything in its path; carrying everything away in the turbulent waters and leaving nothing but destruction and chaos behind.  Much like the storms and hurricanes are turbulent storms of life.  

  The world into which we were born is also like the sea.  The waves are often turbulent especially when we have come to a decision that is not in agreement with culture.  Culture often creates waves of indecision.  This indecision often causes anxiety , pain, turmoil.  Causing stress and fear.  This causes one to not know which way to turn, which decision is best to make to follow culture - or follow what you know is right in the sight of God.  People in the sea can be like the violent waves of the sea during a storm.  The waves of people can be hot water and some can be bitter cold.  When hot and cold mix - like in hot and cold air masses it can cause the most violent storm.  You have two sharp contrasts.  The waves of hot and cold because of the storm can also throw you back and forth churning you and your decisions up and down - back and forth.  Causing a sea and outcome of unknown storms. 

  What do you rely on?  Who do you rely on?  Who is your only alibi ? Which compass do you follow ? God(known) or Culture            (unknown) ? 
  God is always the best moral compass in these storms.  But expect when you follow the moral compass of God - you will definitely start to experience storms of adversity. 

  The Hebrew word for Ark is " teivah "  the meaning of this is ( word). Your Ark should be - words of a deep reflective thought and prayers.  So instead consider, enter your Ark,  and do some deep reflective thoughts with many prayers - rather than allowing yourself to drown in culture, a sea of confused and chaotic people who wish to control and manipulate because of their traumas, fears, and who are drowning- and instead let go and let God carry you in the sea of waves and allow the water to carry you upward to a much higher height of expectation !

  My prayer for our girls is that you know deep down in your mind, your heart and your body that momma loves you both and misses you both very much.  
  Momma prays that you both enter your Ark , that giant , enormous sailboat that God has waiting for you both.  Know that the wind that caries you are the winds of the Holy Spirit - allow Him to direct your path.  Know that when you allow the Holy Spirit winds to direct your path not only will you know that you - will have smooth sailing , but you will know your destination, and most of all - you will have Peace that surpasses all understanding.  Please keep your eyes on what God says, stay on His path, and when you have storms the waters will be much easier to navigate with God as your Helmsman. 

  Smooth sailing my beautiful girls - mommy loves you both to the moon and back - I have been seeing visions of sailboats and yachts and super yachts and traveling the world over the beautiful seas. Can you imagine ?  I can.  
My next adventure is a Sailboat - Super - yacht I'm believing God for it so be ready to pack your suitcases and climb aboard for some super fast, Super- Yacht sailing.  

  Mommy loves you both and I miss you both so very much.  I pray for God to keep you safe from the storms and I pray that God will be your Helmsman. A Helmsman is a person who steers a ship, sailboat to other type of marine vessel.  I pray that when bad decisions are and have been made that God will protect you both.  I remain in Faith that I will see you soon.  My phone is always on for you both, the door is always open for you both, my love and my commitment to you both as your momma has never wavered and never changed.  My seas may have been rocked to and fro- but my sailboat is still on course and it is not going to waiver.  
God is and will always remain the Helmsman of my vessel.  I pray that He remains your Helmsman also and the leader of your life. 

with love, hugs, sugars and more love, 
your momma, 
forever, 💓

Friday, October 25, 2019

Made in the image of God- you are the treasure- you are the Diamond

You are the Diamond 

  Every man, woman and child has been made in the image of God.  Every part of nature was created by God.  This includes the universe , the solar system, the stars, moon, sun, constellations,  all of it - created by God.  He spoke it and it was done.  Do we know in reality how it was done?  No, we weren't there.  There are books - lot of books - written by humans - who state what was passed down through history and generations of people of an account of what happened.  But do we know this for sure?  No because we were not there , this is living in reality.

 It is possible that it is true or certain portions, facts etc. but unless we were physically present and have seen it with our own eyes - then no we don't know for sure that is how it all played out.  I am okay with that.  I have read a lot and researched a lot and feel certain things are important to me, I believe that others are traditions or certain cultures way of doing things.  It isn't important to me to become so caught up in the doctrine of men that I lose sight of reality.  What is present before me today.  In the real.  In the now.  This is my reality.  

  With all that being said I don't believe that God created the world for some apocalypse that the world will burn up and neutralize in a form of carbonic gasses.  I don't believe that God spoke I am going to create humans in my image so I can just destroy them.  I don't believe that God is in control of the Heavens and the Universe and everything on earth but then has a controller and says oh this one messed up or that one messed up- okay ready, aim , and fire.  God is a good God.  He is a loving Father.  If it is anyone who destroys people - it is the people themselves.  

  God doesn't give diseases , sickness or illness but instead humans do things, eat things, drink things to cause a break down in the human immune system and body.  When the human immune system is weakened it is susceptible to sickness and disease ( a chronic state) breaking down the immune system and then adding drugs, alcohol, marijuana and other toxic substances only create a further break down of cells causing additional sickness and disease.  I also deny that things are heredity, but instead agree that there are characteristics ( eye color, hair color, skin tones ) passed to the next generation.

 Will Dr.s tell you this, no, because in reality they know they are only suppressing systems with pharmaceuticals and drugs- and the client will keep coming back for more, with additional symptoms because of the break down of cells. When you kill enough cells, the cells break down and are named different disease.  With some, drugs and medications are given knowing that they break down the cells , each time a new cell or mutation is done - it becomes a new named disease and in reality it is a symptom of the drug called adverse or allergic reaction depending on the area of the body or system of body affected.   I can give a lot of insight on this even through science and biology from the past Fifteen years research and education. I am not against triage care or trauma care but only with certain modalities being used to allow natural healing. 

  The key to health and healing is to have a healthy immune system.  The key to having good health is not applying drugs or marijuana and especially when you do this to children you are destroying their immune systems that aren't fully mature.  The body was created by God - He knew what He was doing - He doesn't need our help, He doesn't need Dr.s , nurses or therapies - those that promote how the body heals and allowing the body to naturally heal do in fact - heal and God will bless this type of healing. This is the natural process of the body and healing that God created. 

 The darkness of this world ( where there is no light ) or where God doesn't shine.  Where hope fades or lacks because of suppression of light must come to an end.  The treasures that live inside of it must be taken from the darkness.  It is often the most precious things of this world that hide in darkness.  

The Synonym and Symbol of God is know as " The Rock".  There is stability and a stable foundation even in disasters. 

 We must work hard and harder to overcome it.  While it torments us one way we must work hard a different way to overcome it.  it is like digging for diamonds that we may dig and work to only find chips of diamonds but the more we dig and the more we persist we find a trend, and the soil gets richer, then the diamond get larger, and then we find the perfect diamond. Once we find that perfect diamond and all that it conceals - all is with meaning and its purpose.  It is with each layer of difficulty that when we meet it with persistence - we find that each layer and each battle was made for the glory of its Creator, God.  

  My prayer for our girls, Natascha and Abigaile.  Mommy prays that you will always stay persistent in your digging.  In your battle to know that through all the hard layers of life.  The heaps of dirt and rocks that others pile on to you know that in their digging they try desperately just to get out of the dirt and mire only to heap their dirt on to others.  They have no clue that there are treasures hiding in the dirt, they have no idea they are heaping their dirt and rocks on to us. Some rocks are painful. But we have to not take the dirt slinging and the rock throwing as they are meant for us but instead they are inadvertent because others are covered with darkness and they may never get out. Please keep in mind also that you never have to stand in the way of the rocks and dirt and allow others to throw them on to you.  Move out of the way, create healthy boundaries and protect yourself from being hit.  Know that you don't have to throw dirt or rocks back on them- but instead simply walk away and dust yourself off. 

Never quit and never give up - you are the Diamond 

  Stay focused on God , our Creator,  and know my sweet beautiful girls that you are the treasures.  And eventually those who sling dirt and rocks will be no more and that you will finally be able to dust yourself off and see the Light, the Creator - God our Father who is the most beautiful light, the most magnificent and wonderful One ever. Mommy loves you both and misses you both very much.  I will see you soon !

with love, hugs, sugars, and more love,
your mommy, 

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Separation anxiety - Hold on tight to your life source - God

and there will be nothing that you will fear.  

  It is in every love that you find fear.  It is because of the fear of separation of the one whom you love is the center of that fear.

  Children fear separation from their mom or dad. 
  A spouse fears separation from the other spouse.
  The body also has fear of the separation from the soul - while the soul has fear of separation of its source from above - God.  

  So what is it that you feel you love the most?  If you reflect on your what your worries are, you will find out where you have dedicated your love.  If you have worry and fear over your job, your money, your debts, or that you won't have this material thing or that material thing. Then it is the material world that you love.  It is because you put all of your time and effort into the worry that you won't have these things that you see the source of the material world as being all good.  Then you have made the material world your god. 

  If you have worry and fear over the comments or statements made by others to control your thoughts or your life - Then you have made social acceptance your god.  

  So instead know that God is the source of all life and fulfilling all needs.  So when you cling to the Source ( God ) to meet all of your needs you will have no room in your heart for the fear of this world or the lack of social acceptance. 

  My prayer for our beautiful girls is that you know first and foremost that God is your source.  God doesn't give to you to control and manipulate you or your thoughts.  God will provide for the mission that He has sent you for.  Cling to God and place your love in God and you will have no worry of separation or fear.  

  Momma loves you both very much and I miss you both very much.  I am clinging to my source God even though my material world looks empty and I am clinging to my source God even though I appear not sociably acceptable. 

 I am okay with that. I don't live in fear.  I live in God and His ways.  
My love is in God - I pray that your love is in God too.  

with love, hugs, sugars, and more love, 
your mommy
forever, 💓

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

What good can come out of hiding ?

  There are two paths in life.  

  There is Good - meaning that everything is for the good.  The good may not always show up right away.  But eventually the good will come out of hiding.  This type of good many people see bad things happen, traumas, sometimes not so good - but through a series of events when we allow it,  the good will show up. 

    The other type of good is when literally everything is done for the good, has intent of doing good, and everything turns for the good.  It is when everything is truly good - because He ( God ) is good.  It is just a matter of staying on course and holding on to the good, to the Truth of things and doing things for the intent of good.  

   We have to not allow culture or the world to influence our good intents - nor can we allow our vision to become distorted to any other way, than good.  
  When we persevere and maintain this type of good then we will be granted a heart to understand - a heart to understand is a heart to love one another - and given eyes to see - the good. 

  It will be your Trust and your faith that will show the good in this world - when your intent is indeed " for the Good".

  My prayer for our girls is that you always keep your focus, heart, and your faith and trust in the good of God.  I pray that your intent be for the good of God. I pray you do good toward others.  My prayer is that others see and appreciate the love of God that you have in you and what you have to give even if it is time.  

  Time spent with others is often a generosity overlooked.  

  Our sweet girls, mommy misses you and loves you both very much.  I pray for you to stay safe, I pray for you to stay well, and I pray for you to come home soon.  

with love, hugs, sugars and more love,
your mommy,
forever, 💗

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Multiple personalities and your mind, emotions and body all working as one

When we are children we are taught to - think a certain way, then your senses and emotions cause you to feel a certain way , and then your body can react.
As we go through teens, young adult and adulthood - we add to that education. It is through experience or past experiences, and some people even allow others to make decisions for them. Allowing others when they don't have the same spiritual, belief system, or moral values can be a very dangerous experience. We are to each live and be responsible to our own actions. This is how we can best utilize those functions and gifts, unique talents etc that God has given to each of us.
When entering into a marriage this is why people who marry have the same spiritual, belief systems or same moral values. It is also expected that those spouses will grow in their spiritual and belief system, and hopefully their moral values will change to more reflect those of good and God. This is why your dad and I had many discussions and openly discussed our beliefs and experiences, as well as shared our moral values in the two years priors to getting married. In doing this we shared those beliefs and moral values in order to see where there might be compromise, or no compromise and the things we have experienced in the past that we were choosing not to live again.
When people live according to how others are trying to live and mimicking behaviors of others - that is not living the way that God created each of us. We can almost always find conflict and dysfunction in living this way.
The result of this is that some carry behaviors from their birth parents, even their siblings and if they are behaviors that aren't healthy they can destroy that persons life, their spouse and their children. So then this person may exhibit multiple personalities ( behaviors is really what personalities are in my experience ). You will find that this person really isn't their true self. And when they are with these other people, they take on the same behaviors in order to fit in to make the other people happy- that you act more like them. Another dangerous behavior.
God created us that we all eat, we all drink, we all get dressed etc. we are NOT all suppose to act, or do or especially behave in ways that are to make other people happy. Some days we are happy or sad - other people shouldn't have to be happy or sad to satisfy us or so we will still like them and be friends with them.
In todays culture it has been projected if one shows their emotions that they have mental disorder or are called unstable. When in fact, God created our emotions for us to experience them so we know when something is wrong. Especially if they are negative emotions. Drugs and therapy do not help negative behavior but instead coming to what is reality. Also in knowing what is real and what is fantasy - are reality and in good health.
We need to live for the mission that God sent us each here for. It doesn't look like anyone else' mission. It doesn't mimic anyone else mission. It is our mission. It is why we have peace when we sometimes go off to do our own thinking. It is so we can rid ourselves of the distractions and what others are telling us they would do.
Also to be said when there is a marriage involved - there are times in making decisions for the marriage itself, or for the children and that immediate family ( husband and wife ) have to be the only sources that make those decisions. The husband and wife can each gather information to help them make decisions about a particular situation. And the husband and wife only should then meet and have a discussion, with their research , only with one another about that particular situation.
It is never a good idea, nor is it healthy to speak to guy or girl friends or parents in regard to these things. In fact it can destroy a marriage and family like wild fire. You shouldn't go into a marriage expecting to marry or act like your in laws. And your spouse in turn should not expect you to act like your in laws.
I believe in my research and experience of being able to observe others that this is how multiple personalities start. My definition is not a clinical one but one of observation and personal experience. It is through out life that people sometimes take on others personalities ( behaviors) in order to please them or make them happy, so that we don't feel rejected, abandoned or left out. When this is done- the person bringing in others opinions, beliefs, fears or other behaviors - this is saying that the other spouse no longer has a say and doesn't matter in the marriage. Instead it is bringing outsiders into the marriage. You don't marry your in laws you marry your spouse. It is defiling the marriage that is between the husband, wife and God.
So while we are all single individuals - there can be many characters/ personalities playing out many given scenarios at one time. Causing confusion, dysfunction while playing out chaos and confusion inside your mind. One must detach from these multiple, confusing, conflicting and dysfunctional personalities in order to have peace of mind- peace of emotions and peace in their physical well- being.
While being intellectual you can sever yourself from emotions and succeed at intellect. While being in emotions will burn themselves up in a fire ball that will never end and will never produce anything that comes to action. Your physical body goes through mindless actions of the physical body movements from arms, legs, eyes blinking, and often meaningless actions every day- even most without a single thought.

It is when you eat your meals mindfully, your digestive health is healthy. When you do business with conscience and ethics it is fruitful and profitable, when you care for a spouse who is hurting, or caring for children who are hurting in trauma - then in all of these things is a harmony that is done and the personality is single and becomes one with the Creator who holds your soul.
My prayer for our girls today is that I pray that you recognize when working, being with others that you have your own unique mission from God. That mission is to not morph into something or someone else that others will try and project you to be. But rather that unique side of you that God has given you the gifts and talents in order to show others that YOU - are in fact unique.
If you have others who try and force you to believe, think or act as they do- step back from them and know that you don't have to do those things. Often it is their fear, their insecurities or dysfunction that they want others to feel the same as they do so they will feel comforted. I pray that you find more peace in your own unique individual self. There you will find God and He will continue to bless your talents and gifts that He has given to you to use on your mission on this earth.
This isn't to say that you can't have similar interest or likes as others - you can. But when you look at it this way keep in mind that each individual brings their own gift their own talent to the interest or like.
Momma loves and misses you both very much. When God brings us to things that are very difficult mentally, emotionally, and physically- it is best to make the decision that would be in the best interest of God and not culture. I continue to pray and hope that I will see you soon.
with love, hugs, sugars and more love,
love always,
your mommy , 📷 📷

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Having Hope and trusting God

Now may the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, so that you will abound in hope by the power of the Holy Spirit. Romans 15:13 

 Hope and Trust are two entirely different attitudes - and actions.   In order to be able to experience this we must understand what Hope and Trust is.  

  Hope is a positive state of mind that is understood with expectation of positive outcomes and positive results.  This is with respect to events and circumstances in one's life or the world at large.  One can expect with confidence and cherish that hope with a desire of anticipation. 

  Trust is a firm belief in the reliability, truth, ability, or strength of someone or something.  Trust has to be built in all relationships.  Once trust has been betrayed or broken - trust must be rebuilt in order to repair the belief and trust that has been broken.  

  Hope gives one something to latch on to.  The sliver for a chance to believe that expectation of the positive outcome.  It is stated a person who is drowning will try and grasp the smallest object in their sight in order to not drown- in order to save their own life. 

  When there is no sight of Hope we still need to Trust in God.  Because His decree as our Father and King of all Creation and the Universe is sealed in Heaven as it is on Earth.  

  The Father of the all Creation of Heaven and the Universe is running the show and when we live and do in good to others and ourselves that will reflect the good and trust in others - who then in turn will do good and trust in us.  

  God doesn't need props or theatre or even Hollywood to do what He does.   We just need to have Hope and Trust God and His ways, His moral values, His moral laws and Trust will be built to make Hope our reality.  

  My prayer for our beautiful Natascha and Abigaile is that you remain in Hope and Trust, but not in the culture or the ways of culture.  But instead remain in Hope and Trust in God and His ways.  And if you do some things in culture be sure that they are still with in the moral values and moral laws that God defines.
  I believe that culture will be changed dramatically and for the better when more people give Hope to this belief and then they will be able to Trust it is all for the greater good. Because the greater good - is God.  God causes no harm to anyone - but rather culture , systems and processes cause harm because of self, greed and deceit in culture.  

  I look forward and remain in Hope to be able to talk with you both soon, and I look forward and remain in Hope to be able to see you both soon.  I love you both very much and I miss you both very much. 

with love, hugs, sugars, and more love, 
Your mommy, 
forever 💗

Tuesday, October 8, 2019

To return to Love out of Hate

Proverbs 8:12-14 

“I, wisdom, dwell with prudence,
and acquire knowledge with discretion.
 To fear God is to hate evil.
I hate pride and arrogance,
evil behavior and a perverse mouth.
 Counsel and sound wisdom are mine.
I have understanding and power.

Everything that God does is out of LOVE. So then, when we say that we are of God then everything that we do should be out of LOVE. But it is not always done out of LOVE. In fact, often times the things that are done are out of spite and hate, vindictiveness. Or sometimes done out of fear. But not out of Love.
In the book of Proverbs 16:3-4 says that we should commit our ways to God, do all things unto God, live our lives according to how God created us and then our plans, ways and lives will be done and established. God has made everything for its own purpose including those who do evil - their purpose is that they will be judged, on this earth. Not when life is over.
All bad behaviors and evil will be judged on this earth - before it is in Heaven. When it goes against God and how God created us to live- God will judge those who go against His will and His ways, not in the after-life, but when the dirty deed is done.
We should have wisdom in living and how we treat others. Having wisdom is to live with caution, being able to decide what is right ( good- for God ) or wrong ( evil or bad - against God ).
To love God is to hate evil and hate all of evils ways. To hate pride and arrogance and the perverted mouth all of which God hates.
Sound advice with good intent toward God and others - is a good and right judgement that will have actions that show that good and right judgement. To have Wisdom is the ability to think and act upon insight, discretion, experience, knowledge, compassion, and ethics. And to do good, show love, have compassion towards others.
When actions are done that harm others whether the intent initially is to cause harm - God says to do no harm. To try and justify ones actions with CULTurally normal when it causes trauma or harm to others, it still harm and trauma. It is still hate in the sight of God. It goes against God , it goes against good- therefore it is evil, it is against God. It is not love.
One should return out of fear to God - not fear to culture or humans - no matter the cause , logic or reasoning. Harm and trauma will never accomplish its good. It is a wasted evil, against God that has been sent to cause harm and trauma to another.
When you return to Love it is returning to God. You return from night to day. You return from hate , harm and trauma back to Love.
This will bring you to the higher level of Love - the Love that God has to give and the Love that God gives to you.
God is Love - Evil is Trauma, Hate, Fear - and is against God.
My prayer for our girls today is that you always are able to see what is before you. Does it cause fear, trauma, hate? If it does no matter what the consequences might appear , instead turn away from it with no question and do what is right before God. That is Love. God is never in Trauma, Hate or Fear.
with love, hugs, sugars, and more love,
your momma,

Monday, October 7, 2019

How do you change direction when your past sends you in the wrong direction ?

Isaiah 33:21-23 

But there the Majestic One, our LORD, will be for us a place of rivers and wide canals, where no galley with oars will row, and no majestic vessel will pass. 22For the LORD is our Judge, the LORD is our lawgiver, the LORD is our King. He will save us. 23Your ropes are slack; they cannot secure the mast or spread the sail. Then an abundance of spoils will be divided, and even the lame will carry off plunder.

 When you see that your headed in the wrong direction and your present is taking you down a wrong road- in the physical world we can use GPS to get us headed in the right direction.  If you don't have GPS there are paper maps.  I have experienced that most people do not read maps or have never been taught to read a map.  Reading a map to me and having a compass are tools that are invaluable that can benefit everyone.  With those two things in the physical world - you shouldn't get lost.  

  When you have been heading down the road in the wrong direction in the spiritual or the mental it is a different subject.  We can't call on a time machine to travel - and we seem too often to live in the past.  But when we try and live in the future it causes anxiety and fear.  So it is reality that we should live in the present.  Living in the past will only cause pain and trauma. 

  Our Creator , God,  looks at where each of us are right now.  We are essentially Co- captains of our vessel- ship in life.  Our Creator is the Captain.  It is when we follow His direction and instructions that we have smooth sailing.  Then once we are on course for the direction that God has put us on - in our mission on this earth - then and only then will we remain to have smooth sailing.  

  My prayer for our girls is that I pray that your map, GPS, and compass are all in working order.  That they are all set on the Creator God- that God steers you in the right direction and that you hear His command as Captain.  God the Captain will never steer you in a bad direction.  He will never lead you in a dangerous direction or give you bad directions.  

  One thing I have experienced though is when God says , " Make a U- Turn " do it quickly.   You never know what danger lies ahead. 

  I love you - our sweet beautiful girls and mommy loves you and misses you both very much.  I pray all your God given instruments and Spiritual human gps is working and that most of all your spiritual hearing is working. I love you and pray to see you soon. 

with love, hugs, sugars, and more love
your momma , 

Saturday, October 5, 2019

Where there is no forgiveness there is no love with God

Where is that point of being broken that a relationship becomes reality?  

  When does it become real?  Only when it has been broken.  

  When each person fills obligations and fills each others expectations - there is only a contract that is checking off transactions.  But there is no relationship.  

  Once the trust has been breached between those two people in the relationship, trust has been broken there must be a new level of a human being.  There is a new level of trust that much me attained - as there is a new level of trust gained.  

  There is a new level of Trust that must be found just as the covenant has been broken with God that the sons and daughters of God will turn away from Him- but the promise of the Words of God will not be forgotten by their decendants. 

  When there is a true and real relationship, and not just a contract and if it is the true person that matters - then there is a place inside the soul to reach down for forgiveness, to return to that person and for healing.  

  It is the same with the relationship with God we must seek God when He is to be found and call on Him when He is near ( Isa. 55:6).  It is the remembrance in the days of Awe that we return to God and restore those broken relationships.  

  When brokenness happens in relationship there is an art to forgiveness- 
we ask - 

Why forgive ? 
How to ask for forgiveness ?
How do you know you are really forgiven ?
How do you forgive yourself ?   This one was the most difficult for me and it was also the most difficult to do.  

  God forbids us to hold grudges or to have hate in our heart.  Whoever hates his brother is in the darkness and walks in the darkness. He does not know where he is going, because the darkness has blinded his eyes.
True strength is expressed by overcoming the instinct of revenge and being able to forgive.

  Psalm 130 talks about this love and crying out to God for mercy that we have broken our relationship with Him and we return.  It is from the depths that we cry out.  It is the same in human relationships that we cry out.  

  My prayer for our beautiful girls is that no matter what relationships that you have.  Commit first to a relationship with God first and foremost.  Then commit to a relationship with yourself.  Have a true relationship with God and yourself - then all other relationships will be real and it will be easier to know who and when to Trust.  My prayer also is to not have hate or to not forgive in your heart - where there is no forgiveness there is no love. 

  I love you our sweet girls and mommy misses you both very much.  I pray for you for your relationship with God and yourself.  And I pray that the relationships that you do have are real, and that you can always discern trust to know they are real.  

with love, sugars, hugs, and more love, 
your momma, 
forever ,

Tuesday, October 1, 2019

The cry of our inner soul through our God created senses

Psalm 34:8 taste and see that the Lord is good;
How blessed is the daughter or son who takes refuge in Him!

* NOTE: You can select  purple hyperlink/ underline or  Https for more info. 

  There are many things that are important to us - things that we feel the inner need that we must speak out on.  Things that are important, sometimes these things affect us personally and sometimes they affect our families or friends.  We feel called to speak out to them - it can be an injustice or a wrong. 

  There are some of these things of moral values, behaviors and moral laws that are so convicting that we have emotions packed behind them.  We speak out to them and speak to them in a BURST of emotion.  We speak in rich and convincing words, colorful with descriptive words that guide the listener to draw a picture in the mind.  We speak in vibrant tones as to etch every little detail imaginable into the mind of those listening so that what we are communicating is not just labeled a grammatical sentence, but instead a picture or a story in the mind with more than a thousand words.  

  And then there are things that will shake our mind like a earthquake.  Imagine standing in the desert, and you hear a giant rumble, you see the dust peering up off the earth.  Particles of sand reflecting in the sun.  There are dust clouds vibrating into the stillness that sets before you.  It appears as a giant herd of rumbling horses galloping in your direction - running at you - as the dust boils behind their hooves. 

  And all of a sudden the earth moves, it begins to sway back and forth.  The swaying moves from right to left swaying your body from side to side. Before you can think what this might be called - it abruptly stops.  And then the same tiny motions sway back and forth for hours.  And at the end of the day after research of what this could be and talking with others - you realize - you experienced an earthquake.  This is how our thoughts work.  

  We process through the senses.  Our senses that God created in each of us in order to experience instinct and what is safe.  Much like the instinct of animals.  So we not only have awareness, and what we are taught but the five sense are primary in teaching us safety. The organs associated with each sense send information back to the brain to send signals in order to help us perceive the world around us.  Our Five senses are controlled and control the Limbic area of the brain.  Responsible for our Five senses and our emotions.  

The Five Senses are :  Touch, Sight, Hearing, Smell and Taste

  Scientist believe that Touch is the first sense that humans develop. Touch communicates between the brain and neuron sensors through the skin.  Through the skin these sensations can be pain, touch, caressing, scratching, and injury this is communicated to the brain to send signals from the receptors and how we respond is because of how we have been afflicted each time. This process has also been described in how we express compassion to one another and even to animals.  Touch also affects the decisions that we make, it enhances our cognitive awareness.  Touching certain textures or certain objects sends messages to the brain - making decisions of touch that feels comfortable - safe or not.  This is why it is so important that the attachment between a mother and her child are not to be broken.  Important to the child as a attachment and bonding to the mother , instead of dis-attachment used as a object - not a human.  You can read more about touch and compassion here The Greater good - Hands on research at Berkley EDU - Compassion and human touch.  Also the most important article in this is Attachment parenting in a detached world  And Attachment Parenting and your special needs child . 


  The sight is next of importance.  The sight is how we perceive things through the eyes.  The light reflects off of an object to the eye.  Each part of the eye is specific in its inner working, a self contained organ created of the cornea, pupil, iris, and lens  - each part of the eye having its own call of duty, created by God in being able to target an object and perceive what that object is through sight.  What an amazing tool that is gifted by our Creator.  The lens has nerve cells that creates all the textures, the colors and is responsible for showing the details of the object being viewed. There are rods and cones in the lens that also give light to vision when needed at night or when light is not optimum to refract through the cornea.  The rods then turn that vision into motion and the vision that we can see from the sides of our eyes called peripheral vision.  The light that is given at night through the eye is sent as electrical impulses to the brain through the optic nerve.  I believe this is why Abigaile couldn't always see, and also why children who have seizures appear that they are not able to have vision after having seizures, this over time causing damage to the optic nerve, and the impaired impulses.  Thankfully Hyperbaric oxygen therapy proved to help heal and with God Abigaile was healed of this.  Some more great research from an former ophthalmologist and retina specialist 


  Hearing is next.  Hearing is communicated by a miraculous self contained organ called the Ear.  The ear has its own inner working that is important to the senses of the body.   The ear is actually a complex maze of a structure with each part of it serving a function.  Did you know that sound from hearing is actually created by vibrations sent to the inner ear?  As sound travels through the canal of the ear it travels down the canal and into the ear drum getting to the connective tissues and causing vibration and what we know to be " sound waves".  This miracle happens in the middle ear.  The middle ear contains three very important structures to hearing.  They are the hammer, anvil and the stirrup.  It is the stirrup striking that causes the sound vibrations to send the impulses to what is caused the Organ of Corti.  There are tiny hair-like cells in the Organ of Corti that translate the vibration into impulses and they are carried to the brain by sensory nerves.  While hearing is not a life or death organ, it can be very important in the senses to children hearing their parents voices so that they have a healthy attachment for safety to their biological mom and biological dad.  Here are some fun facts on hearing, function of the Ear Live science research on the human Ear - fun facts and function. Click here


  Humans have over 400 smelling receptors.  Humans are able to compete with their animal friends in being able to smell over 1 trillion scents.  I imagine it is by far more than that now due to the over manufacturing of scented perfumes, fragrances, and synthetics-, as well as " food - like" enhancers.   In my research showing that these smelling agents are able to literally change the bodys' DNA and cause DNA and hormone disruption.  I think the term and diagnosis " chemical sensitivity " could be a little under-stated.  

  There are nerve endings in the Olfactory cleft that transmit smells to the brain Sensory Neuron Signaling to the Brain: Properties of Transmitter Release from Olfactory Nerve Terminals.  If you have a poor sense of smelling ability you may have a medical condition associated with aging or depression.  In my research the over- use of scented products and excessive smoking, drinking, use of many pharmaceutical drugs, also impair the ability to smell.  For some interesting facts and function of your nose and smelling go here and read on Live Science - Facts and functions about your nose . 


  Taste is the last and final of the five senses.  There are four labeled classifications to taste recognized.  They are sweet and salty , sour and bitter.  Select here for  Perspective on Food and Human Taste and how taste keeps us safe from eating the wrong foods.  It is important to note that smell ( the smell of food while cooking ) and the texture are important in taste and part of the olfactory process in building perception of taste in the brain.  Taste is important as well in that often plants, foods, etc that have bitter taste are often considered to be poisonous or not good for the body and some could be harmful.  Bitter tastes in foods could identify poisons that can be harmful to your body  You can also learn more on Lumen Learning on taste and smell - Boundless biology

  So some things just don't need permission from the thoughts of the mind or the right words ( correct or politically correct ) because in reality the mind can't begin to comprehend them.  It is only when things break out in a cry, a scream whatever it takes to " get attention" and then there is silence.  

  It is at that silence that we hear the sound of the shofar - the calling of the one who created us - the professing of His presence in spirit on this earth - that is when we yell out to God and ask Him to please not leave us - ALONE.  

   My prayer for our girls is that we must pay close and careful attention to our senses.  Not only do our sense have the innate ability to connect with our Creator.  But our senses also guide us and give us the ability to protect ourselves.  They help us to know where there is danger from an alert from the senses. 

   Please know that when someone tells you that it is okay that they have done this or that and experienced it - with no side effects or harmful reactions, does not mean that it will be that way for you.  Our senses are what the Creator has given to us in order to detect danger and to stay away from danger.  Sometimes that is medications, foods, plants, trees, and things in our environment. 

   We are not all cookie-cutter nor should we be treated as such.  Our senses are a built in warning system of God the Creator to warn us from danger.  

  Momma loves you both and I miss you both very much.  I pray for your continued safety.  I pray that you continue to trust God and seek God with all your heart.  I hope and pray to see you both soon.  

with love, hugs, sugars, and more love, 
your momma, 
forever <3 


Day # 2673 mission birthday

Natascha 2017 one of the last photos that I have of natascha prior to abduction and kidnapping.  Happy mission Birthday my beautiful Natasch...