Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Darkness being made into Light

Isaiah 9:2 
The people who walk in darkness
Will see a great light;
Those who live in a dark land,
The light will shine on them.

  Is the failure of opportunity.  When we choose to make light we use the darkness to show the light.  Making it our opportunity to use the darkness.
  When we fail to use the darkness, we have taken the burden of darkness and will continue to fight and struggle with it until the darkness is no more, even unto death.  Then the darkness in death will carry the Spirit of each to the Light.   The darkness will perish at the end.  Darkness has no desire to surrender to us.  Darkness will fight the light and struggle the light to the very end.  When darkness does not surrender it will be forced until the very end- to be made light.  

  On our mission here on earth for our purpose we are to carry the light, to do good, but also to do good toward others.  When we do this our light is evident.  Then darkness has no purpose but to give in.  Darkness will then surrender and give in - because darkness has reflected jealousy over the light.  And when darkness has held jealousy captive, when light is there the jealousy is set free and darkness surrenders and gives way to our light.  

  There is no greater light than when darkness turns to light.  This in itself is when the Spirit of God will be among us.  We will see the light in those who have carried darkness far too long.  

  My prayer for our girls is that when you check your reflection ( behaviors of how you act toward others) and you see darkness.  Pray and seek God and ask Him to reveal to you this darkness.  Where is it coming from?  Whom is it coming from ?  What is the root of the cause?  And then to surrender your Spirit, your Soul, and your Body to the Spirit of God to be His light.  It is when we project the light onto others , they too will then be excited to have the light.  I know our girls already have this beautiful light.  I pray that you see this in your reflection, the projection of behaviors onto others.  

  My prayer for our girls is to see you. You have been kept from me, not seeing, not taking with and not being given the opportunity to be in your lives is darkness to me.  I did not abandon either of you and I have called, I have sent emails, I have sent text messages for over 2 1/2 years and have had nothing returned.  I want you to know that I love you and miss you both very much and I pray to see both of you very soon.  I also want you to know that I am the light, I choose this light over darkness.  If at any time you feel I have not shown you the light, I give you permission to call me out on it and to tell me where I have projected darkness on to you.  When we project light and walk in light , we must be light to everyone, even our enemies.  I love you my sweet, beautiful girls and I miss you.  I'm thankful for my photos on text from your dads phone of you opening my gift to you both.  

with love, hugs, sugars, and more love, 
your momma, <3

Thursday, December 26, 2019

Good thoughts and Self Awareness

  When you think good thoughts and only have good things that are pure that go into your mind and your way of thinking.  You will mostly have good thoughts.  You will then have good emotions, and start to do good things for others.  It isn't just about doing good - but also treating others fairly and good in the eyes of God. 

  This is harmony of mankind with God.  Being yoked with God.  

  There are so many who are screaming self care - and no one really seems to know what this is suppose to look like.  It seems the majority who seem to be focusing on self and what self needs are, self, everything self. 

  But this is not what God is about.  I believe that Self care is human definition for self.  God did not create us to be our own gods. Which is what this self- care is. Self care can also mean care for ones body of self.  

  I believe that we should be focusing instead on Self Awareness - focusing instead to become more aware about our self is not becoming self absorbed, a Demi god to ourselves and making everyone leave, throwing people away or abandoning them if they do not align with your "selfishness".  

  Self awareness can mean focusing on,  What does it look like to be self aware?  I think a Scripture verse that comes to my mind and was key in my healing was ( Matthew 7:5- you hypocrite, first take the plank our of your own eye and then you will see clearly to removed the speck from your sister or brothers eye ).  While the brother or sister may have more than a speck what we should examine first is how and why do we see things at fault in others but seem to miss our own?  
 We are shown others faults sometimes as a protection mode so that we don't use their issues, their thoughts, their actions in our triggers.  
  There is a place of a gap of where we are and where we should be in life.  This gap sometimes seems so big that we can't see the other side.  When this happens fill that gap with good thoughts and treat others with good thoughts.  If they are having a bad time give them some good thoughts.  We don't have to make it personal, sometimes a simple hello will do.  Also we need women who will compliment other women - and men complimenting other men can make all the difference.  Compliment children on their good behaviors so they aren't acting out with bad behaviors for that attention.  Children until a certain age or with handicaps are not mature enough to be self aware- they need their biological mom and dad to help them with these things. These are the two people who chose to bring this child into the world, these are the only two people who that child has both their DNA and understanding because of that DNA.  

  Leave the gaps to God that you are unsure of - you may have your own gaps.  Leave those to God.  If you are unsure of what to do- then it isn't your place to fix it.  Leave it to God.  This is being self aware - and becoming self aware is one of the most healthy things that we can possibly do.  It forces us to look and to judge self instead of others.  And while we can't allow others to force their judgements onto us - if they do we must step back from those behaviors and focus on our own self awareness.  It doesn't mean you abandon the person you simply step back and seek yourself into why You responded that way - what trigger caused you to feel that way.  

  God will fill in the gaps of your self awareness and He will make the gap with His bridge from your thoughts to your actions.  
This will make the most powerful change in people is by starting with Self awareness not self.  

  My prayer for our sweet girls is that God keeps you both safe from all harm.  What ever that may appear like.  I pray for safety from harm that could be to self.  I pray that God protects you both from the harms of mental, emotional or physical harm.   
  I pray that our girls make Self awareness contagious to everyone around you but especially to your " self".  I pray for you for love, and laughter, and having peace.  I pray most of all for good health and your well being.  I pray that you stay focused on the mission that God has for you and to not get trapped in others missed past , others traumas or others traps and snares of unhealthy behaviors.  

  I pray that you always feel my love and my presence with you - we shared so much time even before you were born.  I miss your love, your hugs, and our time together.  I'm thankful for your gift you sent to me but they can never take the place of our girls. 
 I pray for those who have used and caused this trauma to me and to you both for self and for exploitation.  I pray that they get to the end of self and become self aware.  
  A Journey of Spiritual Awareness doesn't cause harm or trauma to others instead it will show others and enlighten others in the very presence of the Spirit of God on this earth.  

with love, hugs, sugars and more love, 
love your mommy,   ðŸ’“

Tuesday, December 17, 2019

When you love others as yourself

Proverbs 4:23
Watch over your heart with all diligence,
For from it flow the springs of life.

You carry them with you, in your mind ( your thoughts) and your emotions ( your soul) -
Wherever they go
you go.
Also I believe that when we love others as we love ourself ( not in the pride filled, selfish way like most of CULTure. )
But I believe when we love ourself truly for the Love that God has - only then can we love others.
Love sadly has been misrepresented and misinterpreted to a physical and lustful state. While we think we show actions of love but yet we only show few individuals and not our immediate family ( our Birth mom , bio-dad , or siblings ) there is no love at all. We should show love to everyone - but we should love and honor our birth mom and our biological dad.
CULTure has evolved love in to a touchy feely thing that has no substance at all.
It is our actions that we are responsible for and if and when you are bitter, you sow hate, strife, and revenge - that is what you will reap.
So whatever you carry in your Mind, your emotions it is what you have sown and will continue to sow while reaping the rewards of it.
Also be cautious what you allow others to sow into your mind and your emotions. Because of their lack of Agape love or love of God - and their unresolved traumas and pain , their addictive behaviors used for coping , their jealousy, spite and bitterness they blame others for - that you don't lose those who carry you in their heart.
I am your momma, I love you both very much and I will always carry love and more love- no matter what your actions are toward me. I know your actions have been sown into you by others. Prior to May 21, 2017 I sowed actions into you that were the fruit of the Spirit of love and kindness and giving. I pray that for you now because of the actions of those who have abducted and kidnapped you.
You are responsible for your actions and no drugs no material garbage or possession or money will ever take the place of love. I have taught you both to love unconditional. I have never taught you hate, malice, deceit, lying, stealing or to abandon others.
I can only pray for love in your hearts.
We know a persons spirit by their actions.
with love, hugs, and more love,
your momma,

Sunday, December 8, 2019

To our daughters Abigaile and Natascha

To my Abigaile and Natascha, because I can't tell you face to face what mommy is feeling I can tell you here. The option of expressing my feelings to you has been forcefully and unduly taken away since May 21, 2017. I spent your lives until may 2017 as I gave birth to you, you were part of my body, your primary caregiver, your attachment, and your momma. The most difficult part besides not hearing or seeing you daily in my life is being told that I can look at a blog instead- when your physical contact was removed from me by abduction by no proven cause or justifiable reason.
The next thing that is difficult is that I cannot teach you life lessons like mothers should teach daughters. We live in a perverted and disgusting culture that it doesn't matter what you were taught when you were growing up - some people find it offensive if you don't drink, don't do drugs, don't take pharmaceuticals because you are healthy, and you dress modestly. They even take offensive if you eat healthy. You see people criticize others, and bully them and even emotionally buy their attention if they disagree with how you are raised, personal beliefs and religious conviction.
I promised you that I would never leave you, I would never harm you and that I would never allow anyone else to harm you. I wasn't prepared for someone that I trusted most of all to forcefully remove you from me and take you both, keep you and withhold you from me for no proven or justifiable cause .
I promised you I would always protect you and never allow anyone to harm you. I hope that you realize by now- I didn't leave you and I didn't abandon you. Instead you were forcibly removed from me by the person we all trusted. The actions that were done were not by me but the person who took you with no further communication , withholding and keeping you from me.
I promised you that mommy would always love you and that we would always share every day our good morning, our goodnights, our daily prayers and our hugs, sugars and love- sadly those were removed as well - but not by me.
I miss all these things and mommy is broken I look back and I try to understand how someone that I lived with for over 20 years could take away from me the most precious lives that God has ever given to me and I can't even have an understanding of why or how anyone could ever do this to a child.With no insight , no explanation, and just to expect you both and myself to just accept it as it is - I don’t see that and I certainly do not accept it.
I want for you both to understand that mommy has tried through local, state, and even federal government to bring you both back. I couldn't afford an attorney because being a stay at home mommy for 20 years- and attorneys don't work for free - I was told by legal aide - there was a conflict of interest - you can google why this is but I’m thinking you are already aware and have figured it out ( nothing justified ).
Mommy did not know where you were and that you were being forced to stay there until I received a court order that was delivered to the campground where we all were living before you were taken. By the time I learned where you were over 6 months had passed and it seems that you already had a new address, and new everything for you there already - no longer in Texas but in a different state of Florida. Please google - home state for each state so you can understand this in family law and how people especially parents abuse it and how govt. and organizations even legal aide exploit it. I have always committed to be honest with you. I am not changing this character trait for anyone.
I know that I have always told you that no one would ever take you -and I would always come and find you but it seems that this was all planned out and I was the only party who was unaware of what was happening. In fact, Natascha probably was aware of this long before I was. It gives a whole new meaning to the word deceit.
Please know that I had nothing to do with any of this- I had no idea and by the time I found out the laws are there to protect who ever can pay the attorney - called attorney because they get paid for the person they represent and not the law.
Please know that mommy misses you both so very much and I cant imagine the pain, the trauma , knowing you were just as misled as I have been, I am so sorry that this has happened to you both . I pray for healing for you both mentally, emotionally and physically as well as for our family.
I have forgiven all those who have taken part in taking our daughters- both of these babies both came from my body. They were birthed to me. I carried them inside my body and vowed to God to protect them at all cost. It is not me who has let them down and not protected them but others.
I am sorry Natascha that you won't talk with me but I do understand. I can't imagine what it is like to be led along for years in this situation and to know that you just wake up one day and leave and have the mentality that you will never see your momma , who has done nothing wrong. You can’t do anything about it and you couldn't tell me about it. Most of all I am so burdened for you knowing all along. Now I understand all the warning signs of the behaviors that you had - I so wish that you would have trusted momma enough to tell me so this could have been prevented. No child no matter their age or mental capacity or adult should even have to be in this position.
I can't imagine the anger, frustration and feeling of abandonment that you must feel. And the pain of feeling like I was leaving you and not coming to get you. I’m sure you have only heard and experienced one side of the story. Please know that once I actually had an address besides your dads - moms address I asked for welfare checks to be done because all of my phone calls, text messages, and emails to you and your dad were not being responded to. And if I happened to get a random message for a holiday or a birthday the verbiage and spelling was not significant of your grammar. I home educated you for a reason.
I am sorry Abigaile , your mommy has been your side kick from day one. I have given you CPR when you have almost died- I have been through every test, needle stick, drug dosing, therapy, treatment, slept in ICU in a crib with you having non stop seizures. I slept with you on my chest at night sitting up for months - to be sure you were breathing- I went for weeks not sleeping and it didn’t matter so long as I could keep you alive.
I have won an entitlement to a medical /health trust and guardianship for you that was to be used to make you well and rehabilitate you. And you were better, thriving and taking independent steps and not drugged, or doped. You also were verbalizing sentences, you had 15 or more words with 2 - 3 word sentences. Your therapy , your treatments, speech and everything going for you including not having seizures and not being drugged. I trained personally on all your care plan the only thing I had not trained in was HBOT. You were happy, healthy and full of love. I pray deeply for you my child. I pray for your safety and I pray for those who have harmed you and for those who have stolen from you.
I also pray for the judge who has a label of a Hague judge - who didn't take the time to see the fairness in what I had sent in my counter claim. Instead stating on court judgment - statements that were false and I can prove this claim.
I also pray Abigaile for your longterm Dr Kartzinel - I especially pray for him. The conversations I have had with him and the emails I sent begging him to take you off of drugs that you were having reactions to causing seizures in addition to the significant trauma of being forcibly taken from your attachment and birth mom - and to not give you CBD oil which your dad and I had agreed was not going to happen given the multiple addictive behaviors in family members. I begged him on the phone as well and sent numerous emails with cited Psychology articles and case studies about parent /child alienation and the trauma , the abuse , the mental anguish that it causes children. I have emails saved - sadly when I requested all of your medical records - none of those emails were listed or were showing on your medical record files.
I also requested that Kartzinel talk with your dad about parent alienation and the dangers and I was told amongst others things that " you were in a very good place in Florida - that you were happy- and Dr Kartzinel completely disregarded that you were removed from your mother for no justifiable reason. I told him numerous times on phone and in emails the specific drugs he was giving you were causing you seizures as we had many conversations before and this was proven when you were taken off the drugs and would stop having the muscle twitches and seizures. It is ironic, I was your primary contact with him for 13.5 years and your care and my care plan resulted in rehabilitation with remarked improvement - while after you left you immediately were thrown into trauma care again and the last time I was sent your medical records you were on a record number of drugs, marijuana oil, and your symptoms worse even stating that caregivers were drugging you six times per day. In fact, according to your medical records you regression is almost at where you began this battle after the vaccine reaction.
I’m really sorry Abigaile mommy made a very poor choice with Dr. Kartzinel . I can see that now with all the times he has asked about how much your entitlement and guardianship funds were - and had conversations with me about starting group homes for kids with Autism labels - so that kids could live in these group homes there in Florida. I'm finally seeing what the big picture is. In my phone call with him he told me that over 85% of his practice was going through the same situation that our family was dealing with in regard to runaway dads and abducting their children . It seems he was proud of the fact he had a lot of soon to be single dads that he could bond with.
Dr Kartzinel also stated to me that I could send him a email of when you were better and what I was doing for you. I advised him on several occasions that he is giving you drugs your allergic to , have reactions to that have caused seizures in the past and it was noted on several office visits as well as phone calls in the past .
However nothing about any of the reactions, or the drugs causing seizures have ever been previously documented in your chart. I’m curious why a serious adverse reaction to seizure drugs and even an emergency seizure drug that causes others seizures, is addictive and has been given to you on more than one occasion- that caused seizures and muscle twitching is not documented in your medical chart ever? When you were taken off of this drug, and the emergency drug you stopped having seizures. This is alarming to me especially since Dr. Kartzinel seemed to believe that having seizures after having a vaccine reaction was a major event.
Also you had not been diagnosed with Autism because of your progress and you really didn't have the symptoms, Dr Kartzinel has asked me this before and we had a few conversations about this. I'm curious why you ended up being diagnosed with Autism after the trauma of being taken away from me and abducted to Florida? When I questioned this before divorce or any other documents or notifications were sent - I was told by Dr. Kartzinel to hire someone to do mediation. I’m curious why Dr. Kartzinel would change his stance after working with me for 13.5 years and having a progressive but positive and documented care plan as well as a child who - was healthy, happy, and not diagnosed with all the symptom disorders and on drugs that she had been known to have seizures, as well as additional adverse reactions that led to more drugs and supplements. In addition to CBD oil in a family that has known serious addictive behaviors which was expressed numerous times. In a child with a chemical known drug reaction to a vaccine , seizures drugs, given addictive drugs and then to a child with forced Psychological trauma and a Traumatic Brain injury.
I was told there was a Genetics panel done and it showed autism - but Genetic is genetic and doesn't change. We had visits with two different Geneticist early on in this vaccine reaction and the only way Genetics would change is for a chemical component a drug to be given to our daughter or a vaccine - In fact it was the Genetics professor at Arkansas Childrens Hospital who started me on research on the vaccine injury and that is how my curiosity and research started with that.
I have an email to Dr Kartzinel that states the use of gene editing research I have been doing called C.R.I.S.P.R. which can cause this same gene editing. The past 16 years of research Abigaile is finally paying off and I have finally learned the etymology of your vaccine reaction. I have even written a case study for you sweetheart ! Genetics don't change with out damage and chemical intervention - and predisposition is not acceptable here because no amniocentesis was ever done and you sweetheart were the perfect pregnancy and mommy was healthy.
So many questions being asked and so many emails saved and being gone through. I won't stop until I have answers. All of the unnecessary medical trauma, the drugging, trauma causes additional neurological damage, childhood trauma and it is regressing Abigailes care and potential of where she could be and where she was at.
I’m trying hard to understand why anyone would take you from a safe and healthy environment where you were thriving and instead cause so much trauma. There is no one and no cause that is ever more important than the well being of my children and that includes myself.
I pray that God will turn this situation around - my daughters will always be my family . I have no sight of what the rest of this story looks like but there is a God and I do believe their is one- I am looking, and praying and believing that God is going to show up. I believe in the Truth and nothing but the truth and there have been a lot of shadiness happening behind my back. I can assure you God sees it all.
I love you my sweet beautiful girls and you have neither one deserved any of this. To be taken away from me your momma for no justifiable reason and just expected that you both will just take on a new life and new way of living and just to forget your momma is really not acceptable to me nor is it stable or healthy thinking.
I love you and I miss you and I will keep telling my story over and over and if I need to I will publish emails, medical records or whatever it takes to get my girls back. I have done nothing wrong. And I am not backing down that easy. And I will not be silenced.
I pray and I'm hopeful that others will see this the same way that I do. They will stop causing my daughters the trauma and mental anguish that has been caused in 32 months.
I pray and ask that you stop placing trauma on our daughters from your childhood traumas and do not blame me for your attachment disorders.
with love, hugs, sugars, and more love,
your mommy forever and eternity <3

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Don't fall in Love

Love is not an emotion - Love is an action word- a verb  
like the saying of your actions speak louder than your words.  Love is hard work, putting your spouse before yourself, putting your children before yourself.  

   Many can speak and try and articulate a warm, fuzzy feeling or even a lustful feeling ( like taught on the romance movies, which really isn't romance at all.  it doesn't exist except the movie.   But instead your actions of how you treat the person and how the other person will treat you is love.  

Your actions speak louder than your words. 

  To my girls, my daughters -  do not seek Love.  When you are trying to find the right young man - 1.  don't try to find a man because CULTure at a certain age in life believes you need to start searching for this young man.  Which is a lie.  Instead God will bring you together in His timing.  Don't look for him, don't search for him and most of all - completely ignore what friends, family, the media, health or any other professional tells you.  They can be detrimental to your relationships.  

  Love is all orchestrated by God.  When you allow others or seek others for advice on what God has ordained you will entitle your relationship, friendship or marriage to doom.  It is certain doom.  

  Our CULTure teaches that love is romance- another lie- that stands to profit from those warm fuzzy feelings ( either the emotions connecting - or lust that has been taught by CULTure ) but this is not Love. Not true Love.  CULTure believes that you will fall into these warm fuzzies and you will experience romance, something of which you will effortlessly fall into and it will happen suddenly and without any effort or work at all.  All fantasy, all LIES.  

  True Love is when God ordains the Love , placing the man and woman on one another path in life.  Not a dating app, not a chat room, not anyone double date, blind date or any of this nonsense.  But when God puts you in someone path you will know it.  But it isnt that warm fuzzy feeling instead they intrigue your thinking, not a perverse way but instead they genuinely love and care for you and want to care for you.  You won't always think alike but instead each of you will likely fill the gap where the other doesn't fit.  One will be strong in finances - the other not so much.  The other will be strong in other areas.  While you will have things in common don't follow CULTure, religion, or tradition is instead follow what God says.  

  You have a man and woman, who seem to cross one another path.  They marry and live together.  They deeply care for one another in being sick and health and through all of life storms.  They build a home together ( this doesn't mean you have to have a house but instead your surrounding is built with your immediate family in mind, caring , loving and nurturing your immediate family.  And you raise your immediately family, with your children together and you don't allow others to dictate or to cross boundaries that the two of you have set together.  But instead you protect your immediate family because you are no longer your childhood immediate family.  The man and woman live in this manner until one day - they discover that they can not live without one another.  

 If you can not separate the two and be your own immediate family, then you should not marry , and you should not have children.  You will not live in your married life like you lived your childhood because in your childhood that was your mom and dads insight from God and that should not be hindered by other, not even extended family. 

That is LOVE.  

  You can't fall in Love but instead you must create Love. 

 Love is being married, creating a home and a family together.  Sticking together no matter the storms and turmoil in life and raising your family together.  And protecting your family that you have married and God has blessed with children.  

  My prayer for our girls is that one day you will find a young man who you can create this Love with.  I pray that you will never experience the pain and trauma that I have experienced in this life, in your relationships. I pray that you are able to keep God as the head of your home whether you choose to stay single or to get married.  I pray that if and when you do marry that you allow God to be your Head of your marriage, head of your home and the head of your family.   In fact I hope and pray that you will never make the mistakes that I have made in this area.  

  with love, hugs, sugar and more love, 
your momma, 💓💜💓💜

Sunday, December 1, 2019

The cries of Protest for Spiritual Justice

Psalm 37:6 

He will bring forth your righteousness as the light
And your judgment as the noonday.

 What is Spiritual Justice ?  It means that we do things that are right and good in the eyes of God on this earth in the physical.  It is doing things the way that God, our Creator has laid out for His Creation.   

  What it doesn't mean is that we don't pick and choose our ways for our own and selfish reasons and then select and choose bible verses and say see this is what I am going to believe.  It isn't deceit, lying, stealing, betrayal, forcing others trauma or harm. 

  Spiritual Justice should be working toward and aiming for Righteousness.  If you are acting in the ways of CULTure and then using bible verses for your selfish benefit while causing harm and trauma to others - you are off the mark.  You have already murdered in your own mind when you harm and cause trauma to others.  

  God is a righteous judge and He accounts for all in His Creation.  Spiritual Justice is rooted at the very nature of God.  God does not do as the human judges on earth.  God doesn't take bribes.  God doesn't use children as sacrifices.  God does not steal from children.  God does not cause harm or trauma to others in any way.  God is not full of pride and God doesn't need a team of " anyone" to do what He does.  All will be judged.   All are judged while on this earth.  Judgment doesn't come later at a giant court or mansion in the sky.  I believe that is a fairytale so that people believe it is okay to keep doing against the will of God.  The truth is - when you do against God, God will recompense those who you have wronged and you will be disciplined.  

  God does not pervert justice and God does not secretly hide anything and God does not keep or withhold anyone or anything.  
The laws of God are found in Genesis 9:5-6 with Spiritual justice He says :

Genesis 9:5-6 
Surely I will require your life blood ( sacrifice ) from every beast I will require it. And from every human, from every human’s brother and sister-  I will require the life of humans. Whoever sheds another human’s blood, By man his blood shall be shed, For in the image of God He made human.
God is the Judge on earth as He is in the Spirit ( Heaven) also.  God will judge every living human and creature on this earth while we are living - on this earth.  

Deuteronomy 1:17

 You shall not show partiality in judgment; you shall hear the small and the great alike. You shall not fear human, for the judgment is God’s. The case that is too hard for you, you shall bring to me, and I will hear it.
  Human reasoning, human ruling, human courts, will have nothing on the judgement from God.  And those in the courts and those who follow and worship the courts ruling will all be judged.  
Habakkuk 1:7 
“They are dreaded and feared; Their justice and authority --- originate with themselves.
  Judges on this earth are to uphold proving and protecting the innocent - while condemning the guilty.  There is a gross negligence in the breach of Justice and it is being judged by God, Himself.  A breach of Justice happens when there is a verdict or decision made that has been made contrary to law, that there have been lies told, that the injustice has been ruled as law - when in fact there is deceit, lying and stealing.  A decision made - that is contrary to the facts is an injustice.  
  God says :  in Exodus 23:1-9 in the laws of God 

Exodus 23:1-9 

You shall not bear a false report; do not join your hand with a wicked man or woman or system to be a malicious witness. ( lying) 
You shall not follow the masses in doing evil, nor shall you testify in a dispute so as to turn aside after a multitude in order to pervert justice;  ( deceit and worshipping human culture and humans instead of God )
nor shall you be partial to a poor man in his dispute. ( taking advantage and causing harm, trauma, and lording over another human being )
If you meet your enemy’s ox or his donkey wandering away, you shall surely return it to him. ( theft) 
If you see the donkey of one who hates you lying helpless under its load, you shall refrain from leaving it to him, you shall surely release it with him.
You shall not pervert the justice due to your needy brother in his dispute. ( taking advantage of one who you threw under the bus) 
Keep far from a false charge, and do not kill the innocent or the righteous, for I will not acquit the guilty. ( taking advantage exploiting others through financial trauma or stealing from others) you are not entitled to everything just because people back you in a crowd of CULTure and their self- entitlement ways
You shall not take a bribe, for a bribe blinds the clear-sighted and subverts the cause of the just. (  taking loans, gift money, gifts to control your mental, emotional and even physical wants or needs ) and often used against others to intentionally cause harm to others. 
You shall not oppress ( control and manipulate )  a stranger  , since you yourselves know the feelings of a stranger , for you also were strangers in the land of idolatry.
We lived in a CULTure where judges, not juries, render a verdict, false accusations, bribery, and influence peddling are the favored devices of injustice.  The victims are the poor, among whom are the orphaned, the widow and those who have been forced to poverty because of lies and deceit to steal and exploit others.  You should not distort justice; you shall not be partial, and you shall not take a bribe, for a bribe blinds the eyes of the wise and perverts the words of the righteous.
 Justice, and only justice, you should pursue, so you can live and care for the land which God gives to you.  You should never steal from others, you steal from God.  When you live in deceit , you live in lies, you steal from others, you live in deceit with God.
Genesis 18:19 - 
 For I have chosen him, so that he may command his children and his household after him to keep the way of the Lord by doing righteousness and justice, so that the Lord may bring upon Abraham what He has spoken about him.”  
  God does not bless those who live in deceit.  God does not bless those who live in lies, who oppress ( controls or manipulates others for their self entitlement ).  Never.  God has given us a family , children are a gift and no one owns them but God.  We can choose to follow God and live in the land that follows the ways of God in doing what is righteous , good, and doing justice on earth as it is in Heaven.  This is the promise of God. Not following the laws of God for righteous Justice causes generational cursing and death on the land. 
  CULTure will never have peace and you can toil and work as a slave in the beast of numbers system the rest of your life while living under the shadow of others who oppress you with their fears, control and manipulation.  
  There are many of us who are angry, and we are angry with the inJustice that we have seen.  We are tired and we are calling inJUSTICE OUT !  There is no argument for a jury, we want Righteous Justice served and we want it NOW ! 
  My prayer for our girls is that I pray that you realize the difference of CULTure justice and Spiritual Justice.  There are by far,  many more rewards to those who follow the laws of God and Spiritual Justice.  I pray that those who try to control and manipulate you with money, gifts, and entitlement fall to the wayside.  They are chaff in a dry and thirsty land.  
  I pray that you return to the land which your dad and I have raised you and have taught you.  The CULTure will eventually catch up but don't allow them to control and manipulate you.  You will lose friends, family and sometimes jobs- but the rewards of those who are righteous and following the Spiritual Justice will rule the land.  It is those who make Spiritual Justice their way of life will always have God to defend us.  God is my judge and I pray that you look to God as your judge.  
with love, hugs, sugars, and more love,
your mommy, ðŸ’“💓💓💓


Day # 2820 stolen memories

To my girls , There is no processing mentally, emotionally or physically a happy birthday when your life has been terrorized through harm. T...