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Emergency Human Reset Needed Parental Alienation Rampant System Failing #Familylaw #Parentalrights
Welcome to our guest host Lisa Breece Linke
Lisa has over twenty years of professional and compassionate expertise as a Child Development Counselor and specializing in Behavior Therapy and modification. She has a diverse background in the mental health field as well as the legal field and is well-versed with case law and case study in the family court system & criminal court system As well as being a Landmark Forum graduate, Lisa is well-versed in conflict resolution and communication skills for solution for the entire family dynamic. All Curriculum Vieta's are available upon request, as well as personal & professional references. Lisa's greatest pride & Joy is her daughter, Laila.
PAS Family Advocacy is founded on a 3rd step prayer. being of service to use our pain , experience, and knowledge to educate and advocate for others. Parental Alienation or IPV has profited into a $50 BILLION dollars a year, causing detrimental harm to the innocent babies whom cry for their fit parent nightly, yet can not be seen or touched, or rocked to sleep. This is considered IPV, Intimate Partner Violence to the DSM-5. Any mental health professional should be fully versed on this pathology and underlying signs leading up to full alienation. Between the uninformed and failed court system & the Narcissistic ex-spouse, there is hope, we promise you.
with health and wellness,
#StopTraffickingourChildren https://abigailesstory.blogspot.com
My first interview for this Handicapped Child Human Trafficking event was with James at Podcast Buzzfeed and can be found here.
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