Monday, May 10, 2021

Motherhood isn't a day - it is a lifetime


Momma and Natascha - I love my beautiful girl. To this day I still call her my beautiful baby. 

Select the link below ( Nataschas slideshow ) 

Natascha slideshow

     So yesterday I fought between the bad to nonexistent internet here at the campground and a Macbook that I bought in 2010.  I barely got the slide show done but it was midnight.  I do have some pictures beyond this but nothing besides the photos in the blog I have shared that in my mind are not reality.  

     To know what I mean by saying this is that my former husband and I never raised our daughters to live this way.  Our daughters were taught to honor and respect their mom ( me) and dad ( my former husband). They were also taught that you don't have to dress or follow culture in order to "seek attention".  

Honor your father and your mother, so that your days may be prolonged on the land which the Lord your God gives you.

     In my mind I see our daughters scared, confused, and emotionally tormented because they have been coerced to live a lifestyle that is not them and they are treated poorly if they don't.  Even medically punished and drugged.  I know this may sound harsh to some of you but I know the family dynamics and I have plenty of examples after 22 years.   So while I have a few photos of our daughters since 2017 - they cause me trauma triggers they mentally and emotionally traumatize me because our daughters have been forced into living this way and told it is normal to live in culture and addictive behaviors.  

     I decided to put together a online slide show for our girls to tell them I love them and I'm sorry they were not allowed to spend Mothers day with me, their mom for four years.  Hurt people hurt other people.  I choose not to feed that and I also choose to react in a way that God would see pleasing.  

   I was only able to get Nataschas done last night and have started Abigailes and will post Abigailes when it is completed.  

   Am I hurt because our daughters we not allowed to see me and stay with me Mothers day - of course I was. It is not only disrespectful to me - but it is especially disrespectful to our girls.  It is meant to try and show disrespect from our girls , but in reality it is disrespect from those who have retaliated by jealousy , spite, envy and hate.  You all know who you are I don't need to mention names.  
  You are spewing your hate campaign toward our daughters - it doesn't affect me.  I know nasty behaviors when I see them.  Children are to be reared and raised by their mother and father - not the village.  The children DNA is made up of the Mother and Father - not the village.  And when one sided dysfunctional values get in the way, this is Emotional Incest.  

" Woe to those who call evil good, and good evil;
Who substitute darkness for light and light for darkness;
Who substitute bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter. " 

   Being a Mother in the eyes of God is a Mother who loves her children unconditionally - not by conditions. I have messaged, texted and even tried to call our daughters every day the last four years.  The questioned should be - why have they not been allowed to call me back, text me when they choose to , or email me when they choose to?  It is ignorance to believe it is because of me- it is more the fear of what they have been led to believe, even coerced and forced to believe.  And then been forced to live that false narrative.  It goes beyond dysfunctional to not allow a 22 year old female to not allow her to call her mother. 

  In addition my caring for our daughters was not abusive.  Nor neglectful.  My care for our daughter was not abusive or neglectful.  I have medical records to prove this.  I also have formal complaints written and filed on record with the state authorities with case numbers.  You have caused trauma and mental anguish to me and my children.  My care of 17 years and 8 months for Natascha and my extensive care of Abigaile for 13 years and 8 months by far supersedes the four years stolen from me and our daughters.  

   This video slideshow is for my beautiful girl for the memories that are reality and how your dad and I chose to raise you with purity, modesty and with God.  With God as the head of your life.  To honor your Mother and Father - not the ways of uncertainty and fear or being forced to live according to culture which is the religion of satan. 

" Children are a gift from the Lord;
    they are a reward from him." 

  Momma loves you beautiful you can call momma, text momma, or email me and come to see momma whenever you want, I can assure you I will always be here for you with no conditions - I won't questioned what happened because I already know what happened and I also know who did what.  You are being held hostage for four years has nothing to do with anything I have or haven't done.  You can see the court documents - I can prove my side of the story - its pretty visual and public.  I will answer openly and honestly any question that you have that is with regard to me or my actions.  Nothing is hidden or deceitful with me.  I am here for you my beautiful girl I love you and I miss you.  
  If you feel unsafe and wish to talk to me - reach out to a domestic abuse agency or the local Citrus county sheriff dept.  I can share the name of a deputy that I have spoken to extensively about the reality of what has happened.  

   Being a Mother is not about a glamorized day once a year that profits for some, idolizes others and oppresses even the best of moms.  Instead Motherhood is a lifetime.  If you feel otherwise, you need to do some soul searching and look inward to why you feel that way.  Stop destroying others because of the way you feel.  

Momma loves you my beautiful girl.  Please message me on text , Facebook ( I know you know how to do private groups ) this is how parents and the village teaches their children to dishonor the other parent. 
If you feel as though you will be " punished" like I am there are people here that you can reach out to.  That I promise who will keep your information safe. Momma loves you and misses you.  I am also working with PAS ( Lisa Breece Linke -

  Please Natascha, do not allow anyone else to coerce or force you to stay away from your momma who has always loved you and will always love you.  That is mental and emotional terrorism.  Those thought patterns are stealing your life and stealing your joy.  Mental and emotional bribery and materialism can only pacify for so long.  Let hurt people be hurt people if they choose to do nothing about it.  

with Love, hugs, sugars and more love, 
your momma <3 


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