Saturday, September 14, 2024

Day # 2673 mission birthday

Natascha 2017 one of the last photos that I have of natascha prior to abduction and kidnapping. 

Happy mission Birthday my beautiful Natascha - your momma loves you and misses you beyond words. If there were any gift that momma could give you right now it would be that we spend it together. 

I hope one day that you will be able to understand that things have been done that the choices were not given to you or I. This is one of those choices. I would never be away from my children ever. I pray people's conscience brings them to their knees and I pray deeply for anyone who has caused us both harm. 

  Natascha, your birthday commemorates the day that God created you and said to you as an individual, that you are unique and irreplaceable. There is no other person alive, no person who has ever lived, and no person who shall ever live, that can fulfill the specific role in My creation I have entrusted to you..."

  This is the day when you were given the mandate for your mission to help change the world. This day God entrusted you with the mission to challenge a world that is so hostile spiritually - and to be able to transform it into God's private garden sanctuary. And while accomplishing this goal you were given the ability to achieve incredible spiritual heights. The kind of heights that are unimaginable to the soul before it was dispatched from its lofty heavenly home to inhabit your physical body.

  Celebrating a birthday is also a demonstration of courage and confidence. The type of confidence that you are and you will continue to be worthy of God's trust. Your courage will not matter the obstacles, no matter the circumstances, you will persevere and live up to God's expectations of you.

 You my beautiful girl, are fulfilling the commandments of God, which is the vehicle through which we connect to God. It is how we are made in His image. 

  This image means greater responsibility, but an infinitely greater connection, too. Your birthday is also the anniversary of this awesome occasion. This is a reason to be thankful for your birthday. 

  When you were born it was God that invested within you a soul abounding with talents and qualities. These talents and qualities of your inner soul are those things God gave to you that will help you to complete the mission that God has assigned to you on this earth. 

  It was on this day you have the ability to accomplish that which might be very difficult on any other day.
  Momma prays that this day you will feel a special connection to God.
  Momma prays that you are reminded of how God created you for your mission and blessed in Your special day the day that you and your mission was born into existence. 

  Momma prays that my beautiful Natascha receives beautiful birthday blessings on your special day- and momma prays that God will see it possible that you and momma will be together again soon. 

Love, Hugs, Sugars, and Birthday mission blessings 
Love always, πŸ’–πŸ’• 
Your forever momma
September 14, 2024 
Day # 2673


Saturday, September 7, 2024

Day # 2666 - Abigailes mission birthday 09-07-2003 missing since 05-21-2017

Today is one of the most difficult days of my entire life.  Every second,  minute, hour and day since May 21, 2017.  Absolute hell without you. Day # 2666. 

I never realized such human cruelty until this week and beyond. 

This is your mission Abigaile.

May 17, 2017 this is the last image I have of Abigaile taken with me. This photo was taken to create postcards for awareness in Abigaile's journey in the Vaccine Injury ( not medical genetic predisposition). God doesn't create dysfunction and God does not make mistakes.  
At this time Abigaile was walking, some independently with a walker and single pole canes. She was also feeding herself and with assistance able to request the potty and go to the bathroom.  
Abigaile had been tapered off and taken off DRUGS and had made tremendous progress in her activities of daily living. 
Abigaile was homeschooled and I was able to teach her activities of daily living in addition to necessary skill sets which she was mastering. She had no AI devices in order to control her cognitive thinking or responses, but instead her reasoning, thinking and cognitive response was organically her own response.  
She was not held abducted, kidnapped or research of any kind done to violate her human rights prior to May 21, 2017.  
She was in my full time care since pregnancy.  Abigaile was familial abducted, kidnapped and transported across multiple state lines. Abigaile was then hidden hostage for Nineteen months with no contact severing my right to Mother and to care for my own child.  I had solely cared for and managed Abigaile's health, to which she had responded positive and was making tremendous progress with no abuse, trauma or infliction of emotional distress prior to 05-21-2017.  I had filed and won TWO very large entitlements for Federal Vaccine Injuries that I was maliciously removed as the Permanent Guardian from with NO DUE PROCESS.  SEE TAB on this blog at top #FreeAbigaileGolec-HOSTAGE in FLORIDA disabled young adult for all the criminal and malicious human rights deprivation and cruelty. 

Day #2666 September 7, 2024 
Abigailes birthday 

September 2004 Abigaile 

  I love you my beautiful Abigaile - you have given me a gift of life for all that you have shared with your mommy. For the faith alone that you have given mommy through the love, caring and trusting God to keep you protected and keep you alive when Doctors said you should not be alive. I will always put my trust and faith in God and trust Him and I will continue to trust that God will bring us both through this. 

 Happy mission Birthday my beautiful Abigaile- your mommy loves you and misses you beyond words. If there were any gift that mommy could give you right now it would be that we spend it together. I hope one day that you will be able to understand that things have been done that the choices were not given to you or I. This is one of those choices. I would never be away from my children ever. I pray people's conscience brings them to their knees and I pray deeply for anyone who has caused us both harm. 

  Abigaile, your birthday commemorates the day that God created you and said to you as an individual, that you are unique and irreplaceable. There is no other person alive, no person who has ever lived, and no person who shall ever live, that can fulfill the specific role in My creation I have entrusted to you..."

  This is the day when you were given the mandate for your mission to help change the world. This day God entrusted you with the mission to challenge a world that is so hostile spiritually - and to be able to transform it into God's private garden sanctuary. And while accomplishing this goal you were given the ability to achieve incredible spiritual heights. The kind of heights that are unimaginable to the soul before it was dispatched from its lofty heavenly home to inhabit your physical body.

  Celebrating a birthday is also a demonstration of courage and confidence. The type of confidence that you are and you will continue to be worthy of God's trust. Your courage will not matter the obstacles, no matter the circumstances, you will persevere and live up to God's expectations of you.

 You my beautiful girl, are fulfilling the commandments of God, which is the vehicle through which we connect to God. It is how we are made in His image. 

  This image means greater responsibility, but an infinitely greater connection, too. Your birthday is also the anniversary of this awesome occasion. This is a reason to be thankful for your birthday. 

  When you were born it was God that invested within you a soul abounding with talents and qualities. These talents and qualities of your inner soul are those things God gave to you that will help you to complete the mission that God has assigned to you on this earth. 

  It was on this day you have the ability to accomplish that which might be very difficult on any other day.
  Mommy prays that this day you will feel a special connection to God.
  Mommy prays that you are reminded of how God created you for your mission and blessed in Your special day the day that you and your mission was born into existence. 

  Mommy prays that my beautiful Abigaile receives beautiful birthday blessings on her special day- and mommy prays that God will see it possible that you and mommy will be together again soon. 

Love, Hugs, Sugars, and Birthday mission blessings 
Love always, πŸ’–πŸ’• 
Your forever mommy 
September 7, 2024 
Day #2666 


Friday, August 23, 2024

Day #2650 without you

Happy Heavenly birthday to my daddy 

You now get to dance with the Love of your life , my momma.

Where there are no sorrows, no tears or pain.
You were an amazing example of a dad, husband, sibling and friend to so many people. 
You were loving, kind, generous and never met a stranger. You gave to so many people whether they asked or not. 
You never mistreated momma, myself or my siblings.

I only wish my girls could have met and known you. So they could have seen your example of our creator’s unconditional love. 

Dance for eternity πŸ’ƒπŸΌ πŸ•ΊπŸ’•

You are gone from this earth, but will never be forgotten 

Love always for an eternity ,
This life and beyond,
Your daughter,


Wednesday, August 7, 2024

Mimi’s Rememberance 7/31/2024

 May Mimi’s ❤️ Memory always be a blessing 

July 31,2024 . πŸ•Š️

Mimmis life, and memories stolen before her time .

If that is when her departure actually took place. Your Mimmi  loved and missed you both more than life. 

     2023 Grand Lake - Miami, Oklahoma Mimmi at the 
     Boat slips. 

Sadly my girls, you’ve both been robbed memories and Mimmi. 

Mimmi was robbed her last days memories because of the horrific , terroristic behavior done to each of us.

Stockholm syndrome and these malicious acts of behaviors are a dangerous mental disease. These malicious behaviors and acts Terrorize and rob so many innocent and vulnerable children of their peace and health. You are no different- you’ve been robbed and so was Mimmi. 

She always talked about you, and asked if there was in progress made in anyone who chose to do the right thing. 

There is no such thing in this century of life sadly. 

Mimmi and I had many conversations I’ll share with you one day. I have videos of her speaking. She was beyond hurt and traumatized at the satanic behaviors being done to us all. 

We have each had someone we loved and supported terrorized and ripped from us and Mimmi was no different.  

There will be a story that you are told - but there is

Another story that will be told at another time. God sees it all and God heard it too !

Mimmi wanted to see you both, to hug you and to talk with you but that didn’t happen. The real sickness and disease is that who kept you away.

Mimmi will always watch over us - Mimmi was my biggest supporter and advocate for you. She knew and believed the truth. She didn’t want to see it or believe it either. 

I feel a deep loss and emptiness in my life and my soul where Mimi’s presence used to be.

You have all had the past 7 1/2 years tragically lost and stolen. And Mimmi had a lifetime stolen. 

One day when I

Can breathe again after all the trauma done to me I’ll put together a slide show. One day .

Mimmi loves you both more than life. She missed the first part of your life while I was getting Abigaile well - the last 7 1/2 years were stolen because of evil, malicious and vindictive behaviors. 

May Mimi’s memory always be a blessing,

You will know them by their behaviors love, peace, joy, patience, kindness , goodness and self control. 

#mimmi gone but not forgotten 

#Stolen Memories


Tuesday, April 9, 2024



The above video / photo taken by Abigailes sister Natascha was taken in Grapevine Texas. 
This was taken a couple of weeks prior to their abduction and kidnapping from TEXAS to FLORIDA. 

APRIL 9, 2024 is todays date.

This is a recent series of events. 
In fall of 2023 ( on closed case Alachua county Florida in October 2020 ) my daughters were kidnapped ( May 21, 2017).  I have been stalked, harassed and tortured by this county and the kidnappers.

There was NEVER child support ordered I have evidence of this .

In September 2023 a series of mail
Fraud from
Non credentialed and licensed Florida employees started their stalking and harassment regime to
Bully and terrorize me once again over the abduction and kidnapping of my daughters Abigaile, who is disabled and who is not getting the necessary care and therapy. She has been excessively mentally and emotionally traumatized and used as a medical experiment. 

In September 2023, there were 3 phone calls I attended to dispute this GANG stalking and harassment and in January 2024 Alachua county Florida knowingly thefted and STOLE frauded money from my payroll, on non existing orders in a case where my daughters were abducted and kidnapped across state lines maliciously and premeditated. 

I have evidence of this theft and wire fraud .

Additionally, I now have another document from
Alachua county Florida with the biological dad name on it placing a judgement on me for not paying child support, that was not ordered for my daughters being a planned abduction and kidnapping for theft.

Follow the money trail.

They ( ALL OF THEM) have destroyed Abigailes mental, emotional and physical health! 

This is how children are groomed for trauma for generations and the system thugs love it because it’s their payroll.

This is an act of TERRORISM on me and my daughters since well before 2017. It has been orchestrated , protected and even rewarded to cause further harm and trauma, non-stop.

They have GANG STALKED, HARASSED and STOLEN, and even ABDUCTED and INTERSTATE KIDNAPPED my daughters that were in my care in TEXAS.



Wednesday, April 3, 2024




You can read the tab HOSTAGE IN FLORIDA 

It has now been 2509 days since my daughters were abducted and kidnapped and have been held hostage. 

While they were in my care in Arlington Texas our residence 2017.  Our daughter, I had spent almost 10 years fighting for her Federal TORT for vaccine injury and I won ( $$MIL).  I was her Health Care Manager and daily caregiver her entire life until she was family/system abducted and kidnapped 05-21-2017. 

I have evidence of contacts, agencies and case numbers.  

My daughter was walking with a walker and single pole canes - she was walking behind a push chair and was doing this on a daily basis. BEFORE ABDUCTION AND CHILD STEALING.   

Since that time of the abduction she has been Mentally and Emotionally tortured as well as exploited.  

Follow the money and you will find the motive.  

It is almost 7 years later and I seriously can not believe what I have experienced and how many people that I feel have exploited my case and my daughter.  

She can no longer walk, and she can no longer talk.  In fact she has progressed in Traumatic Brain Injury because of this horrific trauma abuse.  

I can see how children are continuously abused, traumatized, raped and taken advantage of because no one will help- they only want to profit.  FOLLOW THE $$$ trail USA INC  

It is a sad day when people stand by and watch innocent and disabled children exploited and slowly murdered.  

Please pray for Abigaile and pray for me pray for someone to help free Abigaile before it is too late.  

There was an eclipse the year this event of abduction and child stealing (2017) occurred.  

There is an eclipse that is happening on 4/8/2024.

It will be SEVEN years my daughters have been ABDUCTED, CHILD STEALING AND HELD HOSTAGE ON MAY 21,2024.  

---->>>>>When people do not want the truth - do not want to investigate - they are just as complicit and guilty of the crime as the perpetrators. 

Matthew 19:18

he said; Thou shalt not murder, commit adultery, nor steal and should not bear false witness. 

Deuteronomy 24:7

if someone is caught kidnapping and treating them or selling them as a slave the kidnapper must be purged. 

You have harmed innocent children, you have stolen their childhood, you have stolen their peace and security and sold them into bondage and slavery. 

To say that I abandoned them and did not care for them is a blatant lie.  

My daughters and I are being tortured , 

but to steal from a disabled child and cause her such harm, to cause mental and emotional trauma to the point that she can not function. To blatantly cause her harm and hold her hostage to cause further harm is torture.  

her health deteriorated her mental and emotional health destroyed for profit 

These are premeditated and heinous hate crimes and crimes of humanity.


Wednesday, December 27, 2023

Day# 2409 Christmas 2023

Christmas 2023 - 2409 days without you 

  Sunday is one of my scheduled , supervised call days. 
 I typically read storybooks to Abigaile as I have since the day she was born. 

  Before she was abducted and kidnapped while still in my care she used to repeat the words back to me and often 2-3 word phrases. She no longer repeats anything. 

  She can no longer articulate thoughts or speech other than the words bye poppi mmmumm please. 

  I was reading to her this supervised Sunday, Christmas Eve and reading old Macdonald and the phone disconnected after 30 minutes.  I normally have several more stories and then I pray with her the childhood prayer that I’ve always prayed with her since she and her sister were born. But not on Christmas Eve 2023. I thought surely that no one could be that cruel but saw a new level of cruelty that day. I did call back and left a voice mail saying that I hadn’t even got to pray with her. 

  There was no call back. 

I had sent the girls gifts and I got a text saying here is your google link with Abigaile opening her gifts. 

I’m not a surrogate I’m her mother. I’ve done nothing wrong all I’ve done is stay at home with our daughters and love them, provide for them and went above and beyond to win a tort in federal court for my child who was harmed and disabled from that injury. I believe the entire basis of this abduction, kidnapping and subsequent hostage taking of a disabled child. 

I am still working on filing the Judicial complaint for every judge on these cases. I have already filed 1 bar complaint, the attorney is no longer an attorney. 

I have additional attorneys and several judges. 

I can’t even believe that people are so horrible to be so abusive and terroristic to traumatize a disabled child and terrorize her mother.

She was walking and talking and had many skills even riding a 3 wheel trike and taking independent steps before her kidnapping.

It is clear to me the reason of the kidnapping and hostage taking. 

I’ll be posting additional information on state reps and others to contact on behalf of Abigaile and I. Please if you can help to form an advocacy for her to free her she has endured more in her short life than the majority of adults.

I can’t understand how anyone can terrorize an innocent, disabled child and steal millions to benefit themselves and destroy her health. 

Please pray for my girls pray for all the children that these awful traumas are being done to. 

Love always 

For Abigaile and Natascha ,


Wednesday, November 29, 2023

Day # 2383 days Trauma Abuse update


2016 Abigaile with her mommy Grapevine, Texas 

I want to just start by disclosing, I do NOT lie for anyone.  Ever.  I especially will not take part in the lying, bullying, or fraud and theft of my Disabled daughters money that I alone was instrumental in obtaining.  

NO ONE else had evidence of, nor was anyone else present, or part of proving that harm, trauma , mental, emotional and physical damages in my daughters injury case or entitlement.   

Now on to 2023 my poor disabled daughter is at the center of fraud, theft, kidnapping and intent to harm through maltreatment and hostage taking.  This goes beyond violating her civil and human rights in a terrorist manner. 

Do you know what it is like to be bullied and intimidated by the legal and justice system in addition to frauds, liars and thieves to cause intentional emotional distress?  To be intimidated and bullied to stand aside into watching this behavior, while her entitlement for damages has been stolen ?  I do, and my civil  and human rights have been violated also while I have been terrorized , threatened, and intimated by the justice and legal system, doctor, attorney ad litem, attorneys for both parties, judges, police departments, Sherrifs department deputies, dhhs and dhhs oversite, countless well known missing persons agencies, even crimes against childrens investigators !  

Clearly anyone who has a inkling of common sense can see the intentional distress that has been caused to her in addition to the frauds and CO-Conspirators, all of you - the damage you have done to her? How regressed she is. This goes beyond chronic and aggravated child abuse and using a innocent , disabled child to steal her money and then fraud the government and put her on socialized medicine. She has been forcefully given drugs she is allergic to, in addition to the intentional harm caused to her by using her as a weapon of control and manipulation. Seriously this is beyond evil. 

Anyone who was friends or family before and you have sided with the cult and perpetraitor to harm my child - I'm thankful God removed you from my life!

Please read >>>> BLOG heading #Free Abigaile Golec HOSTAGE in FL 

I have listed all the cases and this will be an update and then I will copy this update on that page as well. 

DO WE LIVE IN the United States home of the free ???? 
Not from what I have experienced and have been forced to do and observe my own daughters abuse ! 

My case was opened in 2017 in Dallas Texas via Texas state legal fraud and Texas legal aid funds.  Through this fraud and theft by deception there were false statements made of abuse and neglect of which neither are true nor were they ever true.  MAY 2017 

Texas legal aid was used to fund these false statements and accusations but there was never any investigation, hearing or discovery to document any of this. Instead innocent children have been used as a weapon for fraud.  An innocent mother has been used as a weapon and has been falsely accused while her children were groomed for abuse and her innocent disabled daughter has suffered beyond the horrific damages and trauma of the first system abuse.  May 2017 -JUNE 2017 ( SEE COURT CASE) you will find the file numbers on the above tab stated.  

In 2017 - 2018 
ALL of the system so called professionals that I personally worked with for my disabled daughter-  including attorneys, the Ad Litem of the guardianship, judges, doctor, and even the trustee plus family and so called friends were all part of this plot.  Each of you in your capacity has harmed an innocent disabled child. There were court hearings, proceedings, and medical maltreatments, medical procedures, legal proceedings as well as drugs, and even food that my disabled daughter was allergic to having known to cause massive seizures.  

I was my disabled daughters PRIMARY CAREGIVER from her birth ( Sept. 2003 ) until she was forcefully removed from my full time care and health care management.  
I was a stay at home mom for 18 years full time and cared for our disabled daughter for almost 14 of those years until she was forcefully removed and held hostage from me. 

In my care, she was walking, talking and had been DISCONTINUED from PHARMACEUTICAL/DRUGS  for at least 2- 3 years and her body was healing from the assault of the vaccine injury that she had suffered in 2004.   

There are (3) THREE states of deception, fraud, theft and aggravated child endangerment and abuse that has been inflicted on my disabled daughter.  TEXAS, ARKANSAS, FLORIDA. 

In 2019, after having been abandoned and deserted in Arlington, Texas where my family and I had resided since 2015 and again in 2016.  Arlington, Texas is where this child abduction and kidnapping took place.

 I was served with a dissolution of marriage ( 2019) after my daughters went missing with their dad.  They would not respond and they had no contact, phone calls, texts or messages. I had contacted numerous agencies who are required to report or investigate such heinous crimes including law enforcement and have a filed and certified missing persons report.   I have the agencies, contacts, names and phone numbers in addition to case numbers of all these agencies starting in May 21, 2017 through the current date. 

In October 2020 after several fraud hearings in alachua county florida via zoom and citrus county florida probate my disabled daughter has been taken hostage by the state of florida and all those who profit from her trusts funds.  In October 2020 the case was closed.  
In August 2023 I received a notice from the DOR attorney and on behalf of my disabled daughters dad in FLORIDA, that I am being SUED for child support.   There were hearings in September and October 2023.  Not all parties were present.  
I was once again bullied and intimidated in hearings with a hearing officer, department of revenue attorney and my disabled daughters dad stating that I will pay child support arrears for a time that I was unemployed (2020 - ) and if I do not pay they are garnishing my part time, minimum wage retail job. If I do not pay I was told by the hearing officer, not judge, no license, etc that he would make me PUBLIC, and that he would contact the county where I am at and I either make up the payment due or go to jail. 

My home, I was abandoned with is in need of a lot of repairs, my car is in need of a lot of repairs.  I have spent a lot of funds replying to these bullies in alachua county florida who are abusing my disabled daughter in addition to having caused her to regress exponentially with continued mental, emotional and physical trauma abuse.  

My own attorney withdrew because of the unlawful things done in my case.  
I have reached out to numerous attorneys , lawyers and agencies.  All your names are documented with the time and dates and contacts.  
I have filed Bar complaints , medical board complaints and other complaints.  I have
contacted numerous agencies that span over pages with case numbers.  

How can you even look at yourself in the mirror everyday to know that you have caused harm to an innocent child who is disabled? 

These are bullying behaviors , threats of coercive and intimidation to me and my children.  

Thank you to all who continue to advocate for my disabled daughter and myself - please reach out to me and follow all my social media.  
People should ask why do so few children get advocated for?
Why are only certain families getting chosen for legal representation or public awareness?
Documentaries or interviews etc? 

I will update this post with all the state representatives who have aided in the hostage taking of my disabled daughter.  This is child trafficking of a disabled child , for profit.  

Please help, for Abigaile.  The last several supervised phone calls Abigaile was quiet, not talkative. She says yum yum about half way of the phone call. Then she goes quiet.  

I live in the motorhome we were using to travel for Abigaile where she was making such great progress. She was happy, healthy and healing.  I desperately need funds to make repairs on this motorhome and for regular scheduled maintenance and service.  

I was left with nothing but abandoned in the motorhome.  No transportation, food , money and I didn't even have shoes for winter or a winter coat after a 22 year relationship and 20 year marriage. I was not allowed to talk to my girls or have any contact with them. The first call I was allowed to talk with my daughter was her birthday September 7 and she had no words, couldn't even speak , cried, screamed and could no longer say the word mommy.  

My girls were abducted and kidnapped 3 days after our 20th wedding anniversary.  
I don't even know if my oldest daughter is safe , if she is dead or alive.  The horrific abuse she has suffered is no different than being in a domestic abuse relationship with familial origin. 

Please pray, please help me to stop the abuse of power on my disabled daughter, please contact the FLORIDA governor, attorney general, state prosecutor - I have contact information.
You can find my interviews on podcasts and radio pages under resources on this page. 
Please like, share and follow my social media all listed in resources on the home page - 

#Justice for Abigaile and Natascha - Facebook page 
@saveabigaileandnatascha - TikTok
#Free Abigaile Golec - Facebook page
Free Abigaile Golec Justice for Abigaile Golec - You Tube 

#Free Abigaile 
#Save Abigaile and Natascha 
#Stop the generational abuse 
with love, 
Abigaile and Natascha's momma, 

Tuesday, October 10, 2023

DAY #2333 HOSTAGE IN FLORIDA #FreeAbigaileGolec



January 11,2023 ( January , Eleven, Twenty Twenty Three ),

All of Paris Huber Golec, Social Media accounts, Blogs, Websites ,telephone accounts, photos, VoIP Videos, surveillance, audio recordings, Radio Shows, podcasts,T.V. Interviews and all correspondence relating to and with Paris Golec and her biological daughters, children Jane doe 1 and Jane Doe 2. All forms of Communications that has been created  or  any communications  regarding these accounts that Has been Electronically Stored Information (ESI) that has been preserved and is prohibited by law  to be used by anyone person, entity or account .  All information is non-disclosure and confidential on these Social Media Accounts, telephone accounts, Radio Shows, T.V. Interviews, Podcasts, Blogs, electronically, audio, video listed above is prohibited. 

/s/ Paris Huber Golec 









Today is October 10, 2023  

October Ten, Twenty Twenty Three

Day#2333 that my daughters have been held Hostages in FlORIDA 

My daughter Abigaile Golec, disabled, who was kidnapped and held hostage in FLORIDA since June 2017. 

************** UPDATE *********************


My case was closed FINAL JUDGEMENT October 2020.  

In September 2023 I received a notice stating that the DOR Attorney Pamela Schneider was Re-opening my case on behalf of Petitioner Allen Golec.  In addition to the Hearing Officer Samuel Stafford.  The date of this ZOOM hearing was AUGUST 23,2023.  I, Paris Golec, birth mother to Abigaile Golec attended the hearing via Zoom.  Plaintiff Allen Golec was not at the hearing.  Pamela Schneider was at the hearing and Samuel Stafford was at the hearing. In addition several other parents were on the line and on zoom at this hearing.  I expressed that my daughters were in fact kidnapped and taken to Florida and held for TWO (2) years before it was disclosed to me my daughters were there.  Additionally I stated in the ZOOM hearing that I had filed with the Arlington police department and numerous other agencies that my daughters had been taken and kidnapped from my daily care. I have filed with ALACHUA COUNTY, FLORIDA the certified police records to this statement.  Additionally I filed with ALACHUA COUNTY< FLORIDA a Nineteen page affidavit for the record stating facts about my case. During the hearing the Hearing officer Samuel Stafford stated to swear under oath ( I state the above facts under oath).  Then Samuel Stafford stated to DOR Attorney, Pamela Schneider requesting my daughters age, and when I stated the fact above Samuel Stafford asked my daughters DOB.  Pamela Schneider responded and Samuel Stafford then requested Pamela Schneider contact the Plaintiff, Allen Golec my daughters dad, whom my daughters were last seen with on May 21, 2017.  Samuel Stafford requested that Pamela Schneider contact the Plaintiff , Allen Golec and ask him what he would like to do about this.  Samuel Stafford then stated that I needed to watch my mail.  

In a couple of weeks I received another Notice of AMENDED child support hearing for arrears from Pamela Schneider DOR Attorney on behalf of Plaintiff , Allen Golec and Samual Stafford , Hearing officer for HEARING ALACHUA COUNTY, FLORIDA  October 9.  Then another Notice of ORDER CONTINUING hearing for OCTOBER 23, 2023. This document states that Plaintiff , ALLEN GOLEC was at the first hearing AUGUST 23,2023 with DOR PAMELA SCHNEIDER AND SAMUEL STAFFORD,  however this is NOT a TRUE STATEMENT.  Allen Golec was NOT present at that hearing.   This NOTICE also states this hearing will determine arrears for disabled daughter. 

My daughters were abducted under false statements and allegations that were never investigated.  Additionally my daughter who I solely rehabilitated from her traumatic brain injury, trained in all of her therapies, and her continuity of care was abruptly removed and never investigated.  

I have to date filed Bar complaints against Attorney. 

I have filed Medical board complaint against Doctor. 

I have a notebook with multiple pages of case numbers.  

My disabled daughter was given after 2019, my first notification of service from ALACHUA COUNTY, FLORIDA the whereabouts of my daughters.  My disabled daughter was so traumatized from the abduction and kidnapping that she could not speak, she was beyond emotional and could no longer even say the word mommy which she had responded consistently and appropriately in context prior to this horrific event. 

I was ordered (October 2019 ) TWO (2) supervised 30 minute phone calls per week. The plaintiff, Allen Golec was given authority to schedule the phone visits at his discretion. Can you imagine being degraded to a Supervised phone call with the daughter that I solely had rehabilitated and brought back to health? In addition to winning a Federal TORT claim in the Million dollars?  

On these phone calls my disabled daughter screams, she was hitting and slapping , and then she would become silent. 

My disabled daughter Abigaile was walking with a walker and quad and single pole canes prior to this abduction and medical kidnapping.  She had 18-20 well spoken words, appropriately in context and cognitive understanding of requesting and response. I personally had worked with many Doctors and specialists in addition to the Integrative Doctor that was following her since 18 months of age that I personally interviewed, retained and was in communication with on every step of her care plans.  I also put together the original care plan for the Federal Government care planner in my daughters Federal Tort Injury lawsuit.  I would later file a Medical board complaint in Florida for the abuse and negligent damages that his abusive and bullying actions would cause.  

My disabled daughter has lived 2,333 days today 10.10.2023 and is suffering mentally, emotionally and physically at the hands of an abusive system that prides itself on profit and bullying tactics to anyone who shows progress , thinks out of the box or is healing.  

My disabled daughter is in grave condition and danger.  The MILLION $$$ Federal TORT that I personally filed and won with my documentation and evidence has seemingly disappeared shortly after October 2019 and my disabled daughter was placed on SSDI , welfare.  While she was in my full time care and continuity of care , rehabilitating there was still MILLIONS available for her future Trust funds.  

I was removed as a PERMANENT GUARDIAN Over her and her estate ( judges ruling was that her father wanted to relocate her) again, no investigation and completely denied my rights as her mother, care giver and health care manager ( which I was being compensated for).  A disabled person can not receive SSDI or welfare compensation with over MILLIONS in assets.  



WHY AM I, HER BIRTH MOTHER BEING HARASSED with child support hearings?  

Why is my disabled daughter no longer able to walk, her legs are so contracted they look like pretzels? This is neglect and abuse. 

Why does my daughter no longer have 18 - 20 words and full sentences?  Instead she has at most 2-4 ?

Why is my daughter when she starts screaming that she wants to go BYE POPPY PLEASE MMUUUMM MUM - after screaming this request for 15, 30 minutes or longer - then suddenly she is given something to muffle her speech, says yum yum and then goes silent?  




ISAIAH 33;22 

#Medical Kidnapping

#Medical Abuse and Neglect 

#Abduction Kidnapping 

#Legal Abuse 


#Missing Trusts (2) funds 

#Guardianship Fraud 

#Mental #Emotional #physcial TRAUMA ABUSE 

Thursday, September 7, 2023

Day #2300 September 7, 2023 It is the anniversary of Abigailes Mission being born



Happy blessed Birthday my beautiful Abigaile, September 7, 2023 

Your birthday commemorates the day that God created you and said to you as an individual, are unique and irreplaceable. There is no other  person alive, no person who has ever lived, and no person who shall ever live, that can fulfill the specific role in My creation I have entrusted to you..."

This is the day when you were given the mandate for your mission to help change the world. The day when God entrusted you with the mission to challenge a world that is so hostile spirituality and to be able to transform it into God's private garden sanctuary. And in accomplishing this goal you were given the ability to achieve incredible spiritual heights. The kind of heights that are unimaginable to the soul before it was dispatched from its lofty heavenly home to inhabit your physical body.

Celebrating a birthday is also a demonstration of confidence. The type of confidence that you are and you will continue to be worthy of God's trust. No matter the obstacles, no matter the circumstances, you will persevere and live up to God's expectations of you.

Fulfilling the commandments of God is the vehicle through which we connect to God.  It is how we are made in His image. 

That means greater responsibility, but an infinitely greater connection, too. Your birthday is also the anniversary of this awesome occasion. This is reason to be thankful for your birthday. 

When you were born it was God that  invested within you a soul abounding with talents and qualities.  These talents and qualities of your inner soul are those things God given to you that will help you to complete the mission that God has assigned to you on this earth. 

On this day you have the ability to accomplish that which might be very difficult on any other day.  I pray that this day you feel a special connection to God.  That you are reminded of how God created you for your mission . Be blessed in Your special day the day that you and your mission was born into existence.  

Beautiful birthday blessings my sweet, beautiful girl,

Love , hugs, and sugars always,

Love momma xoxo


Tuesday, August 22, 2023


May 2017 ARLINGTON TEXAS - This is me and my daughters Abigaile and Natascha just prior to the Abduction and Kidnapping under the color of law. This is the last photo that I have of us together. 

 I have meant to blog before now but it hasn't happened.  I wanted to give an update to all of our followers of what has transpired.  

   The past couple of weeks I received a letter or notice of a child support hearing in alachua county Florida.  
   This is important to note and document because NONE OF US lived in Alachua county Florida - in fact our family never lived in Florida until this legal abduction and kidnapping transpired.  This is a kidnapping to imminent domain the child for her entitlement funds from the vaccine injury that I won for her in Federal court.  I did not win based on anyones else expertise, expert opinion or otherwise I won based on my sole documentation and observation and put the case studies with it. 
  For the awarded entitlement there were TWO (2) annuities for Reversionary replenished various amounts each calendar year.. This is for therapy, vacation, Drs etc anything to benefit Abigaile and her benefit.  In addition there was a Guardianship estate Trust that contained in the Million ( when I last saw the trust document 2017 for accounting purposes ).  After the abduction and kidnapping under the color of law ( in THREE STATES) my daughter was forcefully taken hostage and moved to FLORIDA.  I was a Permanent Guardian on both of these Trusts, her person and estate. I was removed when I questioned what was happening and asking questions regarding the law of how these acts were being committed.  I was then 
REMOVED as a Permanent Guardian simply stating ( Arkansas judge ) that the dad decided to relocate the disabled daughter to Florida.  All of these actors knew that I was the Primary care for my disabled daughter. 
  There has NEVER been any investigations in my case or any discovery.  I was not notified of all the hearings and even told by the guardianship fraud attorney in Arkansas that I should hurry and get legal representation because there were hearings going on behind my back.

 I sent evidence to that same attorney of the fraud that was being conspired and during the hearing to remove me as a permanent guardian . In addition I requested this same guardianship attorney and requested use of funds to help fight for my disabled daughter and I was denied by this fraud citing that my daughters dad ( had her in possession therefore he retains all rights to her ). Where is this law in ARKANSAS ????  I as removed with no investigation, no discovery and no evidence or burden of proof not only violating my civil rights but my daughter as well. 

  Now, after the circus of possession of the child , clearly to commit fraud , theft and stealing of entitlement for her vaccine injury I have been removed from my daughters life.  
  Now it is 6 years later, nearing 6 1/2 and I receive a notice of child support hearing.  WHAT??? 
  Yes , child support hearing - and this hearing already took place last month and now there is another one that I have been invited to.  On the letter it states the hearing date and time, zoom and phone number and that the DOR ( Department of Revenue ) on behalf of my daughters dad is suing me for child support.  

  This lists this hearing as a TITLE IV D hearing.  ((( Please look this up - google it).  It is attached to medicaid funding.  So why is my disabled daughter forced to be on government welfare when she had entitlement funds of 2 trusts that were proffered in the Millions ( in MY CARE ) and now she is on state medicaid and has been held hostage and traumatized in addition to the medical kidnapping?  

  She can no longer communicate, she is clearly traumatized screaming, begging and crying on my Supervised weekly call.  

  In 2017 she was walking, talking, knew colors, shapes, sizes and could articulate appropriately 2 and 3 words sentences and requests.  Because I was her Primary care and her continuity of care ! 
  Now I hear a AI machine as a baby sitter in the background, toys that are disrupting our calls and her begging and screaming the same trauma induced words over and over that says 


It doesn't take someone who is illiterate to figure this puzzle out- where is my daughters money?  I spent 7 years in Federal court fighting for those funds. Initially the government offered $49,000. My child was invalid and had over 200-300 seizures per day.  
 I added MY care plan and gathered all the Dr.s, specialists and therapists that I dealt with on a daily basis and the proffer was raised to the Million.  It was not going to be enough to rehabilitate my daughter so I had to utilize my previous nursing experience and training and even continued training while caring for her daily.  I worked one on one with her to get her discontinued from the toxic drugs she was being given that she had serious adverse side effects to. I worked to get her walking and talking and her cognitive skills improved she was happy and healthy.  

 When you least expect toxic people then there they are ! You know who you are - lurking while my child was dying and then gang up like a cult of addicts and destroying her health and her well being !  In addition to using our oldest daughter to plot your toxic ideology and schemes on.  Creating social media groups and entrapping my oldest daughter to use fraud to make false allegations against her own mother and called me abusive and neglectful. All to fraud my daughter of her (BLOOD MONEY) and then use her as a cash cow and now let her rot in the welfare sick care. 

  So now - where is all that money that I won for my disabled daughter? Why, only six years later does she no longer have those million in her trust accounts ?  Her health - her mind, soul and body has been beyond traumatized ?  

  Where is the money?  Title IV part D - and my disabled daughter is beyond regressed and money missing too??? Interstate abducted, kidnapped and exploitation of a disabled child??? 

  Tomorrow is the hearing, August 23, 2023 Alachua county, Gainesville, Florida where the letter states that (one of us lived - but no that isn't truth). I have sent a 19 item affidavit with evidence showing that is not true.  

  The Hearing is at 2:00 PM for child support and my disabled daughter is 18 and will be 19 on September 7,2023.  

  Are you aware that the Hearing Officers are not bound by the Judicial commission and there is no oversight for the child support hearing officers? 

 In addition are you aware that the magistrates, and other names other than judge , including Federal judges and state Supreme Court judges do not have oversight of any of these people with these Titles?  

  I was sent a Notice with the hearing information from the DOR ( Department of Revenue in Alachua county) having a hearing for child support where my child or myself , my family never lived.   

  Please comment below if you have experienced a similar situation.  My child has been vaccine injured ( I PROVED THIS IN FEDERAL COURT) won entitlement, she was labeled a ward because she was injured - this was not an option if I wanted the entitlement to rehabilitate her and get her well. 
  Then once she made tremendous progress, was walking and talking and progressing with learning - her dad and family abducts her to a foreign state - causing her to regress and causing her extensive trauma and abuse in the medical and legal system.  

  Now that they have all stolen and theft everything from her they will continue to dope and drug her when she makes an outcry that she doesn't want to be there.  

  There is not 1 person in this entire event that has NOT used my disabled daughter as a cash cow- now they put her in welfare and allow the system abuse - 

  I am going to set up a fundraiser that I will share on all my social media. 
Please HELP HELP HELP my daughters !  Call the Courts - show up at the hearing - I do not live in Florida and never have lived in FLORIDA my daughters were kidnapped via the legal system under false allegations and are suffering for it.  We are NOT alone ! 


How can anyone just sit by and say or do nothing. when people sit idly by and watch an innocent disabled child endure such horrific abusive behavior you are a coward and you are no different than the perpetrator !  

  Please share our story - these people have no remorse of what has been done to my daughter and they have destroyed her health and her mind! 

You can also follow us on 
Facebook : #Justice For Abigaile and Natascha 
Twitter : #Free Abigaile Golec from Guardianship fraud @FreeAbigaileG
TikTok: @saveabigaileandnatascha 

My blog: 


Day # 2673 mission birthday

Natascha 2017 one of the last photos that I have of natascha prior to abduction and kidnapping.  Happy mission Birthday my beautiful Natasch...