Saturday, November 14, 2020

1273 days abducted and kidnapped , estranged

  My handicapped daughter is currently medically kidnapped. After being traumatized , abducted and kidnapped to another state. Thank you for bringing awareness and validating what is happening. When will people bring validation to the children and families this is happening to. My inalienable rights God given , have been taken from me to harm and traumatized my child in the name of profit. 

I will do interviews and continue my advocacy for our daughter. Please message me on the email provided on the blog to schedule interviews. 

Part 1

Part 2

Please pray for our daughter. 

Please help me to set our daughter free from this. Please help me to Bring Abigaile home. 

With love 


Monday, November 9, 2020

1268 days ago the world ended to me

   I want to first and foremost say thank you to my family, my friend, my neighbors, and even complete strangers for helping me through what would seem like is eternal hell. I am thankful to each and everyone of you who has extended kindness, love, and generosity even when you didn’t have it to give yourself.

   This is what faith looks like in the flesh.   It has by no means been easy. I have cried countless nights, countless days. I have felt frustrated, helpless, beyond controlled and manipulated. At the end of each of these feelings God has always had someone there who has encouraged me  no matter how bad it looked and no matter how bad the news coming to me seemed impossible. 

   There really is no hell and I’ve experienced a lot of  hell in my life because of my own bad choices, and because of others bad choices that I’ve had in my life. But there is no hell like the hell of watching your children being put through hell when it has been completely unnecessary. To be forced and coerced out of my daughters lives has been the worst form of punishment I’ve ever experienced in my life. Sadly I can only speculate why, who, and for what horrible reason but it doesn’t get back the time that has been stolen from their childhood - it doesn’t gain them or me extra time stolen from me. My days will be shorter in number than theirs.

  I’m writing this because tomorrow Tuesday, November 10 is the trial that I have been waiting for for 3 1/2 years. I’m asking for your prayers and for the Lord’s prayer that His will be done on earth as it is in Heaven.   I can only pray for  spiritual justice from God. I pray for truth and only truth. 

  I’m beyond thankful for each and every person who has been praying for me and my family. It has been a long 3 1/2 years of trying to make sense of something that makes no sense. And it has been a long 3 1/2 years of being forced away from my  daughters. This is truly been the most horrific trauma I have ever experienced in my life. And I have experienced near death more than once. I’m grateful and thankful that I serve a God who believes in life who believes in truth and who believes in justice. 

  I pray for each and every person that is involved in the hearing tomorrow.  I pray that only truth will come out and only truth will be on record. I pray that all the darkness and I pray all the deceit will be illuminated by the light. 

  I pray that God bless each and everyone of us with truth and justice.

Monday, November 2, 2020

1261 days abandoned, estranged and stolen from our daughters childhood - childhood trauma abuse


  The childhood trauma and pain that our children have endured is beyond unbelievable to me.  

  I can see so many warnings signs from the family of origin of where this addictive and trauma abuse comes from.  All childhood and all trauma abuse.  

  Including the adults perpetrating this trauma onto our children and to me.  I saw warning signs early on but didn't know what it was called.  I started doing research and looking up the behaviors.  I sent case studies and articles to my husband and our daughter but it was sadly too late.  

   Once I noticed the warning signs and I noticed gas lighting and splitting, befriending, so many things I had no idea what to do.  When I sent these articles I thought my husband would talk or communicate with me.  I knew already by our conversations early on in our relationship and other conversations about addictive behaviors of family of origins.  

   I would also bring up when these behaviors were being done by family of origin to me and our daughters - I was told not to worry.  Things escalated to other addictive behaviors coming out.  This is when I saw oppositional and defiant behaviors.  

  This is when the abduction and interstate kidnapping happened.   Sadly, looking back I can clearly see it was all planned.  

  In addition to this I have over 70 local, state, and federal agencies in Texas and Florida who tried gas-lighting me and assisting the kidnapper in keeping our daughters from me.  They have held our daughters hostage in Florida with the cult club in addition to the court aiding in labeling our handicapped daughter  as a ward of the state. The opposing counsel, judge and even the pro bono attorney has aided in this form of trauma abuse and mental anguish.  # Alachua County Circuit Eighth District - Florida.  Has knowingly protected a parent kidnapper while my children have been traumatized in addition to our handicapped daughter who has been financially exploited and medically kidnapped.  

  I work with other parents who have also been targeted as alienated parents and children have been kept from them and children.  I so happened to come across video tonight - and I sent it to my daughter and former spouse.  I wanted to share this here. 

  Lets hope that those of you who don't understand and just tell those of us who have experienced this- " get over it and move on ".   And some of us still experiencing this - if you have children and someone kidnapped them and kidnapped their mind where they were no longer in your life and if you don't have a issue with that - then you never had a healthy attachment with your child.  

  This is grieving children and watching them tortured and traumatized because of generational dysfunctional family systems that never dealt with the junk in their attic of their mind - trauma. And the courts and attorneys, as well as local, state and federal agencies exploit it.  

  Please watch this video and have compassion on us and our children.  This is a horrific form of trauma abuse.  Horrific !! I would not wish this for anyone not even my worst enemies.  To watch my children Psychologically traumatized and to be kept from them and to have a system that perpetrates this, exploits it and even rewards this type of behavior is about as system reprobate minded as it gets.  

This is what a Targeted Parent of a Sociopath looks like :

#Justice for Abigaile and Natascha 


Day # 2820 stolen memories

To my girls , There is no processing mentally, emotionally or physically a happy birthday when your life has been terrorized through harm. T...