Sunday, January 19, 2020

Vaccine injury, Parent Alienation, Childhood Trauma -

Mommy to Abigaile and Natascha - 24/7 nurse for Abigaile with continuity of care from pregnancy until she was abducted and kidnapped from my care May 21, 2017- Caregiver- Health care manager- Chef- Therapist - Project manager - Education - Financial officer- Recreation specialist - Permanent Guardian - filed vaccine injury and provided 24/7 emergency care, Travel coordinator for all the destruction that the vaccine injury caused destruction and near death in our daughter.  
Micah 6:8 
He has told you, O man, what is good; and what does the Lord require of you but to do justice, and to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God?

From infant - vaccine injury symptoms presented in a near death event at age 5 months. 

   Currently since May 21, 2017 - I have become an alienated mother and parent.  Our daughter forcibly taken from me and my full time care for no logical or justifiable reason.  Instead myself and our daughters both EXPECTED to deal with life changes that the biological dad forced upon each of us.  

Alienated mom :  Abigaile was forcibly removed from my care after caring for her since pregnancy.  I was all of the list above to Abigaile during this time, until she was forcibly removed.  Abigaile and her sister were forcibly taken and then held and kept from me all contact.  No phone, no text , no in person visits.  For NO justifiable charges, no justifiable cause.    

  •   Using the Harm of removal and placement to advocate for parents: ( even though this is a situation of a parent to a parent - the behaviors are the same).  

  • Parent- Child Separation, trauma, PTSD, and recovery in Children: 

  •   Separating families and creating trauma : ( the behavior is the same - our family of origin was separated.  Our daughters minors. Our daughter with special needs a minor with special needs and I was told her mentality is near age 2. ) No contact was allowed, no contact via phone, text or emails , no physical contact with me, their mom or my family of origin.  

  • Psychological damage effects of forced parent- child separation : 

STAY TUNED - I will post the actual links that I sent to many people on our daughters care team- 
to try and make them aware ( with scholarly articles and citations the trauma, harm and damage being done to our daughters). 

  I will share as well the links , articles and citations of articles that were sent via emails as well as to Abigiales Dr. Jerry Kartzinel who's response to me was- " Abigaile is in a very good place here - " meaning florida while Parent abduction and kidnapping and the mental anguish, harm and trauma being cause to our daughter was completely ignored and not responded to - not by any member on Abigailes team. NO ONE.  I have numerous emails since May 2017 trying to alert everyone on Abigailes team the harm and trauma being caused to Abigaile because of this pathological behavior.  

  Parental Alienation - Dr. Craig Childress ( numerous cited Psychology articles ) never responded to by anyone on Abigailes team. Complete ignored and not responded to on any occasion by Dr. Kartzinel.  
Not even when I questioned a comment made on Abigailes medical record in regard to 
" well Abigaile finally stopped saying ( oops Dr. Kartzinel didn't finish the sentence - why is that ?  
I know what was said- because I know my daughters mannerisms and her verbal skills and her communication.  

  • Dr. Craig Childress : Attachment Based parenting " parent alienation " 

  • The Life of the Alienated Parent : Psychology today 

  • Parental alienation 201: 

** There was no communication from my former husband at any time with regard to Separation or Divorce.  No communication prior to May 21, 2017 in regard to separation or divorce. No communication of separation or divorce even when asked in a text after he left if he wanted a separation or a divorce - he responded by saying no.  The first communication I received was in December 2018 ( once a home state was established- without my knowledge - without any communication or verbalizing anything on the whereabout of himself or our daughters were at.  No communication what so ever until December 2018 I was served with a dissolution of divorce.  

  I was abandoned and deserted in Texas with no resources - no family - no friends while every resource I had was eliminated.  
  Because I had been a stay at home mom to our daughters and primary caregiver that was the role that my former husband and I agreed to prior to being married.  It was more important to me to put my children first, I had already experienced career and felt that after our children left home I would pursue a career again.  But my children were first in my life.  We agreed to my staying at home, being their daily caregiver, managing the home, the finances and providing and communicating our children's needs to my former husband while he went out to work for our family.  To be the full time provider for me and for our daughters.  I worked outside the home until I had complications from pregnancy during my pregnancy with our oldest daughter. 

  I originally had a blog written on that was expressing the pain, hurt and trauma of what it is like to be in a family that I felt so alone.  This was prior to their abduction and kidnapping.  Over time I will disclose the hurt , pain and trauma of what it is like to be in a family who has experienced vaccine injury.  Also what it is like to not have support or resources available and what it looks like when family of origin is not supportive of marriage, health care, or family.  

  In my previous blog I had written many hurt filled posts about how I had felt abandoned and deserted from everyone including family of origin for my side of my family.  As well as the pain , trauma and hurt experiencing that same from my former husbands side of the family.  I am currently working on writing a book about the revelations of vaccine injury and this could apply to any family who is experiencing any health trauma to a child, family member or loved one.  

  In my experience of what I have experienced in this there is nothing more hurtful, traumatizing and cruel than to project and to forcibly remove a mothers child.  That pain and trauma is magnified when it is a spouse that a mutual trust has been established with long before marriage, long before child rearing.  
 To have a spouse to not only betray the spouse that the children have been forcibly removed from with no warning, no communication, and no nothing.  But then to forcibly removed children from the life that they have grown up with, remove children from the parent who has been the primary attachment in their lives, the parent that has been their security and safety and has been led to believe that both parents , mom or dad is their primary attachment and that neither are there to harm them or mislead them to any harm or trauma.  
  I can go back now to events that I can now see the enmeshment and behaviors that were shown by those in my family of origin and can clearly understand the grooming and parent alienation.  Even though I may not see it initially as being intentional - in fact it happened.  

  I was not allowed to speak or have any contact with our special needs daughter until I kept calling and was allowed to speak to her on her birthday September 7, 2019.  It had been twenty - eight months since hearing our daughters voice.  When I spoke to her , she did not know who I was.  She could no longer say " mommy" or I love you or any other words that I had helped her to master during her therapy or education.  It was a week or two beyond that I was only allowed two - thirty minute phone calls.  Some were a little longer and some about thirty minutes.  

  Just sit in that place for a minute and imagine fighting for your childs life - to keep her alive for Thirteen and half years and then one day the spouse that you chose or you agreed to marry because you have a life that you wanted to live in common. You chose to have children and before you chose to have those children ( our children were planned).  That one day your spouse leaves with your children and knowing one child needs your attachment to stay healthy, not just an attachment , but in order to be in good health- is gone.  With no reason.  
  Our oldest daughter now Twenty one, I called the Citrus County sheriffs office because she would not respond to my text, my emails or my phone calls to do a welfare check once I was able to find their address online on voting records. 

  And the system advocated it.  I did not sit back and do nothing but instead have a list of organizations and agencies of local, state and federal - that I had reached out to over the past Thirty months of HELL organizations in the State of Texas - as well as Florida ( where they were abducted , kidnapped and alienated to ).  I also had contacted attorneys and lawyers who refused to take my case because I was abandoned and deserted with no resources or finances for a lawyer after being a stay at home mom placing my childrens' needs and committing to my children instead of a career.  This was my choice and my former husbands choice to put our children's needs before our own for me to stay at home. I was not paid a salary for this.  I felt my children were more important that striving to live like everyone else who quotes the time they get up, time they go to bed, or what type of work they do, and how hard of work they do. And to remind everyone when work comes up ( that they work for a living ).  Trying being a stay at home mom and doing all that same work - but no pay and no recognition- then we can have a conversation.  To each his own. My children came first in my life.  

  Recently after being told that I have no more rights as a mother or a parent - have had all of my guardianship duties withheld - medical decisions or anything else for our daughter I decided to continue searching for an attorney to help in my journey.  This is a horrible, horrible behavior that has been done toward me and toward our daughters.  
  I recently in December while searching for parent alienation and talking with other moms and dads of our experiences and the trauma that we are experiencing from this I found a lawyer.  I reached out to her and sent her a narrative to our story.  She said that we could set up a time to see if she could represent me and I am thankful to say she did.  

Now it is time for people to hear my story.  And my story is about both of these beautiful girls who this momma loves very much and she wants them to know that I have not stopped working to get you home with me. 
Birthday for our girls in Conway Arkansas 2015 " Sound of Music" These are two of my favorite girls <3 

 I have not stopped. Sadly we have a system in our country that is beyond dysfunctional and reprobate - treating children and families like objects and exploiting financially.  

  Stay tuned for the rest of my story- you will hear about parent alienation, medical kidnapping and exploitation, as well as Guardianship exploitation.  

with love, 

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