Independent Steps in rehabilitation another day of learning. Activity of daily living.
What is it like to have a child who has experienced trauma from vaccine injury? While living through the trauma it simply can't just be the child, it is the entire family that suffers from trauma of the vaccine injury.
Sadly friends, family, extended family tend to force their beliefs, their thoughts, their culture and ideaology into the family who is already suffering. When the family or caregiver of the child has been the one who has provided continuity of care for that child. I have been hands - on in every facet of our daughters life and health care since she was conceived.
In addition, most families want and seek consolation. However when you have extended family who has not been in the childs life or daily care there can be unhealthy thoughts, a unhealthy belief system and can even harm and cause more trauma to the child or even more harm and trauma to the family of origin of the child.
Why do others feel compelled after not being in the childs' life for her entire life- to no fault but their own business, too busy with vacations, life, or whatever excuse to indulge in this type of behavior?
It's certainly their life but to use guilt and shame and to force your belief systems in a family where the child has been raised and has a belief system contrary to your thoughts and beliefs can cause trauma, harm and even physical danger to the child.
When people ask for family or others to be there - we aren't asking for you to parent us and tell us what to do. I have been caring for our daughter for over Thirteen years and have managed to take her from death and dying to rehabilitation. Since her abduction, I have watched her Health and progress deteriorate substantially on her medical records.
In addition for unknown reasons that child was removed forcibly from my care for no justifiable reason and thrown in a car and relocated to a different state to assume a new life. The first time I heard her voice after her abduction was September 7,2017 which I called and was hung up numerous times. The next time I was allowed to talk with her was September 7, 2019.
According to medical records she is now being drugged six times per day with marijuana oil to just make her forget this abduction or her mom?
Addictive behaviors and addictive tendencies don't make someone even a child forget. This childhood trauma in addition to the medical trauma that was forced into her life for the early years of her life - there is no drugging or amount of drugging unless she would be overdosed and expired would make her forget these traumas. She can't express that. She can't talk about that. She can't verbalize that. Instead this is compiling trauma upon trauma upon trauma in many different levels. I can't comprehend why anyone would ever do this to a child who has done nothing to anyone.
I have seen and heard remarks from others that the reasoning of forcibly taking our daughter from my care after almost Fourteen years of trauma care and rehabilitation. This reasoning I was told is that I wouldn't give her medication. I want to clarify some things for those of you who were not in our lives and who wasn't in Abigailes life during the first Fourteen years of her life until she was abducted and kidnapped.
I was the ONLY primary caregiver and Health care manager that Abigaile had during those almost Fourteen years. I can assure you she did not live those Thirteen - Fourteen years without medicine and there is a lot more to the story that is told or even on the medical records.
So before presuming and re-writing your false narrative - there is a truth and truth is coming out. This statement is an outright lie - it is a false narrative- it is defamation and slander to me as her mom and her caregiver to imply that I have ever been neglectful or negligent in Abigailes care. I have made appointments and taken her to Pediatricians, hospitals, childrens hospitals ( in a five state area), to therapists, to treatments in state as well as out of state. In addition I have fought DHHS to even get recommended equipment when Insurance refused her a wheelchair.
I have given her medications , I have stopped medications when I have noted by diary, day planners, journals and according to packet inserts her symptoms coincided that she was having an adverse reaction or an adverse event to which I had notified the primary care Dr. or the Specialist each and every time. I have worked with all of these individuals and professionals on a first name basis that I have been able to do private duty care for our daughter and had her at the level where she was making tremendous progress and in active rehabilitation.
If we want to visit a conversation about neglect and withholding equipment, denying care, treatments and therapies by not responding to my requests or my being able to follow through with appointments. I will be glad to have that chat with my Lawyer present.
Below is a video of daily Independent steps where you can notice several things. I want to be sure that you get the TRUTH of the video. There are several items in the video.
2016 Greapevine, Texas Abigaile taking her medicine. Medicine is defined as pharmaceutical drugs and Supplements. Abigaile could not verbally express the word medication or drugs. She simply would call it " MedMed ".
1. You will notice and hear my voice with beautiful Abigaile and her voice. Also you can hear beautiful Natascha speaking in the video as well.
2. You will notice she has her apron on - this is used when she is feeding herself and eating so she doesn't have to change clothes so many times per day. She was able to help assist in dressing but not always independently. These were skills on our daily learning activities.
3. You will notice a large sized - worn zip lock baggie. It has brown bottles with white lids ( locking lids ) these are plastic pharmaceutical bottles- both ordered by Dr. Kartzinel. They contained her medications a Thyroid armour ( which was discontinued based on labs after modifying her diet to correct her Thyroid profile. The large ziplock baggie also contained a large white bottle with Kirkman labs Buffered Magnesium Bisglycinate also ordered by Dr. Kartzinel. There was no marijuana homeopathic.
4. Next you will hear me request Abigaile to " put container in the bag". Container is filled with these " medications" once per week after they are all taken. This is a Seven day pill dispenser making it easier to keep up with daily medications or supplements per week. So that one doesn't ( over dose - or forget to take a pill).
5. Abigaile takes " container " and " puts container in the bag. The container was out of the bag so that Abigaile could take her medicine - and then I used this time so that Abigaile was able to recognize and use her occupational therapy skills as well as cognitive learning skills in use with activity of daily learning. While taking her medicine.
6. The next thing you will notice is that when Abigaile gets the clear pill container to the bag - there are a few days still left in the clear container meaning that we still had the remainder of the week to go.
7. Next, Abigaile became distracted with Natascha likely cooking something and had become disengaged from closing the baggie. I had taught her to use occupational therapy to use pincher and pinch the bag shut - but because she was disengaged by Natascha distraction she didn't do it. I was eager to move forward with the day and requested her to say Bye- Bye which was common to close the video out. So she immediately responded Bye - Bye because she has mastered that word. Then in addition by her recall and call back - she automatically waves " Bye " as well. These prompting and actions took years to master. Early on she was having so many seizures " on medications and drugs" that she could not retain anything - she could not master anything.
8. Abigaile then proceeded to " blow sugars " or blow kisses as most people will call it. This is her saying I love you- I'm done.
In addition I want to say that Abigailes dad and I had agreed prior to having children and once we had our children that if we or our children needed drugs or medical care that we felt they should be able to get that.
However it crossed the lines if and when class 1 drugs that are gateway drugs to other drugs. Due to addictive tendencies and behaviors in extended family ( family other than our family of origin ) our family of origin - defined as myself, Abgailes dad, Natascha ( her sister ).
Because of my continued education for Abigailes Health care and my work experience prior in the medical field her dad and I agreed to never give our daughter a highly addictive drugs or drugs that would not promote healing for the condition.
I have spoken my disgust in the prescribing of CBD oil ( CBD is addicting and does nothing to promote healing). This conversation was held with Dr. Kartzinel as well as Abigailes dad and I all present on several occasions). Since the abduction and absconding, the medical records state this DRUG is being given to our daughter against my will due to my Philosophical beliefs and Religious beliefs and it has no Health benefit or healing toward our daughters seizures. It does nothing to promote life saving abilities. Our daughter is being " doped" six times per day against my wishes and the wishes for our daughter to not be forced addictive tendencies or behaviors toward medications with known addictive tendencies and behaviors in family of origin members.
In addition I want to say that Abigailes dad and I had agreed prior to having children and once we had our children that if we or our children needed drugs or medical care that we felt they should be able to get that.
However it crossed the lines if and when class 1 drugs that are gateway drugs to other drugs. Due to addictive tendencies and behaviors in extended family ( family other than our family of origin ) our family of origin - defined as myself, Abgailes dad, Natascha ( her sister ).
Because of my continued education for Abigailes Health care and my work experience prior in the medical field her dad and I agreed to never give our daughter a highly addictive drugs or drugs that would not promote healing for the condition.
I have spoken my disgust in the prescribing of CBD oil ( CBD is addicting and does nothing to promote healing). This conversation was held with Dr. Kartzinel as well as Abigailes dad and I all present on several occasions). Since the abduction and absconding, the medical records state this DRUG is being given to our daughter against my will due to my Philosophical beliefs and Religious beliefs and it has no Health benefit or healing toward our daughters seizures. It does nothing to promote life saving abilities. Our daughter is being " doped" six times per day against my wishes and the wishes for our daughter to not be forced addictive tendencies or behaviors toward medications with known addictive tendencies and behaviors in family of origin members.
I hope this clears up the "medication - drug" mis-information and false narrative. I have never - nor would I ever do anything to cause harm to my children - never. To be coerced into a place where someone out right causes trauma to a parent or a child by spreading such deceit for whatever reason - it is clearly not in the best interest of Abigaile.
with love,
Paris ( Abigailes mom )