Friday, January 24, 2020

Independent Steps - Grapevine, Texas - day 3 - Medications -

Independent Steps in rehabilitation another day of learning.  Activity of daily living.  

  What is it like to have a child who has experienced trauma from vaccine injury?   While living through the trauma it simply can't just be the child, it is the entire family that suffers from trauma of the vaccine injury.  

  Sadly friends, family, extended family tend to force their beliefs, their thoughts, their culture and ideaology into the family who is already suffering.  When the family or caregiver of the child has been the one who has provided continuity of care for that child.  I have been hands - on in every facet of our daughters life and health care since she was conceived. 

  In addition, most families want and seek consolation.  However when you have extended family who has not been in the childs life or daily care there can be unhealthy thoughts, a unhealthy belief system and can even harm and cause more trauma to the child or even more harm and trauma to the family of origin of the child.  

  Why do others feel compelled after not being in the childs' life for her entire life- to no fault but their own business, too busy with vacations, life, or whatever excuse to indulge in this type of behavior? 
   It's certainly their life but to use guilt and shame and to force your belief systems in a family where the child has been raised and has a belief system contrary to your thoughts and beliefs can cause trauma, harm and even physical danger to the child. 

  When people ask for family or others to be there - we aren't asking for you to parent us and tell us what to do.  I have been caring for our daughter for over Thirteen years and have managed to take her from death and dying to rehabilitation.  Since her abduction, I have watched her Health and progress deteriorate substantially on her medical records.  

   In addition for unknown reasons that child was removed forcibly from my care for no justifiable reason and thrown in a car and relocated to a different state to assume a new life.  The first time I heard her voice after her abduction was September 7,2017 which I called and was hung up numerous times.  The next time I was allowed to talk with her was September 7, 2019.  
  According to medical records she is now being drugged six times per day with marijuana oil to just make her forget this abduction or her mom? 
 Addictive behaviors and addictive tendencies don't make someone even a child forget.  This childhood trauma in addition to the medical trauma that was forced into her life for the early years of her life - there is no drugging or amount of drugging unless she would be overdosed and expired would make her forget these traumas.  She can't express that. She can't talk about that.  She can't verbalize that.  Instead this is compiling trauma upon trauma upon trauma in many different levels.  I can't comprehend why anyone would ever do this to a child who has done nothing to anyone. 

  I have seen and heard remarks from others that the reasoning of forcibly taking our daughter from my care after almost Fourteen years of trauma care and rehabilitation.  This reasoning I was told is that I wouldn't give her medication.   I want to clarify some things for those of you who were not in our lives and who wasn't in Abigailes life during the first Fourteen years of her life until she was abducted and kidnapped.   

  I was the ONLY primary caregiver and Health care manager that Abigaile had during those almost Fourteen years.   I can assure you she did not live those Thirteen - Fourteen years without medicine and there is a lot more to the story that is told or even on the medical records.  
  So before presuming and re-writing your false narrative - there is a truth and truth is coming out.  This statement is an outright lie - it is a false narrative- it is defamation and slander to me as her mom and her caregiver to imply that I have ever been neglectful or negligent in Abigailes care.  I have made appointments and taken her to Pediatricians, hospitals, childrens hospitals ( in a five state area), to therapists, to treatments in state as well as out of state.  In addition I have fought DHHS to even get recommended equipment when Insurance refused her a wheelchair. 
    I have given her medications , I have stopped medications when I have noted by diary, day planners, journals and according to packet inserts her symptoms coincided that she was having an adverse reaction or an adverse event to which I had notified the primary care Dr. or the Specialist each and every time.  I have worked with all of these individuals and professionals on a first name basis that I have been able to do private duty care for our daughter and had her at the level where she was making tremendous progress and in active rehabilitation. 
   If we want to visit a conversation about neglect and withholding equipment, denying care, treatments and therapies by not responding to my requests or my being able to follow through with appointments.  I will be glad to have that chat with my Lawyer present.  

  Below is a video of daily Independent steps where you can notice several things.  I want to be sure that you get the TRUTH of the video.  There are several items in the video.  

2016 Greapevine, Texas Abigaile taking her medicine.  Medicine is defined as pharmaceutical drugs and Supplements.  Abigaile could not verbally express the word medication or drugs.  She simply would call it " MedMed ".  

1. You will notice and hear my voice with beautiful Abigaile and her voice.  Also you can hear beautiful Natascha speaking in the video as well.  
2.  You will notice she has her apron on - this is used when she is feeding herself and eating so she doesn't have to change clothes so many times per day.  She was able to help assist in dressing but not always independently. These were skills on our daily learning activities. 
3.  You will notice a large sized - worn zip lock baggie.  It has brown bottles with white lids ( locking lids ) these are plastic pharmaceutical bottles- both ordered by Dr. Kartzinel.  They contained her medications a Thyroid armour ( which was discontinued based on labs after modifying her diet to correct her Thyroid profile.  The large ziplock baggie also contained a large white bottle with Kirkman labs Buffered Magnesium Bisglycinate also ordered by Dr. Kartzinel.  There was no marijuana homeopathic. 
4.  Next you will hear me request Abigaile to " put container in the bag".  Container is filled with these " medications" once per week after they are all taken.  This is a Seven day pill dispenser making it easier to keep up with daily medications or supplements per week.  So that one doesn't ( over dose - or forget to take a pill).  
5.  Abigaile takes " container " and " puts container in the bag.  The container was out of the bag so that Abigaile could take her medicine - and then I used this time so that Abigaile was able to recognize and use her occupational therapy skills as well as cognitive learning skills in use with activity of daily learning.  While taking her medicine.  
6.  The next thing you will notice is that when Abigaile gets the clear pill container to the bag - there are a few days still left in the clear container meaning that we still had the remainder of the week to go.  
7.  Next, Abigaile became distracted with Natascha likely cooking something and had become disengaged from closing the baggie.  I had taught her to use occupational therapy to use pincher and pinch the bag shut - but because she was disengaged by Natascha  distraction she didn't do it.  I was eager to move forward with the day and requested her to say Bye- Bye which was common to close the video out.  So she immediately responded Bye - Bye because she has mastered that word.  Then in addition by her recall and call back - she automatically waves " Bye " as well.  These prompting and actions took years to master.  Early on she was having so many seizures " on medications and drugs" that she could not retain anything - she could not master anything.  
8. Abigaile then proceeded to " blow sugars " or blow kisses as most people will call it.  This is her saying I love you- I'm done.

  In addition I want to say that Abigailes dad and I had agreed prior to having children and once we had our children that if we or our children needed drugs or medical care that we felt they should be able to get that.
  However it crossed the lines if and when class 1 drugs that are gateway drugs to other drugs.  Due to addictive tendencies and behaviors in extended family ( family other than our family of origin ) our family of origin - defined as myself, Abgailes dad, Natascha ( her sister ).
  Because of my continued education for Abigailes Health care and my work experience prior in the medical field her dad and I agreed to never give our daughter a highly addictive drugs or drugs that would not promote healing for the condition.
  I have spoken my disgust in the prescribing of CBD oil ( CBD is addicting and does nothing to promote healing).   This conversation was held with Dr. Kartzinel as well as Abigailes dad and I all present on several occasions).  Since the abduction and absconding,  the medical records state this DRUG is being given to our daughter against my will due to my Philosophical beliefs and Religious beliefs and it has no Health benefit or healing toward our daughters seizures.  It does nothing to promote life saving abilities.  Our daughter is being  " doped"  six times per day against my wishes and the wishes for our daughter to not be forced addictive tendencies or behaviors toward medications with known addictive tendencies and behaviors in family of origin members.  

  I hope this clears up the "medication - drug" mis-information and false narrative.  I have never - nor would I ever do anything to cause harm to my children - never.  To be coerced into a place where someone out right causes trauma to a parent or a child by spreading such deceit for whatever reason - it is clearly not in the best interest of Abigaile.  

with love, 
Paris ( Abigailes mom ) 

Thursday, January 23, 2020

Independent Steps - Texas Day 2 part 3

Abigaile at the Monterey Bay Aquarium 

Lessons of Activity of Daily Living : 

  Abigaile washing face- video gets cut off at the end and will resume in the second video. 

  Daily life skills are routine and made habit.  This was a daily routine for the girls and I.  These skills are necessary and a necessity for learning and living out daily.  These actions may seem redundant to some but with families who have special needs children these skills - even one of these skills can take enormous pressure off of a parent that the child can manage this skill on their own. 
  It is obvious the benefit for the child.  


  It is not only important for ones health to have good hygiene it is important to learn as a skill set.  I am amazed at how many people who are adults, much less children who have not been taught proper hygiene.  It is actually a very important concept in teaching one good health.  

2016 Grapevine, Texas Abigaile finally decides to wash her nose and face - little Sweat Pea <3

  I am not trying to bring down the writer in this post I believe over all the post is very spot on. However, coming from a stance of Natural health I disagree that one has to use deodorant.  And this thought comes with research of not wearing deodorant and why we shouldn't.  

  You can fact check this with some simple Biology and anatomy.  
  Your body sweats because your body is detoxing from things antagonistic to your body.  The endocrine system and sweat glands - sweat out what is toxic.   There are chemicals in food, water, drinks, even the environment that the body can absorb through the skin.  This is why when one eats raw or fresh garlic they tend to sweat out the garlic once it has assimilated into the blood.  

  This is why exercise is good for detox, to make one sweat- to sweat out the impurities.  
So when you layer that deodorant on ( in my opinion its unimportant if it is organic, natural or whatever -) the fact is you are covering up a very important health benefit of sweating out toxins.  
    The deodorant is sticky and creates a layer so the skin and pores can not sweat and can not breathe trapping toxins and trapping the deodorant back into your pores, trapping into the sweat glands and creating more toxins back in to the blood stream.  
  You will find with a pure diet and less toxins that you drink or eat, or put into your body - you won't sweat as profusely and it won't smell.  It is good to sweat out toxins.  This should make one aware of what they are eating or drinking - is not always good for your body. 

  This is a good list of basic care that should be taught to all children and is should especially be taught to children with special needs.  I am not going to label children with the diagnosed diseases or disorders but instead focus on the symptoms.  

8 Easy steps to teaching your special needs child Personal Hygiene :  

Applied Behavior Analysis : 

 While listening to the videos you may hear me repeat phrases over and over.  I realized while watching these that likely I was repeating to quickly for Abigaile to respond this was a several times per day request to do these behaviors.  

  This type of repetitive wording was taught while we were in California.  I had Abigaile in Applied Behavioral therapy.  I initially wanted to do this therapy because Abigaile loves books and instead of have a formal dining room I put wall to wall bookshelves and it became our library.  It was much more relaxed and served a purpose to us all.   However, Abigaile loves books and while I like to foster that in our girls- well Abigaile found books and this is how she learned to do the pulling to stand - she would start with the lowest shelf on the wall and pull all the books.  Then she would gradually keep going up the shelf until she could stand, while knocking rows of books off the shelves.
  While this was cute, and she did good she would get done with all the books and clap.  So we had to change this behavior.  Yes- we had tethers on the shelves.  I didn't want her doing this because it is not always guaranteed that all bookshelves where she is at would be tethered and not fall on her.

  Our children with special needs aren't hopeless it takes time and attention to their details - to meet their needs.  It isn't always simple to figure out but when you do and your child has that AhA moment then that will be the biggest blessing taken away from the adventure.  

  Once again I want to reiterate that this is Abigaile in 2016, who was not prescribed drugs or medications.   She did not have a seizure pattern or global seizures - she did not have clusters.  She was making substantial progress.  

  I had planned and scheduled on different occasions our trip back to Southern California for Polfit wellness therapy.  A great group of professionals who taught Abigaile that she could walk.  Sadly these plans were never acted upon due to lack of commitment.  

with love, 
Paris ( Abigailes mommy ) 

Independent Steps day 2 Grapevine, Texas 2016

2016 Grapevine, Texas at Independent steps Abigaile drinking water from a straw.  

Whoever receives a prophet because he is a prophet will receive a prophet’s reward, and whoever receives a righteous man because he is a righteous man will receive a righteous man’s reward. When anyone gives even a cup of cold water to one of these little ones because he is My disciple,truly I tell you, he will never lose his reward.” Matthew 10:41-42

  We started every day with prayer, some praise and worship music and often a study somewhere in the word of God.  Often the girls and I did this to start our day of learning and before school.  There were days it wasn't possible but this was the normal routine for the girls and I.  

  While I am aware that water here in the scripture is meant for the Spiritual concept- in reality water in life - especially Spring water has much to give as well.  Spring water has all the natural minerals left intact.  In health and wellness Spring water has nothing missing, nothing broken.  Does this sound familiar to you from scripture ?  

  Isaiah 26:3-4 Perfect peace. Shalom. Nothing missingnothing lacking, nothing broken.

  In my experiences in life, through all my testimonies this is always true.  Even though we may not see it at the time we have to remain faithful to God that we trust Him.  When we Trust in God - His ways will come to pass.  We can't trust in human ways or ways of culture - but we must trust in God.  

  I worked with Natascha and Abigaile daily to work first and foremost in Spiritual mindset.  In order to create and foster a way of thinking toward the ways of God.  So they were not forced into slavery of thinking like culture. I wanted them both to remain positive, happy, and giving, loving toward others.  We can clearly see the world around us in turmoil - and this is chaos.  No where does God tell us to think or rely on chaos.  He also tells us to put Him first. I believe putting Him first is starting with that cup of water.  

 Psalm 42:1
As the deer pants for streams of water, so my soul pants for you, O God. My soul thirsts for God, for the living God.

   I worked on Spiritual skills first.  We were able to foster healthy emotional skills because of this.  

  Then I worked on occupational skills such as the eating, drinking, dressing, walking, talking, all of these things are by far more necessary starting with a child who has special needs.  They are a foundation that is to be set prior to anything in institutional learning.  This is why special needs children don't make progress in Institutions called school.  I have friends who has MS in Education that have special needs children and agree with this statement.  

  In my 30 minute phone call visits per week our daughters verbal skills have declined she has very few words and nothing of the vocabulary she once worked to get to.  She had mastered at least Fifteen words prior to being abducted.  

 Prior to her leaving I observed the more that her physical skills were improving the more her verbal skills improved.  What is this saying for her Physical and motor skills now?  In photos she sits with legs crossed Indian style.  That is from inactivity and not walking. Occupational therapy for a physical accident does not work with those who have experienced Traumatic Brain Injury ( from a chemical component ).  The more chemicals that are given the more the brain function deteriorates.  These Drugs Suppress the activity - suppressing the neurotransmitters that fire signals for necessary action.  Causing one to be wheel -chair bound indefinitely and not making progress. Not making independence and not fostering a rehabilitation but instead a dependency. 
  I had worked with Abigaile over the years testing her with institutional learning and even though her  cognitive understanding was there - the output wasn't always there.  She had gone through a massive chemical assault on her brain and her body from the vaccine reaction.  So over the years I did research to try and find some thing more suitable.  Thankfully there are many great pioneers out there that have already traveled this road.  Thankfully there are others who are education minded but not controlled by funding or culture that have understanding - you can't always follow the culture or the money to help children.  I had finally found modalities and philosophies that were working.  Abigaile started making real progress and I was so happy for our girl.  It was so wonderful to see her progress- it didn't look like ACT tests and public funding for programs that " aren't working for anything but tax dollars to fund institutional learning." 

  Here a a few of the really wonderful programs and those in field who were extremely helpful in me being able to " reach my daughter " and pull out her learning ability.  

  I am going to start with Dr. Maria Montessori.  Many have learned of Montessori schools. Well this is where I started because I felt in the ages and stages of child development moving and using the limbs is the key to everything else.  The real foundation is healthy eating ( but I won't go there just yet ).  Martha Montessori was an amazing woman and has an incredible history about how she got into the field.  She was the first female Doctor of Italy.  She was also an educator.  Unlike traditional institutional learning the Montessori learning focuses on a child driven learning.  

  I made great progress with Abigaile using Montessori - things were slow at first it was a learning curve for me .  And a learning curve as well trying to think in reverse of how I had been taught.  But well worth the time and effort.  Learning isn't about culture nor is it about socializing it is that we learn basic life skills - then we build on that to learn skills that will lead us into occupations that will be preparing us for life.  

Who was Maria Montessori" : 

The History of the Montessori education : 

  The next added learning philosophy was Charlotte Mason.  I found Charlotte Mason theory in Nature leaning.  At the homeschool education events we attended I was always looking for books ( I have a lot of books) that would capture " reality" nature, daily living, things that were like " living books".   In Charlotte Mason - now Ambleside has a collection.  I also did this with Abigailes older sister in her learning.  Then we went to institutional learning and curriculum for her older sister and she was no longer interested in school.  I believe there were other intrusions in her behaviors about her school also.  

 "  Charlotte Mason was a British educator who believed that education was about more than training for a job, passing an exam, or getting into the right college. She said education was an atmosphere, a discipline, and a life; it was about finding out who we were and how we fit into the world of human beings and into the universe God created. " 

  An Introduction to Charlotte Mason - Ambleside online :

Charlotte Mason preschool and preK focus on Nature and enrichment 

" The Charlotte Mason method is based on Charlotte's firm belief that the child is a person and we must educate that whole person, not just his mind. So a Charlotte Mason education is three-pronged: in her words, “Education is an Atmosphere, a Discipline, a Life.”

The next area that I was focusing was on Abigailes cognitive learning.  I knew that she had cognitive understanding and I knew that she could retain that information.  She was also tested on teaching her a specific skill several times and then testing her until she mastered that skill.  

 Abigaile learned that she needed to either use her hands and grasp the food to eat.  She also knew that she could grasp the spoon to eat.  Abigaile knew that if she was hungry and there was food on the plate or in the bowl she would completely bypass the spoon to get the food quicker.  She knew these things.  This is basic fundamental skill of necessity.  Food and being able to eat food, knowing what that looks like. Knowing the different stages of how to move that food from point A to point B is not taught in institutional learning.  Learning shapes, colors, numbers and socializing is less important that the need to learn basic life skills.  
  I believed Abigaile was at a point in her rehabilitation that I wanted to challenge her more. So I continued to research programs, therapies and anything I felt that would challenge her to the next level of learning and mastering a skill.  
  I should mention that Abgaile was not on medications or drugs during this time because all of her drugs and medications were not necessary.  They had all been discontinued.  She was not having active seizure patterns that were progressing.  She would have an occasional seizure trigger and this was no different than anyone else who experiences an allergic reaction. It simply triggered a seizure in her ( that didn't require drugs) she would seizure and then stop on her own.  This was an allergic response , not frequent and there was no pattern to it. 

  The next level of learning and education for Abigaile was with Equipping Minds. I had contacted the H.S.L.D.A. with regard to a newsletter about Dr. Brown after reading a newsletter she had written.  We ( our family- Abigailes dad, her sister and myself ) planned a trip to Kentucky.  It was suppose to be a learning experience and because we didn't get to take vacations. I planned for us to stay at the Kentucky Horse park near Lexington and to visit The Ark ( out in the middle of no-where Kentucky) .  I have some photos I will have to post later but these were really wonderful exhibits and fun.   It is very difficult as a special needs family to take vacations- now I have an understanding of why it was so much more difficult for our family -  with the outside conflict that was brewing, controlling and manipulating.  

  I first contacted Equipping Minds on email and ordered the conference ticket.  I was able to talk with Dr. Carol Brown and was able to share our story about our Abigaile with her.  Then I booked the conference and the trip.  I finally felt I was getting all of Abigailes plan complete so that I could focus on making additional progress for her.  I really could see Abigaile moving to the next level and making progress with this.  We had just moved from Grapevine, Texas to Arlington Texas because we had not found a more permanent address.  

About Dr. Carol Brown : 

Dr. Carol is an amazing woman.  She is kind and caring and invited us to her home to be able to do a personal consult with Abigaile.  She wished to meet with Abigaile and with our family.  I felt that she went above and beyond what any other professional in the field would do.  Her conference was one of the most detailed and hands on that I have ever attended and reasonably priced.  We felt this would be a great program for Abigaile.  I would recommend this program to anyone who has neuro-developmental issues.  

Equipping Minds - Cognitive learning : 

  I was able to bring home a bag of wonderful goodies for Abigale to start her program and the plan was to work with Dr. Carol in Abigailes progress.  Abigaile loved the program and was just starting to get accustomed to the items we used in the program. Most of all she loved the ear buds to listen to her audio and Abigaile loved the audio.  

  We made the trip in April 2016.

  I would not have been made aware that in May 21, 2017 not even a month later that my world would fall apart, and that our daughters would be abducted and kidnapped with no communication, and no logical reason why.  

with love, 
Paris  ( Abigailes mommy ) 

Wednesday, January 22, 2020

2016 Independent Steps - Grapevine Texas ( daily living )

2016 in Grapevine, Texas Abigailes Activity of daily living - eating with the utensils that God gave to her.  I have a second video that goes with this showing her eating with her utensil that human made- a spoon.  

2016 Grapevine Texas - this is Abigaile using her human utensil the spoon <3 
This is all because of the hard work that we put in to Abigaile and first and foremost the glory , and healing miracle from God.

Psalm 127:3 
Behold, children are a gift of the Lord,
The fruit of the womb is a reward.

  So what you are watching in the video above is Abigaile with her favorite snack - chocolate brownies.  The way this snack came about is my family of origin recipe for Chocolate gravy.  I have been told this is a Native American recipe. It has always been a popular meal in our homes,  Chocolate gravy and biscuits.  I learned to modify recipes due to Abigailes multiple chemical sensitivity and was able to make her many varieties of different types of foods growing her meal list considerably using very few ingredients.  This recipe above is some homemade chocolate brownies that I made for her primarily with Organic baking cocoa and Coconut Concentrate.  Over time I learned that this recipe was key in helping to control Abgailes seizures.  In reality it is the Magnesium in addition to the ingredients of the Coconut oils combined that actually prevents seizures.  <3 This is by far safer, no habit forming or addictive - unlike CBD ( Marijuana oil).  

  I recently found some videos while going through photos and videos and found several that I had recorded of Abigailes activity of daily living.  I'm sure that most people think or believe that families that have special needs children who stay at home- don't do anything but just sit and watch TV all day. 

  I would like to stop that misinformation because that couldn't be further from the truth.  Special needs children are a lot of work.  And reality is,  not everyone needs a special needs child.  And not every caregiver that is working as a caregiver needs to be a caregiver.  In fact, its sad to say there are many caregivers who won't care for their own children but instead pay someone else to do that caregiving for them.  A childs progress in Health and wellness will be more successful with a parent who loves them and is dedicated taking those needs of that child in to their own hands.  Being Abigailes mommy and caregiver has not always been easy. But Abigaile was finally stable, was finally walking and taking some independent steps with walker and canes, eating with utensils, drinking from a cup. We were finally at the point where I felt I could sit back and relax a bit. Then Abigaile was abducted and kidnapped.  

Here are some great blogs about families with children who have special needs.  

The Truth about being a special needs Parent.  By Dr. Amy Bloch 

What Parents of Special needs children need YOU to know 

The Isolation of being a special needs Parent 

  I have been the sole caregiver of our daughter with occasional help from our oldest daughter since Abigaile was born.  I have also been her Primary health care manager in keeping with continuity of care.  Because of this I was able to prove our daughters vaccine reaction where my documentation won an entitlement award with the Federal vaccine court.  Had I not chosen to stay at home with our daughter, I don't believe this would have ever happened.  Had I not been trained in the medical field and had Eight ( 8) years plus of hands on nursing experience in addition to private practice experience with diagnostics and coding experience this may not have happened either.  But at any rate God knew what He was doing training me all those years.  

  I have also been very active in Abigailes medical and health care as well as her rehabilitation and care plan.  I have also trained in all of Abigailes therapies and have been present at all of her treatments until she was abducted.  

  I want to post several videos on her blog to show some of the daily and several times per day the activities and basic life skills that I would work with Abigaile.  One day I hope to have someone knowledgable in video and photos to help me with collaborating the past 20 years of our girls and family in photos I have a lot.  

  I hope that you find these helpful.  I realize they are not professional videos and they are not staged what so ever, but they are real.  They are reality of a family who has a child with special needs.  

with love, 
for my Abigaile <3 


Sunday, January 19, 2020

Vaccine injury, Parent Alienation, Childhood Trauma -

Mommy to Abigaile and Natascha - 24/7 nurse for Abigaile with continuity of care from pregnancy until she was abducted and kidnapped from my care May 21, 2017- Caregiver- Health care manager- Chef- Therapist - Project manager - Education - Financial officer- Recreation specialist - Permanent Guardian - filed vaccine injury and provided 24/7 emergency care, Travel coordinator for all the destruction that the vaccine injury caused destruction and near death in our daughter.  
Micah 6:8 
He has told you, O man, what is good; and what does the Lord require of you but to do justice, and to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God?

From infant - vaccine injury symptoms presented in a near death event at age 5 months. 

   Currently since May 21, 2017 - I have become an alienated mother and parent.  Our daughter forcibly taken from me and my full time care for no logical or justifiable reason.  Instead myself and our daughters both EXPECTED to deal with life changes that the biological dad forced upon each of us.  

Alienated mom :  Abigaile was forcibly removed from my care after caring for her since pregnancy.  I was all of the list above to Abigaile during this time, until she was forcibly removed.  Abigaile and her sister were forcibly taken and then held and kept from me all contact.  No phone, no text , no in person visits.  For NO justifiable charges, no justifiable cause.    

  •   Using the Harm of removal and placement to advocate for parents: ( even though this is a situation of a parent to a parent - the behaviors are the same).  

  • Parent- Child Separation, trauma, PTSD, and recovery in Children: 

  •   Separating families and creating trauma : ( the behavior is the same - our family of origin was separated.  Our daughters minors. Our daughter with special needs a minor with special needs and I was told her mentality is near age 2. ) No contact was allowed, no contact via phone, text or emails , no physical contact with me, their mom or my family of origin.  

  • Psychological damage effects of forced parent- child separation : 

STAY TUNED - I will post the actual links that I sent to many people on our daughters care team- 
to try and make them aware ( with scholarly articles and citations the trauma, harm and damage being done to our daughters). 

  I will share as well the links , articles and citations of articles that were sent via emails as well as to Abigiales Dr. Jerry Kartzinel who's response to me was- " Abigaile is in a very good place here - " meaning florida while Parent abduction and kidnapping and the mental anguish, harm and trauma being cause to our daughter was completely ignored and not responded to - not by any member on Abigailes team. NO ONE.  I have numerous emails since May 2017 trying to alert everyone on Abigailes team the harm and trauma being caused to Abigaile because of this pathological behavior.  

  Parental Alienation - Dr. Craig Childress ( numerous cited Psychology articles ) never responded to by anyone on Abigailes team. Complete ignored and not responded to on any occasion by Dr. Kartzinel.  
Not even when I questioned a comment made on Abigailes medical record in regard to 
" well Abigaile finally stopped saying ( oops Dr. Kartzinel didn't finish the sentence - why is that ?  
I know what was said- because I know my daughters mannerisms and her verbal skills and her communication.  

  • Dr. Craig Childress : Attachment Based parenting " parent alienation " 

  • The Life of the Alienated Parent : Psychology today 

  • Parental alienation 201: 

** There was no communication from my former husband at any time with regard to Separation or Divorce.  No communication prior to May 21, 2017 in regard to separation or divorce. No communication of separation or divorce even when asked in a text after he left if he wanted a separation or a divorce - he responded by saying no.  The first communication I received was in December 2018 ( once a home state was established- without my knowledge - without any communication or verbalizing anything on the whereabout of himself or our daughters were at.  No communication what so ever until December 2018 I was served with a dissolution of divorce.  

  I was abandoned and deserted in Texas with no resources - no family - no friends while every resource I had was eliminated.  
  Because I had been a stay at home mom to our daughters and primary caregiver that was the role that my former husband and I agreed to prior to being married.  It was more important to me to put my children first, I had already experienced career and felt that after our children left home I would pursue a career again.  But my children were first in my life.  We agreed to my staying at home, being their daily caregiver, managing the home, the finances and providing and communicating our children's needs to my former husband while he went out to work for our family.  To be the full time provider for me and for our daughters.  I worked outside the home until I had complications from pregnancy during my pregnancy with our oldest daughter. 

  I originally had a blog written on that was expressing the pain, hurt and trauma of what it is like to be in a family that I felt so alone.  This was prior to their abduction and kidnapping.  Over time I will disclose the hurt , pain and trauma of what it is like to be in a family who has experienced vaccine injury.  Also what it is like to not have support or resources available and what it looks like when family of origin is not supportive of marriage, health care, or family.  

  In my previous blog I had written many hurt filled posts about how I had felt abandoned and deserted from everyone including family of origin for my side of my family.  As well as the pain , trauma and hurt experiencing that same from my former husbands side of the family.  I am currently working on writing a book about the revelations of vaccine injury and this could apply to any family who is experiencing any health trauma to a child, family member or loved one.  

  In my experience of what I have experienced in this there is nothing more hurtful, traumatizing and cruel than to project and to forcibly remove a mothers child.  That pain and trauma is magnified when it is a spouse that a mutual trust has been established with long before marriage, long before child rearing.  
 To have a spouse to not only betray the spouse that the children have been forcibly removed from with no warning, no communication, and no nothing.  But then to forcibly removed children from the life that they have grown up with, remove children from the parent who has been the primary attachment in their lives, the parent that has been their security and safety and has been led to believe that both parents , mom or dad is their primary attachment and that neither are there to harm them or mislead them to any harm or trauma.  
  I can go back now to events that I can now see the enmeshment and behaviors that were shown by those in my family of origin and can clearly understand the grooming and parent alienation.  Even though I may not see it initially as being intentional - in fact it happened.  

  I was not allowed to speak or have any contact with our special needs daughter until I kept calling and was allowed to speak to her on her birthday September 7, 2019.  It had been twenty - eight months since hearing our daughters voice.  When I spoke to her , she did not know who I was.  She could no longer say " mommy" or I love you or any other words that I had helped her to master during her therapy or education.  It was a week or two beyond that I was only allowed two - thirty minute phone calls.  Some were a little longer and some about thirty minutes.  

  Just sit in that place for a minute and imagine fighting for your childs life - to keep her alive for Thirteen and half years and then one day the spouse that you chose or you agreed to marry because you have a life that you wanted to live in common. You chose to have children and before you chose to have those children ( our children were planned).  That one day your spouse leaves with your children and knowing one child needs your attachment to stay healthy, not just an attachment , but in order to be in good health- is gone.  With no reason.  
  Our oldest daughter now Twenty one, I called the Citrus County sheriffs office because she would not respond to my text, my emails or my phone calls to do a welfare check once I was able to find their address online on voting records. 

  And the system advocated it.  I did not sit back and do nothing but instead have a list of organizations and agencies of local, state and federal - that I had reached out to over the past Thirty months of HELL organizations in the State of Texas - as well as Florida ( where they were abducted , kidnapped and alienated to ).  I also had contacted attorneys and lawyers who refused to take my case because I was abandoned and deserted with no resources or finances for a lawyer after being a stay at home mom placing my childrens' needs and committing to my children instead of a career.  This was my choice and my former husbands choice to put our children's needs before our own for me to stay at home. I was not paid a salary for this.  I felt my children were more important that striving to live like everyone else who quotes the time they get up, time they go to bed, or what type of work they do, and how hard of work they do. And to remind everyone when work comes up ( that they work for a living ).  Trying being a stay at home mom and doing all that same work - but no pay and no recognition- then we can have a conversation.  To each his own. My children came first in my life.  

  Recently after being told that I have no more rights as a mother or a parent - have had all of my guardianship duties withheld - medical decisions or anything else for our daughter I decided to continue searching for an attorney to help in my journey.  This is a horrible, horrible behavior that has been done toward me and toward our daughters.  
  I recently in December while searching for parent alienation and talking with other moms and dads of our experiences and the trauma that we are experiencing from this I found a lawyer.  I reached out to her and sent her a narrative to our story.  She said that we could set up a time to see if she could represent me and I am thankful to say she did.  

Now it is time for people to hear my story.  And my story is about both of these beautiful girls who this momma loves very much and she wants them to know that I have not stopped working to get you home with me. 
Birthday for our girls in Conway Arkansas 2015 " Sound of Music" These are two of my favorite girls <3 

 I have not stopped. Sadly we have a system in our country that is beyond dysfunctional and reprobate - treating children and families like objects and exploiting financially.  

  Stay tuned for the rest of my story- you will hear about parent alienation, medical kidnapping and exploitation, as well as Guardianship exploitation.  

with love, 

Thursday, January 9, 2020

Truth, Trust , Honesty and Integrity in the eyes of parent alienation

This is the face of Truth, Trust, Honesty, Integrity and Love
taken approx. 1-2 weeks before abudction and kidnapping May 22,2017

  While many of you are not aware of what has been happening or while you may be busy and didn't want to be intrusive to ask I have decided to start posting about the past several years of my life and Abigailes life as it pertains to me.

  I will likely post in increments because of the nature of Trauma and the abuse of systems that have helped in perpetrating this type of behavior.  I will not be posting that information here on Abigailes blog I will mostly be posting about Abigaile and my side of the story of what I have experienced with regard to this.  Whole Body Restoration blogspot

 I'm doing this because over the past two and half years I have been gaslit and told by a system that I have no Parental Rights or rights as a Permanent Guardian.   What has happened and has been done to my child after planning her pregnancy, carrying her through pregnancy and then being her Primary caregiver and her primary health care manager, I have been denied these Parental rights and as her mother. I have been the primary and acting role in successfully getting her entitlement in her vaccine injury.  I have been primary in rehabilitation and care plan for rehabilitation that was showing remarked improvement in Abigaile , her skills, her learning, her daily activities, her walking with a walker and even single pole canes - independently.   

  I am doing this not only for Abigailes benefit but so that this story gets told so many times that there will be people who see that you don't have to have a gang of people, or nuclear family of origin who simply decided to impede and bully your ways or culture into a family and destroy their lives and destroy their children.  People need to recognize the harm, trauma and psychological damage that Parental Alienation causes to a child and the biological parent that it is being done to.  

  In my blog I am going to disclose my own investigation of what I have uncovered in the past two and half years.  I am not doing this to harm any one. But harm and trauma has been done to my children and to me and I say MY because I was pregnant with them and they came from my body.  I have never harmed either of my children, have not caused them trauma , I have been a mother to them. I disagree with the term parent because of the agenda that it came from.  I am not a gender neutral parent .  I am a mother and this is the way God created me and He created me to be the mother for our children.  This is not about their dad - 

  There is a much bigger agenda that is going on behind the scenes of this story - than a simple ( he said ) ( she said ).  You will hear more about this story. I am in the process of writing books, multiple books about the harm and trauma that has been done to our family.  And the trauma and pain , the mental anguish still being done to me and my girls who didn't ask for any of this is has even been perpetrated by the system. The medical trauma being caused to our daughter.  My Parental rights since have been completely ignored when our daughter was abducted and kidnapped May 22,2017. 

  The above photo of Abigaile is when she was living with me, her dad and her sister in TEXAS.
We were not divorced. Nor was there mention of any separation.

  Abigailes story started in 2003 when she was born and immediately had a reaction to the HEP B vaccine because her she was born with Group B Strep.   I have a case study that I have written with details of when the reaction first happened.  At the time I was not aware that a vaccine reaction is what it was called.  In 2004 while receiving more vaccines, Abigale would have a second reaction this time with life threatening seizures.

 I spent the next Seven years, myself , researching case studies and scheduling Abigaile for specialists, lab tests, phenobarbital sticks, and other medical treatments.  I gave Abigaile the pharmaceutical drugs, and I will refer to them as " drugs" because that is what they are.  Drugs.  My prior occupation was in Nursing, I had education plus working skills in Nursing prior to marriage or children.  So I am familiar with the medical field as it was my occupation for over eight years in a hospital setting.  I worked in Cardiac, ICU, ER, and Geriatrics and Oncology.  In addition to this I worked after I was married in a Specialist POD doing ICD9 coding and insurance billing working with Pulmonologist, Oncologist, Gastroenterology, and diagnostics.  I have been a private duty nurse for many prominent citizens of our local community in my home birth state.
  I spent Seven years doing research in case studies, taking Abigaile to specialists to try to discover a protocol, a care plan , anything for our daughter to help make her well.  I literally felt with the hundreds of seizures that she was having I didn't know if she would live one day to the next or not.  She was on drugs for seizures and still having more seizures.  I spent days, nights, weeks and months with very little to no sleep and often not eating.  All medical decisions and research, all appointments, were made by me.  I coordinated hotels, travel and Abigailes dad took time from work and drive us.  We went as Abigailes family, Abigailes support system.

  I spent Seven years doing trauma care and working with Dr,s specialists , nurses, therapists etc to get Abigaile to the place she was for rehabilitation.

   Then after receiving a entitlement to damages from a proven vaccine injury ( which my notes, my burden of proof was done by me- no one else ).  I spent days and nights documenting in journals her sleep, her intake and output, her foods she could tolerate foods she could not tolerate.  This was not textbook - this is reality.  I took from Drs, nurses, specialists, etc what I could take and that is how I got Abigaile to where she was making progress.  It was because of my presence with her to document everything she had gone through and to continue things that worked and stop things that didn't.  I was Abgiailes private duty 24 hour nurse , therapist, teacher, motivator and mom.

 While I did research and reached out to professionals and academia when I felt Abgaile was ready to move to the next level.  
  I trained on all of Abigailes therapies, took continuing education classes in Health, nutrition and even education and psychology.  I did this as Abigailes mom  - this was not the system telling me to do this - my daughter is not a asset and certainly not a product of the system. She is still alive because of the time and effort I spent taking that time as a stay at home mom I was burdened in my heart and my spirit to make my daughter better.

  Abigaile was better, she was making progress, she was walking with single pod canes and quad canes and even with a walker.  She was not in a wheelchair invalid state or drugged.

  I did medication logs, food logs, sleep logs,  and seizure logs of when Abigaile would have seizures and noted , reported this to Dr,s, neurologists and noticed that she was having seizures within a certain time of giving her certain drugs.  I reference this as drugs ( because this is what hospital personnel call them - drugs).

 I reported this information to her Dr. who was following Abigaile.  I would update him on her progress via phone, emails and in office.  The office visits her dad and her sister, and I were always present.  I voiced my concerns when there was a drug we would start and it would show even in the logs Abigailes seizures would increase, causing the Dr. to say to increase the drugs.  I did, then the seizures would become more frequent or more violent.

  It appeared that each time I would give Abigaile these drugs within 30 min to 1 hour start having seizures.  This is a red flag to me.  Called an adverse reaction.  To think that someone , a child or any one can't have a reaction to a seizure drug or can't have a seizure because of a adverse reaction to a seizure drug is ignorant and blatant malpractice.  Even the warning labels of seizure drugs, even the emergency drug for seizures state this very thing.  Abigaile was having drug reactions to her emergency medication called Diastat and would cause more violent seizures with additional side effects.  I noticed this would prompt the Dr to try and add an additional diagnosis on to her. I would point out to Dr. Kartzinel that the Diastat causes the additional muscle atrophy and the muscle twitching , leg cramps and leg spasms.  When I tool her off of the seizure drugs, she no longer took he emergency drugs diastat , she no longer had twitches, spasms or seizures.  She would have an occasional drop seizure that has been caused when given a previous seizures drug. This was given to Dr. Kartzinel.  When she was taken off all the drugs, she would only have an occasional seizure and a Neurologist that we had seen prior had told us this is normal and she will eventually cease having the seizures it is her body growing out of them.  The Neurologist  told us to view it as a hiccup in the brain. Why would you give your child seizure drugs when they cause side effects of seizures ?

  I talked about this with Dr Kartiznel and told him what I had been journaling and documenting and it appeared she was having seizures around the time seizure drugs were given, her reactions was more seizures.    I would skip doses of the drugs sometimes two doses and she would not have seizures.

  Abigaile also had many triggers to seizures.  This is not an isolated case, but there are many people and many different names to call this and the allopathic wants to give it a diagnosis so they can drug it.  When in reality stopping the drugs, stopped the seizure.  Abigaile was not on seizure drugs since about 2014 and she was only having an occasional seizure when coming into contact with a " seizure trigger".  She was on Thyroid drugs.  A natural Thyroid armor.  I asked Dr. Kartiznel if we could do regular labs and when it was safe I would like to start tapering Abigaile off that Thyroid drug so she didn't become DRUG DEPENDENT.  

Abigaile with her birthday gift from me - sometime between Sept. and Oct 2019
pretzel legs and her look on her face - I see the same fear from trauma during the vaccine reaction

  So we did labs and Abigaile was taken off the natural Thyroid armor.  Her labs were tested often to be certain that her body was responding to normal values, and it was confirmed on lab test by serum. These labs were ordered by numerous Dr.s and by Dr Kartzinel .  I was not given Abigailes lab test when I requested her medical records even though I requested ALL medical records and labs.  

  Abigaile was making huge positive progress and great progress when we were in Southern California between 2011- 2014 but we could not afford rent there. I decided to look for other options so that we could keep Abigaile in California in the therapy and environment that she was in. This is when I requested the motorhome for her travel with our agreement between her dad and I to live in Texas ( between our family of origins) and the motorhome would be travel to stay and go to S. California where Abigaile had made the most progress.

 Southern California care plan  is the most progress that she had made due to environment, due to therapy that is for Trauma and Traumatic brain injury ( even when injury is  chemically induced traumatic brain injury ) .  Polfit Therapy was the best thing that I have ever scheduled and done with Abigaile.  I will be posting videos in additional posts from her therapy and this is why Abigaile was walking.  I was trained as a mom with the Home program to do with Abigaile. This was part of our routine. 

  Abigaile was not wheelchair bound, with her legs in a pretzel position.  This is how children and adults loose all control of their extremities.  When you keep a child from a therapy and treatments and care plan that was showing remarked progress - 2013 is when we left S. California to move toward Texas due to Abigailes dad and his work we arrived in Texas in 2016.  During this time I trained for additional education for Abigailes needs and also did her activities of daily learning, teaching her mastery of skills, doing her home therapy program, Tomatis speech and cognitive learning. In 2015 and 2016 I had made plans for Polfit therapy but could not get an affirmed appointment with her dad to drive her motorhome.  I had to cancel several appointment for Polfit and Hyperbarics in California.  

A recent photo of Abigaile taken sometime after Christmas 2019 to show Abigaile opening her gift from me.   The photo was sent to me via text from her dads phone Dec. 30,2019.  I was not given a phone call or any messages from her or her sister.  I have been given no contact and received no phone calls, text or emails from her sister since May 22,2017.  I did a welfare check once I had an address on October 2019.  How can children who lived with a stay at home mom who cared for them daily and didn't harm them, didn't abuse them.  Just not want anything to do with their mom? Not even to call, not to text or email ?  These questions need asked.  Read about Parent Alienation.  It should be called Child Alienation. That is what is really is.

Abigaile sitting with pretzel legs opening her Christmas gift from me 

 Hyperbaric Oxygen therapy and Dr. Jolly at the Center for New Medicine was in conjunction with the Polfit therapy.  The Hyperbaric therapy was amazing and Dr. Jolly such a kind and caring individual.  I will be posting photos of this therapy as well with more information.  Abigaile made tremendous progress with Hyperbarics.  I found that she made most progress when doing the Polfit wellness therapy first and then we would take her to Hyperbarics afterward.  This was a very good thing for her. These two therapies were why she was making such progress.  We also did TMS therapy that seemed to stop the globalized seizures that she was having.  She completely stopped global seizures.  I was told by Dr. Kartzinel that he had a child with autism who was getting the same TMS and she was doing the therapy and suddenly the little girl lost all progress and regressed to a point they weren't sure she would ever be okay.  I decided then to stay with the progress we made and we never did another TMS therapy after that.

  Abigaile was potty trained requesting potty needed assistance to and from potty.  But needed assistance with Ambulation.

  Abigaile had mastered 15-20 words.  She was starting to master two word sentences in proper context.  She would respond approproiately and was cognitive in understanding of what was being asked of her.  This is huge progress - prior to this she was babbling mommy and dad and calling her sister boppie occasionally.  One of the last phone calls with Dr. Kartzinel in 2018 I questioned him with regard to her dad remarking that " well Abigaile finally stopped saying  - Dr Kartzinel didn't finish the sentence in chart notes and when I asked him to tell me more about this - he was silent.

 Oxygen is key for a brain that was chemically assaulted and damaged.  Oxygen regenerates new cells. The damage from the vaccine injury and drugs that were used to treat the vaccine injury were causing neurotransmitters to shut down or misfire causing globalized seizures.  

 Abigailes therapy and rehabilitation would have never made the progress she did had I kept drugging her.  And being a stay at home mom making Abigaile my priority to make her well was absolutely key and monument in her healing.  

  I have been kept from her decision making even as being a permanent Guardian and her mother.  I have been forcibly kept and withheld from all medical decisions, financial decisions and all respect to her care.
  I was her stay at home mom for 13 1/2 years of her life where she was making progress and now after being abducted and kidnapped from Texas as a home state to Florida.  I have been denied all parental rights and all attachment to the child I had nurtured from being gravely ill , getting entitlement to a Guardianship and Trust to being denied to have any attachment, denied everything from my child and everything denied to my child from me.

  She is being given marijuana oil , and calling it a medication.  Her dad and I agreed that we would not give her addictive drugs.  Marijuana oil or cannabis oil is not medication it is a class 1 gateway drug.  It is against my religious and philosophical beliefs for my child.

  Drugging a child with marijuana oil and calling it medicine is like calling a prostitute a  business woman.   I am vehemently against marijuana oil and I have done the research on it.  And her dad and I agreed to not give her marijuana oil because of addictive behaviors and prior drug and alcohol tendencies that were in family members.

  It is clear with Abigailes medical records from the time of her birth in 2003 until May 22, 2017 when she was forcibly abducted and kidnapped from me and my possession that her health has greatly deteriorated.   There are medical records with Dr. Kartzinel that show this.  

  Marijuana has nothing extracted except directly into the oil and you can call it cannabis but it is the same. The extraction of THC goes from the plant  into the oil.  The oil is then put on a child with seizures causing her more complications and damage. Doping her dose six times a day, to the extinct that the dosage will get higher and higher not working.  Eventually her neurotransmitters having enough and blowing up in seizures again. Which has likely happened already- due to the numerous drugs that she is now forced to take.
   Marijuana/cannabis doesn't matter if it is home grown or grown GMO it suppresses and controls neurotransmitters to stop signaling receptors.  It heals NOTHING.  It does not promote healing - it does not make anything well.  With carrier oils the drugs are still assimilated into the bloodstream ( quicker than smoking a joint) and assimilated directly into the cell walls and membranes taking it to the heart and the brain via the bloodstream.  Call it topical ( allopathic ) call it homeopathic ( alternative ) . Its all the same drug.  Marijuana and cannabis also blocks the Limbic area of the brain causing one to not experience EMOTIONS.  Convenient?

  Causing further damage to a little girl who has been through more than enough trauma in her life. Causing her more trauma and pain. Causing her additional health complications.  Then forcibly removed her from her primary attachment while she is medically/ health fragile and throw her to the wolves who have not been her continuity of care but instead throw drugs at symptoms.
  What is that looking like now ?

I know my child,  I was there when there was no one else there - I had to be to keep her alive.  

Natascha opening her Christmas gift from me sometime aftyer Christmas 2019 
Photo of Abigaile a seizure patient with necklace on ?   Christmas photos Dec. 2019  
A beautiful - happy photo of Natascha and Abigaile in Grapevine Texas where we moved to call home in 2016

    Our daughters were abducted and kidnapped from me while living with their dad after 20 years of marriage.  I was a stay at home mom dedicating my time at home our girls were my priority.  In everything.  In their daily care, their learning, their daily skills, and with the medical and health care.  I have never neglected our girls nor have I ever neglected their care.  I can have some very long conversations with people that matter in regard to talking about neglecting of care.  

  I am ALIENATED parent #6 and Parent Alienation has caused me Trauma and mental anguish as well as our daughters - and is causing Trauma and harm to our child. 

  Please follow my facebook page for our girls it is called # Justice for Abigaile and Natascha 
My blogspot for my ministry -


Day # 2820 stolen memories

To my girls , There is no processing mentally, emotionally or physically a happy birthday when your life has been terrorized through harm. T...