Thursday, November 7, 2019

The journeys in life lead inward to your soul

As you reflect upon yourself as you travel through your journeys in life.   Have you ever given thought as to how you would see yourself ?  What would that look like?  How would you define it?  How would you respond ?  To yourself ... 

  Do you know for certain that your actions align with God?  No one is perfect. We have been taught by many religions that in fact we can do what we want, when we want, how we want, and in fact never even question it-
much less be convicted by doing wrong or harming others - and simply writing it off and saying -  " well no one is perfect , in fact we all are sinners and God gives us grace ".  I have heard this statement so many times and its most often from the same sects of the same religions over and over. 

 Really?  So where does God tell us to hurt or harm others? ( It is NEVER taught- never justified- never in scripture ). Where is it taught to control, manipulate , abuse and cause harm and trauma to others ? ( It is NEVER taught - NEVER justified - never in scripture).  

  So while on this journey in life - how do you see yourself?  How do you see your reflection and how you project on to others?  How do you think people see you?  It's possible some people see you for who you are - but most importantly is to reflect on your own  actions - 

  There is a saying that says;  " Your actions speak louder than words".  You may have friends and family network cheering you on ( while you cause harm , trauma and destruction to yourself, your children and your family- or maybe even your Ex family and Ex which is a very popular divorce CULTure and very trendy right now.).
  You also pass those actions along to children as they live in fear and trauma thinking those actions are normal.  That is however - how CULTure lives - right?  Wrong!   That is what is projected on to people of how others live.  Through media, marketing, and other guided meditations, hypnosis etc to make it appear - your following what everyone else is doing so it must be right?  

  We will see how in our journeys that those journeys where we prosper - it must lead us from home.  Away from the " supposed security of where we grew up". however it isn't always " safe"  where we grew up.  
Those people had fears, addictions, behaviors, and acted out in them.  Causing the same destruction.  But if we lived in that chaos, confusion, addictions, abuse, trauma etc. then how would you know what is okay?

  You wouldn't until you were away from it.  All of these things projected onto others cause harm and  trauma, they cause division, destruction and often death.  They rob children of their childhoods all for the sake of living in the past.  I believe God allows people to go back to their past - not to live there or stay there but instead He is telling you to make amends with your family members, clear up the past, clear up where you know activity and actions were not right- forgive and move on .  

  I don't believe that God tells you to be emotionally controlled in going back, and falling for emotional control, to be controlled and manipulated into that same destructive behavior - addictions or past.  This is how we pass generational curses and it is how we destroy children.  Generations of children and then speak that this is normal, how everyone lives - this is reality- when in fact- IT'S A LIE.   God doesn't have sacraments, tenants, or even traditions that say to live this way.  

  When we see this happen we must instead go into our own self- our soul and see God.  This is a journey to within - to go inward into your own being- your own soul - to focus on what God is trying to do in your life- what God is trying to purpose out of your pain, trauma and past.  Take this journey when God allows it, take the Journey to yourself and instead allow God to give you Beauty for Ashes.  

Genesis 12:1-3 
Now the Lord said to Abram,
Go forth from your country,
And from your relativesAnd from your father’s house,To the land which I will show you;And I will make you a great nation,And I will bless you,And make your name great;And so you shall be a blessing;And I will bless those who bless you,And the one who curses you I will curse.
And in you all the families of the earth will be blessed.”

   My prayer for my beautiful girls is to be sure that on your Journey in life - do NO Harm to anyone.  

I love you and miss you both very much.  
love, hugs, sugars, more love
Your mommy  💜💜💜

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