Sunday, November 24, 2019

Acts of Kindness and where is God when I am walking through Hell?

When you see other people suffering whether it is immediate family, friends, or even acquaintances- do you rely on God who is in the Spirit ( Mind and thinking ) to physically help others or do you step in and physically show help to them?

  I believe many people,  and I personally have heard many to say this - " well they can do this or that because that is what I had to do?"  I'm ashamed to say it but I have said this very thing.

  But I have grown and matured and also became aware of what others has gone through and now have got to go through many rooms of " hell " during this venture on earth, myself.  The hard hearts and callousness, the bitterness, anger of so many people and turning their situation and circumstances to blame others.  

  Are we suppose to call on God for this?  Absolutely we are.  But not to change others -  hard and callous heart , but to change our own way of thinking ( mind ), will change our heart             ( emotions )  and we will physically ( act out to help).  This is the way God created us to work in the Physical. 

  When others are acting in this manner Absolutely we call on God and Ask God to put physical people in the path of those who have hardened hearts and callous - so those people can show love, understanding, and concern and often to even help with needs.  Sometimes, we are those people being called upon - but we give excuses of I don't have time, I don't have money, I don't have food, I don't have resources. When God is calling on you to do this He is asking you to have faith and in my experience He has always replaced what I have given unless it is something that I really didn't need to begin with. 

  During the past thirty one months of my life, because of what has been thrown upon me in the way of others, hardened heart and callous mind, I have been put at the mercy of many to be able to help me.  What I have experienced so many times is the mind set of " well I had to do this or that and if you don't do that, to hell with you".  I have even tried to help some of these people in the past.
  If you don't go out and get this outside employer etc and you don't do it the way I did it- the projection is ( I am lazy ).  How I wish those saying this could be left without resources, over drawn bank accounts that I helped to contribute to, no transportation at my disposal, so many things.  I personally believe reaping and sowing would be a great living education for some.  I have certainly learned who has been here for me and who hasn't and I can guarantee and assure you that all those I have tried to help, or have helped in the past - have not been there for me.
 You see I have matured and grown and learned from something called " experience in trauma and the rooms of hell".  This is where I have resided in for the past Thirty one months for something that I never asked for.  I didn't earn it.  I didn't deserve it.  It wasn't even caused by me.  My children have been given it too- they thought they were getting something else - but no.  

  Please understand we can't always rely that God in Spirit will in fact reach others.  We have to be that person to reach others sometimes.  We have to be there for others.  Whatever that looks like.  If I have something that someone else truly has a need for - I will give it to them.  That is how I am.  I have had family who has helped me and they don't have the ability to.  I am so thankful for my family for this.  I have been given the ultimate and you see if someone would have said ( I'll pray for you but yet- never did anything - NO ONE would be helped) there are some man- made religions that promote this very philosophy.  Right you didn't hear me say doctrine or theology those are words of man.  God is much more simple than that - not complicated He is not a doctrine of heretics.  

  Our belief system that we have been taught is that God is the core of everything good.  That God will put us on the path to good and as long as we do good - we will always experience good. But this is not truth.  

  We also believe that God will punish evil and wickedness but bring good rewards to those who have goodness.  This is not truth.

  We become frustrated and outraged by this belief and it is a fantasy that we have been taught.  

 It is not reality.  When you look around or take awareness of your life you can see this.  We do good but we don't always reap the reward of goodness - we don't always receive it in the measure of how we give it out either.  I am proof of this right now.  And I am angered by it.  But sadly a lie taught by CULTure and even religions that over history have shown dissension of Truth and lies. Instead falsely misleading others to fantasy which never exists.   

  If we abandon either thought - in this belief system , we feel as though we should have never been born.  If we choose to leave our head in the sand and choose to ignore evil and injustice in this system - then we have to question ourselves why were we ever placed in this world?  What kind of a god have our thoughts created in this type of world? 

  What values does our life have?  What Justice does our life have ?  What kind of judge?  What value does any life have and where is the outrage at this injustice?  This is when we surrender to God. 
  God does not tell us to ignore others , He doesn't tell us to do-  just because we have been taught that way.  God tells us to help others when they are suffering and when they have needs.  

  The most eye opening and heart opening thing that has ever happened to me is to see people who don't have money, who don't have resources themselves, who some really don't have anything - but yet they have given to me.  I know this is why God continues to give to them, why God provides for them in provision.  Why they have peace within themselves is by giving.  I too know what this looks like. I have had to give to others during this time also- I didn't have it to give.
  My transportation, my finances, my entire family was completely removed and taken from me Thirty one months ago.

   I have been placed at the mercy of God for others to help me.  You might think that a lot of people have helped or given money or even transportation - that is far from the truth.  There have been people on less than one hand of fingers that I can count who have given.  It is a very scary place to be.  

  When you see a person suffering and hurting - don't say I'll pray for you, God will do all the work.  That isn't true.  Yes it is good to pray.  But we as His people must give. Sometimes when we think we don't have anything to give. 
  We are supposed to do everything in our power, with the resources that we have at that time - on behalf of God - to relieve that persons suffering and pain ( as though God didn't exist ) or you become a heretic in Gods name.  

  My prayer for our Abigaile and Natascha is that you are putting everything in to action that I have taught you.  I can't and won't be responsible for what others have taught you including your dad.  I can only be held accountable and responsible for what I have taught you from the age you were able to have understanding of what I have taught you -  until you were taken from me in May 2017.  

  I have always tried to teach you to love unconditionally to everyone - even those people who teach you to hate.  I have always taught you to give of everything whether it be water, food, clothing, time - no matter what.  Whether someone else teaches you to be stingy, to hoard, to be gluttons. I have taught you to be kind to others even when they have shown bitterness, envy, hate and have caused strife and dissension in our immediate family and have cause divisions and conflict. 

  Be kind to them- they don't know what kindness is.  Show love to them unconditionally - they don't know what unconditional love it. They repay their hate with more hate.  Those who are full of Pride and fear will control and manipulate you.  Be bold and firm and instead tell them what God says and then act on it.  When people control and manipulate your life be a heretic for God.  

  I love my Abigaile and my Natascha very much.  I miss you more and more every day.  I hate to hear and see more holidays, birthdays, and all the other designated commercialism days to even come.  I hate them.  But I move forward and I thankfully have my birth family and friends to reach out and try to comfort me for the loss I have experienced at the hands of others.  

  Remember it is you who are responsible for you own actions, not others.  Others are responsible for their actions.  

  I love my girls and I miss you both very much.  I am watching and hopeful and waiting to see the day when I see your actions of what I have taught to you. I love you both and miss you both very much.  I remain hopeful in God that God will place people in our paths that will bring you home to me, your mom. 

with love, hugs, sugars and more love, 
your mommy , 💜💜💜

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