Wednesday, April 3, 2024




You can read the tab HOSTAGE IN FLORIDA 

It has now been 2509 days since my daughters were abducted and kidnapped and have been held hostage. 

While they were in my care in Arlington Texas our residence 2017.  Our daughter, I had spent almost 10 years fighting for her Federal TORT for vaccine injury and I won ( $$MIL).  I was her Health Care Manager and daily caregiver her entire life until she was family/system abducted and kidnapped 05-21-2017. 

I have evidence of contacts, agencies and case numbers.  

My daughter was walking with a walker and single pole canes - she was walking behind a push chair and was doing this on a daily basis. BEFORE ABDUCTION AND CHILD STEALING.   

Since that time of the abduction she has been Mentally and Emotionally tortured as well as exploited.  

Follow the money and you will find the motive.  

It is almost 7 years later and I seriously can not believe what I have experienced and how many people that I feel have exploited my case and my daughter.  

She can no longer walk, and she can no longer talk.  In fact she has progressed in Traumatic Brain Injury because of this horrific trauma abuse.  

I can see how children are continuously abused, traumatized, raped and taken advantage of because no one will help- they only want to profit.  FOLLOW THE $$$ trail USA INC  

It is a sad day when people stand by and watch innocent and disabled children exploited and slowly murdered.  

Please pray for Abigaile and pray for me pray for someone to help free Abigaile before it is too late.  

There was an eclipse the year this event of abduction and child stealing (2017) occurred.  

There is an eclipse that is happening on 4/8/2024.

It will be SEVEN years my daughters have been ABDUCTED, CHILD STEALING AND HELD HOSTAGE ON MAY 21,2024.  

---->>>>>When people do not want the truth - do not want to investigate - they are just as complicit and guilty of the crime as the perpetrators. 

Matthew 19:18

he said; Thou shalt not murder, commit adultery, nor steal and should not bear false witness. 

Deuteronomy 24:7

if someone is caught kidnapping and treating them or selling them as a slave the kidnapper must be purged. 

You have harmed innocent children, you have stolen their childhood, you have stolen their peace and security and sold them into bondage and slavery. 

To say that I abandoned them and did not care for them is a blatant lie.  

My daughters and I are being tortured , 

but to steal from a disabled child and cause her such harm, to cause mental and emotional trauma to the point that she can not function. To blatantly cause her harm and hold her hostage to cause further harm is torture.  

her health deteriorated her mental and emotional health destroyed for profit 

These are premeditated and heinous hate crimes and crimes of humanity.


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Day # 2820 stolen memories

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