Sunday, August 30, 2020

1,197 days May 21, 2017 - August 30, 2020 Abigailes mom is telling her story

2013 - Polfit wellness therapy Irvine, Ca.  Abigaile has been walking with single pole canes and a walker. Also taking independent steps up to 25 steps with only the therapy belt.  She can walk in the pool shallow end with no assistance walking between her dad and I - walking between her sister and I.


    Sadly, I have never experienced such abuse and trauma from such a dysfunctional system.  It thrives and promotes,  lives from dysfunction.  It profits from dysfunction - has anyone figured this out yet?  

   I have several more SUPERVISED phone visits typed out since the last one in July.  I also have the audio of Abigaile who can only say bye on every single phone call that she and I have together.  It really is horrific to hear your own child experiencing trauma abuse in addition to watching her be exploited by people who should want to see her make progress but instead the focus is on making her sicker, keeping her handicapped and continued drugging.  None of which she will ever make progress.  I was her primary caregiver and managed her health care for Fourteen years and she was rehabilitating, now she is bottom line - regressed.  I'm really talking to walls it seems because no one wants to listen.  And the BS of Childs best interest well I have yet to see that.  All I see is abuse and exploitation of my child since the day she was abducted.  
  Since May 21, 2017 I have been reaching out to agencies, government agencies, local, regional and state as well as Federal.  I have lists of all these agencies, multiple case numbers.  I have had validation from many different agencies and professionals clearly of what has happened.  In addition to I have worked in the system, volunteered in the system and I know what has happened.  Empirical evidence.  Why would anyone, who says that they wish to help a child and change a system not want Empirical evidence ?  Yeh that is a good question to ask? 

  Finally, I thought December 24,2019 I have someone to finally help get justice for me and my children.  I was so hopeful.  Motions were filed. A hearing date was set, then the previous year of Oct 2019 judgement was over-turned.  I felt I could finally breathe. I finally could help to stop the exploitation and Psychological trauma abuse, stop the medical maltreatment abuse, financial abuse.  During the hearing June 30, 2020 the judge set the pretrial hearing ( when I called in for this hearing the Judicial assistant never answered,  I left messages but I received no return phone call).  Decisions were being made regarding me and my child with out my presence.   During the June 30, 2020 hearing the date for the trial was set also.  The trail that I would finally be able to be hear, that I would get to take part in instead of me being set aside in October 2019 - or even me being set aside since May 21, 2017 and not allowed to be part of my Childs life while she and her sister abducted and interstate kidnapped by the biological dad they loved and trusted.  The Trial was scheduled for August 31, 2020 9 am- 5 pm.  

  I have watched my lawyers calendar.  I have counted the days down since June 30, 2020 believing that tomorrow would come and I would finally see justice for me and our daughter.  I have counted, looked at and marked off every single day for me and for my daughter.  In addition trusting that when I saw a hearing booked and not understand why, I still trusted.  
  This past week - days on calendar for pretrial prep being rescheduled and then I got the call and email that the trial had been rescheduled.  It knocked the wind from me, a literally slap in the face, a punch in the gut.  More trauma on top of what I am already carrying for me and my children.  And spoken of as though its no big deal.  Its just a trial - right?  So the abuse can carry on- the psychological trauma, the financial abuse, our daughters funds getting lower and lower, being exploited while people with their pride continue with their narrative of lies and deceit.  While everyone else collects a paycheck.  All at the expense of my daughters health.  It is all very disgusting, very reprobate.  The mental, emotional , medical maltreatment and munchausen syndrome.  All a disgusting plan of evil.  While our child deteriorates. 

  So tomorrow, August 31, 2020 9-5 would have been the day for justice but that isn't happening now.  More time to continue with the Psychological abuse while the narrative of those exploiting continue.  There was no reschedule date or time.  
  September the 7th is Abigaile 17th birthday.  This will be the fourth birthday that has been stolen from me and from her.  Four years of birthdays from the only person who made any effort to have birthdays for our daughters.  When no one else was there.  Sure there were cards, a phone call but never presence of anyone else no family - no one.  So now another birthday missed and stolen like a thief using a child as a weapon for their hate. 

  So to all those who have been part of this and remain part of this - causing trauma, harm, and literal abuse to our daughter  you have caused her severe trauma and childhood abuse.  
  You have stolen my Childs time from me , her mom.  And no one cares.  As the exploitation and trauma abuse continue.  

  I did not leave or abandon my children.  They were abducted and interstate kidnapped based on lies and false allegations. With no evidence, no justification, they have been estranged from me.  They have been projected and lied to.  They have been used.  Our daughter exploited and trauma abused.  Medically maltreated.  

  In addition to the terrorists that coerce a mom or a dad to sit by and watch their children be abused and exploited and to not be able to do anything about it.  We live in a sick and disgusting culture with reprobate minds.  

  Abigaile and Natascha mommy is so sorry.  I have made some really bad decisions in my life.  Sadly the system and many in it supports dysfunction.  Its profitable.  I will show you proof of all the dysfunctional agencies, police, governors, DHHS, domestic agencies.  It is beyond disgusting and deplorable.

  Abigaile another birthday stolen sweetheart I am so sorry.  Mommy will mail you package.  One day you will know the truth.
  Natascha your birthday stolen also.  You already know the truth.  Mommy is sorry for all you have had to experience and I know your heart.  

  I know that you both are smart, beautiful and intelligent.  I'm sure you had this all figured out , what happened, how it happened and the root of it all.  I can only pray that God keeps you both alive.  I can only pray that you both and I can keep Hope alive.  Because Trust in anyone or the system - died when you were both abducted and kidnapped.  

   I also know the will of God - I can only pray that the people of God , those who are not liars or thieves, who don't exploit children.  I pray that God sends people with moral values and ethics into this situation for Justice.  I want Justice for my children and I want Justice for me.  Right now I am not seeing it. 

love, hugs, sugars, and more love, 
your mommy <3 




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Day # 2820 stolen memories

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