Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Fundraiser for home and medical travel

     I am sure that most know about our Abi.  If not, you can scroll back to the days when it was by far

worse than it is now.  None the less we still have our bad days and so does Abi.  We have many

things going on right now.  One of those things is every time that we move to a new place we have

to deal with new people, new places and new things.  We also have to keep some people in there

because they have been sources for food, services, etc .  Its the nature of what we do to keep Abi


    If you don't know us. Abi has multiple chemical sensitivity disorder that stems from a vaccine

reaction.  The vaccine reaction is proven so I have no need to prove it to anyone else.  The case

was won.  We have gone through many trials and tribulations with this and Abi has come a long

way.  She has made an incredible amount of milestones as well.

     The fact is that multiple chemical sensitivity disorder can wreak havoc on the individuals life

as well as the family's life.  It is a nightmare.  I can say I am happy that we no longer deal with the

scented or fragrance life and Im certain we are all happier and healthier for it.  I will say that it is

no easy task and people seem to think or imply that we are strange because we don't have to use

chemicals.  I don't need to explain this to anyone.

    I can also say that with people who we have used for services, vendors, Dr.s , attorneys, friends,

family have also used us and treated us as though we are ignorant.  We are charged higher rates

than others because we set up a medical trust for our daughter.  I can't really tell you how many

people and how many times but its more than I can account for.

   When we lived in Arkansas our home state we owned our own home.  We were told we would no

longer be able to get services for Abi.  This was Physical therapy, occupational therapy, speech

we didn't receive state services and couldn't take our daughter to the clinics so our services were

discontinued because we needed to keep her safe by having therapy at home.  This is a position

to easily feel taken advantage of.

    We sold our home and all of our assets in order to move to care for our daughter and give her

opportunity to get better treatments, more treatments.  We sold everything and gave away the rest.

We lost our car, we lost our job after the Family Medical Leave Act ended .  It has been more than

difficult to get a job since then.  Our daughters care has remained first and foremost and it will

continue to do so.

    It is difficult moving as with the housing market in California we could not stay there as we

were in a position that we had to bid and raise the rent to stay in a home.  We were paying a crazy

amount of rent for a home.  Our salaries and funds don't allow for that.  We had to move from that

area in order to live.

  We are in a position that once again the landlord is selling the home we live in and are in need to

move yet again.  We are looking for a home to purchase but with the issues that Abi has and the

needs that she has it is really difficult to find a home.  This has also made it difficult to save funds

for therapy and treatments for rehabilitating her.

     I am starting a website for to raise funds for her for housing, travel, therapy and

we would appreciate any one who gives to this.  Our daughter was in grave shape when we started

with this situation and if we work with her now while she is young I believe she has a very good

opportunity to recover.  We have sold everything we have except for a few items that are necessary

for daily living.  Please share our story of recovery with everyone that you know.

  We hope one day to be able to buy a home for her that will fit her needs.  We want for her to have

a fun childhood not one of all therapy and moving and no play.  Can you imagine a child who can't

go to a public playground, or play with other kids, can't have a normal birthday party with cake and

ice cream.  These are things that would cause her harm.

  I will be posting the gofundme.  We also have an address at Coles pages to help with medical debt

that is not covered by insurance or other means.

Thank you and God bless you

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