Saturday, April 27, 2013

we have come a long way baby...

  This is really true looking at the past two years of our lives.  After such a horrible event,  the cover up of the truth.  The Dr.s and Specialists in denial, or are they?  Are they not being told the truth are they being lied to?  There are agencies in our US government system that approve all the food, drugs, medical equipment that show a reasonable consideration for the safety system , right? 
  I use to think so, not so much anymore. I am also still in that system to a point and continue education in the system of Health Sciences and out of the system. I have to say besides a few people who are out there just to defiant to the system well I believe there are a lot more people searching and not just being fed what they are being fed. 
  I learned this scenario 9 years ago when my daughter was vaccine injured. It is amazing to me how many people that haven't had this happen to them, haven't researched vaccines, haven't really looked at any of the statistics just believe what information they are given.  Please do not try and educate me on something that is just hear say. I have to laugh when people can't give statistics, or can't give anything except well thats just what is reported.
  I have a medical background. I also have common sense. I also know that not everyone lives by the "one shoe size fits all " philosophy.  First, our case is documented and we asked that it be published. My daughter does not have autism, that in no way means that vaccine injury does not cause autism and it doesn't mean every child will have a vaccine injury.  I didn't just wake up one day anti- vax. I took my children to well-visits (every one of them) I also vaccinated my children until the youngest child had a vaccine injury so severe it almost took her life. I didn't just jump on the anti- vax band wagon in fact I never knew such informed and researched people existed. I wish I had known I would have surely been talking with them early on.
  Seriously what in hell happened to me? Was I so blind working in the system before children that I had become brain-washed and didn't have an open mind? I never knew or felt there was a private agenda behind the pharmaceutical drug industry and it is called INDUSTRY for a reason.  Have you ever noticed that you have to make multiple trips to the Dr. , then get tests, them go to the Dr. for followup , then more tests, then more trips and sometimes multiple Dr.s , specialists and even go out of state?  I love the Dr.s I grew up with their philosophy was food? They would ask my mom, "what is she eating? Is she eating healthy? We lived on a farm.  I remember my parents saying the chickens have gone to hell when they raised chickens for a (name brand chicken producer) they had to go around physically taking little bottles of antibiotics and putting it in each individual water holder.  I next remember they kept taking our dead chickens they had three large chicken houses in addition to my family also raised cattle.  We thought this was a way of life and it was. I also remember when after putting the antibiotics, I remember chickens dying then came they had to go around and put vitamins in the waterers of the chickens. Then they were required to buy medicated feed. Does this sounds right to you? I am not asking for anyones opinion on my daughter I ran with the conventional medical malpractice its called ClubMed a very lucrative business and I have been disgusted by it.  The Dr.s who practice medicine are being pushed to the wayside because they still think and still practice medicine. They are retiring early and earlier. It is shameful there is a time that no one will seem to get well because of all the synthetic money making drugs. I am not completely denying drugs by any means but what I am saying is there is a purpose. There is no conspiracy when your child gets hurt and your family hurts.  Our family has come a long way and our daughter has come a long way. I give this credit to God. It was not the Dr.s, the specialists, not even me or my family , absolutely nothing but God! God has been the one to give us provision, God has been the one who has given us wisdom, the Dr.s wisdom. We are thankful to God for that. We are thankful for Abigailes primary care he is the best, and we are thankful to her team of therapist and the treatments we have been able to do for her. It has been a blessing. The vaccine safety and efficacy is NOT a debate for me but fact and I have my facts other than saying repeated sayings from long ago. 
It is what it is and until those who make the vaccines, acknowledge that there is a problem and until those receiving the vaccines make a big deal or start researching it the truth will never be known. The fact is this: They are still a medication and so anyone can and does have an adverse reaction. If you are in denial of that then you are in denial of truth. If there are no problems with vaccines where are the independent studies? Where is the open research by someone other than the drug companies themselves (hello they makes profits, big profits off of these drugs ) drug dealers do the same and don't pay taxes on it. Why would they starve themselves. Where is the real evidence and where is the research to show that there is no harm and never will be any harm?  There isn't any.

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