Wednesday, November 29, 2023

Day # 2383 days Trauma Abuse update


2016 Abigaile with her mommy Grapevine, Texas 

I want to just start by disclosing, I do NOT lie for anyone.  Ever.  I especially will not take part in the lying, bullying, or fraud and theft of my Disabled daughters money that I alone was instrumental in obtaining.  

NO ONE else had evidence of, nor was anyone else present, or part of proving that harm, trauma , mental, emotional and physical damages in my daughters injury case or entitlement.   

Now on to 2023 my poor disabled daughter is at the center of fraud, theft, kidnapping and intent to harm through maltreatment and hostage taking.  This goes beyond violating her civil and human rights in a terrorist manner. 

Do you know what it is like to be bullied and intimidated by the legal and justice system in addition to frauds, liars and thieves to cause intentional emotional distress?  To be intimidated and bullied to stand aside into watching this behavior, while her entitlement for damages has been stolen ?  I do, and my civil  and human rights have been violated also while I have been terrorized , threatened, and intimated by the justice and legal system, doctor, attorney ad litem, attorneys for both parties, judges, police departments, Sherrifs department deputies, dhhs and dhhs oversite, countless well known missing persons agencies, even crimes against childrens investigators !  

Clearly anyone who has a inkling of common sense can see the intentional distress that has been caused to her in addition to the frauds and CO-Conspirators, all of you - the damage you have done to her? How regressed she is. This goes beyond chronic and aggravated child abuse and using a innocent , disabled child to steal her money and then fraud the government and put her on socialized medicine. She has been forcefully given drugs she is allergic to, in addition to the intentional harm caused to her by using her as a weapon of control and manipulation. Seriously this is beyond evil. 

Anyone who was friends or family before and you have sided with the cult and perpetraitor to harm my child - I'm thankful God removed you from my life!

Please read >>>> BLOG heading #Free Abigaile Golec HOSTAGE in FL 

I have listed all the cases and this will be an update and then I will copy this update on that page as well. 

DO WE LIVE IN the United States home of the free ???? 
Not from what I have experienced and have been forced to do and observe my own daughters abuse ! 

My case was opened in 2017 in Dallas Texas via Texas state legal fraud and Texas legal aid funds.  Through this fraud and theft by deception there were false statements made of abuse and neglect of which neither are true nor were they ever true.  MAY 2017 

Texas legal aid was used to fund these false statements and accusations but there was never any investigation, hearing or discovery to document any of this. Instead innocent children have been used as a weapon for fraud.  An innocent mother has been used as a weapon and has been falsely accused while her children were groomed for abuse and her innocent disabled daughter has suffered beyond the horrific damages and trauma of the first system abuse.  May 2017 -JUNE 2017 ( SEE COURT CASE) you will find the file numbers on the above tab stated.  

In 2017 - 2018 
ALL of the system so called professionals that I personally worked with for my disabled daughter-  including attorneys, the Ad Litem of the guardianship, judges, doctor, and even the trustee plus family and so called friends were all part of this plot.  Each of you in your capacity has harmed an innocent disabled child. There were court hearings, proceedings, and medical maltreatments, medical procedures, legal proceedings as well as drugs, and even food that my disabled daughter was allergic to having known to cause massive seizures.  

I was my disabled daughters PRIMARY CAREGIVER from her birth ( Sept. 2003 ) until she was forcefully removed from my full time care and health care management.  
I was a stay at home mom for 18 years full time and cared for our disabled daughter for almost 14 of those years until she was forcefully removed and held hostage from me. 

In my care, she was walking, talking and had been DISCONTINUED from PHARMACEUTICAL/DRUGS  for at least 2- 3 years and her body was healing from the assault of the vaccine injury that she had suffered in 2004.   

There are (3) THREE states of deception, fraud, theft and aggravated child endangerment and abuse that has been inflicted on my disabled daughter.  TEXAS, ARKANSAS, FLORIDA. 

In 2019, after having been abandoned and deserted in Arlington, Texas where my family and I had resided since 2015 and again in 2016.  Arlington, Texas is where this child abduction and kidnapping took place.

 I was served with a dissolution of marriage ( 2019) after my daughters went missing with their dad.  They would not respond and they had no contact, phone calls, texts or messages. I had contacted numerous agencies who are required to report or investigate such heinous crimes including law enforcement and have a filed and certified missing persons report.   I have the agencies, contacts, names and phone numbers in addition to case numbers of all these agencies starting in May 21, 2017 through the current date. 

In October 2020 after several fraud hearings in alachua county florida via zoom and citrus county florida probate my disabled daughter has been taken hostage by the state of florida and all those who profit from her trusts funds.  In October 2020 the case was closed.  
In August 2023 I received a notice from the DOR attorney and on behalf of my disabled daughters dad in FLORIDA, that I am being SUED for child support.   There were hearings in September and October 2023.  Not all parties were present.  
I was once again bullied and intimidated in hearings with a hearing officer, department of revenue attorney and my disabled daughters dad stating that I will pay child support arrears for a time that I was unemployed (2020 - ) and if I do not pay they are garnishing my part time, minimum wage retail job. If I do not pay I was told by the hearing officer, not judge, no license, etc that he would make me PUBLIC, and that he would contact the county where I am at and I either make up the payment due or go to jail. 

My home, I was abandoned with is in need of a lot of repairs, my car is in need of a lot of repairs.  I have spent a lot of funds replying to these bullies in alachua county florida who are abusing my disabled daughter in addition to having caused her to regress exponentially with continued mental, emotional and physical trauma abuse.  

My own attorney withdrew because of the unlawful things done in my case.  
I have reached out to numerous attorneys , lawyers and agencies.  All your names are documented with the time and dates and contacts.  
I have filed Bar complaints , medical board complaints and other complaints.  I have
contacted numerous agencies that span over pages with case numbers.  

How can you even look at yourself in the mirror everyday to know that you have caused harm to an innocent child who is disabled? 

These are bullying behaviors , threats of coercive and intimidation to me and my children.  

Thank you to all who continue to advocate for my disabled daughter and myself - please reach out to me and follow all my social media.  
People should ask why do so few children get advocated for?
Why are only certain families getting chosen for legal representation or public awareness?
Documentaries or interviews etc? 

I will update this post with all the state representatives who have aided in the hostage taking of my disabled daughter.  This is child trafficking of a disabled child , for profit.  

Please help, for Abigaile.  The last several supervised phone calls Abigaile was quiet, not talkative. She says yum yum about half way of the phone call. Then she goes quiet.  

I live in the motorhome we were using to travel for Abigaile where she was making such great progress. She was happy, healthy and healing.  I desperately need funds to make repairs on this motorhome and for regular scheduled maintenance and service.  

I was left with nothing but abandoned in the motorhome.  No transportation, food , money and I didn't even have shoes for winter or a winter coat after a 22 year relationship and 20 year marriage. I was not allowed to talk to my girls or have any contact with them. The first call I was allowed to talk with my daughter was her birthday September 7 and she had no words, couldn't even speak , cried, screamed and could no longer say the word mommy.  

My girls were abducted and kidnapped 3 days after our 20th wedding anniversary.  
I don't even know if my oldest daughter is safe , if she is dead or alive.  The horrific abuse she has suffered is no different than being in a domestic abuse relationship with familial origin. 

Please pray, please help me to stop the abuse of power on my disabled daughter, please contact the FLORIDA governor, attorney general, state prosecutor - I have contact information.
You can find my interviews on podcasts and radio pages under resources on this page. 
Please like, share and follow my social media all listed in resources on the home page - 

#Justice for Abigaile and Natascha - Facebook page 
@saveabigaileandnatascha - TikTok
#Free Abigaile Golec - Facebook page
Free Abigaile Golec Justice for Abigaile Golec - You Tube 

#Free Abigaile 
#Save Abigaile and Natascha 
#Stop the generational abuse 
with love, 
Abigaile and Natascha's momma, 

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Day # 2820 stolen memories

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