Saturday, August 13, 2022

Sunday, May 21, 2017 - 5 years - 2 Months - 23 days of Psychological Trauma Abuse - I need your help.

Taken the week of May 21, 2017 Texas State sponsored Abduction and Interstate Kidnapping 

I am asking for your help ... please read Abigailes story if you haven't already.  This is a horrific trauma abuse done to a disabled child that was a proven vaccine injury at the age of 4 months.  
If that wasn't enough she has been Family abducted from Texas to Florida, Texas state sponsored and then Florida obliged by holding her hostage from me her mother.  

This is not a miscarriage of justice - it is a full fledged ABORTED Justice.  My disabled daughter has been in imminent danger while state players have played the money game trafficking her from Texas to Florida and removing me as her Permanent Guardian.  I was solely responsible for winning her Vaccine injury case , proving causation and entitlement of Reversionary and Irrevocable Trusts to help rehabilitate Abigaile. 

Until May 21, 2017 she was rehabilitating - making huge progress and many dysfunctional and false narratives all became MONEY MOTIVATED.  This has caused Abigaile Mental, Emotional and Physical trauma. In addition to being medically and financially exploited.  I would love to say the system has helped - but sadly documentation says otherwise.  

May 2017 days before Texas state sponsored Family Abduction and Interstate Kidnapping.  

I am desperately asking for help.  I have started a GoFundMe some time ago to ask for help because my daughters have been held HOSTAGE and used as a weapon and kept from me.  
In addition Abigaile has been medically and financially exploited and has been removed from me, the one who proved her vaccine injury causation and won an entitlement for her to be rehabilitated.  
I was actively her daily caregiver, her Health Care Manager and my Care-plan was used in entitlement for Abigaile with DHHS.  
Abigailes health has declined and deteriorated in addition to the Mental, Emotional and physical Traumas.  The medical and financial exploitation due to a false narrative. This has to end.  

In May 2017 after 20 years of marriage I was abandoned and deserted and left with the Motorhome that had been purchased for travel and accommodations for Abigailes care.  The motorhome was purchased by placing Abigailes needs first and focusing on her care and was showing progress in her daily activities, mentally, emotionally and cognitively.  Medical records reflect this- prior to this horrific day May 21, 2017.  I was accused, without any investigation or discovery in all 3 states who have acted in exploitation and trauma abuse of my disabled daughter.  Her care and her stability spiraled since that day. 

I am in dire need to make repairs on her motorhome.  I can not afford to do this.  There were funds set aside in the Trusts to provide for Maintenance and upkeep as well as repairs for Abigailes Motorhome a 2000 Bluebird Wanderlodge purchased specifically for Travel and Accommodations for her Health care that was purchased in 2014.  
There has been no Maintenance since 2016 and repairs have been neglected by either no response from Trustee with neglect to fiduciary duty and Guardian over the Estate.  These actors have responded with "get an estimate" which is impossible because these repairs prevent the Motorhome from being driven and or they give no response at all. I have a letter from the Trustee as well as numerous emails stating these facts.  This is neglect of fiduciary responsibility for a vehicle that is stated on record as being used in Abigailes Health care and rehabilitation for travel and accommodations and had been approved by the Judge.  I have a letterhead from the Trustee telling to me to sell the motorhome that Abigaile is not leaving Florida and that she doesn't need the motorhome.  I'm not sure since when the Trustee was given permission to make medical or parenting decisions for my child. No one has my permission to make these decisions.  

The remaining players following the false narrative of abuse and neglect, you need to reflect in the mirror of where the real abuse and neglect has taken place.  The Truth doesn't need to lie, bully, coerce or hostage take anyone.  

There are major repairs and maintenance that need done to Abigailes motorhome.  I can not do this alone and the Trustee, Guardian over the Estate that I won and got entitlement has neglected their duties and has sided with criminal activity in multiple states.  Instead I was bullied and coerced to sell the equipment which would have placed the funds in the state of Florida guardianship. This is not beneficial to Abigaile or her best interest. These people have stolen 6 years of rehabilitation and her life.  They have given her 6 years of trauma abuse. 

I originally started the GoFundMe to seek help to get my daughter back but when these types of facetious crimes are being done you will not get a response.  

I am asking for help any amount to make these repairs.  There are major maintenance items in addition to repairs to the heating system and broken water lines and numerous other major repairs. In addition to a need for diesel fuel.  
For serious inquires to help I will be more than accommodating to give a list of the repairs that need to be made and then provide copies of receipts as the repairs are made. These are repairs and maintenance that need to be made in a shop.  I do have contact with a trusted mobile RV repair and a stand alone shop that are both reputable and reasonable.  They are willing to make the repairs but I need a lot of funds to do this.  This motorhome can not even be driven until some of the repairs have been completed on site. 
Please don't judge.  I am asking for help this is for my disabled daughter.  This motorhome was one of the best pieces of equipment that was so beneficial to her rehabilitation and it can be used again. 

This is a photo of the equipment that was purchased for Abigailes therapy and rehabilitation.  She had made considerable progress with the Careplan that I had created and was actively doing prior to the State sponsored Abduction and Kidnapping.  

This is a 2000 Bluebird Wanderlodge motor coach.  And a 2010 Mercedes Sprinter that I designed based on Abigailes rehabilitation needs.  Since the abduction and Texas state sponsored kidnapping the Trustee at Regions bank has told me to sell the motorhome that Abigaile is not leaving Florida and doesn't need it anymore.  

I know how much this Motorhome attributed to Abigailes progress for accommodation and travel plus being a least restrictive environment.  I designed the van according to rehabilitating for Abigailes needs. After she was taken hostage and kept in Florida - there was a new van purchased for use with a wheelchair bound patient whose invalid.  

If you can please give to help make repairs and to catch up the maintenance on this motor coach for Abigaile it can be used again one day to be be used as it was before.  I do have a list of items that need repaired onsite ( before it can be driven anywhere ). I do have a reputable mobile mechanic who can help with some of the repairs. Many of the repairs the motorhome will need an experienced driver with air brake experience to drive to the repair shop to fix the major repairs.  In addition there have been no major maintenance items done since 2016 due to neglect and fiduciary responsibility. 

There is no amount that is too small even $1 or $5 can go toward repairs and a worthy cause.  I can provide copies of receipts for repairs.  Please know this is giving to get Abigaile healing and making progress again.  

Below is a comparison of Abigaile before she left and in December 2021.  It makes me sick to see my disabled daughter regressing after the near 14 years of hard work and effort that Abigaile and I put into her therapy and rehabilitation.  

May 2017 taken the week of the abduction and kidnapping . I was doing a campaign with Coles pages for children who are medically fragile.  I had been posting updates and progress to show other families it is possible after such a major medical trauma to make progress.  After the kidnapping I was advised by Coles pages since Abigaile was not in my possession that they would need to suspend her page.  

The photo taken with the quilt.  This was taken December 2021 and sent to me via text.  This is a quilt that I bought for Abigaile. She does not look well. She has regressed, grossly regressed.  
Now she has had Massive Psychological Trauma in addition to other major trauma events with medical , emotional trauma and neglect of the therapy and care that she made such a tremendous progress with.  

I can't understand how anyone can be so filled with hate and malicious intent - financial exploitation that they can harm a special needs child and believe that it is okay.  

This little girl has experienced more hell in her short life than most adults do their entire lifetime. 
Where in hell is any adult that will help her besides me?

 I was the one who was with my child through the vaccine injury from the most horrific life threatening events for the first 7 years of her life and then 7 years of Federal court to fight for entitlement ( ALONE ).  
For people to bully me like a group of gang-stalking emotional rapists to steal and destroy her life is beyond repulsive to me. 

  I am thankful for the USA Citizens Guardianship Task Force and am thankful they have taken my case.

 Please pray that people come to their senses to see what has happened for Abigailes needs.  She is not well.  She has regressed terribly.  Strangers have made life threatening decisions that have caused her Grave harm and irreparable damage and trauma.  

  I am thankful to those who have been there for me and for all the good thoughts , prayers and intentions.  
Please help me to help Abigaile.  I am beyond thankful for all who have helped me.  

Abigailes repairs on 2000 Bluebird Wanderlodge fundraiser.  This will become more difficult closer to Winter months. I would like to get as many repairs made prior if possible.  I have been living in the Motorhome since the abduction and kidnapping otherwise I would have been made homeless.  
Please only serious inquiries for those who are wanting to give funding if you need or desire a list of repairs etc or copies of receipts should you give I will be happy to do this for those who give. 
May the Great Spirit and Creator bless you all xoxo 

with love, 
Abigailes mommy ,

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