Friday, December 25, 2020

1,314 days May 21, 2017 - December 25, 2020 since Parent Abduction and Parent Interstate Kidnapping

 December 25, 2020 

2017 - this was taken a couple of weeks prior to
Abduction and Kidnapping by their dad. 

December 25, 2020 taken and sent from her dad today.  

    It's December 25th another day.   Another day of Trauma abuse for our girls and I.  

    I got a morning message from our oldest daughter for merry christmas - I had asked her several times for photos but she never sends them. In fact I have sent her at least one message and sometimes several messages per day since the day she and her sister were Parent abducted and kidnapped on May 21, 2017.  I have not received any messages back from her.  I received texts messages from her after they left - i thought her dad was angry and cooling off - but abruptly her messages stopped.  I now know why.   I asked her to please take a photo of herself with her Christmas gift that momma sent to her - I only got the message from her today.  Im curious most of the time even if it is from her.  I can tell by the spelling used in the message who the messages belongs to.  She has a different way of spelling - that is precious to her momma. 

    About 11 am I got three photos of our oldest daughter opening her gift from me.  Three photos of our beautiful girl that no longer look like our beautiful girl.  This is horrific for a parent to do this to a child.  

   To say Psychological trauma abuse it really a mild term.  I asked if she is not allowed to use her phone and then I was blocked from her phone to send her a thank you message for the gifts that she and her sister sent to me with a photo of them. 

    There were no more messages from her to me - and no messages or photos at all from our handicapped daughter.  None.  

    Today was my regular schedule day for my Thirty minute supervised phone call.  I called at my normal time to call her and at 32 minutes the phone was hung up.  I tried to engage in conversation with her but she says bye, poppy, or please the entire call.  Today she said please and was clearly distracted the entire phone call - as she is every time I call.  There is no engagement from her and I am reading her books and nursery rhymes that I used to teach her vocabulary, teaching her interactive and engaging activities and skills of word building and phonetic sounds.  She has not been encouraged or suggested to engage.  

    Most often I hear tones going off during our phone call or distractions of whatever she has or someone else has in the background. This has been disruptive and in addition to causing a disruption in our relationship.  She can no longer say mommy - nor is she encouraged to. Mommy was her base word- her first word and her attachment word.  

    This is caused irreparable harm and trauma to each of us.  Our oldest daughter is 22 and can't be allowed or send text messages or even emails to me.  This is abusive and coercive control.  And for those who emancipated of age decades ago can't be adult enough to encourage a child to have a relationship that they were part in severing is beyond horrible to me.  

    Follow the money trail ....... 

        Follow the money trail .........

with love and Merry holidays - 

    This is become the new "cash cow" .  Our daughters parent kidnapped - and coerced to live a life style they did not grow up with our oldest daughter for ( 17 years ) and our youngest daughter ( almost 14 years) . Financial abuse, Guardianship abuse, medical kidnapping, psychological trauma abuse.  Using children as a weapon to punish a mother.  

Severe Parental Alienation : A mental health emergency

How Mother - child separation causes Neurobiological vulnerability into adulthood




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