Friday, May 29, 2020

May 21,2017 Abduction day has been Three (3) years and Nine (9) days

21 May 2017 was a Sunday and was in week 20 of 2017.

This was in early April 2017 prior to the girls abduction 

Scottdale Arizona 2014.  We lived in Gilbert, AZ. and Ronnie and Cathy ( my friend ) came to visit 

    So today I decided to write here more like a diary.  I have kept a log of time that my girls have been kept, withheld and literally estranged from me, their natural birth mom. 

    What has been done to our family - is horrific.  To literally have your children abducted and kidnapped from one state - while estranged and interstate kidnapped to another state.  While all the Texas local, state and federal agencies in addition to NCMEC - claiming to be child advocates and the best interest of the children in my family has exploited and continues to exploit and cause irreparable harm and childhood trauma.  

    Since May 21, 2017 I have learned that Texas has aided in that abduction and Interstate kidnapping.  I have over 60 plus lawyers, attorneys, local, state and federal agencies that were part of this plan, and chose to do nothing when I contacted them.  What a horrific state of events for such selfish, callous and cowardly reasons.  Not to mention the profit that the local, state and federal stand to receive from this all at the expense of our daughters childhood.   

   This has destroyed a Twenty year marriage, destroyed two little girls childhood and their lives and who they trust, who never asked for any of this but instead have been coerced, forced and made to accept that this is the way it is.  Their lives have been taken and forced to live someone else lives.  This was not the lives they were living - nor was it in the plans for them to live this way - their lives were more sacred, more protected and they had more peace.  Their lives now is the filthy cultural smut that culture wants people to believe is normal.  

   To force a child, much less an adult to live in control and manipulate others and to cut off any protective means of preventing that says a lot psychologically.  I can't imagine any parent who has brought up their children living in a God centered home ever doing what has been done to our children. 

  To destroy two little girls because of childhood attachment traumas and addictive behaviors being more important and throwing them to the village - isn't about the children it is about " self".  The system, has no moral beliefs or conscious - no moral values.  The system profits.  Welcome to the life of the ' Beast". The Beast controls and manipulates and takes children, coerces them so they grow up to do the same as adults. It is all for profit. 

  My phone call today with Abigaile is the same as the past.  I'm posting my notes here because I want others to see what it looks like when this happens to a family.  We had a 20 year marriage,  Two beautiful girls that so many people complimented on their behaviors of how sweet and good they were. I stayed at home and cared for our daughters , they were first in my life and their needs ALWAYS came before mine.  ALWAYS.  

  Our daughters were never hit, never abused, never neglected, never molested, never sexually assaulted- prior to May 21, 2017.  Beyond that morning of May 21, 2017 I can't comment what has been done to either of them.  All of their lives has been erased from me, they have been kidnapped, hidden, my phone calls, text messages, and emails have not been returned.  Their lives stolen from me and my life stolen from them.  Their lives FORCED into a system of maltreatment and trauma instantly while being medically, legally exploited and traumatized.  Forced to live a life completely polar opposite to how they were being raised prior to their abduction and interstate kidnapping.   To forcefully remove a child from a loving mom who has cared for her children is beyond mental cruelty.   I have stayed home and placed our girls first, I have home educated them, I have gone above and beyond to care for and to get our child who was almost killed by vaccines medical and health care.  Since May 21, 2017 our daughter now has the medical mafia, her long time Dr. exploiting her, and every person that was there to be a support to me and to her dad as Permanent Guardians - have exploited her.  To have possession by deceit doesn't equal custody from May 21, 2017- December 2018 or October 7, 2019.

  I committed to my spouse and to my children to stay at home with them and to place them first in my life.  I have never broken that commitment.  Their have been memories, milestones, birthdays, holidays that have been stolen from me and have been stolen from our girls.  Those were our memories, moments, birthdays and holidays to share with my children that were stolen from me and from our girls.  Those memories, milestones, birthdays and holidays can never be given back.  Every day that goes by is another day, another hour, another week, month stolen from me and our girls.  

  My phone call today with Abigaile : 
5/29/2020 - words she said:  poppie- bye- please -hi- ( nervous laugh) at about 20:00 mark  - Abigaile making grunts of sounds - trying to get attention saying please - no engagement in conversation with meat all.   No response or engagement with any of the stories or nursery rhymes.  These are nursery rhymes that Abigaile has learned words and has been engaged and intersactive in the past with me.  There is no acknowledgement from Abigaile at all toward me. I can hear Abigaile making noise in background, it sounds like she is playing and distracted. " a male is heard saying " blow sugars go bye bye " : blow sugars go bye " Abigaile says please- please and the phone hangs up - I'm curious where Abigaile thinks she is going bye bye - this was my Thirty minute supervised phone visit today. 

# Justice for Abigaile and Natascha 
# child- mother alienation 
# child - mother estrangement 
# child - mother separation 
# Hate Crime 
# Facebook @JusticeforAbigaileandNatascha 
# Facebook @ Whole Body Restoration Ministry - Letters written to our girls while they have been held hostage and interstate kidnapped 

-->> Me or our children were never told of a separation or a divorce - SURPRISE on May 21, 2017 after a request for counseling to their dad :  They would be estranged for almost two years of forced NO CONTACT from me. It has been three years of estrangement for our oldest daughter who is now a legal adult.  Odd that a legal adult child can not speak to a mother whom never abused or neglected her. I would like to further explore why.  It has been over Three years now since our girls have been forcefully estranged from me and were relocated to another state without my permission, without my knowledge or without any communication of such endeavor during any of this over three years. 

--->>> A child that I was the primary attachment, primary caregiver, and the primary health care manager for until she was abducted.  She experienced a traumatic chemically induced brain injury from a serious, life threatening vaccine reaction when she was Five months old.  I had spent her entire life until she was abducted getting her to a rehabilitation state. By 2012 Abigaile was walking with a walker, quad canes, and single cane walker.  I had trained on ALL of her therapies ( so that I was doing her therapies at home with her- she was getting double the therapy) I was able to give her 1:1 nursing care, I was her continuity of care.  I communicated as well as managed her primary care and health care her entire life - until she was abducted.  After her abduction all of that work - went to hell !  
  Her progress, she has declined, she has regressed.  Don't believe me - look at her medical records, unless they have become " fixed".  I sill have progress notes.  I was told after they were abducted ( the same week by their dad in person ) that if she had an emergency I would be notified that hasn't happened and I get trauma triggers reading the unnecessary trauma my child experienced- unnecessarily and I was never contacted knowing that I was her primary caregiver, health care manager and primary contact for her health care.   I can hear what has happened to Abigaile on the phone calls, the regression in her speech, the regression and slur and sluggishness , lack of words, and her cognitive understanding - all gone.  She has regressed at the hands of those who were on her team- who have made themselves surrogate parents - while violating my parental rights and causing harm and unnecessary trauma to our daughter.  

How Mother-Child Separation Causes Neurobiological Vulnerability Into Adulthood-

  It is disgusting and deplorable what people have done to these children, what they have done to Abigaile. How can anyone with moral values or conscious even do this to a child?  I have fought for this little girl and for both of our girls in ways that no one even knows.  But to cause the mental, emotional and physical trauma intentionally?  The system has profited from this and continues to do so.  
  What do you tell my children after caring for them for their entire lives, changing their lives to polar opposite of what they were living ( and happy and content doing so).  How do you explain and quantify an abusive monster that there was no evidence or proof ?  Staying at home caring for my children , putting their needs first, home educating them - that isn't a monster, or abuse and it is not neglect - it is being a mother.  It was also agreed to by me and their dad how we would raise our children.  Not revert to childhood traumas and addictive behaviors, when they became teenagers.  

  Domestic shelters profit from families - then ex parte' and pay moving expenses for when they have no evidence of abuse or neglect.  A thirty day residential hold while receiving Federal and state funds and paying for moving expenses?  Abducting and Interstate kidnapping my children for profit then moving them to a different state ( PKPA and UCCJEA) clear as mud.

  No due process to a mother who has done anything wrong - can not get due process because of a " conflict of interest because of  " lying in the system?"  

It is destroying children.  Profit in the system.  Terrorizing our children with lies and holding them like they are terrorists from lies.  Turning children against their parents.  Teaching children that their parent is an abuser and telling them to text they are going to a " safe place"- to family members???? No, they went straight into the Abyss and were given ice cream, cookies and candy just like any " devil" would do.  To train my children to call me " her".  I know where that came from- I have heard it spoken myself - in front of my children with me present.  

  My children will know how I have fought for them - I will expose every player and actor in this - false narrative of events.  My children were raised with ' common sense, not lies, not being used, and they were not abused or neglected ever until May 21, 2017 when they were misled, lied to, and used.  Their lives were changed on May 21, 2017.

# Justice for Abigaile and Natascha
# child- mother alienation
# child- mother estrangement
# Hate Crime
# Texas aided child Interstate Kidnapping



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