Friday, March 20, 2020

March 20,2020 my call with Abigaile today

Mommy and Abigaile - Laguna Beach, Ca. - near the ocean with my babies - my happy place- You are my sunshine !

Momma and Natascha - my beautiful girl - this was taken at the zoo - ( I can't remember where - we went to the zoo everywhere we went - when we could go) You are my sunshine !

the adverse reaction - the injury became our reality - I did not want to be the victim - I did not want my children to be victims of it. 

We can never be the light if we are living in the dark- the light always over comes the dark.

     I had my supervised visit with Abigaile on the phone earlier this evening.  I was kept to the 30 minute rule today.  Abigaile was distracted and there was noise from what ever she was distracted with.  

     I read stories to Abigaile because on a phone call there really isn't a lot of anything else that can be done and I know that she loves to have stories read to her.  I have been able to teach her so much in the past by reading stories and doing hands on and interactive studies with activities.  She is no longer interactive in the stories. 

   I was reminded of this with the recent virus alert about children being forced to stay out of institutionalize school and having to stay home or wherever they are living.  I thought of our girls because of our home school days or home education we will call it.  Including the basic life skills and so many other things taught at home never taught in public institutionalize school.  I wanted our girls to be able to learn and experience so much more than a plan with funded federal dollars.  I loved doing school with our girls and would have loved to been able to use Abigailes van as its intended use but I was not given that option.  
  It has been : 

How many Days, Weeks, Months?

How many days ago... 1035 days
How many weeks ago... 148 weeks
How many months ago... 34 months
How many hours ago... 24840 hours
How many minutes ago... 1490400minutes
How many seconds ago... 89424000
     Since you were both abducted and kidnapped from me.  How can anyone make this a reality or accept that it is a reality and just assume to a child that you have made a decision to tell them, project onto them that the other half of them doesn't exist?  Sorry you live with that parent for over 17 3/4 years or 13 3/4 years but lets pretend that no longer exists.  When you speak mommy we will just ignore you so you stop saying it.  And well you being well and rehabbing, sorry we think you should be drugged so you don't get brain injured - ( where does it say anywhere that pharmaceuticals stop brain injury? ).  Every person, every person that chose to ignore my pleas, ignored my request to get involved, ignored my saying that is not the best interest for Abigaile it is causing her harm - their response : just ignore the mom.  Even the Dr. and I am not done with Dr. Con yet.  

  So after 1035 days, I hear my Abigaile today out of no where after not being able to say mommy - she says my mommy - my mommy and bye several times?  How does anyone hear this and not be convicted by it?  I was so emotional ( yes its okay to be emotional) but to hear my child to say my mommy and I couldn't even tell if she had any emotion with it or not.  Then she went back to playing with whatever distraction she had because saying my mommy and bye doesn't warrant a response.  I have never ignored my children. I have always responded to them and met their needs. Always.  And when I haven't been able to I have apologized and have asked them for forgiveness - always.  But even more important - I always responded.  

    I finished the stories I read, and was trying to get her to say bye or I love you trying to get her to engage in conversation and she couldn't. Then the phone hung up.    Do they talk to other people on cell phones ( killing their brains giving them brain tumors with doses or radiation?  Does she tell other people bye when leaving or getting off the phone with them as a courtesy to let them know the call is over- or just hang up?

   Then I go to check my email and I get more news.  When we moved across country from California ( doing therapy since 2010) to Arizona ( temporary) - Arkansas with our intent of becoming citizens living in Texas. We moved everything from California to Arkansas and then to Texas.  I still get the emails from the storage unit because I was the one who paid our bills every  month ( we both contributed ) but I stayed at home with our girls I have always paid bills it was logical to do this.  

  We still have a storage unit with everything we worked for, all of our daughters equipment, school and therapy and boxes of books and machines.  A special needs bike for her.  All of our life packed into this storage.  I get a email that says that there was a letter sent to the girls dad at his new address that I wasn't made aware of until I did a internet search last year 2019.  It was prior to this that I was okay to care for our daughter, care for our home and pay the bills, cook, clean and education, plus be a full time caregiver for our daughter.

   But since May 21, 2017 I became baggage that was thrown out and thrown away even in our daughters lives.  They have been told I have abandoned them and on court documents the truth is not shared but instead it says that I have abandoned them. I have never abandoned the girls and this lie needs to be proven, it is false, it is a lie.  For people to tell my children I abandoned them - my children need to hear the truth and they need to hear how people do things to use the law and other government agencies to make it look like they are protecting them.  Instead they are causing harm and trauma.  

  So now I have a notice that there was a letter, it has a copy of the lien attached to it for a courtesy lien to sell all of our belongings because of $98 that somehow wasn't paid.  I requested our daughters Trust to pay for the storage because of my lack of financial situation after being discarded and they have been paying it.  On the email there was an attachment sent to the girls dad about this - this evening after business hours is when I get the email from the storage facility.  Why would anyone do this to another human being? 

  This storage unit has everything that we have worked for, everything that is a keepsake for a daughters,  there are keepsakes that belong to me and to their dad in that storage unit.  There are years of equipment that our daughter was using to rehabilitate, education and manipulative that were helping our daughter to thrive.  

  If I had not gotten the email today with this copy of the Lien to sell on it - all of this lifetime of our lives and memories just disappeared while someone pilfered and pillaged it like a cheap flea market. It would be sold without my knowing it ? 

  I have no home - I have been made homeless.  I have no transportation- the amount of time I got to use the van for our daughter which should have been to use at her needs - I have no transportation.  I have no money, bank accounts closed with out my knowledge - just closed.  

  But to take what is left and to just allow it to be pillaged and sold - and for me to find out in an email for the storage facility.  Just how and why, can another human do this to a human being they committed to God that they would protect and honor and be with the rest of their lives ?  To teach your children that your mom or your dad is disposable and you just tell people they abandoned you for whatever reason and then what?  No wonder generational curses are never fixed- no wonder people accept that addictive behaviors are okay.  Our children were not raised this way - God have mercy on telling our children these things.  

  Our culture is vile like a pack of wild pigs - to project onto children that it is okay to just throw their mom or their dad awhile is beyond even comprehendible to me.  

Monday, March 9, 2020

Justice for Abigaile and Natascha

Please visit the girls facebook page - leave an encouraging message for them

please let us know that you were there and of course please like the page -

with love

Sunday, March 1, 2020

My Story of Abduction, Alienation, and Estrangement # Be Loud

2017 Arlington Texas this is literally a week or two prior to Abduction and Kidnapping this is the last photo of our girls and I . 

    My story starts at a 21 yr relationship with my former spouse and a 20 year marriage of no arguments, no disagreements, no fight. All starting to come unraveled in Early 2017 and looking hindsight even prior to that. I have been the primary attachment, primary caregiver, and primary caregiver for our disabled daughter until their abduction and interstate kidnapping. My perception of extended family interruption in our family of origin , my then husband, myself and our daughters, our youngest daughter disabled from vaccine injury - sadly has turned out to be my worst nightmare. 
   My husband and I chose to raise our little family breaking many generational curse of addictions, sexual addictions, drug and alcohol abuse and many other behaviors. We also chose prior to marriage to raise our family with christian or biblical values. Since that time I am going to label this as Spiritual values, due to the many negative, controlling and manipulative behaviors coming from religion. Many family members took offense with all of this. My former husband and I chose to not drink, we stopped smoking, we did this all for our health and the health of our children. I’m not sure why people become offended; CULT -like behaviors when you put your children , your marriage and family first. This all worked for Twenty years and then that changed abruptly one day. I can now see where the behaviors were leading quietly to this doomsday. 
    I had noticed some behaviors from former husband and had tried talking with him reminding him of our agreement to stay away from the addictive behaviors and that I was experiencing some triggers to some of his behaviors. He was openly defending his behaviors even in front of our minor daughters. I would send him texts and emails with articles from cited Psychology articles written about these topics. He would stone-wall me and wouldn’t respond to the texts, emails or verbal communication. I eventually would ask him very to please seek counseling for these behaviors because I could see that they were increasing and I was becoming more aware and having more anxiety not just for myself but for our daughters as well. He shared a computer and was having secretive conversations with our daughter then 17. I scheduled a christian marriage retreat at Focus on the Family and when we attended he was not engaged, not interested in April of 2017. By May of 2017 things would escalate quickly. On May 21, 2017 he would get up early with our oldest daughter 17 and after an event happened that I was desperate to ask him out right to go to counseling. That morning we had plans to go to an office store so that I could work on our income tax returns. He would pick up our disabled daughter and our daughter who was 17 they would leave to go out to the loaner car we had due to our daughters handicap van being in the shop. I would get our disabled daughters backpack, her water and her shoes like I always do. Except when I got to the door and went outside they were gone. No where in sight. I would call my husbands phone our daughters phone and no answer. No answer to text. 
   I called the Arlington Texas police to file reports only to be told to call back. I was told by police dispatch on the phone later that evening if he came back that I shouldn’t upset him I shouldn’t ask him questions I should just leave him alone. Days would go by and weeks would go by, I would contact the police several times only to be told he is their biological dad he can do what he wants. Initially the police would come to my location, the officers confused because they had been advised that I was abusive, that I was unstable and was suicidal - all of which none were true. Even the officer on the call remarked - “ you don’t appear to act at all what your husband has stated about you in his report.” I had no idea what was even happening. 
   My husband came to the location where we lived without our girls I begged him and ask where the girls were, why did he do this to me - to them? What has he done? Where are my babies? Why did he take them from me ? He left them with strangers. My God- our disabled daughter what trauma what horrific trauma this did to her - me being her primary attachment and she was just taken and thrown with strangers. He said he couldn’t talk then and instead said he would talk to me when things calmed down - he would message me or call me if there was an emergency with our disabled daughter. Neither happened, and I know by looking at progress notes several emergencies happened. I had been our disabled daughters primary caregiver, her health care manager getting her through near death events from vaccine injury when she was 5 months old until finally I had worked with her through allopathic medicine. I was her only continuity of care she was finally healing and I had transitioned her with an integrative Dr ( who had followed her since she was 18 months old) and since 2011 and she was finally in rehabilitation phase , walking with canes and walker, taking some independent steps. She was also becoming more verbal as her progress was made with her gross motor skills. This same Autism Dr has since helped and encouraged in PAS and estrangement of our daughter from me after working with me for over 13 years of our daughters life. This Autism Dr has exploited our daughter and has medically kidnapped her. Her health deteriorated at a fraction of what it was, no longer in rehabilitation but being drugged unnecessarily while my Civil liberties stripped as a mother. Not allowed any communication, not allowed to see her for almost 3 years. 
    The state of Texas Arlington police refused to file a missing person report on my family. No matter the number of days. I filed a report with Morgan Nick foundation. I was advised to contact the National missing and exploited children and was given a case number with a case worker. I was advised to contact police to file a report so they could issue an Amber alert. When the officers came to my location I would start giving them the events that had unfolded that day they were abducted. I told the officer the seriousness of the nature of our daughters health that this would cause her severe trauma and without my being with her it could likely cause her to have uncontrollable seizures. The officer told me to “ shut up, stop crying and stop being emotional !!!” I was never allowed to fully tell my story - I wasn’t even acknowledged in respect of being our daughters full time caregiver. I wasn’t even respected as her mother even though there was no separation or divorce , no custody orders. I contacted the Arlington police dept. on numerous occasions to file the missing persons report, to file a report of my children not knowing their whereabouts, no communication from my husband or daughters. I was told by the police Dept. they refused to file any reports. The Natl. missing and exploited children case worker would call me weekly- her call was to tell me that they do not actually look for the children, they issue the amber alert and call the family for updates. That I would need a report from police in order for them to file an amber alert. In addition I was told by Morgan nick foundation that they could not place up missing children’s posters etc or do anything with out a police report as well. 
   After being a stay at home mom 17 years and caregiver and primary caregiver almost 14 years to our disabled daughter I was left homeless, without transportation and without financial means. I was left in a city that I had no resources, no friends or family to help me and the system to find missing children, the law enforcement and all other agencies for the welfare of children or safety of public literally shut me off. I was experiencing gaslighting from these agencies when I asked for help. I had no money for a lawyer or an attorney or anyone else. Months went by I sent my husband emails, texts, begging for communication with our babies just to see our babies who had been ripped from my care after being in their lives their entire life. I would receive an occasional text from our daughters phone for a few weeks after I would text but had no way of knowing if this was even her. 
    The caseworker continued to call me from NCMEC and I finally asked her one day to stop calling me. I learned through research they were receiving federal funds. They had played no active part in finding my children or even what happened to them. My children could be dead and no one cared. I told the case worker to stop calling - they were doing nothing actively to find my children or to even find out if they were safe or what happened. I told the case worker at Morgan Nick foundation and the case worker at NCMEC that the Arlington police refused to file a port for me - because the girls were with their bio-dad. Not at any time did their bio-dad tell me where they were , what he was doing with them or what had happened. I called lawyers, attorneys to try and find a Pro bono - and learned that they do not have a Pro bono in Texas and was referred to legal aide. When I contact legal aide I was asked to file a report with the Arlington police - who again was contacted and I was once again told that they would not file a report because our daughter were with their bio-dad. I am their mom, there was no separation no divorce that I was made aware of lawyers and attorneys stated nothing was filed in Texas. I contacted over 60 plus agencies of local, regional and state government in the State of Texas not including the attorney I begged to take my case for the safety of our daughters. I was told by Legal Aid of Texas that I did not qualify for services because of conflict of Interest yet no one would explain to me what that meant. I would learn what it meant when I was served dissolution of marriage papers in Arlington Texas where we called home since 2016. What that conflict of interest looks like is that if you have been falsely accused and your spouse uses legal aid you have no recourse at all in the state of Texas for Due Process unless you pay for an Attorney. 
     I was told unless I could pay a private attorney or lawyer in Texas I would have no due process - I was told in addition now that our daughters had been forced to move to Florida ( December 2018 when served with Dissolution of marriage - no prior communication of this ) with out my consent or knowledge of their whereabouts that no lawyer or attorney would represent me with our daughters being in Florida they were now wards of Florida. Our daughters given false narratives and expected to abruptly live polar opposite to the lives they had grown up with our oldest daughter 17 years. Our youngest disabled and handicapped daughter for almost 14 years. 
    I was told because jurisdiction was moved to Florida because the bio-dad had used “ DIRTY HANDS DOCTRINE “ AND INTERSTATE KIDNAPPED OUR MINOR DAUGHTERS that the court in Florida had jurisdiction. I could not seek legal service in Florida - I was not a resident of Florida so I could not obtain legal aid - I could not afford a lawyer or attorney ( $5000 minimum retainer for me and $5000 minimum retainer for our daughter ) the former husband did not have sole custody at this time . Pro Bono was payment arrangements that I couldn’t afford - I had to represent myself as Pro Se. 
    This was a quick learn as you go education on law, procedural rules of the circuit courts - opposing counsel changes, judge changes. Spending hours and weeks watching Youtube, talking with other Pro Se parents who’s children were kidnapped and taken with no contact. I had no transportation and was responding with Answer and counterclaim , motions to file for hearing by telephone ( which were denied the day of court) I was still living in Texas and still estranged from our daughters. 
    In December 2019 I was able to finally retain counsel in Florida from a lawyer - who was alienated from her daughter. I found out after a court date for final judgement in October 2019 that court hearing I was denied to be part of. My lawyer in December 2019 stated that my former spouse had been given Sole Custody of our handicapped daughter. That I would get Two - 30 minute supervised phone calls per week. I would have access to time sharing in Florida while being supervised, while someone supervising my visit gives our daughter forced medication/ drugs. The hearing stated that I did not give our daughter medication, but in reality I had given our daughter medication when it was ordered . However, since about 2014 or 2015 as our daughter made progress in healing - she was discontinued off medication after my talking with her Dr about it and after lab results. She was discontinued from medication after speaking with her Dr who okay her discontinuation of medication. 
    I scheduled a phone consult regarding our daughter health, her alienation and estrangement from me. The Dr. who had been following our daughter stated to me on this call that our daughter is doing great there in Florida, that she is with people who love her , she is well groomed, and she is doing well and happy. All the same while in his contradicting progress notes - since May 21.2017 she had physically fallen with a fall to the Dr, has experienced trauma, experienced generalized seizures and drugging over medicating, being forced foods that she has known allergies that cause seizure triggers and manifest as seizures documented in prior office visits. I sent emails to her dad and to the Dr stating and reminding them of these allergens and medications has caused her seizures in the past - and received no response or communication from either of them. She has been and is on drugs that were documented by my observation, and noting in diary as well as in communication and office visits to this integrative alternative Dr. that it causes her seizures and trauma. Instead she was diagnosed an additional disorder and given more medications and drugs - when this was in fact a symptom of her adverse reaction to the drugs and when these drugs were removed in the past, these symptoms stopped. Medications she was having seizures with. Now she is medically kidnapped. 
    In progress notes it was stated by dad in a early visit of 2017-2018 that “ AG finally stopped saying “ mommy” as if there was excitement she finally stopped saying mommy. When the Dr was asked about this remark by me - he had no response. It is clear alienation or estrangement is not a issue for him as long as he is financially exploiting our daughter. He certainly isn’t interested in her mental , emotional or physical health instead pouring out the drugs while making profit. In addition to giving her medical marijuana , CBD or other derivative. My former husband and I stated under no circumstances would we give our daughter medical marijuana , CBD or other derivative - in Florida now according to her chart notes this compound of marijuana is being forced onto our daughter. This is a class 1 drug, highly addictive gateway drug in addition to the numerous seizures medications with known past adverse reactions. I have sent countless emails to former spouse, Dr., attorneys, layers, even the Judge in my answer and counterclaim to the Circuit court. In the court orders it is now ordered that when I am given my supervised parenting time - that the supervised of the visit will dope my child with this controlled substance. In addition to disregarding my parental right, and violating my religious and philosophical rights as her mother. This was additionally stated in my counterclaim to the CIRCUIT COURT IN FLORIDA and my counterclaim ignored and not responded to or never acknowledged. Because of the financial hardship and poverty I can not travel to Florida to even see or visit our daughter. I didn’t leave our daughter or abandoned her she was abducted and kidnapped from me from our home, from my care. 
    Our daughters civil rights and civil liberties as well as my due process, civil rights and civil liberties have been grossly violated. Our daughter medically kidnapped and now Guardianship fraud as my former spouse has petitioned the court to removed me as a Guardian of the Trust that I had set up for our daughter. It was my testimony, my charting and observation as well as my charting notes that won our vaccine injury case for our daughter that has now been exploited and pillaged and plundered for almost three years now. 
    When will this gross violation of human rights end? I have done nothing wrong to my child, I have never neglected our children or their care. I have never neglected them by not giving them what was needed. I stayed at home with our children putting them first, putting their needs first. I have cared for our daughter with special needs, saving her from near death and coding. I have been her primary caregiver and got her where she was stable and was making huge progress and she was abducted and kidnapped. Our oldest daughter stated to an Sherrif deputy she wants nothing to do with me refuses to talk with me according to sheriffs dept. in Floral city Florida. I had not heard or seen my children no contact since May 21,2017 and contact sheriffs dept. to do a welfare check after finding their address in an online voting record. I told the deputy my former husband and oldest daughter had changed their address to my husbands - mothers Florida address in 2014 even though they were living with me and our disabled daughter until May 21,2017 when he abducted and kidnapped our daughters from Texas. 
    The Sheriffs dept. did a welfare check on our daughters. They were given the new narrative of what it looks like after abducting and kidnapping your children from the targeted parent. I told the deputy “ I am their mother, they were abducted and kidnapped with the help from the state of Texas , I have not been given any opportunity to communicate with our daughters, they have not been given the opportunity to communicate with me. They have not been allowed to message me , email me or talk with me. All of my emails, texts and phone calls have gone unanswered and not returned. I am their mother, I have been refused to see them or hear my babies voices or touch them - since May 21,2017 and I just need to know that my babies are still alive, that they are still breathing, and please tell them that their mommy loves them very much”. This was September 2019. 
    In court documents from the beginning and now former husband is reqesting to remove me as a Guardian from our disabled daughters Guardianship they have denied me all rights since May 21,2017 to make all decisions in her medical care, her daily care or any choice in her life at all. My former husband has transferred funds from her bank account to multiple secret accounts with out any accountability. The Trustee over that Medical trust who has told me that I need to remain amicable even if it is causing our daughter trauma. The spending of these funds is not benefitting her health but instead causing her mental, emotional and physical trauma , pain and anguish. I have been accused in numerous court documents of being unstable, and not giving our daughter medication which is not true I was her health care manager and made every Dr. , specialist, therapy appt. I gave her medications, did multiple modalities and disciplines for her care getting her to the rehabilitation level where she was. It was because of the one on one care and the continuity of care that she was at with me she made progress. Her health since May 21,2017 has regressed and her finances exploited while medically kidnapped, exploited financially and pillaged and plundered by those who are suppose to be protecting her. 
    While the person that I trusted, her dad , and that our daughters trusted abducted and kidnapped our daughters and has now alienated and estranged me from their lives while going on court record to say that I have abandoned our daughters and haven’t provided care for them or provided anything for their care while they were moved multiple states away, held hostage and hidden for years. In reality they have been alienated , abandoned and estranged from me their mother. Our daughter on phone visit can no longer say mommy, no longer engages in my conversation, is no longer interactive in our stories, has 2-3 words instead of the 15-20 words that she did have. She says Bye and Poppy please on all of our phone calls- there is nothing interactive. I can hear the pain, the hurt and trauma in her voice. 
    Now I am served with trying to remove me as her legal Guardian. I am being forced to represent myself as Pro Se in another court to try and remain as a legal Guardian because again, I can not afford a lawyer or an attorney. My rights as her Guardian and my rights to act as a mother, a parent and as her legal Guardian have all been denied, ignored, and have been violated at the health of our child and exploited. Where is justice in this for our children ? I want my children back- I have done nothing to harm our children - they have been kidnapped and Psychologically tormented and Psychologically abused. 
    The state of Texas denied my due process , never properly served me , and never served me with any convictions I have over 60 agencies I contacted. I have emails, screenshots of phone calls, the DHHS region 6, the Police, The domestic violence agencies, Polly Klauss foundation, American center for law and justice,, Florida governor, Texas state attorney General, Florida state attorney general, Texas governor, Family violence legal service, Legal resource center on violence against women, statewide and national domestic violence in Texas and Florida, victims of , , all Texas agencies refer you to legal aid - when they have a conflict of interest even though it is unfounded, they deny you for any and all services including legal aid- with no service and no convictions. You have NO DUE PROCESS in Texas when this happens to you I can prove this. I filed a complaint with the Texas health and human services against the shelter , I was laughed at by the Ombudsman office in Texas and told I wouldn’t like their response, then they deleted the form. I contacted the Texas state Auditors office and filed a report as well as submitted a SAO Intake at the gave my report the the Texas interstate transportation authority ( who stated she was doing an investigation after a few weeks I was told she found nothing and could do nothing. 
    I contact the DOJ who referred me to the FBI and I request the FBI to do a report. The FBI agent was taking the report and half way through the report when I stated our daughters were kidnapped - she hung up on me, I called back and the FBI agent told me to contact the local police in Arlington this was after I had been through this trying to find and help my children for over two years. I filed a report with DVLeap who I was denied- unfounded and suggested to hire legal representation. The Texas Fair Defense organization took my information but stated she was unable to help in this situation because the childrens home state was now Florida. The Texas state auditor who refused to file a report and referred me to the state attorney general who advised me that they are not there for filing reports but instead to give referrals. I emailed the Texas and Florida governors office , Texas who sent an email to me that they would be investigating my claim. 
    I want my children. My children have done nothing to deserve this crime of humanity. I have done nothing to deserve this crime of humanity. The claims that were spoken against me in Texas, living in Texas as a citizen - I was never legally processed serviced, I was never convicted of any claims or allegations at any time by any authority of law or otherwise. This was clearly a case of Abduction, Family Interstate Kidnapping, No due process, I was Abandoned, deserted, Unclean Hands, this has deeply affected me and our children, our parent - child relationship, our daughter medically kidnapped. Her Dr. has taken a parenting role and disregarded any and all of my requests as a mother and parent and legal guardian as well as the Trustee that has oversight for our daughters Financial accountability and management. Medical maltreatment, Civil rights, Civil liberties, Intentional emotional trauma, unnecessary medical treatments and trauma to our daughter. Not to mention our daughter who is aged out now and will never see the Justice that she deserves for being enmeshed, used and pawned to turn against me her mother. For the mental and emotional trauma and intentional emotional trauma that has been done to her. 



Day # 2820 stolen memories

To my girls , There is no processing mentally, emotionally or physically a happy birthday when your life has been terrorized through harm. T...