Sunday, February 23, 2020

Abduction and Family Interstate Kidnapping

Goodnight my beautiful girls. Mommy loves you both very much. Mommy is so tired of not having our girls near me. The systems that we have in this country are beyond corrupt and criminal.

It is difficult enough to have so many things happen around the time that you both were taken from me. I was your primary attachment in your entire life. Your Constitutional rights and my Constitutional rights as a Natural parent have been violated and even to today - they are still violated.
Our Human rights have been violated - destroyed the worst absolutely worst form of punishment ever inflicted onto a child is to remove that child from their mother. This is beyond the most mentally cruel forms of trauma you can ever do.

Our rights been violated since May21,2017 by every acting agency on a local, regional and federal level - your being taken without my consent or even knowledge of your whereabouts while being sent pictures that looked like a terrorist was holding you hostage. And being held hostage like a form of domestic terrorism until now February 23.2020.

The state of Texas should be ashamed - projecting itself as a family friendly, Bible believing , christian , conservative. Every person and agency from the Shelter, DHHS region 6, to the lawyers and attorneys I spoke with, who said that if I didn't know where you were and the police refused to file a missing persons report - they refused to take the case. I wish I had known then what I know now and I would have filed reports on them to the state bar. Not that it would matter with Texas receiving funds for your trafficking to Florida. The National Missing and exploited children plus other trafficking agencies would file a report but without the police filing a missing persons report - they all collected their collective FEDERAL FUNDS for your case #s while their CASE WORKERS would call me once per week asking me if I had heard anything from you or your dad. I can understand why NO ONE is found. But they still collect their funds don't they .

For you to be gone and your dad telling me face to face just days after your were abducted - telling me that he would talk with me as soon as things would calm down. I asked him when that would be and he said things just need to calm down. There was no situation I was aware of that needed to calm down and he didn't have an answer. He said this in person - when he came back to get the food for Abigaile while he left you with strangers - God only knows what they did to you with no parent there. Also telling me if there was an emergency with Abigaile that he would call or text me. I know there were emergencies with Abigaile - the hell , the torture , of what that baby went through I can not imagine. I am not sure that I will ever be able to work through that terrorism. I still requested her medical records ( I was only allowed the chart notes) I even signed the request form. Dr. is another person of interest aiding in child alienation, child estrangement, medical kidnapping and medical maltreatment.

I also called Arlington Police Department numerous times- yes even after 72 hours they would send officers who mocked me, laughed at me and even said for me to " SHUT UP AND STOP CRYING AND BEING EMOTIONAL." And then refuse to file a missing persons report. Refused to file a suspicion of interest report.

I currently have a list of over 60 or more agencies including the DHHS, police, State attorney general of Texas, state auditor of Texas, Governor, and even the Interstate Highway authority. NONE have acknowledged the abuse that you both have encountered or what I have encountered. I was abandoned and deserted- left with no transportation - bank account was closed- I was told to be amicable by the Trustee who has oversight over our daughters medical trust and Guardianship ( even when NO COURT ORDER EXISTED FOR ANYTHING). I had no money - no employer ( our daughter was my employer I provided her care around the clock - and yes I received compensation for it. The only employer that literally left me with no job after 14 years ( 20 years of marriage) with no money, no retirement, no nothing, no insurance, and no way to file for unemployment because I committed to my child to make her well.  Our daughter went from deaths door from the vaccine injury to rehabilitation with walking with a canes, walker and 10+ words, two and three word sentences, intelligible, was verbal, happy.

I couldn't afford attorney or lawyer, could obtain legal aid due to the conflict of interest because of false allegations. Legal aid supported and gave funds to the one who abducted and kidnapped our daughters- I had no legal due process in any of this. NO DUE PROCESS for myself or our children.  

When I learned of the divorce ( BY BEING SERVED ) -->>1 year and 7 months later I learned my children were in Florida and were living a false narrative of a story that my husband and I said would never happen. Our daughters went from one lifestyle to - FORGET MOMMY, homeschool or any resemblance of the life you lived for the majority of your life. As our 17 year old daughter would say just days before their abduction; " Momma HOMESCHOOL I'SNT REAL SCHOOL".  Interesting hindsight. Plus there are many other events and situations I have had time to reflect on.

In addition pro bono lawyers in Texas don't exist. Everything is funneled through the state, so when a person , parent etc does this to you - you have no recourse but paying a lawyer. You have NO DUE PROCESS. They refer you to the Texas legal project, domestic violence, DHHS, and all the other agencies ( gaslighting). I was told jurisdiction was in Florida now. Wait what about my children , my due process for our children for me. Oh you will have to file in Florida and find a pro se there. Start the entire game over and I am forced to file in Florida where I have never lived. No pro se and the same gaslighting as Texas. I could not get legal aid in Florida where I am not a resident.

My children have been abducted and kidnapped and forced to live a lie of a lifestyle for whatever reason and expected to deal with it. Our oldest daughter I was told by a Citrus county Sherrif ( I had to call and do a welfare check once I found an address - they were living with my former husbands mother -I'm not at all surprise considering POLAR OPPOSITE lifestyle of throwing my children in public institutionalized school and over medicating, drugging while giving our daughter foods and medications that she has had known allergic reactions to in the past causing seizure triggers and seizures. Then to drug the seizures with medications that she has more seizures with. Medical kidnapping and being thrown to the wolves.  

It was our choice, my husband and I, our choice for me to stay at home with our children. Our children were my job, they were my career why is this so difficult for people to get? And to do this to innocent children and throw them into a lifestyle and expect them to just live it? Why? How can a parent do this to a child and expect them to forget their parent who was their primary attachment. To forget how they were raised their entire lives. To send me a text to tell me to look at Abigailes blog when he had no interest in her blog for 13.5 years or anything else that was going on? You just throw your kids in a mind warp and say forget mom? How does that work exactly? I cant even wrap my mind around that type of mentality.

Our 21 year old daughter now who is aged out of the system - who people inform me she is an adult. She can do what she wants. I wonder what that looks like ? Especially if she was saying days before she left ( momma homeschool isn't real school - ) ill tell you what it looks like. I spoke to three separate Citrus county sheriffs deputys on the phone to do a welfare check. I had not heard our daughters voice, I had not seem them for over 2 1/2 years. My emails, texts, phone calls were never returned. When I found an address I called to ask them to do a welfare check just so I would know my children were alive.  I told the Sheriffs deputy, I am their mom , they were abducted and kidnapped from Texas. I haven't seen them for over 2 years ( this was late fall 2019) I just need to know if they are alive, if they are breathing. I need to know if they are alive.

The Sheriffs Deputy who met with our oldest daughter, now 21, was able to meet her at a location away from dad. The deputy told me that my 21 year old who had been at home with me for 17.5 years was telling him that she did not want to see me, did not want to talk with me, did not want to hear from me. I think back to signs now that I can see - why is this ? I know this is not typical behavior for a child to spend 17 years with her mom and then to leave and to just say I don't want to see, talk or have anything to do with my mom? If you believe this you are seriously mistaken. What kind of mental and emotional or physical trauma has to happen to this child? She wasn't saying this prior to leaving - children act out while trauma is happening - in the moment. How will she heal from this, when people are saying it isn't important and we wonder why this pathological behavior doesn't stop? It is triangulated and passed through generations like a canker worm.

In late December 2019 I was finally able to get a lawyer to take my case. Another mother who had also been alienated. She took my case late December. In the meantime, there are still struggles with this case in getting hearings scheduled in funding.

Moving to January 2020 - trying to remove me from her Guardianship funds what I am a Permanent CoGuardian and was key in setting the Guardianship as well as medical trust set up for her from the vaccine injury. Continued financial abuse and exploitation. Medical kidnapping. And further alienation to where the child that was calling me mommy for 13.5 years and was a completely different child now has regressed to the point she can no longer talk, can no longer say mommy, is severely estranged from me, doesn't recognize me, can not even engage in a short conversation with me via a 30 minute phone call. Songs, books, stories that we have interacted in the past - she no longer has interest. She is often distracted and making noise on the phone. She has been distracted playing with toys while on the call. Her only words are Poppy ( which she refers to her dad) and Bye.

This is a special needs child. While it is still critical for other children who are typical to be reunited with their biological parent. It is critical that a special needs child be with their parent for health reasons.
And just to summarize: The day the former husband left we had a conversation. Not an argument, no yelling , no screaming and not fighting. There had not been any mention of a separation, or a divorce. There were several incidents that happened that I will not make public knowledge that I had requested counseling. On the day that he absconded with our daughters was one of those incidents, and a request to seek counseling. Is this worth destroying children over?

And the court reasoning for granting sole custody to a parent who does abduction and family interstate kidnapping - is because I would not give our special needs daughter medication. She didn't have any medication ordered. Why would I give our child medication when it wasn't ordered?

Where is the human rights in this for our children ? Where is their due process ? Where are my human rights I did nothing wrong. I was caring for my family , caring for our children and had already lived through hell with the vaccine almost killing our daughter. She was classified as having a severe adverse reaction. This is a published vaccine injury case. I had considered posting the link to the entitlement- but because so many people already take advantage of our daughter and people have no idea what the entitlement is - they don't understand it works like a medical trust.

My history : prior to marriage I worked in a hospital environment of over 8 years. I worked in Cardiac, ICU, ER, and Geriatrics and Oncology. I have worked in Clinicals at a Nursing home for long term care. I have worked in a Diagnostic office with a POD of five specialists. There were Pulmonologist, Oncology, Epidemiology, I did their ICD9 coding and Insurance billing. I have since completed several certificate programs in Integrative Nutrition, part in BS of Nutrition program, Several certificate programs with Natural health practitioner, Holistic Nutrition, and am currently 6 classes and dissertation from finishing my Dr. of Naturopathy. My prior hospital and nursing experience were key in helping to get through the trauma with our daughter and her vaccine injury. If I had not be trained in the skills in Nursing - our daughter would be dead. I gave our daughter CPR twice while on the phone with EMTs dispatch.

I was able to document the symptoms, and do research while our daughter went through the shear trauma or vaccine injury. I was not only her primary attachment but I was her primary Health care giver. I took her through trauma care, medical care and into rehabilitation. I was able to win our vaccine injury case and entitlement for her with my day planner and baby book where I had charted symptoms, dates, observations, and calls to clinics, Dr.s specialists in a four state area to find help for my baby so she could live.

I have medical records- progress notes that during the time our daughter was under my care she was not on medication and was making progress. Her dr . visits were once per year. You can clearly see the progress notes - of what the trauma of the abduction and kidnapping did to our child and the Dr. reinforced that pathological behavior telling me that she is in a better place in Florida, with people who love and care for her, she is groomed, - what kind of individual does this to a child and says that are looking out for her best interest?

I fought for the entitlement so that she could have funds for additional care in addition to the health insurance. I have worked in this field almost 25 years in all. I am not ignorant of what goes on. I wanted the additional funds so our daughter could make it through this and be able to function. I wanted the best care for her. The best treatments for her. Not to leave her in a system of sick and disease and not getting well where she is now. While the funds are being exploited. Our daughter is regressing, she is living trauma for the past three years over and over - while being medically kidnapped and financially exploited.

Where is the Justice ? I did nothing to harm my children ever. I did nothing to neglect my children ever. I have never abused or traumatized or abandoned my children. Where is a Human Rights attorney ? Where is the law that says people can just abduct and kidnapped their children and estrange them from the other parent while the system does nothing about it?

I want my children! I have done nothing to harm them. I will not be told that I can not tell the story of what led up to this as though it never existed. It does exist. Where were the people to protect our children ? Was anyone asking the ones who abducted and kidnapped my children - instead of blame shifting on to me? Where was the hearing to hear my side? Where is the evidence to prove anything? There isn't any. Only two children who have seriously been traumatized, who have been misled, who have been exploited.  This has caused significant trauma for our children it has caused significant trauma to me in addition to financial hardship and the system has carried on the abuse where the abduction and kidnapping left off.

Now I have to fight to maintain as a Permanent CoGuardian to a child I established the trust for with my research and my spending 7 years to win. I have to fight this now for a child so estranged from me that she can't call me mommy, can no longer engage in conversation with me. Can no longer say mommy - and can no longer say I love you.
Prove to me that this is in the BEST INTEREST OF MY CHILD.

# medical kidnapping
# medical maltreatment
# financial exploitation

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