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Photo screenshot from Americanliterature.com - The Ugly Duckling |
I have been given two 30 minute phone conversations after October 2019 given by a judge in Florida. This was his judgment of me based on what he has taken others to say when there was no burden of proof of what had been stated on record in court documents. Prior to October 2019, and since May 21, 2017 I had been completely alienated, completely abandoned, completely estranged from our daughters. Our daughters and I both expected to move forward after this decision in the court and expected for our stories to not be heard. I am not alone there are thousands if not hundreds of thousands of other biological , natural parents who have gone through this same horrific form of domestic terrorism and court judgements.
It has become placated as normal Divorce Culture. " This represents a massive social change. It has taken place in the relatively short space of about 40 years and is reshaping the basic building block of society. Divorce is altering the institution of marriage and family in ways not yet fully comprehended. However, enough is understood to allow experts in the field to state that increased tolerance of divorce has produced profound changes in our attitudes toward what we think marriage and family to be." https://www.vision.org/culture-divorce-1261
The following of one who perpetrates this alienation, estrangement is called Flying Monkeys -
“Flying monkeys is a phrase used in popular psychology mainly in the context of narcissistic abuse. They are people who act on behalf of a narcissist to a third party, usually for an abusive purpose.” https://drcraigchildressblog.com/2019/04/14/flying-monkeys/
This is my reward as a committed stay at home mom. In my position as a stay at home mom I chose to stay at home to be at disposal for our daughters. My former spouse and I chose for me to stay at home for our daughters giving them a mom at home for their needs and for their best interest.
Additional reading.
- https://www.healthyhumansproject.com/to-work-or-not-to-work-what-the-research-says-about-being-a-stay-at-home-mom/
- https://www.pewsocialtrends.org/2014/04/08/after-decades-of-decline-a-rise-in-stay-at-home-mothers/
- https://www.pewresearch.org/fact-tank/2014/04/08/7-key-findings-about-stay-at-home-moms/
I carried our daughters for Nine months in my body because my former spouse and I chose to have children. Our children were no excuse, no accident.
I chose to stay at home with our daughters to give them the best possible outcome in life. The best education that aligned with our beliefs and philosophies. We may not have PhDs but we are not ignorant, and we are educated, having life experience and some college. I have always loved education and have degrees in progress that have been put on hold due to putting our daughters needs first. I also hold many credentials.
I have had to defend my staying at home with our children more than any other occupation that I have ever held in my life.
I have had to defend home education for our children based on their needs, their wants, their desires.
How is it that we live in such a educated culture - but yet people are so ignorant and uneducated in human behaviors. This is not Psychology but instead this is common sense.
Our children are socialized and always have been educated in manners ( not bullying ), respect ( not disrespect ) education and learning , not just based in theology but what is good and God and what is right in how we treat others.
In the time period from their birth until May 21,2017 when they were abducted and kidnapped taken without my consent and never given their whereabouts or what was being done to them - all of these things I spoke of are completely opposite and contrary to what they have been taught, how they have been taught and their actions are of a herd mentality.
I'm certain flying monkeys and culture pathology is at play in this. One should be curious how it is that I was a primary attachment for both of our daughters until they were abducted and kidnapped in May 21,2017 and since that time they are completely estranged from me. Where is stability?
In doing a welfare check with the Citrus county Sherrif dept. just so I could have someone in law enforcement to see and tell me that my children are still alive. I was told our 21 year old daughter doesn't want to talk with me, doesn't want to see me, doesn't want anything to do with me?
Take away her current surroundings, take her to a place she feels safe. Then let her tell you about her life when all of this behavior started in her life. And how it started.
Her address was changed in 2014 to Florida and she didn't have an option- she wasn't living at a Physical address in Florida in 2014 or 2015, 2016, but was abducted in May 21, 2017. Ask her about why she would spend so much time locked in a bathroom with her phone. How many times has she wanted to make the right decision but was being mind controlled into making a decisions with flying monkeys invading her thoughts and pressuring her like immature teenagers and peer pressure. Someone get her to where she is alone and not controlled by these pressures - because she has been living in this mental hell for a long time to turn away from her momma. I know this - I am her momma. Who is going to do this? How many of you know what happened, you know what is going on but you wont even get involved.
Stockholm syndrome, psychological response wherein a captive begins to identify closely with his or her captors, as well as with their agenda and demands. https://www.britannica.com/science/Stockholm-syndrome
One has to ask why others even a system to allow such a behavior like this to be projected onto another human being much less a child.I am not blaming our daughters for this - those who have been their influence for the past three years speak for themselves through our daughters behaviors. This is teaching hate to children whether verbally, through perception, through actions or through financial emotionally buying the girls. Our daughters estranged from me for no viable reason.
The court in Florida was mailed a Answer and Counterclaim and I requested to attend the hearing by telephone months in advance due to financial hardship that was forced on to me by my abandonment and desertion with no explanation and no communication. I have medical records showing my burden of proof for our daughter while in my care.
I have been continuously harassed and stalked to defend my staying in our daughters life. To remove me by granting sole custody - is removing my ability of a natural parent to make decisions for our daughter. I have watched from her progress notes- her mental health, her emotional health and her physical health deteriorate. She has regressed at the onslaught of medical maltreatment and those financially set out to financially exploit her.
To remove me as her primary attachment you have caused harm, trauma, and physical health issues. She has sounded sick or with cold in more phone calls than not. To be able to even see our daughter is impossible because the court has further perpetrated estrangement by stating I can see my daughter supervised while a stranger is drugging my child in visits in Florida. What kind of sick, demented practice is this ?
In addition the request that I be removed from her Guardianship as a Co Guardian - the court has removed my Natural rights to parent my own child and has kept me from natural law to parent my child that came from my body. The trauma and harm being done to our daughter is beyond sickening and of complete disbelief that we have such a cruel and harmful system. And there is not just one system but many to blame. The mental cruelty being perpetuated on to a child who has done not one of you harm , trauma or pain. You have forcefully estranged her as a special needs child from her primary attachment.
Our daughter was healing from one chemical assault to her weak little body.
- Abigaile almost died and NONE of you were there with her- I was every single time and event. In fact NONE OF YOU were there to even visit. In her worst time of almost dying NONE OF YOU were there.
- NONE of you were there when I stayed up with her all night to be sure she was breathing.
- NONE of you were there when I gave her medications, did food diaries, did medication diaries.
- NONE of you were there when I spent days, weeks and months to call agencies, health and human services, state representatives including a senator in Arkansas to request a wheelchair because insurance denied her a wheelchair and she couldn't walk.
- NONE of you were there when I taught her to potty train and she was potty trained until May 21,2017.
- NONE of you were there through the sleepless nights of not knowing whether she would be alive the next morning.
- NONE of you were there through the hundreds of seizures she would have early on, watching her stop breathing, fighting to get Oxygen ordered for her so that she would be forced oxygen while her brain was deprived of oxygen. The dr. didn't recommend this - I DID and I kept asking and begging for it until I got it.
- NONE of you were there to watch the food diaries - instead you mock and make fun of and think it is okay to feed a child a food they are allergic to and just because they don't have a reaction like you do, but instead they have seizure triggers from it- learn some simple anatomy and physiology before you trying to force your drug addiction even if it is pharmaceutical - there is no difference. Even PhDs are ignorant of this and argued with me. I was the continuity of care in my Childs life and lived it with her. Im not giving my child anything that I watch causing seizure triggers or seizures in her - just to make others feel quantified or valued. Bring back peanuts on the airlines I'm not allergic is that mentality. One pays taxes - the other doesn't. Drugs are drugs. They suppress - they don't heal. Don't tell me or anyone else I starved my child or she was starving this is a lie from ignorance of those of you who weren't there. The AMA of Peds. has statistics from children who are sick and diseased the majority of the population of children who go to a Dr are mixed well and sick. I can assure you more are sick. My well child was being compared and told to unnecessarily be forced to gain what is not healthy. My child was healthy- she was not showing symptoms and was never sick. She didn't catch colds ( a hoax) or she didn't catch anything else. How drugged, sick and ill is she now? It starts in the mind, affect the emotions and it manifests in the physical body.
- NONE of you were there when I gave her medications - for years - I did medication diaries - I also noticed when the medications were missed her symptoms disappeared. This is not for you to judge, you weren't there and even if you were - you don't have the work experience, the training, the education or the life experience of what I have gone through with my child. Drugs will not change this but you make her sicker, prolonging her symptoms and causing her physical harm and trauma to her brain and neurological system. Her medications were discontinued because she no longer showed symptoms. Period. I can and have read her medical progress notes for the past almost 3 years and even prior to that. Her progress notes speak for themselves. She has regressed in her overall Health since May 21,2017. She is still my child and for others opinions for financial gain, for control because of your past traumas or mental illness you are harming, causing trauma and destroying our Childs health. It is not for you to say or treat my child as " an average in the patients that do this or that". I physically saw, documented and was with her daily. You were not. And shame to the medical dr who has followed her since she was 18 months old and used your agenda to exploit my Childs health and finances to further your business plan. To exploit my child and put a label that is a generalization of symptoms manifested by the damage done by your pharmaceutical pushing and marijuana drug pushing you have caused my child unnecessary trauma and harm in addition you have changed her genes with your propaganda and I can show this from her original records from Genetics appointment early in her care with me as her Primary Health care manager. I have baselines from prior Visits to Childrens Hospitals with genetic testing in full scope. Genetics aren't changed naturally - only through chemical means. Genes can be altered however through eugenics - as I sent to you several academia studies that were cited regarding this topic emailed and discussed on a phone call regarding your assault on our daughters health.
Further reading :
- NONE of you were there for us. For you to all of a sudden step in and try and control someones life because of your own childhood traumas and to destroy a family that has done nothing to you. And has kept you from nothing. It was your actions of neglect. Please wake up and realize that you have destroyed your adult child, your adult Childs marriage, that adult childs spouse that ( Your adult child chose- not you ) , that you have destroyed the children of that adult child and their now former spouse. Just because you get a cult of people to agree with you - in front of your face doesn't make it right, doesn't make it moral , doesn't make it the best interest of our children.
- And for the court to write a custody stating it in the best interest of the child - to deny a mother, a parent their natural parental right to make choices for that child when that parent has done nothing to harm that child, has not caused them trauma, has not allowed other people than their biological mom or biological dad to make decisions regarding the welfare of Abigaile. In the life and health of Abigaile I have been there with her when no one else was there caring for my daughter, making choices for her, watching her health and her ability to walk, to talk, and to not have hundreds of seizures per day and without the medication ( a nice way of saying drugs). This was stolen from me - Abigailes health stolen from her at the expense of profit for the system.
- And now you steal our daughters time from me, from their mom with no burden of proof or viable reason. You have stolen almost three years of their lives, their childhood , their time from me, their mom. How can this time stolen even be replaced, ever be returned, the time that has been projected on to them and to me that caused mental anguish and trauma of intentional emotional distress.
How do you pay back time that can not be returned? This is legacy being left for our children.
I was able to find a lawyer who took my case in December 2019. Prior to that I dealt with the state of Texas who is anti- family. Anti - best interest of the child and doesn't even have the term mom or mother written into their family law. Prejudiced discrimination Texas shame on you for the trauma and harm you caused me and my children and family. I intended to build my charity there for families and children with special needs for respite. That is no longer a option of where there is such hostility for family cohesiveness and best interest of children.
Since that time I have emails showing where my lawyer has worked tirelessly trying to get a hearing for the court. It took over a month to set a court date trying to coordinate with the court and the opposing attorneys.
The original dates they gave to Lawyer Leslie Ann was March 2 , March 12, and April 2. The confirmation for hearing was finally emailed to me and it was June 29, 2020. Further causing our daughter estrangement from me her Natural parent and mom.
What happened to the original dates?
In addition stalking me and harassing me to further court measures - to estrange our child from me. Further exploiting her finances she won't have anything for future - it will all be paid back into the system that has caused her harm, trauma and now grief and mental anguish onto a special needs child.
In addition to forcing me as a person called Indigent because I worked hard for my family, our children for 22 years. I am now labeled as Poverty and Indigent. I spent 20 years to put my children and their needs first. My former spouse and I agreed to prior to marriage commitment and during our 20 year marriage for my position to be a stay at home mom putting our children first. I was left with nothing. No retirement, no social security paid in, no health insurance, no dental , no vacation , no nothing. Every cent that I am being forced and coerced to spend; to try and stay in my Childs life and to stay part in what I established for her. The vaccine entitlement , the trusts, and her care plan. All being squandered and hidden from me. I am being forced to spend funds that I don't have into a court that I am not an lawyer and don't have legal counsel nor am I trained as legal counsel. All being forced and coerced on to me.
I have no home, no money, no transportation, estranged from our children - why? All because I committed with my former spouse to stay at home and place our children's needs above my own. I know how hostile the culture is toward moms who stay at home with their children. I have experienced it for over 20 years. If that is what you choose not to do - that is great! Your probably doing your children a favor. But don't project your hate, your jealousy, your bitterness etc on those of us who choose to place our children first. It was our choice and it is my choice- not yours. Stop using comparison and you would likely be happier with your decisions.
I have been accused of abandoning my child, not providing for her needs, not providing for her. What a vile and horrific accusation after abducting and kidnapping her and exploiting her financially in addition to the medical maltreatment. I haven't abandoned my child she was forcibly taken from me without communication or explanation. After a conversation regarding my safety and the safety of our daughters. One has to ask when a civil conversation has happened, why the other would flee to such a drastic measure involving the well - being of their children.
Our daughters abducted, kidnapped and has been severely estranged from me? Not even knowing who I am, no longer says mommy, can't interact on nursery rhymes or interactive stories that we shared prior to her abduction.
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Alot of truth on this page - screenshot from " The Ugly Duckling " americanliteraure.com web page - story read to our daughter Abigaile on February 25, 2020 during my 30 minute supervised phone call. |
Where is the burden of proof ? Is burden of proof tied to money, for profit ? In my experience it has not been in the best interest of the child.
with compassion for those who's hearts have hardened and bitter,
with love