Tuesday, July 26, 2016

Moving forward to the "Next Step"

We have not had an actual vacation in over twelve years. No time off. 

Someone please send us on a vacation- I'm tired of being an adult. 

We will be trying a new therapy in September this year and are very excited about it.  In the

meantime we have lab work and a Dr. appt. with Dr. Jerry to get out of the way first.  

What this involves is finding a "clean lab" not a hospital to get labs and a trip to either Florida or California to see the Doc.  

( This expense involves travel - fuel for coach and accessible van, a campground to park while in Florida or California for Dr. appt. and fuel to the next therapy)

We start a new therapy in September. This is exciting. I actually researched conductive education early on. In 2010 there was only one facility in Miami which wasn't financially possible at the time.  

Im praying one day for the house and the coach. Right now this is simplifying our lives I hope and we can save some funds as well as work on our relationships with one another. I hope to grow closer this way. God knows His plan for us He says we will prosper in all things ( Her. 29:11)

 ** Septembers therapy is in Texas. We will need fuel for coach and van as well as a campground while we are there for the month doing therapy. We need to be near the Lewisville, Grapevine or Carrolton, Denton areas.  God already knows this and He has it covered !  Provision. God is a God of provision in all things. Family, friends, food, housing, everything! Joy, Peace, Kindness, Meekness. Yes thats our God! 

We had hoped to then head to the west coast to do Physiotherapy at Polfit Wellness http://www.polfit.com/ourstory.html  if you look on the Testimonials page there is our Abigaile.  We had planned to do this in October.  I just don't see this right now. 

Hopefully one day I can devote more time to this blog and to our websites so that I can share photos and videos with you. 

With God all things are possible to those who believe in HIM ( God). 

Im so thankful to God that He has made all these things possible. Im thankful for a willing spouse who supports our family, me and our children. He has taken so much time off from work I hope and pray he never feels inadequate. He has been such a huge blessing in my life and I couldn't have asked for anyone who could be more perfect. Im so thankful he is my life partner. 

No things aren't always easy and they aren't going to be either. But its good to know that I have someone so supportive and loving like Allen is. I really feel like I haven't given him enough credit and don't give him enough credit. Im really asking God how I can do this. It must be a priority though I know that. 

I think taking some time off from all of this and just being a family would help. I also think to simplify our lives and getting back to basics would really help. I wish I could just really re-write the things that have happened. 

We are wrapping things up here and are praying for extra work in Texas while doing therapy, funds to get coach in order ( air conditioner that went out, batteries (6 of them) and our awning broke). We will also be praying for a place to stay in Texas while we do therapy. We are also praying for Abi to do well with this new therapy and for us to see progress. Progress is - not everyone sees the same results).  

I honestly will just be thankful to leave this place. I love the state it is my home state. I am just ready to move forward and to get this little girl working again and on the road to recovery. Im praying most of all for recovery of our family. Therapy, jobs, and all the day to day stress is hard work on all of us. 

We were all affected by this trauma but I know God is getting us through it. He has blessed our family in many ways and for that I am thankful. 

blessings to you all,
Paris xoxo

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