Sunday, September 30, 2012

Right to protect our Medical Free Choice

Dear Governor Brown,
  My family moved to the state of California 2 years ago in October.  The reason that we moved here is because of the medical care and more opportunity for our daughter who was injured by vaccines.  You see our case is a proven vaccine injury, and not speculation. We spent a few years traveling to different states to get care for her. There is more diversity in care to meet her needs in California.  We gave away most of our belongings, packed our rental truck and traveled 1600 miles. This was initially temporary because we weren't sure if the treatments would work or not.  After a few months of treatments several hours per day (5-7 hrs) and mostly 5 days per week to help rehabilitate our child to health we decided this was going to take more than a few months. We made the decision once our FMLA ran out and my husband ending up losing his job to stay here because of the quality and diversity of care for her. We sacrificed that and it has been more than worth it.
  I no longer give my child immunizations because my daughter had a serious adverse reaction that almost cost her life.  We felt that after even looking at the insert for the vaccines, since we were not able to show which vaccine actually caused the reaction, that it was in her best interest not to give any more vaccines.  We talked this over with her Physician and Pediatrician at the time as well as Neurologist and decided in our daughter’s best interest we would no longer give vaccines.  I have worked in the nursing profession prior to having children and since the reaction I have spent many hours doing research on the safety and efficacy of vaccines. If my daughter were to get another vaccine she could die. The way that AB2109 affects my family and my child is that I have already been educated on vaccines.  I don't need to take my child to another Dr. to tell me what I already know. It is invasive and my daughter already has a list of Dr.s and Physicians that are in other states who disagree with having to sign an exemption because it is not required in their state. It is an unnecessary expense for knowledge we have already researched extensively.  I don’t need a Dr who doesn’t know my child and who is ignorant of vaccine reactions I have already been through that and so has my child. I’m tired of her being traumatized by a group of medical Dr.s who say that vaccine reactions don’t happen. They do happen why else would the symptoms of the reactions be on package inserts even the drug makers aren’t that ignorant. If your child has a reaction, there is NO APPROVED TEST to find out if that happened. You spend thousands and hundreds of thousands of dollars already to find out what happened, NOT covered by insurance. My daughter is NOT autistic but has had many other debilitating and life-threatening issues that we still work on 9 years later. This bill is an invasion of my rights as a parent and places our family in a financial hardship as well as places our immuno-compromised child who was injured by a vaccine through more unnecessary Dr visits that we spent the last 9 years doing already. This bill demands & forces parents against their will for time, money and research that parents have already done. If you wish to give parents more education then give it at well visits every time, isn’t that what well visits are for? Put it on the C.P.S. and Health and Human Services web sites. If families receive public assistance, give it to them then and ask them to sign in? I’m sure that you would get a more positive response from all parents. Don’t you think? I’d like to invite you to my daughters website it is somewhat incomplete due to the 7-9 hours of therapy per day to fix the damage that the vaccines did.  My daughter’s prognosis was that IF she lived she would be a vegetable, if not she would die. Thank God she is neither but it isn’t just because of the Dr.s we worked with I have been active in my child’s care and making recommendations as the Dr.s and specialists have.  Please VETO AB2109 for the benefit of the child(ren). There are parents who love and care and research for their children.  We do not live in a third world country. We have a wealth of knowledge, resources and parents who desire to help their children succeed. VETO AB2109 for Abigaile and for other kids who need individualized care. All kids need individual care they aren't cookie cutters, otherwise why do Dr.s do individual health care plans for each patient. Children are no different.

Paris Golec

Friday, September 7, 2012

Happy Birthday little Sweet Pea ! We love you !

 My little sweet pea Abigaile was born just after 11:00 am.  We were over-joyed at the thoughts of another little one for Allen and I who prayed for the baby to be healthy and well, and for Natascha to have a baby (sibling to play with) we did not know what sex.  
  We have our then friends Matt and Deanna who watched Natascha and took her to church for us so she didn't miss services and she could still have fun. She slept at their house for a few hours and later that day she had a baby sister. 
  Abigaile, you name stands for strength, look at Abigaile in the Bible who was a woman of great strength this I know that you are and will be a great woman of strength one day. 
  Abigaile you have filled our lives with Joy, Happiness and faith!  
  We have watched you from getting injured from the vaccines, and not knowing if you would live one minute to the next day but we always had faith that God is not a killer, God gives life. He gave you life and He gave you to our family.  You are an awesome testimony of healing and hope and Joy!  
  Even though you won't have and never have had what everyone else knows to be a normal Birthday we ( your dad, and I and Natascha ) will do the best we can to play with you, make you happy and have a lot of fun with you on your birthday. 
  My prayers for you is life, happiness, to overflow with Joy. I pray for exceeding Joy for you the rest of your days. I pray for protection from the ugliness of the dark and principalities of dark. 
  I pray for you that you fulfill Gods call on your life. My prayer is abundant life until it overflows.  You have given us some of the most trying past 9 years but I would never trade them for anything. I just wish that you would have never had to get injured from the vaccine that is my greatest wish of all. 
  I pray little sweet pea that your day is blessed beyond measure and that God richly blesses you today and many more days to come. 

love you sweet pea,
your mommy <3

Monday, September 3, 2012

Stay tuned ...

  I am in the process of updating Abigaile's blogspot to all the great things that have been happening.  We are also super busy in the respect that we live therapy, treatments, making food, school.  The therapy and treatments with drive time end up being a eight ( 8 ) - ten (10 ) hour day.  We have 7 - 8 hours alone of just therapy.  We spend weekends cooking and doing laundry now.  The three day weekend is great because we can spend a day with laundry, cleaning house and cooking and actually rest a day. Our Labor Day today will be spent ( at least part of it) in the pool.

Happy Labor Day everyone !


Day # 2820 stolen memories

To my girls , There is no processing mentally, emotionally or physically a happy birthday when your life has been terrorized through harm. T...