Tuesday, August 22, 2023


May 2017 ARLINGTON TEXAS - This is me and my daughters Abigaile and Natascha just prior to the Abduction and Kidnapping under the color of law. This is the last photo that I have of us together. 

 I have meant to blog before now but it hasn't happened.  I wanted to give an update to all of our followers of what has transpired.  

   The past couple of weeks I received a letter or notice of a child support hearing in alachua county Florida.  
   This is important to note and document because NONE OF US lived in Alachua county Florida - in fact our family never lived in Florida until this legal abduction and kidnapping transpired.  This is a kidnapping to imminent domain the child for her entitlement funds from the vaccine injury that I won for her in Federal court.  I did not win based on anyones else expertise, expert opinion or otherwise I won based on my sole documentation and observation and put the case studies with it. 
  For the awarded entitlement there were TWO (2) annuities for Reversionary replenished various amounts each calendar year.. This is for therapy, vacation, Drs etc anything to benefit Abigaile and her benefit.  In addition there was a Guardianship estate Trust that contained in the Million ( when I last saw the trust document 2017 for accounting purposes ).  After the abduction and kidnapping under the color of law ( in THREE STATES) my daughter was forcefully taken hostage and moved to FLORIDA.  I was a Permanent Guardian on both of these Trusts, her person and estate. I was removed when I questioned what was happening and asking questions regarding the law of how these acts were being committed.  I was then 
REMOVED as a Permanent Guardian simply stating ( Arkansas judge ) that the dad decided to relocate the disabled daughter to Florida.  All of these actors knew that I was the Primary care for my disabled daughter. 
  There has NEVER been any investigations in my case or any discovery.  I was not notified of all the hearings and even told by the guardianship fraud attorney in Arkansas that I should hurry and get legal representation because there were hearings going on behind my back.

 I sent evidence to that same attorney of the fraud that was being conspired and during the hearing to remove me as a permanent guardian . In addition I requested this same guardianship attorney and requested use of funds to help fight for my disabled daughter and I was denied by this fraud citing that my daughters dad ( had her in possession therefore he retains all rights to her ). Where is this law in ARKANSAS ????  I as removed with no investigation, no discovery and no evidence or burden of proof not only violating my civil rights but my daughter as well. 

  Now, after the circus of possession of the child , clearly to commit fraud , theft and stealing of entitlement for her vaccine injury I have been removed from my daughters life.  
  Now it is 6 years later, nearing 6 1/2 and I receive a notice of child support hearing.  WHAT??? 
  Yes , child support hearing - and this hearing already took place last month and now there is another one that I have been invited to.  On the letter it states the hearing date and time, zoom and phone number and that the DOR ( Department of Revenue ) on behalf of my daughters dad is suing me for child support.  

  This lists this hearing as a TITLE IV D hearing.  ((( Please look this up - google it).  It is attached to medicaid funding.  So why is my disabled daughter forced to be on government welfare when she had entitlement funds of 2 trusts that were proffered in the Millions ( in MY CARE ) and now she is on state medicaid and has been held hostage and traumatized in addition to the medical kidnapping?  

  She can no longer communicate, she is clearly traumatized screaming, begging and crying on my Supervised weekly call.  

  In 2017 she was walking, talking, knew colors, shapes, sizes and could articulate appropriately 2 and 3 words sentences and requests.  Because I was her Primary care and her continuity of care ! 
  Now I hear a AI machine as a baby sitter in the background, toys that are disrupting our calls and her begging and screaming the same trauma induced words over and over that says 


It doesn't take someone who is illiterate to figure this puzzle out- where is my daughters money?  I spent 7 years in Federal court fighting for those funds. Initially the government offered $49,000. My child was invalid and had over 200-300 seizures per day.  
 I added MY care plan and gathered all the Dr.s, specialists and therapists that I dealt with on a daily basis and the proffer was raised to the Million.  It was not going to be enough to rehabilitate my daughter so I had to utilize my previous nursing experience and training and even continued training while caring for her daily.  I worked one on one with her to get her discontinued from the toxic drugs she was being given that she had serious adverse side effects to. I worked to get her walking and talking and her cognitive skills improved she was happy and healthy.  

 When you least expect toxic people then there they are ! You know who you are - lurking while my child was dying and then gang up like a cult of addicts and destroying her health and her well being !  In addition to using our oldest daughter to plot your toxic ideology and schemes on.  Creating social media groups and entrapping my oldest daughter to use fraud to make false allegations against her own mother and called me abusive and neglectful. All to fraud my daughter of her (BLOOD MONEY) and then use her as a cash cow and now let her rot in the welfare sick care. 

  So now - where is all that money that I won for my disabled daughter? Why, only six years later does she no longer have those million in her trust accounts ?  Her health - her mind, soul and body has been beyond traumatized ?  

  Where is the money?  Title IV part D - and my disabled daughter is beyond regressed and money missing too??? Interstate abducted, kidnapped and exploitation of a disabled child??? 

  Tomorrow is the hearing, August 23, 2023 Alachua county, Gainesville, Florida where the letter states that (one of us lived - but no that isn't truth). I have sent a 19 item affidavit with evidence showing that is not true.  

  The Hearing is at 2:00 PM for child support and my disabled daughter is 18 and will be 19 on September 7,2023.  

  Are you aware that the Hearing Officers are not bound by the Judicial commission and there is no oversight for the child support hearing officers? 

 In addition are you aware that the magistrates, and other names other than judge , including Federal judges and state Supreme Court judges do not have oversight of any of these people with these Titles?  

  I was sent a Notice with the hearing information from the DOR ( Department of Revenue in Alachua county) having a hearing for child support where my child or myself , my family never lived.   

  Please comment below if you have experienced a similar situation.  My child has been vaccine injured ( I PROVED THIS IN FEDERAL COURT) won entitlement, she was labeled a ward because she was injured - this was not an option if I wanted the entitlement to rehabilitate her and get her well. 
  Then once she made tremendous progress, was walking and talking and progressing with learning - her dad and family abducts her to a foreign state - causing her to regress and causing her extensive trauma and abuse in the medical and legal system.  

  Now that they have all stolen and theft everything from her they will continue to dope and drug her when she makes an outcry that she doesn't want to be there.  

  There is not 1 person in this entire event that has NOT used my disabled daughter as a cash cow- now they put her in welfare and allow the system abuse - 

  I am going to set up a fundraiser that I will share on all my social media. 
Please HELP HELP HELP my daughters !  Call the Courts - show up at the hearing - I do not live in Florida and never have lived in FLORIDA my daughters were kidnapped via the legal system under false allegations and are suffering for it.  We are NOT alone ! 


How can anyone just sit by and say or do nothing. when people sit idly by and watch an innocent disabled child endure such horrific abusive behavior you are a coward and you are no different than the perpetrator !  

  Please share our story - these people have no remorse of what has been done to my daughter and they have destroyed her health and her mind! 

You can also follow us on 
Facebook : #Justice For Abigaile and Natascha 
Twitter : #Free Abigaile Golec from Guardianship fraud @FreeAbigaileG
TikTok: @saveabigaileandnatascha 

My blog: AbigailesStory.blogspot.com 


Day # 2820 stolen memories

To my girls , There is no processing mentally, emotionally or physically a happy birthday when your life has been terrorized through harm. T...