Sunday, October 23, 2022

Seasons - 5 years, 5 months, 2 days since I last saw you and held you before you were taken


How long ago ...

Christmas 2009 - Natascha and Abigaile 

   I wanted to write and say that the link above is the countdown of how many days my girls have been withheld from me after being taken in May 2017.  5 years, 5 months, 2 days since

   I post old photos because it is all that I have.  Those who thrive on traumatizing others send photos of your children in their new narrative ( and the children are NOT living like they were their entire life).  

  My girls were taken from my possession, my daily care since they were born with absolutely no due process and no reason other than resentful and spite and to control and manipulate dysfunctional family values onto our girls that they were not raised with in their life.  

 This is punishment to me, a mom who stayed at home to raise our girls ( mutual agreement with my husband before marriage - otherwise the marriage would not have existed).  I stayed at home, worked at home , home educated, taught basic life skills and was a full time caregiver and health care manager for our disabled daughter.  I have stories that will make your head spin about resentful people ( females especially ) who literally attacked me and the ways that we were raising our daughters.  

  I am appalled at how our girls and I have been treated, traumatized, abused and exploited in the past 5 1/2 years.  This goes beyond terroristic abuse and trauma.  Please read, listen , etc to the items in the resources - and I have done several interviews - please before your judge to what you "think" watch or listen to the interviews.

  My case is still " on going ".  My daughters ARE and have been held hostage.  I get questions like : 

 Do you know where they are ? 
  I have been told and have documents showing they are in Florida. Realistically, I don't know where they are.  ( The system, without due process, has removed them from my life- and likewise has removed me from their lives ).  

 Do you know anything about them?
 No, I don't, and to be honest I have seen photos and been sent photos and told the sender to cease and desist sending me the photos. Would you like to watch your children being terrorized with a terrorist? People who have no emotional attachment to them don't experience those feelings. I do because I have always been very attached to and had a very healthy attachment to my girls.  The  culture is offended by this - as well as those who experience attachment disorders. 

  Knowing they are held in captivity against their will ( I have proof of this - before anyone spews their age ).  I personally don't want to see my daughters with the world or someone else dysfunctional tramp stamp on them.  My girls were happy, healthy and being allowed to grow up in peace and love , with kindness.  This has been stolen from them along with over 5 1/2 years of terroristic abuse.  Their childhood stolen. Stolen memories all for abusive bullies who have ulterior motives.  This isn't healthy and it isn't moral.  It is trauma abuse. 

  My disabled daughter being raised by strangers - monsters making life decisions, medical decisions, have made decisions against my values, morals and beliefs that my husband and I agreed to even before marriage. Our daughters and family were not living the dysfunctional behaviors.  

  Please pray for my family - other peoples values or morals and dissension have no place in determining how our girls are raised. My girls mentally and emotionally scarred because of this traumatizing behavior of peoples past trauma that had nothing to do with my girls. They should be convicted of their behavior but sadly they can't because of the money attachment.  

  Please don't speculate what you think you know. Not even what you have been told.  You don't know and I do not want or need people attacking me.  Can you just imagine taking care of your child for 13 years and that child just being taken from your life, you removed from their life after bringing that child from death to life and teaching her to talk and walk - going through a 10 year Traumatic brain injury and 7 years of litigation ( a case that was won by my evidence ).  Without cause ? Without due process ? 

Believe me when I say that I have seen and experienced the wrath and foolishness of the absolute worst of culture /humanity in this situation.  This event by far places the behaviors of those involved worse than a 3rd world country. 

  My case is " on going " I will update as I can.  I am working with the wonderful team at 

USA Citizens Guardianship Task Force LLC 


  While working through this process and nightmare - 
 I am following through with Restoration Ranch , a respite for families with special needs and disabilities.  In addition Whole Body Restoration , an Alternative and Holistic health centered and focused remedy to health symptoms.  

  People would be more at peace working on remedy to keep families together instead of being divisive.  

with love, 

#Justice for Abigaile and Natascha 
# Free Abigaile Golec 
Twitter : @FreeAbigaileG 
You Tube: Free Abigaile Golec # Justice for Abigaile 


Day # 2820 stolen memories

To my girls , There is no processing mentally, emotionally or physically a happy birthday when your life has been terrorized through harm. T...