Tuesday, April 26, 2022

1,801 days May 21, 2017 - April 26, 2022 Trauma Abuse passed through generational abuse

You are my Sunshine - Christina Perri 
To my girls, the song mommy always sang to you 🌻🌻

 But if anyone causes one of these little ones who believe in Me to stumble, it would be better for him to have a large millstone hung around his neck and to be drowned in the depths of the sea. Woe to the world for the causes of sin. These stumbling blocks must come, but woe to the man through whom they come!

   My call with my beautiful Abigaile was this evening.  These calls are getting more and more difficult.  Imagine listening to the daughter that you took Primary care of.  Nursed her through a critical vaccine injury- rehabbed her and was at a point of her healing , happy, walking and talking. Doing so well with learning and finally had all of her therapies that were in her best interest and working as they should.  

  Stage left enters dysfunctional behaviors that had been festering like a fungus for years and even propagating its ugly head onto the unsuspecting older daughter who became focus and center of attention.  Parentification : Parentification is the process of role reversal whereby a child is obliged to act as parent to their own parent or sibling. Two distinct types of parentification have been identified technically: instrumental parentification and emotional parentification. https://www.parentingforbrain.com/parentification/

  And ..... I had no idea what was happening.  I was in our daughters lives 24 hours per day. A stay at home and work at home mom.  After our youngest daughters vaccine injury full time caregiving and managing our daughters health care and her care plan.  All the while observing what appeared to be a parent who was befriending their own daughter like a " best friend". Also having distant family of the befriending parent who was targeting our daughter to the point she was acting out verbally and in other behaviors. I don't want to put the spotlight or target on her, she was an innocent target of very vile and dysfunctional behaviors.  

  My husband and I had agreed before marriage ( a 2 year engagement ) that I would stay at home with our children and we would teach them at home. Home school - home learning. And I did.  We also agreed that our children would be brought up with God as the head of our Covenant Marriage and our family and all of our decisions would be made based off of our love for God. We had served in church, ministry , planted a church and even had family ministries outside of church.  

  We left for California, our disabled daughter was doing the best she had ever done. See videos of her walking independently on #JusticeForAbigaileAndNatascha Facebook page videos. 

  Over the years I was the brunt of many family discussions and bad behaviors.  It would be so obvious that no one would even deny it.  Not only did these nasty and vile behaviors toward me happen before children they happened in front of our daughters and our daughters were even made part of the nasty and vile, dysfunctional behaviors.  Evidence of this many times over and over.  I finally told my husband I won't be subject to these addictive and nasty behaviors to continue the abuse.  While living in California  - the vile and dysfunctional got even more progressed.  You need to understand these are dangerous behaviors.  These behaviors become cult - like and dangerous to the point that mental, emotional and physical harm and trauma is second nature.  I really was in denial about these behaviors but after a trauma event happened while in California things escalated.  Our oldest daughter became enmeshed then and I could tell that she was no longer the same daughter. In fact I would see conflict at different times and the only time there was peace is when she and her sister and I were home alone. 

  I would mention different events to my husband to tell him these behaviors were causing harm and trauma to me and to the girls.  I asked him to please talk to those people - he said he did - and the trauma becomes more escalated and worsens. 

  In May 21, 2017 the system and the dads family members abducted and kidnapped our daughters - but it doesn't end there. I was denied all contact with our daughters. Our daughters have been denied all contact with me.  This has been a HATE-FEST and has now caused excessive trauma and harm , including destroying our disabled daughters rehabilitation and continues to cause mental, emotional and physical trauma and irreparable harm to me and our daughters.  

  I have never seen human beings that HATE a mother who has a healthy attachment with her children. I have never seen such HATE of a generation, a system and human beings because a mother places her childrens needs before her own- such Hate to that mother and children. A mom who home educates and has a close and healthy relationship. To have a close relationship with God and spiritual health to have such hate toward that mom. 

  A group of people, a cult that is intent to destroy that healthy attachment bond between me and my girls. How can anyone do this to children ? 

 The system has not only condoned it, laughed about it but they continue to reward it.  In fact the system , the court players and the original cast - continues their HATE Capades ! 

  I have been allowed 2- Thirty minute phone calls ( supervised ) since October 2019 ( yes, two years after they were abducted). You can speculate, compare etc etc etc but peoples actions are truth.  This is the most horrific form of abuse I have ever experienced at the hands of any human being and to be forced to sit back and watch as a spectator while my daughters have been grossly abused and traumatized at the hands of dysfunctional and addictive behaviors says that our legal and courts are just as addictive tendency and dysfunctional. 

  My disabled daughter has begged since the day in October 2019 crying, screaming and even physically hitting saying bye poppie please ( begging her dad to come to me) how anyone can hear this and ignore this child who has done nothing and allow these pieces of flesh to continue the abuse I have no words for the cruelty being done. False statements were made against me with no evidence or burden of proof - only defamation and libel slander amongst other trauma abuse. Our daughter guardianship frauded, abused and used as a cash cow while thrown to the wolves her health is detrimental and suffering. 

  The phone call tonight I was reading to her for over Thirty minutes she yelled, screamed and said BYE poppie please mmmmmm bye over and over. This is her trying to communicate she wants to come to me. I know horrific things have been said to and in front of my children. I have been present when these things have been said numerous times in front of our girls and nothing has ever been said to this abusive people. This is trauma abuse.  

  I was denied praying with our daughter, Abigaile tonight. 

The phone hung up with no warning or nothing. I messaged her phone to say I'm calling back one, two and three times to pray with her. This is all that keeps she and I going.  The phone was never picked up to answer. There is no voice mail for her. There is no response when I send a message or a photo to her. But to deny me and our daughter to pray together is beyond repulsive. To deny a child their mental, emotional and physical health and well being in addition to deny their faith that they grew up with and then forcefully taken by a trusted parent who became Jeckyll and Hyde and has been held hostage by gatekeeping in a system that allows this trauma is beyond Terroristic behavior and a Hate crime.  This is cruelty.  She and I get 2- Thirty minute phone calls per week. 

  The ACLU ( do they do anything ?) 


You have denied me and my daughter our spiritual rights and beliefs. To pray to our creator. This is how our daughters were raised. It is how we agreed to raise our children. 

  I didn't continue the generational abuse.  I have stood by my vows to Creator - I have stood by my Covenant to Creator God for me, my marriage my daughters.  How can no one show remorse or shame - how can anyone do this to our daughters who were harmless - how can you turn children against their own flesh that created them? 

  If you see my daughters tell them I love them - I miss them. They have been held hostage, kidnapped, traumatized , medically kidnapped, guardianship abused and used as a cash cow. Neglected the treatments and therapies that showed progress and healing with health beliefs not abuse. 

  Our daughter has lost and suffered Five years of trauma abuse and neglect of the treatments and therapies that she desperately needs.  

  Oh- and when she starts getting too loud and starts screaming BYE poppie mmmmm after a certain time on more than one occasion - she becomes silent almost instantly.  I can sense when someone is near her because her voice becomes subdued. 

  Then she becomes silent.  

Have you ever heard the phrase " Silence of the Lambs ".  

I believe this was more than just a movie. 

My beautiful girls you know I have never abused you - I have never traumatized you - nor have I ever neglected your health or anything else.  Stuff-itis, materialism, excessive attention , money, and other behaviors are distractions and emotional bribery of trauma abuse.  

  A mom or a dad who recognizes this and protects you from this facade is a parent who loves you.  

your mommy loves you - I miss you so much - One day you will know just how much this system abuse has been done to me all based on lies and false statements, false accusations .

Love, hugs, sugars and more love, 

always and forever Mommy 💗💕

You are my Sunshine 🌻

Facebook : #JusticeForAbigaileAndNatascha

Facebook : #FreeAbigaileGolec 

Twitter : @FreeAbigaileG




Day # 2820 stolen memories

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