Tuesday, March 15, 2022

#05-21-2017 MISSING DAUGHTERS - Does anyone know if my daughter Natascha Golec age: 23 is ALIVE ???????


  My daughters Abigaile and Natascha Golec while in my Primary and full time care in Arlington, Texas our place of resident were taken without my knowledge or permission on May 21, 2017.  
  There has never been an Investigation or inquiry of any kind per my requests ever done.  Instead I have been Traumatized mentally, emotionally , physically, financially, legal  abuse, at the hands of all those who took part in this. Including the professionals that I retained and professionals that I was the Primary contact with on my daughters health.  

  Natascha is now 23 years old I have not been allowed any contact with my daughters. They have both been taken hostage and withheld from me and were withheld for Two years out of state before it was ever disclosed to me where they " supposedly are being held hostage" under the Color of Law.  

     My daughters are not allowed to call or see me freely - nor are they allowed to spend time with me.  

  I have not seen or spoken with and have not been allowed to see or speak with my daughter Natascha.  Now 23 years old since May 21,2017.  I do know that Natascha was used in this plot of Hostage kidnapping in this heinous behaviors.  And this is not her fault.  
  There are dysfunctional family systems behind this - sadly this was being done to my daughter for years and I had no idea.  
   If the idea is to " protect the children " why is NO ONE protecting the children?  

  I have contacted multiple law enforcement agencies and the Citrus county sheriffs department only to speak with an abusive deputy who seems to be gate keeping my daughter , Natascha.  His response is that my daughter Natascha refuses to talk with me and doesn't want to see me - ( per my last call with this deputy) 

  This is not impartial nor has any of the calls been investigative.  Instead these are tax dollars that are being used under the color of law and using my daughter as a weapon.  
  I have stated numerous times that multiple crimes have been committed - and we need to ask - why are crimes being covered up under the color of the Law and the tax payers are paying for it? 

  Why are people paying these deputies to use children as a weapon ? Is that their job description? 

Be aware of these dangerous individuals who use children under the Color of Law as a weapon- these individuals are terrorizing and using our children as weapons against their own mom and dad.  

  These are terroristic actions and behaviors - my daughters have been held hostage 4 years and 11 months.  
With no investigation and taken without my knowledge or permission and against my will - against their will also.  What kind of people do this?  

Dangerous people . I have done nothing to harm my daughters ever and to mind control them and hold them hostage is the most horrific form of terroristic abuse and trauma that anyone could ever do and have the paid law enforcement to back this behavior and used my daughters as a weapon?  

  How many more families are being destroyed because of this behavior ? Any idea of any other times in history where the law has used children against their own mom and dad or their own families ? 

  This is teaching domestic violence - the Sherrif deputy uses children as a weapon and is using verbal assault ? Under the Color of Law and no investigation or discovery?  

Does anyone know my daughter Natascha Golec ? She was last seen on May 21, 2017 ?  I have received a couple of pictures but someone should pull her aside and get her to a Trauma therapist because what is being done is not only domestic violence it is terrorism. - 

  Is my daughter Natascha Golec dead or alive ? I don't know ? what kind of people do this?  

What kind of law enforcement does this - or allows this ?????
  What kind of government authorities allow this ??????????

Is Natascha dead or alive ?  Why is it that she isn't allowed to talk to me?  
Why is it that a deputy for paid law enforcement not investigating the criminal behaviors that I have been stating since May 21,2017 ? 

Paris Golec #05212017 
#Abandoned and Deserted in Arlington Texas 
#Mental Anguish 
# Victim of Court Violence 

1,759 days May 21, 2017 - March 15, 2022 days of Terroristic trauma - Do you value your Freedom of person?


My babies and I ( May 2017 - literally days before Abduction/Kidnapping ) 
Abigaile, Momma, Natascha 

  I have been wanting to post for some time now.  I have just had a lot going on.  It is a different perspective on life just to survive when Terroristic - like individuals use bully-tactics, abduct and kidnapp your children and just disappear for almost Five years.  Not allowing contact or not allowing your children to contact you.  It is unbelievable to me that we live in a country that allows this deplorable behavior and makes excuses for it.  But hey, when that system makes A lot of money off this type of behavior taking advantage of the children and the left behind parent ( and reality is they take advantage of the unsuspecting terror-bully also).  
  My daughters and I have had our lives completely up-rooted, terrorized and the past 4 years and 11 months stolen from us.  We have been bullied, terrorized, our memories stolen from us.  We have been terrorized using Mental, Emotional, Physical and even Financial exploitation and Coercive control.  

  And for those of you who believe that *** I must have done something wrong *** you really need to become more aware and wake up not for me but for you and your own family.  Anyone who thinks or believes in this grandiose way of thinking is part of the problem.  

  I believe a lot of people are really getting to get a huge wake up call - awareness call - whatever you want to call it.  I am done trying to share with people what is happening.  And when it happens to you- or your childrens, children.  You need to go back and read the past social media , blogs, news. etc if your lucky enough that your children or childrens - children aren't dead.  I have a lot less empathy today than I have in the past.  There is no reason for complacency or ignorance.  

  I have worked with, shared my story , and contacted every law enforcement and government agency involved now in Three states.  Those whom were part in this case ( you know who you are- so called professionals ) You have caused irreparable harm and trauma to me and my daughters.  There is no amount of money , stuff or anything else that could ever be given or done to replace the memories that my daughters and I have had stolen from us.  And my youngest daughter, who is disabled , has been medically kidnapped and guardianship fraud , under the Color of Law.  

  I will be posting later this week additional interviews that I have done with the organization that I have been working with on my story.  It is a lot of time and work to do this but I want to make sure that everyone has this information.  There is ALOT more to my story and over time it will come out.  

  I can't tell you how thankful that I am that I have met the ladies at the USA Citizens Guardianship Task Force LLC.  I am thankful to finally meet a group of ladies , professionals, that get it.  Trust me when I say there are plenty of groups out there - that will use you and your story for their fame and glory and then move to the next one.  I even have these organizations, etc etc on my blog and profile.  I have removed the organizations because I want no one else to fall prey to their "business".  

  So, I am working exclusive with The USA Citizens Guardianship Task Force LLC.  They have sites on FB group ( non- governmental organization ) https://m.facebook.com/USA-Citizens-Guardianship-Task-Force-LLC-101669382373193/?ref=page_internal and they have a website at https://www.usacgtf.com. The contact information is : P.O. Box 25 Rutherfordton, NC,  28139USA Email: ncguardianships@gmail.com Phone: 828-980-3467

  The USA citizens guardianship task force has authored a petition for the horrific trauma that has been caused in Guardianship abuse cases to remove 

You can sign the Petition here.  Please be sure to scroll down to the open window where you can add to or edit to make the post/ Petition your story.  I would caution giving all the details.  There are plenty of citizens who are giving in their details in other ways.  There will be attorney or Lawyers that will be taking details.  

Please read this Petition, Share the petition and sign this if you value freedom.  This is not just affecting the disabled or the elderly.  Anyone can become labeled incapacitated by any mental or medical personnel by the stating of a diagnosis code. Whether it is fact or not.  These are dangerous code that are seizure humans like property.  They are allowing people with credentials and Titles to imminent domain men, women, children.  The mentally, physically and emotionally coded. These are dangerous and need to be abolished. There is no way to reform this.  Reform will only extend the life of these parasitic codes and the perpetrators behind them. 

Petition :  

Abolish all Commission Codes for Guardianships from Legislation Law Books

TS Radio Network:USA Citizens Guardianship Task Force Petition

  I will update more later this week as I have more time to post - 

  I have signed the Petition - and I have documented the harm and trauma that has been done to be and my daughters.  I am thankful that more and more people see the real story.  You will begin to see things in your news, media, podcasts that you never believed would happen and it has already happened.  

I will also be adding a tab or blogpost on how this has affected my life. My well-being and financial instability among other traumas. I’ll share here and on my consulting site as well. People need to stop
Victim blaming and shaming those of us who have been traumatized from this Terroristic behavior . 

  Please help stop this human genocide.  Read the horrific stories of how men, women and children have been Court -napped and Body-snatched with out any cause. Their inheritance, estate and even children and spouses have been taken.  Medically kidnapped and abused, traumatized, exploited and all their assets and Trusts have been stolen by a terroristic label called professional.  

#Stop The Abuse
#Abduction&Kidnapping Under Color of Law 


Day # 2673 mission birthday

Natascha 2017 one of the last photos that I have of natascha prior to abduction and kidnapping.  Happy mission Birthday my beautiful Natasch...