Sunday, September 21, 2014

Just a quick note .....

     I will write more later- can't wait to share with you what blessings have been going on in our lives. We are going to be doing therapy this year on the East coast for many reasons. We are currently here and we will not have funds to go back to Southern California to do therapy.

     We have not done well with fund raising and therapy is not covered by insurance. The travel expense of hotels, fuel, food while traveling is expensive.  

    We have seen so many incredible milestones with Abigaile during traveling and therapy.  This year since August we have got to experience the East coast. She has really excelled. She is so much more talkative and more active. 

    This has become a rehabbing lifestyle and it is tough at times but we have God and we know God will provide. 

   Please follow us on Gofundme and our Coles page.  

God bless you for your thoughts and prayers and we thank you should God put it on on your heart to give as well. 

Please share our sites with your friends and families..... 

much love xoxoxo


Day # 2673 mission birthday

Natascha 2017 one of the last photos that I have of natascha prior to abduction and kidnapping.  Happy mission Birthday my beautiful Natasch...