Friday, June 14, 2013

Happy Fathers Day !

  Well with all the moving, packing and disorganized chaos that we have right now. I decided to do something early for Allen for Fathers Day.  He made a comment a while back that he misses going fishing.  Yes, I can relate to that I really miss doing anything for myself.  Hasn't happened for a long time and you know what people laugh at that but really look at yourself in the mirror before you judge me.
  I spend a lot of time with my child's care and that means not just physical care but administrative time as well that no one sees.  I know what it is like not to get away.

  He got me thinking because I normally don't have a problem with buying something for him.  We really did not have the funds to do it though as we had a lot of expenses for Abi this month with Dr.s and my Dr.s visits etc, eye appts, etc still not done but it will have to wait until we have insurance again.

  Here is my post for what I did with the girls :

Tuesday via mobile
He's out on the bright and sunny Pacific Ocean today, he didnt know where he was going as he arrived to the harbor at the crack of dawn in a taxi. He went to check in and when he did in envelope #2 he found out he had an early Fathers Day gift to go sport fishing! I got a text a little while ago that he caught the first fish on the boat! Could not think of anyone better for the daddy of my girls love this man to bits! Happy early Fathers Day Allen i love you!

Well that about says it all.  He had a good time , he spent 9 hours on a boat on the Pacific Ocean.  It was cloudy with June gloom and so the fish weren't biting.  He did catch 4 fish and was the first on the boat to catch a fish.  That was kind of cool.  There were none of them large enough to keep though.  

This was interesting to plan to say the least.  The van he drives to work died a couple of days before and I could not get Abi up at 4 am to drive him to the harbor.   A lack of sleep has provoked a seizure before and once she is awake, she is awake.  So I called a cab to take him to the harbor.  I booked the cab online , bought his fishing license on line (had to take a picture of his Drivers License # while he was in bed one night) and then even rented fishing tackle and poles online for him.  Here is where I sent him : .  

So I hope he had fun!  They have all sorts of fun and cool things to do at the Dana Point Harbor.  

He was suppose to take Nataschas camera and batteries to take photos for those of us who didn't get to go that day. I wanted to see what it was like out on the Pacific Ocean. I think he said he took the camera but forgot the battery.  Anyways, no pictures for the rest of us.  

  Here is the posting I did when we picked him up that day.  He doesn't really look very happy but said he took a dramamine when he got on the boat as he was afraid he would get motion sick.  He was also a little sunburned but they had drinks, food and everything on the boat. 

My lobster off the boat 

 So happy he got to experience this unique Fathers Day gift.  Happy Fathers Day Allen your the best dad in the world! 

love you Allen, 
from your girls 


Day # 2820 stolen memories

To my girls , There is no processing mentally, emotionally or physically a happy birthday when your life has been terrorized through harm. T...